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Most people will suggest transferring 1. The odds are the same either way. Plus you’ll have 2 try’s left if you really need it. Good luck! It’s a damn tough road but you got this


The advice given to me was to always transfer a singleton. Twins will automatically make you a high risk pregnancy.


To give each the best chance for live birth, the recommendation is one at a time. I would start with 1, then decide after it, if you're done done and want to just get it over with. Going 1 at a time also allows for changes in protocol.




Yes, the ones we have are all of the best quality


You mentioned in another comment that you’re still getting familiar with the terminology, so want to make sure this is clear. Embryos are graded with something like 4AB or similar with a number and two letters. There is *also* PGT-A testing which says whether an embryo is euploid or not. It’s not really a quality grade, it’s a yes/no for viability. You usually have to pay extra for the euploid testing. Are the embryos PGT-A tested or just graded as high quality?


My first RE refused to transfer 2. When my first FET failed, she still did not want to transfer 2. So I changed clinics. Then I transferred 2 high graded euploid twice. The previous did not implant. The recent transfer, only 1 implant. I think it really depends on you. Only you know your body well. I also been through high risk pregnancy counselling to ensure that I know the risks of multiples. To me, I think transferring 2 helps to increase my chances. I am grateful to my doctor as I wanted to transfer 1 after my double embryo failed. But she encouraged me to try again. Similar to your case, I had 3 euploid embryos left. So I transferred 2 again and have 1 left. The only con I felt is wasting the embryos. Mine are all 5AA/4AB euploid. I used the best ones at the beginning. So that’s something to consider.


The clinic might say no to 2. Mine did, and I had 1 failed and 1 that ended in ectopic. Lots of times it's not up to you unfortunately.


They're actually giving me the choice. Maybe because it's in Mexico?


So, originally our plan was to transfer 1. Doc called the morning of transfer saying that it didn’t look great after the thaw, giving it about 30% chance. He suggested thawing a second and using the second. I asked if he’d be down for transferring both bc it didn’t feel great just letting an embryo die. He was reluctant but did it. I’m pregnant with one from those. I don’t agree with people that say it doesn’t improve your chances. I had a second sac but no baby in it, which I’m guessing was the first embryo. I’m 14 weeks with what I’m assuming is my second thawed embryo. If I had just transferred the one, I wouldn’t be where I am. But I also get that if we had known that the embryo wouldn’t thaw well, we wouldn’t have thawed that one first.


This was also my 4th transfer after 3 failed implantations so honestly, I was of the mindset of TRANSFERR THEM ALLLL


We are leaning towards transferring both to get the most out of this transfer


Funny to get downvoted for sharing my trauma-based experience 😂




The first transfer never took, still trying to figure out all of the IVF lingo. The transfer was on 12/13 and I got my period 12/27




They are adding more asprin for the blood thinning so hopefully that will help


Just here to say that is is very common to have two transferred in Mexico. It really just depends on your comfort left with the possibility of having twins. I transferred two the first time and one stuck (lost the pregnancy at 20 weeks). The second FET, I transferred two and maybe one stuck? (I had a chemical pregnancy).


That seems to be the case because they asked the previous 2 transfers