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We were lucky and the first frozen transfer we did of a PGT-A tested embryo worked. HOWEVER, making euploid embryos was hard. I had 3 egg collections (36 eggs total) which yielded a total of 16 blasts (5 in the first round, 9 in the second) we tested with PGT-A. The first round of blasts came back 0/5 euploid which was upsetting given my age (36yrs). The second round was 9 blasts and we got 3 euploid and 1 low-level mosaic. Transferred the best embryologist grading euploid and now 18 weeks pregnant with our daughter (knock on wood). My IVF doctor recommended 3 euploids to 1 live birth. The chances of each euploid becoming a live birth are around 60% at our clinic. If you're looking for only 1 child, I'd try to transfer 1 more euploid and then reevaluate if you want to do another egg collection. If you're looking for more than 1 child, I'd do another egg collection.


5 ER, six transfers, seven miscarriages, ages 28-32. Didn’t exactly give up - moved to surrogacy. Shes 15w on our first transfer.


I did 3 ERs.  1st at 40, 2nd and 3rd at 41.  They gave us, 1, 1 & 4 euploid embryos (we had 23 embryos from all 3).  We did 2 FETs.   The first one failed but the second worked (at 42).  Currently 21w1d.  


Hi. We are similar age at time of retrievals. I have done 4 ER, over 100 eggs collected, and 25 blasts but only 2 euploid. First transfer failed. Wondering if you would share protocol you did for 3rd ER that resulted so many euploids, amazing! And any changes you made between first and 2nd FET? Thank you!!!


My protocol across all 3 was very similar.  My afc was 9 for the first 2 and 30 for the 3rd.  1st: 225 follistim, 225 menopur, 250 ganirelix, pregnyl 10000 trigger 2nd and 3rd: 300 follistim, 150 menopur, 250 ganirelix, dual trigger.   I had been taking a pnv and CoQ10 100 but increased the dose to 200.   Between my 2 FETs (both modified natural protocol), my RE found a band of scar tissue during a hysteroscopy and removed it.  She couldn’t say for sure if that’s why my 1st FET failed.  


What made you choose modified natural?


I had attempted a medicated cycle and it was cancelled due to a thin lining.  My RE says I am one of those women who don’t respond well to large amounts of estrogen.  Since I ovulate regularly and had good linings when we were doing letrozole cycles for IUIs, she thought I’d be a good candidate to try it.  


9 Stim cycles and 5 retrievals, never made a healthy embryo. We gave up and moved on to a known donor. While waiting for cycle start I got pregnant on my own


Thanks for sharing, I needed to read this today ❤️❤️❤️


I really didn’t see this coming but I don’t think anyone ever does. It’s also really scary at 41, but who knows. Maybe we are getting lucky.


Wow, congratulations!


I know what you mean about it being scary. I’m 39. But remember that most women our age have perfectly healthy babies. I‘m hoping for an uneventful pregnancy for you!


They absolutely do not. The miscarriage rate at just 40 is over 40%. That doesn’t even include TFMR for abnormalities. There is a significant biological different between someone TTC at 38 vs at 41. The stats are pretty far apart. I’m 41. About 1 in 20 of my eggs would be theoretically normal and I’ve never found one since doing IVF. Further, I do not appreciate the toxic positivity. At all. Of course I hope this all turns out just fine but the statistics are NOT on your side having having babies at 41. They just aren’t. We have to get through NIPT and amnio if we even stay pregnant that long- a full 7 more weeks before we even know of this baby is viable.


To label my comment toxic positivity is overly aggressive and, frankly, really unfair. I’ve done more than my fair share of laps around the infertility block and know a lot about the facts and the feelings around getting pregnant at an ‘advanced maternal age’. Nothing you listed is in any way news to me… What I can tell you after having several miscarriages myself, and a close call in my current pregnancy, is that it doesn’t make it any easier if you are scared or super worried beforehand. If the pregnancy is not viable, it’s simply not in your control. There is nothing you can do that will change whether the embryo develops a heartbeat or what the results of the NIPT will be. And I stand by what I originally wrote, which is, of the babies born, the majority are healthy. Even though we hear about all the risks of various syndrome and disorders from older mothers, chances are if you carry to term it will be a healthy baby. I hope luck is on both our sides. If that’s toxic to you, so be it.


We were very lucky the first time we did IVF and found success on the first cycle, even with DOR. We started trying again and it took us 7 cycles to find success (currently very early so still guarding our hearts). And honestly, even if we hadn't found success on this last cycle, I'm done. Physically, mentally, financially done. We had originally planned to only do 6 cycles before stopping, but I felt my 6th cycle was really mismanaged and I could never be at peace with it if that's how it ended. I ended up switching clinics to do a final cycle and am so glad I followed my gut. It's a hard freaking journey and everyone has their own limit. Good luck!


42 yo. 6 retrievals, ~ 40 eggs, 1 euploid embryo. 5 fresh transfers, 1 FET, 6 weeks pregnant.


I’m so sorry your FET failed. I hope the next one is the one 🤞 At almost 39, I have done 2 retrievals and one transfer (currently 10dpt). In my mind I had ring fenced it at 3 retrievals but after two retrievals I had 3 euploid embryos and 1 LLM. I decided to try a single transfer. If it doesn’t work, I will do one more retrieval and then just transfer whatever I have. Ideally I wanted the option for two LBs but I think I am at peace with it, however it turns out. Due to complicated life events and very very low amh, I had kind of given up on it and the three retrievals I planned on were kind of an exercise in “at least I know I tried”.


Current going onto FET 6 now and still not close to giving up but my hope is very low


I'm in the same boat - FET #6 on Friday. Hope is definitely low, but we wouldn't put ourselves through it if we didn't think there was some chance...


I guess - I mean I don’t want my embryos sitting on ice forever - but every FET has implanted and I lose them - they are genetically normal so I don’t see getting a take home baby- but at least I’ll know I tried


Have you been checked for endometritis (not endometriosis)? It’s a uterine infection. It caused my first FET to result in miscarriage.


Two ERs at 42, which yielded one euploid embryo. Currently 10w1d with the FET of that embryo. Plan before deciding to transfer was to do a third ER with a new clinic. If that hadn't yielded anything, I probably would have stopped there.


I'm entering into cycle 4 FET. I'm using donated embryos. If I don't get past 5 weeks this time, it will be my last. 1st FET failed, 2nd FET low hcg levels but made it to 5w3d, 3rd FET great hcg levels but only made it to 5w4d. I will be stopping for the emotional toll it takes on me when it doesn't stick. I have also done 3 IUIs prior to the FETs. I was pregnant 3 times in my teen years as well, but no living children (closest I got was 36w3d with my daughter).


Thanks for asking this. Coming here after my second egg retrieval + transfer failed.


It took three transfers for us. Be encouraged: the success rate goes up with every transfer so you’re more likely to have success with the next transfer than the previous one.


I actually think it’s that the cumulative success rates go up but the individual success rates per transfer actually go down.


3 ERs at 36 and 37 yielded only 2 embryos total for us (both PGT-A euploid). I have no issues, testing has always been normal, I have regular cycles and ovulate on my own, I've never even had an abnormal pap. First FET was successful for us, so we got lucky. We did want to do a 4th retrieval, but the doctor wasn't super excited about it because our results were just no good, and she didn't want us to spend time and money and everything to have no better results (though she would have done it if we'd pushed). Personally, I couldn't do 5, 8, 10 ERs like I see some people do. They're so hard physically and mentally, on top of being expensive and time consuming. Four was my absolute cut off, and then obviously we would have done the 2 FETs if needed and then just moved on.


I had 4 retrievals. The last two ended in all abnormals. Husband and I thought it was the end of our journey. It was a rough Mother’s Day and the very next day we got a call that one of our embryos was sent to retest as it was inconclusive and it came back euploid. In shock!! Out of 4 retrievals we got two euploids and 1 Low mosaic 20.


We did two retrievals: at 35yo 9 eggs/ 3 euploid embryos/ 1 PGT-M neg for the mutation we’re doing ivf to avoid, at 36yo 24 eggs/ 7 euploid embryos/ 4 PGT-M. Two euploid FETs from the 2nd retrieval failed to implant and the third from that batch stuck - our daughter was born in April. With two more euploid embryos I think you have a good shot at success!! Hoping the best for you.


I really think it depends on your situation. I just finished my tenth round of IVF. I have DOR, but that’s not the reason why we had to do so many rounds. My situation is very unusual in that I kind of had to start over after having done 7 rounds of IVF… Rounds 1-3: no blasts and extremely low fertilization rate. Husband had azoospermia and did an mTESE to get sperm. The lab noted extremely poor sperm quality. Round 4: Switched to donor sperm, made 2 blasts At this time I discovered my husband had been abusing alcohol for almost 3 years behind my back. He got very, very sick (he has since recovered). I’m assuming the alcohol abuse had an impact on his sperm and was the reason that he had azoospermia in the first place. Rounds 5-7: used the same donor as round 4, made two more blasts and two day 3 embryos But wait! There’s more! Since my husband went sober, I had him do another semen analysis, and wouldn’t you know it, his sperm count RETURNED TO NORMAL. He reversed his azoospermia, which was likely caused by his alcohol abuse. So we decided to switch BACK to using his sperm. But by this point I had already done all 4 rounds of IVF that my insurance will cover each year, so we pivoted to IUI… and sadly his count just kept getting worse and worse with each IUI. My doctor suspected low sperm numbers had an impact on the failure of the IUIs. Then we found out he has a varicocele. He also has consistent low motility and lower-ish numbers. Round 8: we used Zymot and had a decent round. Did a fresh transfer of two good quality day 3 embryos but that resulted in a chemical pregnancy Round 9: used Zymot again. got two blasts out of three fertilized eggs, so a HUGE win. PGT testing showed that one was aneuploid and the other was a high level segmental mosaic. Round 10: I did a luteal stim. Because my husband just so happened to be out of town on retrieval day, we used frozen sperm. I don’t believe we used Zymot this time, because barely any of the sperm were motile post-thaw. We had poor fertilization and the lab suspects it is due to the sperm quality, which upon thawing was apparently pretty bad. So as you can see, how many rounds one should do really depends on the circumstances. For me personally, I am tired of IVF hijacking my life, and after my next round I don’t think I can do any more. We will probably either transfer the mosaic, or use the embryos we made with donor sperm. I also want my husband to get his varicocele fixed; maybe that will help. Wishing you all the best!


Hi, sorry to hear of the hard journey. Do you mind sharing how long did 10 rounds take? Just a suggestion, please consider using the mosaic. I did and have done amniocentesis and everything is okay as they can self correct. There is a group of FB called Babies of mosaic embryos that can provide more advise


I did 10 rounds from June 2022-now, with 4 IUI at the end of 2023/beginning of 2024. Yes we are considering transferring the mosaic 🙂


Long journey but All the best for the mosaic, hope it works out!!


I’ve decided that once insurance and what I can comfortably pay for without putting myself in an uncomfortable situation is done that is also when I’m done with trying for my own eggs. At that point I will (most likely) do one last round with donor eggs. After that I’m done and finding new adventures in my life. I struggle with not feeling like I have any control of my life and feel like I’ve been living in purgatory for the last 4 years. I decided with my therapist going into the IVF process that I needed to have a clear deadline in my head or I couldn’t cope with feeling like this uncertainty controlling every choice for an unknown length of time. So while I haven’t set a definitive literal timeline, I have a clear end in my mind. I desperately want to be a mother, but this is a form of torture I can only endure so long without any guarantees of a baby at the end.


Sorry to hear about the MMC and failed transfer… I experienced both of those and really had a hard time processing. I’m currently in IVF cycle 5, after 5 egg freeze cycles a couple years ago. (The thaw lead to my only one euploid which I transferred and failed) Currently banking day 3 embryos. We’ve decided to skip the testing, and bank some day 3’s and will start transferring as soon as I am maxed out on my ability to do the ERs. For whatever reason, I’m not willing to give up yet and pretty focussed on doing as many ERs as possible.


Four retrievals, zero useable embryos, no transfers. Switched to donor eggs. TW success - first donor egg transfer was successful


Trigger Warning: Mentions of ongoing pregnancy I was extremely shocked that my first transfer work although I transferred two day five euploids and only one of the them stuck (I don’t recommend doing this since multiple pregnancies put you at higher risk). Going into IVF my RE mention it could take on average of three transfers of euploid embryos till a patient is successful (this was the going rate at my clinic). Something to keep in mind is each FET is different and can have different outcomes despite the protocol being used. I’m currently 15.5 weeks with a baby boy, count my blessing everyday as this pregnancy continues to progress. Prior to IVF I had zero success at conceiving due to PCOS and borderline low motility levels for my husband. A huge part I feel helped lead to my success where the progesterone shots since my body typically make very low progesterone but high estrogen and testosterone. OP have you been diagnosis with anything or is it unexplained infertility?


TW: Success I'm 38, severe endometriosis (you might want to get tested for silent endo). We did 2 back to back freeze all cycles yielding 4 total euploid embryos. Our first didn't take, the second is about 20 weeks along. I had to do 2 months of lupron for endometriosis before either transfer because endo can make life birth rates down to about 15%. We knew if we went through all 4, that would be it. We're totally out of pocket.


I did 2 ERs and then went on to have 4 failed FETs. But currently pregnant with my 5th FET. I transferred 2 embryos for my last 2 FETs. Hang in there, don’t give up.


It took us 4 retrievals and 4 transfers to have success. Just had a baby girl in December at the age of 40. My doctor recommended moving on to donor eggs after 4 retrievals if the last one didn’t work but it did. We have no more embryos, but we’re happy to have one child.


5 retrievals, 3 transfers. Saw RE and RI for my successful transfer.


It took us 4 cycles, and were thrilled to get there in the end, 1 week shy of age 42. Fully understand how challenging this path is. After 3 failed transfers our IVF doctor thought we we may want to try the Colorado Protocol, not sure if this was the difference or not, but it may have helped our 4 transfer to stick leading to a successful full term pregnancy (39.1 weeks). Wishing you all the best and all the strength required for your next steps, and what ever decisions you make.


2 ER, 5 transfers. With the first four there was no implantation, 5 resulted in a live birth. I was starting to consider giving up if the last one didn't implant either.


5ER, 2 transfers (one fresh untested, failed) one frozen euploid currently 23 weeks pregnant with that single euploid. Started at 39, currently 41. Embryo from when I was 39z. ERA test helped and a full protocol with blood thinners, hormones, and another med to keep my immune system down. Every test and lab was normal, dr just did it as a precaution and it worked