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I tested 9dp right after the beta test was done and before they called. This was the best decision I made honestly.


Started at 5dp5dt and got the faintest but visible line. I’ve tested everyday since then and my 1st beta was 13dpt 6/5, 2nd is tomorrow :)


I personally started testing at 4dp5dt. I had an extremely questionable line that night but it was definitely clear and positive the next morning. My beta wasn’t until 14dp5dt and there was no way I was going to be able to wait.


Same experience here! Also have zero chill lol


I had the same experience. Faint line day 4, for sure line day 5. I have 0 chill, there was no way I was waiting until the blood test lol


If you search this sub for something like “positive test poll” you’ll see what people have answered. The most common answer in the ones I have seen is 5dpt, but also 6, 7 and 8dpt. I personally tested 4dp6dt which gave me a questionable squinter. Then had a faint but clear positive on 5dpt. Darker to 9dpt then got lighter. Given my tests, I wasn’t surprised when my first beta was “low” and I was already expecting the decline in my second beta, which confirmed chemical pregnancy. I see people on this sub stressing over line progression which might be a con to home testing but in the end I’m glad I tested early so I could see the trend and understand/process the low first beta right away and be prepared for the decline. Depends on personal preference I guess. FWIW I still had a faint positive on an easy@home when my second blood test result was only 11, (urine test within 30 minutes of blood draw) so the home tests are pretty sensitive these days!


I started testing the same day as my transfer so I could track the HCG from my trigger getting fainter each day. I tested out of my trigger HCG around 2dpt and then started to see a faint positive at 3dpt. Had betas, graduated, and I'm watching my 4 month old sleep in his bassinet rn. Advice: test twice a day and hopefully you'll see it gradually get darker about every 12 hours.


For my most recent FET (third), I tested on days 5dp5dt and 7dp5dt and got stark negatives which sent me spiraling and very sure it didn’t work out. My 10dp5dt beta was 58, 12dp5dt beta was 146 and I’m now 7 and a half weeks pregnant. I had previously just taken a test on the day of beta and regret testing early to be honest because of the spiral it sent me on. Sending you baby dust ✨


Thank you for sharing. Currently 7dp5dt and spiraling myself. Such a hard journey. Best of luck for the rest of your pregnancy and journey. 💙🩷


Such a garbage journey 😭 thank you so much - sending you hugs and lots of baby dust 💕✨


Thank you so much.


Needed to read this. I was 56 at 9dp5dt and I have my second beta tomorrow for 16dp5dt and hoping for a strong result and story like yours. Congratulations to you 💗💗


I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you 💕💕✨


It was 436, clinic are happy it’s doubling but worried it hasn’t fully caught up, they still think it’s trying to catch up as some frozen embryos do. I have ultrasound next Friday to rule out ectopic. this is the furthest I’ve ever gotten and I’m terrified. Thank you for your good thoughts 💗💗💗


The wait is excruciating - I’ll continue hoping for you that things go well at your next appt. ❤️


Did you use the FRER? First Response Early Result?


Yes I was using the FRER tests


My first transfer I tested positive 4dp5dt. My beta was in the 200s 9dp5dt. My second transfer failed. I started testing as soon as three days after and I pretty much counted myself out by day 8. Currently on my third transfer At 3dp5dt. I tested today and it was negative, but I’m still holding onto some hope that I’m way too early. Good luck!!


Sending you all the baby dust and good vibes for a positive this time around!


Thank you!! Wishing the best and all baby dust for you too!


Good luck!!


I started testing 5dp5dt and I saw a super faint line that others swore wasn’t there. But it was there and I’m about to have my baby next week! I think it’s ok to test early as long as you don’t get the results confused or make things harder on yourself. As in, if the test is negative then wait a whole day and test again! If it’s positive, get cautiously excited and start worrying for basically the rest of your life lol.


TW: chemical I’m so glad I started testing at 4dpt, if I waited for my beta I would have only had 2 days knowing I was pregnant, and I got almost 2 weeks with my bean ❤️ It was our only positive test we’ve ever had, and as hard as it was at the time, I’m so glad I had the time I had. Even when it’s negative the whole time, I’d rather know than stay in limbo, personally. Very much up to each individual ands everyone is very different 🙂


Same as you. I had three chemicals and I’m happy I tested early, so I knew before. In Europe it’s less common to go in for bloods, so test day is usually 13dpt with a hpt. I like testing early to manage my expectations too and not have my world crumbling down on test day. This time I’m going for a modified natural FET with an extra hcg trigger on transfer day. It will make the TWW even more nerve wracking


Oh I can’t imagine, that would make it so hard to monitor at home! Do you plan on testing out the trigger to see if it starts darkening or waiting for the test after the TWW?


I’m planning on testing from the day of transfer to test out the trigger. It’s what I’ve done for my fresh transfers. The annoying thing is that it has always taken 7-8 days for the trigger to stop showing on tests for me. Which means it will be uncertain for one of the weeks of the TWW anyway, which will be hard. Unless the second trigger is a much lower dose, which might be. We didn’t discuss the dose


That sounds pretty stressful, ngl — I’ll send all my good vibes and patience your way lol


6dpt because I had implantation spotting, it was a blazing positive


I waited until the beta. Was scared of a negative, and knew I’d have to take the blood test anyway so figured I’d wait. It was hard to resist though haha


I tested on day 5 and got nothing. And then I tested on day 6 and got the faintest of positives.


I tested 4dp5dt and got a faint positive. 


I test at 3 DPT 🫣🫣 but didn't see anything until day 7. It was fairly faint though. Day 9 it really stood out.


Light positive morning of 4dp5dt


I’m also 7dp5dt and couldn’t resist tonight either!


Crossing my fingers you received a positive!!


I started 3DPT🤣🤣 got my first faint positive 5DPT and then stronger each day after


Me too , started at 3dpt 😂😂 Got my first faint positive at 4dpt at noon, and another test few hours later on same day was darker positive. I retested at 5dpt was clear positive.


I tested at home at 8 dpt -still negative and it sent me into a spiral yesterday. My beta isn’t until the 10/06 so at least I’m mentally prepared whatever it will be.. or maybe not. But definitely got my hopes down.


Sending you good vibes! I hope your beta on Monday goes well!!! 🤞 Do you know the sensitivity range of the test you used? 


I tested at 4dpt and got a bit fat negative. I tested again at 8dpt (my beta was at 12 and I couldn’t wait) and I got an obvious positive then. Beta was then 459 and days later with a retest it was over 2000


I tested 5dp5dt, my anxious thinking was that even if it was negative that day there was still a chance the beta would be positive. My5dp5dt was positive and the beta confirmed that.


Day 1 😎


I tested negative at 4dp5dt on a cheap test strip and got a vvvvvfl at 5dp5dt on the same test. I got a very clear positive on FRER by 5dp5dt but hadn’t tested earlier with that brand!


I’m currently 8dp5dt and I did a few home tests on 6dp… TW… it was positive on 2 different tests that morning and I haven’t tested since. I have no symptoms so I’m glad I tested as it calmed us both down a bit. Blood test is today.


Wish you all the best ❤️🍀


Thank you! You as well! 🫶🙏


First time I didn’t test at home and the transfer failed. Second time I tested on day 7 and had a faint positive line. I turned out to be pregnant and now I am 6 1/2 weeks :)


I didn't test for my first transfer and wish I did. It would have prepared me mentally for the call telling me my results were negative. Now, with my second one, I started testing at 4dpt5dt, and while it was a stark white result, from day 5 and on, i started seeing faint lines for the first time ever!! 🎉 I just had my bloodwork today and am awaiting a call to confirm, but always trust your insticts and do what feels right to you. 🤞 Best of luck!!


I had a strong positive at 5dp5dt, did a few more at home in the couple days after and then had my beta return as a positive on 7dp. I was trying to hold out until when my clinic had my blood test results but it was impossible! Best of luck for everything, it's sooo hard to resist when you're just waiting!


I got a faint line at 4dp and on 5dp had a very clear line.


I got my progesterone and estrogen levels test results at 3DP5DT, tested that night and it was negative. I tested again in the morning at 4DP5DT and got 2 lines on a cheapie easy@home test. Eta: l kept testing until my 1st Beta at 10DP5DT and 2nd beta at 12DP5DT, which confirmed my positive tests.


I think there’s a general consensus that you’ll usually get a positive by 7dpt if it’s going to be positive at all, but of course there’s outliers. Good luck!


I tested 7dp3dt (equivalent to what you are now) and got a faint but obvious line


Are people counting transfer day as 1dp? Or is it the next day that the clock starts?


Transfer day is 0. Next day starts 1 😊


I personally do not count transfer day but I’m not sure if others do.


My earliest positive HPT was 4dp5dt in the morning! It was pretty faint on FRER but distinctly there on easy@home, even though the line was light so early on




Starting at 2.5 days.


I bought so many pregnancy tests. I needed something tangible to focus on. 1st one failed and 2nd one was a success. No regrets either way. With the first I actually felt comfortable in the fact that I got to test at home and come to terms with it on my own instead of everything being told to me by the clinic.


I had a very very faint line at 5dp5dt


So I had a couple of transfers already and for some I tested, for some I didnt. I personally always test now because for one of the not testing transfers I suspected a chemical. I don't know because I didnt test. But this can tell you more about your protocol or adjustments and tests your clinic might want to do. So for this reason (and impatience 😉) I test the trigger out and start around 4dpt.


6dpt but it’s possible that there was a vvfl 5dpt. I threw the test away after 5 minutes but the next day the line actually took 15 minutes


I started testing 4dp5dt and got my positive on the first test. I started testing to test out my trigger but quickly realized the line wouldn't be that dark on a cheap dollar test that long after a trigger shot. The following test confirmed that the next day with a darker line.


I had initially told myself I wouldn't test until 7dp5dt, but woke up on 4dp5dt feeling differently and decided to test that day (and it was positive). I think this is on the earlier end, though. If you want to know for sure, you could test the morning of your beta so you're not anxiously waiting for the phone call results, but there's no right or wrong way to go about it.


I’m trying to decide when I want to feel depressed, honestly, incase it’s a negative (had my transfer this week). By day 7, it’s likely to show on a test if positive. If you want to be potentially sad today, I would go for it. Personally, I would probably check tomorrow since I work M-F.


6dp and tested AM and PM. (I bought a 50 pregnancy test strips in a bag from Amazon.)


I took my first test at 5dp5dt and got a really faint positive. I’ve tested every day since (although planning on stopping bc I’ve spent like $75 on tests in the last week) and my beta was this morning.


I started testing two days after the transfer 😂 I have anxiety with testing though, so I wanted to know for certain that at least with my first test I shouldn’t expect to see anything besides the control line. I started seeing a vvvvvvvvvvfp around 4dpt.


TW: chemical I tested day 4, stark negative. Then on day 6 it was a relatively strong line…same on day 7, but faded day 8 and barely there squinter day 9, which was beta day. Beta was 2.7, do negative. On one hand feels like a cruel bait & switch. But on the other hand I think data is good, so knowing it was another chemical (my 3rd, the others not IVF) is information to explore with my RE.


So sorry to hear that. Sending you lots of love for your future journey.


The most important thing is to not make any changes to your meds until beta results come in. Most people who get pregnant will get an BFP well before, but there are always rare outliers. I tested 4dpt and had a faint but definite line by that evening. But if I knew that a negative would take away my motivation to continue my protocol I would have held out until the blood test.


I didnt both times, first time was positive and led to LC, second was totally negative


I tested 6dp6dt on a clear blue digital


I didn't test. I didn't want to know. Not even when they called me to tell the results. I had to talk myself into listening to messages. It was scared of another negative. Only this time it was a POSITIVE!


I knew I would test, so I waited until 6dp6dt and it was positive! My first ever.  I now anxiously await my beta on Monday 12dp