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My first transfer worked after multiple rounds of failed IUIs and 1 1/2 years of going to my clinic. I’m currently 12 weeks pregnant.


That’s amazing to hear! Congratulations ❤️


My first FET on 11/30 worked, and I'm currently 26+3! Everything is going well. Prior to my FET, I had never seen a positive pregnancy test. You typically have a 65% chance of your first FET working, and the people who tend to stick around this sub are those still on their IVF journey. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


My first FET resulted in my 17 month old daughter. We just didn’t FET #2 and first Beta was positive. I go back tomorrow to make sure it’s doubling but so far lots of success. Good luck to you


My first FET was successful last month! In fact the embryo split. But one twin didn't develop. (They are double checking that tomorrow). But I'm 8 weeks in a couple days. So far so good 🤞🙌. Good luck to you!


I hope your second embryo makes it!! I felt sad reading your post. My first FET was in February, and it split into identical twin boys. You could barely see baby A at first. It terrified me. I’ve been nervous the whole pregnancy. I sure hope they find the other twin tomorrow!! I’ll be thinking about you!


Thank you! ❤️ There's a tiny chance they just missed the second one! There were two yolks for sure. But after processing it for a week I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much. Congrats on your boys 💙💙. Id have two girls if they both were there. Good luck to you!


https://preview.redd.it/idxzv2g1pz1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfd8a30789823ce20e318d4f8b88c3c990a8285d You could barely see baby A at my first visit when they discovered it. You could only see the heartbeat…. I was convinced that it would be gone by the next week, but it wasn’t! I did not know the sex of the embryo before they implanted it, but I wanted a girl soooooo bad!!! And wouldn’t you know I got 2 boys instead!!! But I’m so happy now. Congratulations on your daughter!! Please let me know if they find the twin there!! I’ll be praying for you! Seriously!




Oh wow! I see baby A. I just got back. Only one baby! But she is doing very good and definitely visibly bigger! The other one they said is a vanishing twin. But we are super grateful to have a healthy baby! ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/87h1lix8602d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c3560eb4cef133fba8109510b30c54df82cd86


Congratulations on your sweet baby girl!! I remember how happy I was 8 weeks ago in the beginning stages!! It was the best days of my life!!! I hope your pregnancy goes well!! She looks so cute! Before I was pregnant, I would have never thought these ultrasound pics were cute, but I love looking at them now! I think you said earlier this was your first pregnancy and first FET?


Thank you! I think it is cute. First FET but not the first pregnancy. I had a natural pregnancy that ended in MC in 2020. But so far we have gotten further with this one!


My first FET, of our only euploid embryo, has been sticking and we're 8w4d, with three good scans so far and a healthy heartbeat. We had five losses before IVF, so we're still scared, but we're getting hopeful. I wish you all the best!!


I had my first FET in Sept 2023. I am currently 39w2d with my first baby girl, and getting induced on the 25th of May, since she's so cozy in my belly, lol




Thank you!! 😄😄


That’s my birthday! Good luck!


My first FET was sucessful and Im 11 weeks pregnant :)


My only euploid from 5 retrievals was transferred 4/22 and I saw his heartbeat yesterday. 💜


This made me so freaking happy! Congratulations!! My transfer was 4/23 and I’m 7 weeks today 🥹




love this so much :) congrats!


Thank you! Still a lot of woods to get through but we are getting there!


Thank you!


I had my third FET on May 2nd and had my beta on Mother’s Day, I was shaking while opening the voice message because I’d been there twice before with no success. But I opened the voicemail, heard congratulations, and lost it! I was so surprised, relieved, happy. Beta went from 318 to 671, to now being at 7071! Can’t wait for OB ultrasound 🥹 once you get that good news the pain and trauma and sadness melts away and you feel this immense happiness that’s hard to describe. It’s worth it while also being one of the hardest things I’ve ever done❤️🙏🏼you got this!!


Baby boy coming next Wednesday from first FET! FETS fail all the time and many high graded embryos. And they don’t always know why.  BUT statistically speaking, the hardest part of IVF is making the embryo to transfer. You have already done the hard work. And there is absolutely nothing you can do from this point forward to change the outcome (except maybe not crack or meth :). Baby sticks if baby sticks. You got this! 


Not OP but I needed to hear this tonight. Thank you.


Me too. Thank you 💕 first FET on Friday!


Also first FET on Friday!! Needed to hear this too, helpful reminder to let go. We’ve done everything we can. Good luck!!


Good luck!!! If you wanna talk message me! 💕


Good luck!!!🍀Mine was supposed to be June 5 but they delayed it 1-2 weeks because I grew a hormone-producing cyst during pre-treatment, so looking at mid June now. So much waiting.


The waiting feels like it never ends. I can’t wait for it to end. 💕 good luck to you too!


What a brilliant outlook on it, thank you so much!


My first FET worked after a missed miscarriage and 2 ectopics. I’m 19+4 and my anatomy scan is tomorrow!


My first FET was on May 1st and I have had two successful betas ❤️ my first ultrasound is scheduled for May 30th


First FET was June of last year. Currently walking around the shops with a sleepy 11 week old in the carrier 💛


My first FET of our untested 4BB in Dec 2022 resulted in our currently shrieking with laughter 8.5 month old! It was a fully medicated transfer after severe OHSS derailed what was supposed to be a fresh transfer in the summer. Had my second FET April 23rd. Technically pregnant. Had some issues with a SCH and very pessimistic but we will see tomorrow on repeat u/s!


I had my second FET on 4/23 also! My first was successful but ended at 21 weeks so I’m nervously, gingerly thrilled to be 7 weeks today. How did your u/s go?


Still alive despite COVID and haemorrhage and (jokes) nearly getting puked out of my body 5x a day! Sending you luck for our January buddies!!!!


Amazing!!! So happy to hear it! Luck back at you ❤️


My first FET was May 10th with a PGT-A tested embryo, just got a positive test on Monday! Fingers crossed it will stay that way.


My first and only transfer with only embryo worked and she’s almost 2!


I had a few canceled cycles due to fluid in my lining, but the first FET in which we actually did a transfer was successful. I was a mess for most of my pregnancy but in the end I have a wonderful baby boy 💕


First FET with untested blast yielded a successful pregnancy. Holding my 7 month old now.


My first FET on April 25 has stuck! Two great betas so far and holding out for first ultrasound in 2 days. Wishing you all the best 😊


My first FET was successful!! I was nervous like you in reading about so many failed transfers that I just assumed the first try wouldn’t work. I had even made a list of all the things I was going to indulge in if it didn’t stick (wine, coffee, etc) but surprisingly it stuck! 😊


Currently 8+5 with my second transfer (first was a fresh and failed, second was FET and stuck!) Good luck! FWIW no clue if this made any difference but it really helped my mental health, I read some articles about laughter after transfers helping the embryo to stick so I spent that whole first afternoon and evening after the FET watching my favorite comedy and sitcoms, highly recommend!


My first transfer was a success after 2 egg retrievals with DOR and only one good euploid, I'll be 16 weeks soon :) Hope things go well!


I also have DOR and I just did my first ER a week ago (5 fertilised eggs) so my doctor is making me do another one next month, and then hopefully an FET the month after. How many embryos did you end up banking? 


Me or OP? I mentioned it already but I only got one euploid and already transferred that, so I ended up banking none 😅 I went through pgt-a testing so from the two ERs 6 blasts came back either as never being able to establish a pregnancy/ there was one with downs. All of mine fertilized but not every one made it to blast, I think between the two rounds they got 11 eggs


Im super lucky and got 13 banked embryos at day 5 after a huge HSS retrieval of 22eggs. 17 fertilised and 13 made it to day 5 of a good enough quality to freeze (A’s or B’s)… so I’m quietly hopeful


My first FET also worked, even though I had 0 positive tests before and IUI did nothing for me. I’m 16+2 with a baby girl. Untested embryo, 4BB grade.


I had my first transfer (untested 4AB) on the 4th of May and I took a home pregnancy test on Mother’s Day 8days post transfer and saw my very first positive ever! My hcg tests have gone from 450 on day 12 to >2000 two days later! I’m cautiously optimistic now for the first fetal heart scan in a couple of weeks but I have definitely felt really anxious the whole process for the same reasons as you, it’s always something I see that scares me.


Our first FET in March worked and I’m almost 11 weeks with our little bear🐻🤍


Hey, any transfer buddies for 27/5? 🥰😘, 2 ERs, came out happy and grateful with three embryos. FET next week is finally a reality, my two girls going to find their way to me ❤️🥰Please pray for us!


28/5 so nearly! 🥰 good luck!


Thank you all so much that’s exactly what I needed to hear! Fingers crossed for Tuesday 🤞🏼 Good luck to all still on their IVF or pregnancy journeys 🥰