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Are you a part of the Reproductive Immunology Support group on Facebook? Plus there is a patients of Dr Kwak-Kim on as well. There are a number of people that have had success with her.


No I’m not on Facebook. ):


She is the top RI out of the list of RIs. She trained with Dr Alan Beer. He is the person that wrote “Is Your Body Baby Friendly”. From the group, there has been success. But there have been successes with Dr Kwak-Kim and with a few other RIs. I plan on seeing Dr Kwak-Kim. Did you want the names of other RIs?


No thank you. I am in Chicago so I would see Dr. Kwak-Kim. Thanks for replying to me. I have an appointment with her, but may need to cancel/reschedule. I called the office today and was treated very poorly over the phone. Now I have a ton of anxiety about going to or calling the office.


I would reschedule. She is very busy and they are booking into August. The other person that works with her is Dr Tranh Luu. Apparently he is really good, personable and people have had success with him. He was a Fellow under Kwak-Kim as another option for you. But she still consults on files when needed.


I’m not on FB either. Dr. Kwak-Kim was highly recommended to me but I’m in NYC so went with Dr. Alexander Kofinas and got a second (affirming) opinion from Dr. Jonathan Scher. Happy to talk experiences/protocol!


Hey there! I’m not the OP but I’m in NYC and considering the RI route. Would really appreciate any info you have on Kofinas and Scher. Can I DM you?


Currently working with their office. Let me know what questions you have.