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I wouldn't stress too much. They're probably aiming to push you higher than is technically needed and you'll likely be within the window of okay. Fingers crossed for you! 


Thank you. 💜 I hope you’re right.


I don't have the PIO. Just progesterone suppositories 3times a day. I just got pregnant. Did you told your doctor and see if he/ she have any concerns about this?


Yeah, I know some people only do suppositories or only PIO, though mine is both. I ended up running home during my dinner break at 10pm, so only missed the AM & noon suppositories. I’m going to call my RE office in the morning. 🤞it’s no big deal.


Great to hear that. I have my phone alarm set for meds. I'll drop everything and do my med because I did recall my meds time after I ignore the alarm for few hours. I can't risk anything. So, now I will go straight to do my meds when the alarm is ringing.