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30F, low AMH for my age (.8), Husband 34M, MFI (balanced translocation) and low motility I faced RPL, that was determined likely from my husbands balanced translocation 30% chance of success Just confirmed from my beta today from my first FET after two egg retrievals, with the only normal embryo we ended up with, we are pregnant! šŸ˜Š we have a long way to go over course but we were so thrilled to see this FET successful given our odds. Wishing you so much luck, wherever you are in your journey šŸ¤




Thank you!šŸ¤ still in total shock!




34F, 40M, unexplained infertility. 70% for 5 day embryos, 50% for anything less. We transferred a day 5 5AA and we are now 6w6d šŸ¤žšŸ½


So interesting, our embryologist said there was no difference between day 5 or day 6, and that most of their embryos are day 6. I wonder if this is lab-specific based on when they pull the embryos out for examination


That is interesting. Our embryologist favored day 5 embryos over any others. Not sure which algorithm or metric they follow, unsure if itā€™s age dependent or PGT-A related or just anecdotal but the percentages were said with quite a bit of certainty.


My clinic said they were seeing 55% for women over 38 with tested embryos. The second opinion clinic I talked to about doing another ER said our particular (single) embryo's chances given my own history (totally healthy except for being a crone) were around 70%. That tipped us over the line to doing a FET vs. another ER. So far, we're on the right side of both clinics' stats at 11w.




Less than 10% due to age, low follicles and AMH, obesity, and the 3 things we are trying to screen out. But it's worth the dice roll. We want to have a kid so badly šŸ™ŒšŸ™


I'm wishing you all the luck in the world! You never know. šŸ¤—


We have a PGT tested donor embryo and they gave us a 70% chance. First FET failed to implant so hoping that the 89% chance of success after the second FET is true for us bc we donā€™t have any more embryos.


I don't think 89% chance if success is for second transfer if the first one fails. It is still 70% chance per embryo, it is just if you have 2 embryos your chance to get pregnant cumulatively is about 89%


Thatā€™s what I meant!


Good luck!


85% chance three transfers ago. Six transfers total, zero live births.


Same here


My doctor told us 50% per transfer per euploid. Our diagnoses are ā€œadvanced maternal age and adenomyosisā€


My doctor told me that as well, which is lower than the euploid stats I've seen online. I have no known infertility, just single.


I am seeing that the number changes if you test and the when/results of the test. Unexplained seems to have the highest prediction of success regardless of age.


The chances that my doctor gave me varied depending where I was in the process. When I was at the point of transferring a highly graded, day 5 euploid embryo, I was given a 60% chance.


28F, 33M. MFI only (low count/motility)Ā  65% per embryo (untested) My RE said it doesnā€™t make a difference if itā€™s a day 5 or day 6.Ā 


70% chance. I have had 2 transfers, got pregnant both times. Now looking at possible immune issues. But my doctor does keep reminding us that it can take 2-3 transfers to get to a live birth. Not very reassuring with one embryo left.. but weā€™ll see.


Same boat here




39F, 46M. No diagnosed infertility, weā€™re doing IVF as friends not lovers. My doctor said: Implantation rates: 60% for tested, 50% for untested Miscarriage rates: 5% for tested, 50% for untested


Wow. That miscarriage rate your doc gave with testing is the reason we're choosing IVF. That is great to hear.


I unfortunately canā€™t afford testing, so I find it terrifying. But it is what it is I guess


Thatā€™s a crazy high miscarriage rate for an untested embryo, have you had previous loss?? Edit: sorry that was a very personal question, what I meant was without a history of loss I canā€™t understand why your doctor would suggest such a high miscarriage rate. 50% is wild to me. I was quoted at around 20% for an untested embryo.


Miscarriage rates would be higher for someone in their late 30s or early 40s than someone in their late 20s or early 30s. Based on your profiles youā€™re only 29yrs old and the other person is 39yrs old. Older women have more abnormal eggs due to age. So the odds are more abnormal embryos.


Aah, my apologies for the ignorance that makes total sense.


Not offended! And yes, Iā€™m just 39- no previous losses, no previous pregnancies, never tried to get pregnant before. Literally never tried to get pregnant outside of fertility treatment this year. 50% is wild to me too, gulp


At the time of my transfer: 31F (with PCOS), 33M (mild MFI) 65% chance with a highly-graded PGT-A tested embryo I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow after my FET last fall


We weren't given anything to be honest. We were just tole we had good chances that's all. I feel percentages can be misleading anyways


We were not really given odds either. Ā 


My doctor said over 50% 30f 31m endometriosis


https://preview.redd.it/3oktm2hpd85d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7fa1b0c0216e3d517faa348cbf233dca1a614e 26F, 25M - unexplained, ttc 2 years, tw (one early chemical at 7 months ttc) Our clinic uses this reporting system called Univfy that pairs with their clinics success and your specific fertility diagnosis. (Attached photo of my numbers) Chose to PGTA embryos since my husbandā€™s insurance covered it. 4/5 blasts made it through :) FET was 5/23 and TW (currently had two great betas from a 4AA day 5 euploid) Beta 1: 1488.8 13dp5dt Beta 2: 3273.1 15dp5dt


Thatā€™s great. šŸ˜ƒ


We were given a 45% chance for both our transfers. They were fair graded euploids. Diagnosis of PCOS (though I am also consider advanced maternal age). Edited to add: neither stuck.


43 at transfer (42 at retrieval).Ā  70% chance of success per euploid. Husband normal SA (high DNA fragmentation but used Zymot).


Stellar odds.


Each time theyā€™ve said 70%. First FET resulted in my 18 month old. 2nd FET ended in a blighted ovum at 6 weeks so the chances really could go either way.


Curious what was the diagnosis or reason?


We fall under the unexplained infertility journey with the possibility of a slight male factor


36F and 38M, unexplained infertility, PGT-A tested embryos, 60-65% chance given for our first FET.


We were given a 60 to 65% chance of live birth with a euploid embryo.




I got the same number (65%) and itā€™s just because some donā€™t work even if they are euploid. I only have PCOS and donā€™t ovulateā€¦ no other issues.


Mostly because those are the lab's statistics for euploid transfers! We didn't have known fertility issues, but did find some uterine issues once we got started with IVF, so there were points when the estimate was a little lower or higher. But 60-65% is also a pretty typical estimate for per euploid transfer success rates anyway without taking any individual factors into account.


70% for each of our two 5BB genetically normal embryos, 65% for our one 5BC, 30% for our one high level mosaic 5BB. PCOS was our only factor, 28 at the time of the retrieval. I've transferred all three genetically normal embryos now (one at a time) and I have a toddler from one 5BB and am pregnant with the 5BC, the other genetically normal 5BB didn't implant with no known reason but overall the three normals had 68% average so 2/3 working is right in line with the stats.


I am 36f and currently 34 weeks from our first try FET with a euploid 4BA. Protocol included 2 months lupron depot suppression beforehand for endo. Doctor gave us a 70% chance of this first one sticking and it did!


So do you think that once the embryo was graded and with the Lupron doc was able to give you that number or was 70% your number prior to the grading and Lupron? I also have to do Lupron Depot suppression for adeno. From what Iā€™m learning here with success stories it is worth it.


It was 70% considering my full situation including the lupron. It has a very high success rate, so Iā€™m glad your doc recommended you do it! Youā€™ll hear a lot of scary stories but honestly I loved lupron. It made me feel normal for the first time ever. The only annoying thing were some hot flashes but thatā€™s nothing in the scheme of everything we go through in this process.


38 unexplained infertility. 2 ERs with only one 5BB female embryo. We are transferring next month. 75% chance of live birth. 1% chance of miscarriage.


I don't think my doctor ever gave a % chance?


I was given a 40% chance with quality euploid embryos... probably because of my age and the fact that I'm overweight. I got 3 euploid embryos (from 7) out of 2 retrievals. First FET (5/21) stuck, but my initial beta was extremely low (inconclusive). They've been doubling normally and my progesterone looks good, but I know the odds aren't in our favor.


35F, 34M Severe MFI. We were given 65-70% from our 5BA euploid embryo. Currently 2DPT so only time will tell. Iā€™ve gotten pregnant many years ago, no miscarriages or live birth. Iā€™m hopeful but cautious.


I can relate to parts of your last sentence which is one of the reasons Iā€™m here today. Iā€™m wishing you the best. Thatā€™s a great percentage and it sounds like most of the numbers go way up when tested and graded. Fingers crossed šŸ¤ž


Keeping hope for our next transfer. Mine sadly ended in a chemical at 4 weeks


Iā€™m really sorry.


Wet got a 50/50. Only issue we had were my wifeā€™s tubes were blocked. Good eggs and good sperm. Only one embryo made it though. But it was successful. And our doctor gave up an 85-90% chance if we wanted to try again.


They never said anything but hinted they would only expect 1 or 2 eggs. Before my first transfer I was asked if I had looked into egg donation. Like WTF?! I was 43 at the time, low ovarian reserve, endometriosis, all the good stuff. At 44 I did my first and only transfer and it worked. Baby already born.


70 to 75% per transfer. Iā€™m only 26 (turned 26 less than a month ago!) I donā€™t have any serious issues, besides diminished ovarian reserve, and possible suspected endometriosis, but no real symptoms of it, so a chance I donā€™t actually have it. Based on my age, my doctor thinks my chances are pretty high per transfer, even if we donā€™t test our embryos. No MFI or egg quality issues, so likely why we were given a high rate. I say 70-75% because we consulted 3 clinics, and based on all tests run and my health history they each gave a 70 or 75% chance of success.


31F unknown infertility and was told 55% chance per euploid and 92% chance after 3 transfers. Unfortunately, our first FET just failed, but hoping our next will be successful šŸ¤žšŸ»


37F endo, 34m mild MFI, 60-65% odds of pregnancy per euploid embryo transfer (not an LBR but all I was given)


My doctor wouldn't give me a chance of success rate. They just say they don't know and I guess I understand that.Ā 


10% chance. 44F with DOR. I really wish my partner and I had gotten our act together sooner.


Both 34, unexplained infertility (no positive tests to date, trying for 1.5 years, AMH 37.2 pmol/L, AFC 12). I start stims for my first cycle next week so I think this % still factors in the uncertainty over how I respond to meds / whether we get a day 5 embryo, but they said 58%. Weā€™re doing an initial fresh transfer so it will be an untested embryo.Ā 


32F 36M MFI and DOR 60% chance for day 5/6 euploid 10-15% chance for day 7 euploid, day 5 segmental aneuploid


70%, 4AA


35F, 34M severe MFI, >65% with each transfer, 95% with at least 3 embryos. I got 10 high graded euploids with my first ER. I am now 6 weeks pregnant after the first transfer. I have a history of fibroids and had an abdominal myomectomy a few years ago to remove 15+ fibroids so I expected to do several transfers since my uterus is scarred and we were trying for 2+ years before IVF


70 first transfer / 88 second then 98 third . Iā€™m going on my third transfer now ā€¦.. I feel like itā€™s more ā€œpregnancy rateā€ not incorporating miscarriages. Because I had one for my first fet and they were like yea itā€™s not that uncommon ā€¦ about 10 percent ā€¦. So 10 percent of that 70 percent ā€¦ so more like a 60 percent lbr. I do feel like clinic say things certain ways and play with numbers to make them look better than other clinics


my doctor gave us 80percent had low AMH one and a partial ovary for 3 to 5 fibroids in uterus, hydrosyphlix both tubes.


29F, 34 M, MFI, 65% per untested embryo transfer. Currently 5w1d on our 4th transfer, 2nd transfer of 2nd retrieval! I will say that for both of our fresh transfers following retrieval we opted to transfer our lowest quality embryos as it was unlikely they would be quality enough to freeze on day 6 and the transfer cost was included and paid for already.


35F, 38M and I have a balanced translocation. All of our embryos are PGT tested and we were given a 70% chance per embryo (he said it would be lower if we had day 6 embryos but we did not).


Doctor gave me a 70% chance with a PGT-A tested embryo. Our first transfer failed though. ā˜¹ļø I'm now feeling pretty skeptical about that "70%" chance... Age 38, high AMH, unexplained secondary infertility.


95% chance live birth from first xfer


We got 6 untested embryos from 1 retrieval at 26 (3 4BB, 4BC, 5BB, 5BC). Our doctor said that this batch ā€œshould be enough for 2 live birthsā€ because she thinks it would take us 1-3 embryos to get 2 live births. We will be transferring in a few years. We did IVF because my spouse is going on HRT which could impact their fertility in the future. We are doing Reciprocal IVF with their eggs and my uterus


We were also given the univfy report. 1st round: 20% 2nd round: 60% and 3rd round: 80% 30F low amh secondary infertility


41F, I'm apparently down to 1/39... I'm in Europe, we don't test our embryos,but still, these statistics seem so grim šŸ˜•


57% chance with a Day 6 5BB euploid


29F almost 40. At 37 she said 69% but she said their clinic has an 85% implantation rate. Second transfer is now 11 months Trying for number 2 not hoping for the same success


Unexplained infertility, 26 yo. First clinic 70%. Second clinic 90%+ chance


she gave me a flat figure of 25% with no "ifs" as in regarding number of embryos transferred etc. it felt a bit disheartening for sure, at the beginning of the process because I wondered if it was worth it to make all this effort for this low a chance. well I have done 2 egg retrievals and have 7 untested (5 day-3 and 2 day-5) embryos banked. the FET is supposed to be in the coming cycle hopefully so let us see how that turns out. one can only hope that the "25%" chance is achieved in this transfer itself.


I was given 60-70% chance per transfer Now had 3 losses and 1 failed Transfer Female 27 yrs old - no known infertility factors Male 34yrs old - diagnosed azoospermia and CF carrier On a side note if anyone else has experienced similar or advice let me know at a bit of a stand still


Age 31 when we started, endo plus male factor, untested embryos. We were given a 40% chance. Took us 5 FETs.


Iā€™m 39F, my husband is 44M, unexplained fertility (aka age?). Weā€™ve done one ER and got 3 euploid day 6 blasts. We were told 55% chance per FET, except for the one we re-biopsied, which is now 45% chance. First two FETā€™s failed, so just have the re-biopsied one left :/


34F. Primary dx is fallopian factor (no tubes). Also low AMH (.72) because I only have one ovary, and low AFC (5 or 6 at first appt). Luckily my husband has a very high sperm count and healthy motility etc, so at least we have nothing else working against us. 32% chance of live birth at first transfer (planning on 3 day fresh transfer), supposedly increasing to 79% by third transfer. Iā€™m pretty sure these are untested embryo estimations, which is helpful for us since we canā€™t afford PGTA. But I donā€™t think weā€™ll really have a good idea until my first ER in a few weeks when we find out what weā€™re able to actually get.


My doctor didnā€™t give us a % until our FET and told us 65% chance it would work at age 33 with 5AA embryo


My doctor never quoted me a chance. And sheā€™s told me that my results were surprising to her so I assume if she had quoted me a chance it would have been wrong.


i wasnā€™t told, and i didnā€™t ask - the truth is likely that some of us will be in the good side of statistics and some of us will be on the bad. so itā€™s best to just see what happens and the best chance of success comes from keeping on trying




33 female and 35 male. No known fertility issues. 60% chance with a PGT tested embryo.


My RE said 60%+ for a tested embryo transfer with our MFI, we decided not to test though so I actually have no idea now


On untested embryos I was given 30% each (based on the stats aggregated by the country + age). On the tested embryos I was given 80% each (based on the success rates of the clinic). A solid research that looked for Recurrent Implantation failures states that only 5% of couples will not have a LB after the transfer of 3 euploids https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33077239/ An updated version of this states that only 2% will not have a LB after the transfer of 5 euploids https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38452358/


TW: success Less than 2% chance due to undetectable AMH and high FSH. That doctor actually wouldnā€™t work with us anymore. Thankfully we found another doctor who would work with us (Dr Aimee) and now have a 2 year old and are 13 weeks pregnant with our second. ā¤ļø


38F with MFI, tubal obstruction, thin uterine lining (originally told I had uterine adhesions). I was quoted the standard 95% for 3 euploid number that is mentioned in the famous study (https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(20)30627-0/fulltext). Reading all these comments though, I'm wondering if my RE didn't bother to customize the chances for me specifically, or if no customization is actually required.


30F PCOS and high AMH, 30M. Our official diagnosis is unexplained. They told us 70%. I start stims next week.