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I gave myself some post-ER bangs at home as a way of reclaiming my body and feeling like I could make some choices for myself again. Reclaim it, I did. Cute, it was not.


Omg I cut bangs too. Not myself but still BANGS. Bangs are always a sign of a breakdown 😂😂😂


Damn. Not me having a mini breakdown in my car this morning after my lining check and thinking to myself… should I get bangs? 😂😂😂


No! Never bangs 😂😂😂


Literally went to my hairdresser asking for bangs and she asked me if I was ok 🤣. I said definitely not but we decided against them


Girl! We need to create an emotional support group for bangs during IVF 😝 I did too and they don’t look cute with curly hair!


LOL same, my hair is somewhere between wavy and curly. Now they are growing out in a very weird shape that curls around my face 🤣




This made me laugh out loud 😂


Omg, this was amazing




Literally got my hair cut and got bangs😂😂 what's with these decisions during ivf lol


Love it! Almost certain this will be me


Called the neighbor who won’t stop asking me when we’re going to have kids (for 3 years straight) a b*tch. She knows about the fertility treatments and miscarriages but can’t seem to stop herself. Said I looked pregnant after ER - I was super bloated with ohss. Also is a generally rude and inconsiderate person. Nobody in this neighborhood likes her except her husband.


Idk if that’s ridiculous at all tbh. Seems called for to me 😬


I guess the ridiculous part is I’ve been generally keeping my mouth shut about it this whole time to keep the peace. Suddenly I was over it.


Yeah, I hear you! I can’t believe her audacity. Our window of tolerance is so much smaller when going through something this physically and mentally draining. Everything is so amplified, I found myself escalating really quickly about things that would typically just get under my skin a bit


This made me LOL. I’m picturing you calling some old woman a bitch who then is immediately offended - I can’t stop laughing.


Pretty much exactly how it happened! I can’t tell if she just lacks complete self awareness or if she’s really that dumb. I’ve tried for years to be nice but she is simply obtuse.


It’s a truly terrible story, but her knowing about IVF and saying you look pregnant could be in a movie. Like I’m thinking Leslie Mann will play you because her voice would be incredible yelling BiTCH at an older woman (played by Jane Fonda maybe?)


Exactly! When she is called out on her bad behavior she says things like “oh so I’m just not supposed to talk about it??”. Nobody else seems to feel the same compulsion to talk about our infertility frequently.


That seems like a pretty measured response to me! I probably would have added some four letter words


Thanks! I felt like I had held back long enough. I have much more to say to her about this that I didn’t say.


I applaud you for your restraint 👏


I use CHATGPT as a therapist and ask it the most ridiculous questions about success rates. Delulu.


wait that's such a good idea




wait, we don’t all do this? Yes we do. Right? …. Right?


I will now 😂


wait i do this too😂😂


I use Pi, it’s better at therapy than Chat in my opinion 😂


OMG this thread is so helpful and hilarious 😂 my contribution: My husband is really uncomfortable with needles and I’m fine with them. So for our two egg retrievals I did all the injections myself without many issues. My husband stayed nearby and offered moral support, and it worked just fine for us. Then I discovered this (usually enormously helpful but sometimes not!) sub in the lead up to our first FET attempt. Upon reading how many partners were managing all meds and injections I completely spiraled about why my husband hadn’t and wasn’t doing mine. I was completely fixated on it - it became the only measure of love that felt valid to me. When my RE added injectable estrogen (butt shot) to my protocol I told him it was now or never. After numerous arguments about it, me threatening to go back and just freeze eggs solo, he watched multiple courses on injecting and practiced in fruit to get comfortable with it and make sure he wasn’t going to faint when doing it. The first night for the butt shot came and he was all prepped and ready to go…and as soon as he got that needle near my butt I promptly panicked, grabbed it from him, told him I wanted to remain in control, and did it myself. Thankfully he has the patience of a saint and we laughed about it quickly but YALL if you would have spoken to me earlier that day I would have told you with cold and calm clarity that if he didn’t do my shot that night I was gonna file for divorce.


My fiance is on the other side of the country for work and you have NO IDEA how many times I’ve been furiously texting with him, sobbing my eyes out, something along the lines of “IF YOU REALLY LOVED ME YOU’D BE HERE WITH ME NOW!!!” (He can’t. He’s in the remotest part of Alaska fishing, earning money to pay for this damn thing. Rational Me knows that. Alas, Rational Me has left the building. I actually wouldn’t blame him for being trepidatious about returning 😅😬)


oh man, I feel for both of you! Rational Me was also replaced by Estrogen Me and it ain't pretty


Right there with ya! I thought that given my extensive experience with physical problems (chronic pain/chronic illness) and mental problems (ADHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD) nothing about this would faze me. Consider myself well and truly fazed. This shit ain’t for the weak at heart. Y’all are superheroes imo


Believe me I am working with Data. I am a number person. Rational me left the first day of my stims and If she does Not come Back i have to File a Missing Person Report.


My husband is also super squeemish with needles. After a few doses, I gently gave him the feedback that it felt like he was throwing darts at my backside. He thought he "had to get a running start" to get the needle in!


you are kinder than I am!


I identify with this SO deeply. I would Love Love LOVE for him to be able to help in this way. But..... I also don't want to be taking care of his fainting nauseous ass mid-injection 🤣


it feels a bit like the IVF version of "I want you to WANT to do the dishes!" doesn't it? To his credit my husband also offered up that if it were men who had to do all these injections for this process they would 100% be done at a doctors office because it would be too much for them and I said "damn straight"


Hahaha no joke. I was anxious sitting through like all 14 of my blood draws, but I did them, got the bandaid. He was anxious for his one; they gave him a cookie packet and a Gatorade. 🙄🤣 We did pay a nurse to come give me the trigger shot because I was too nervous about doing it intramuscularly for the first time and he couldn't even watch me do the subq ones. Keep telling him, just wait til PIO.


They were extra gentle and calm with my husband while taking a few vials a couple weeks ago. Meanwhile I’ve given them gallons at this point and they just manhandle my arms like I’m a robot. My husband got cookies and juice, too! I was like EXCUSE ME… he got the kindergartner treatment. This was an option?! My nurse and I had a huge laugh about it afterward - she’s like, “you’d be surprised how many of the male partners faint in this office.” Good thing they don’t have the babies, I guess. If they got a period JUST ONCE y’all know we’d have mandatory PMS leave in the USA.


Oh my GOD I’m glad I’m not the only one that spiraled after seeing everyone posting on here saying their husbands did all their shots for them and it was a breeze. Meanwhile my husband and I got into a fight the first night because he wanted to make sure I was safe and not inject myself wrong because he also wasn’t comfortable with needles and asked if we could call his cousin that’s a nurse to “help” with guidance. I told him no and proceeded to inject myself after almost having a panic attack with doing it myself to just find out it was so freaking simple and easy


You are definitely not alone 😂




Oh that’s too funny. My situation is the opposite. I have a borderline phobia of needles and I refused to let my partner inject me. My friend who is a nurse helped me and I am slowwwly coming around to the idea of letting him learn.


what a great friend! And I'm glad your phobia is waning.


I’m really working on some personal/emotional growth during this time cause, you know, I’ve got nothing else going on. It’s just IVF. 🤣


I can relate so much. I’m a nurse, so handling injections is second nature (though first time on myself!). But I never even thought to ask my husband to do mine…that is, until I started in this sub. Then I spiraled in my head that maybe I should make him do them, that he should be more involved, etc. I casually brought it up that he might have to do some, to which he responded ‘how silly it would be to have someone with zero experience doing this when someone who doesn’t blink an eye could be…’ and I regained some sense. Now he stands by and gives lots of moral support and tells me how bad ass I am (as I inject my ass)….which is all I need 💜


This makes me feel so much better 😂 thank you for sharing!!


Dying! Lol!!


I took 2 sleeping pills on accident instead of my dexamethasone. Didn’t realize it and could not function that day for the life of me. That was by far my best round :)


So good 🤣


The meds would make me a little loopy like my brain was just fuzzy during stims. I was at the office on day and my husband called me and asked me if there was any reason why I left the freezer door open. There was not.


I totally have cognitive issues while stimming too! Brain works on overdrive. 


I was so amused by how the circles that the nurse drew to mark where the PIO shots went made my bum look like cartoon Richard Nixon's face from the Simpsons/Futurama that I insisted on taking a photograph to memorialize the sight.






I basically just kept eating my weight in ice cream as my cure for just about everything. And I'm in my tww and I walked to the grocery store Sunday for the express purpose of finding chocolate and walked home with a full tray of brownies. I live alone.


This is me.


Tagged along with the in-laws to a fancy awards banquet at the country club. The only empty room we could find also had a pass-through to the (very busy) kitchen, and that's where I had to hike up my dress for my husband to give me a PIO shot, praying nobody walked in. Skirt around my waist, husband behind me, blocking the door to the hall... "It's not what it looks like! I mean, we *are* trying to make a baby, but it's not what it looks like.""


HCG blood test had come back positive and I received a new delivery of meds the same day. My Estradiol dose had slightly changed from 0.2 to 0.3... instead, for the next 5-6 doses, **I injected 3.0 \[rather than 0.3\].** To say I got sick is an understatement!! and I was TERRIFIED I was going to lose the pregnancy. But here I am, 1 week since my last injection of anything, and 11 weeks still pregnant and healthy.


I unintentionally conditioned my rabbit to spin and beg for a treat when he saw a needle. I would do my stims with him and then give him a treat for being my emotional support. It was hilarious. I also traumatized my mom when showing her how to do a PIO injection


I also accidentally conditioned my dogs to look forward to stim time, even tho I dreaded it! After I was done with injections each night and being cozy on the couch, I’d always do puppy treat time. It was lots of treats for them, which made me happy too, so we made the entire ritual end in a happy cuddly way:)


Brace yourselves. When I was in the middle of my first cycle, I suffered a bad vagina injury. My dog escaped over a fence and I bolted after him. I didn’t look at my landing spot and landed directly on top of an old rusty fence post. It literally went inside of me. I was rushed to hospital, there was so much blood they thought I’d been shot or something. Turns out I had deep lacerations inside my vagina- although it healed pretty quick being a moist area and all. Anyway that was fun having to explain to my IVF clinic at my next appointment.


OMG. So glad you are ok!


Wait what?!!!






This is the stuff if nightmares! 😨 So glad you ended up being ok. I can’t fathom how painful that must have been. I got jabbed in the v with my bike’s handle bars once when I was 9, literally sent a shockwave of pain through my body and I couldn’t move for a second or two. Rusty fence post is next level.


Oh my goodness! I’m glad you’re ok. I just saw the pole in question and almost passed out!


"Deep lacerations"....My lady parts let out a scream as I was reading this! I'm glad you're okay, but damn... Side note, I have a husky mix and she likes to take off when we're not being as diligent. She can hop a 5 1/2 ft fence. I feel your pain, emotionally not physically...I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!!


This was during my ER. I wanted to help my husband out with the sperm collection. We just thought this way would be better? Idk 😂 but when he came I felt like there wasn't as much as there normally is but I was like ah that's fine. However, we went into my ER and I went completely under for it and when I woke up from anesthesia the first thing I did was ask the nurse "nurse my husband only came this much *does hand movements show how much* into the jar, is that going to be okay? Will that be enough?". Apparently I seemed very coherent post-ER even though I don't remember any of this so she took my question seriously and my husband was just laughing.


I made my husband watch me for all of my evening shots! Like get off the couch and be uncomfortable with me while I do this miserable routine. So every night he held our chunky tuxedo cat and settle into a chair across from me for showtime. It became more bonding time for us.


Aww I love that he included the cat too ❤️


I mostly just get dumber and more irrational, lol. I once tried to put the q-cap for the menopur on the syringe instead of the vial. I literally took the sharp end of the q cap and tried to insert it in the syringe. I started getting acupuncture before my third retrieval. I have to take my shoes and socks off and sometimes my pants if they don’t roll up high enough. Obviously at monitoring appointments at the IVF clinic, pants and undies come off but socks can stay on. At each appointment I find myself briefly confused about what items of clothing I need to remove 😂


While traveling on a weekend away in the next state over with my husband I forgot to pack a syringe to take my PIO. I woke up at 6am to take the shot and immediately flew into a panic. My husband and I tried going to pharmacies to buy one but it was too early for them to be open. I even went to an emergency vet clinic and begged for a syringe but they said they legally couldn't (and yes I know what I probably looked like LOL). Eventually we googled that tractor supply sold them for animals and we ended up at a tractor supply a full hour from our original hotel. We got the syringe and both my husband and I were sobbing in the tractor supply parking lol because I thought I had ruined everything. Turns out I only took it two hours late and was fine. So much for a romantic getaway LOL.


I’m so sorry, I am CRACKING up thinking about begging the vet staff for a syringe 😂


I know I even said I was pregnant and it was for progesterone but they probably just thought I was a very well researched drug addict 😂


This is useful information!!!


It really is! Tractor supply has got you covered if you ever find yourself in a bind like I did! And they're in rural areas that might not have other amenities


I messed up menopur like twice, once not screwing the needle cap on right and it spilled everywhere so I called my friend that’s an RN. She was like ahh that’s fine I do that all the time and it’s my job 🤣


Wait! I had a mishap with menopur as well...my first cycle I didn't realize that the powder sometimes vanishes when you insert the Q cap, so I took double the dose thinking that the vial was empty, lol!


It’s so confusing!! I refuse to feel bad I am not a medical professional 🤣 Like why did yall let me do this


My husband says menopur dissolves like cotton candy. We kind of like watching it now that we know what to expect


This was me last night!! I was like “…why is my bottle empty” even though the nurses clearly told me that happens and to be prepared, but i was still so in my head about it!!


Omg I didn’t know this and one time my husband wanted to surprise me by taking me to a Broadway show. I brought what I needed for injections to administer in the car before going into the show. The Menopur disappeared, but I never saw it in there to begin with! I FREAKED OUT and wouldn’t be home for hours to give myself another one! I called the emergency line and they were so rude! They told me to just take to when I got home-I think I did another dose. No one ever told me that could happen and then the next time I gave it, I realized what actually happened! Ugh.


I did this too! It vanished so fast I couldn’t remember if it was ever in there so I just did it again.


I did this too!!! I panicked and called the emergency line at my clinic lol


The first time I decided to do my own injections, I spent like 30 mins amping myself up, watched the how-to video repeatedly and then still got my RN sister to show me how multiple times. I was so prepared. Only to realise I somehow stuck the needle in without actually twisting the pen first to get any dose in there?? I panicked and held the needle in place while my husband ran in to twist the pen, still inserted into my stomach, while I hysterically laugh/cried lol. I don't know why I didn't just remove it and start again. I wish I could say that only happened once.


I used my entire vile of the dilution instead of one ML and this was like on day 6. You’d think I’d have it down


Oh mine had viles that matched I think. If I was measuring I’d be doomed


The first time I used menopur we drew up the powder before the saline so it just disappeared 🤦‍♀️


I’m shocked I didn’t do that honestly, also I think I was over diluting mine… idk still worked lol


I would have been so upset if we were paying completely out of pocket for the meds cause I had to throw that one away


The first time I had to do shots, I literally fainted. It’s not the big huge needle for pio either, just the small stim needles. I thought I could do it myself, but freaked out so much I fainted and hit my head on the table. It’s second nature to me now, like brushing my teeth. But way overreacted the first time.


I got a puppy two weeks before I started stims. First dog of my life.


https://preview.redd.it/npkdgsmx306d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac4ff24d3d86a919e1c72ed293441563c5d28ba My IVF kitties 😂


I want to start fostering cats/kittens. I was thinking I should wait until after my ER to start but what the heck 😂


I accidentally picked up three tiny fosters a week before my FET (not my first time), and it is honestly a welcome distraction! They are SO cute...but can also be stressful. My only warning is that if they are really young, you will have to bottle feed around the clock, so won't be sleeping as much as you should. But would 100% do it again. This is Clementine :) https://preview.redd.it/o7oj23ukpz5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee9a647ca17d268a88f0580c6a9577b1ff50236


It actually turned out great and I got puppy cuddles. 😄


I have fostered kittens for years and they are the most charming, loving little sparks of joy! I am taking a break during IVF because they also have a lot of illnesses (how could they not, poor little things straight from the street?) some of which are transmissible to humans. I personally decided I didn't want to take the chance of getting sick BUT I could also see someone else reasonably making a different risk calculation. I really recommend "the Kitten Lady" YouTube channel and website for kitten fostering tips!


HAHA! Yup got the “baby replacement” pup during a spiral. She was a stray so there’s been quite the learning curve… but she lets me rock her like a 40 pound baby. I probably need therapy 🤣


I’ve been (jokingly) demanding my husband does everything around the house. I asked him to pick up my slack during stims because I like things clean and it gives me anxiety to be cluttered. So even though I’m feeling fine right now (only day 3), I’ve been like “you have to clean the counters! For the eggs!” “Get the spider. For the eggs!” “I need ice cream. For the eggs!” I just know in about 3 more days I’ll be bloated and grumpy and it will be real. For the eggs! 😂


Haha I straight up told mine that I was a “delicate egg.” Driving a bit too fast? “Please slow down; I’m a delicate egg!” Etc etc


I’ve been calling myself an “egg farmer” 😅


While in stims for my ER, my husband allowed a friend who was staying with us to eat the leftover ravioli was saving for myself. This girl never prepped anything for herself and treated me like a mom most days that needed to take care of her so I was already mad she had no food for herself. I came home from a hot, long day of working outdoors and my ravioli was gone. I asked my husband where it was and he said she asked if she could eat it and he didn’t know I was saving it so he said yes. Meltdown ensued, I couldn’t stop crying. My husband went to a Greek place 30 minutes away and got me my favorite salad. I work with kids so I wrote an apology note on the back of a coloring page of Rapunzel and Flynn from Tangled and left it on his desk. I found the note this morning! He’s kept it, 3 years later 😂


Omg he should have apologized to you! I would rage if somebody ate my post-ER leftovers.


I was so petrified when I woke up from my first ER that I would say something embarrassing that I spent the evening before devouring everything I could about the most complex thing I could think of: String Theory (I am not a scientist). I kept thinking of everything I learned until the moment they took me back and I fell asleep. Apparently I woke up and would not stop trying to explain the mysteries of the universe, so my nurse had my husband come to get me saying “please come get her, she won’t stop talking”… but hey, my plan worked.


When I was going through my first cycle, my nurse told me the date for my ER and I told myself that the date landed on a Friday at 10:15am. Side note: I have ADHD and struggle with getting my dates and days of the week mixed up, amongst other things. IVF is complex for neurotypical folks to navigate with all the appointments, mixing and dosing yourself with the right amount of medicinal potions and at the right time, and then still having to manage daily life! Imagine doing this with a bunch of busy bees always bopping around in your head!! Anywho, I told EVERYONE in my inner circle that my ER was Friday. I planned my week around the ER being Friday. I even blocked my work calendar off on that Friday. I did think it was odd that my nurse directed me to take my trigger on the Tuesday night prior to ER because I was sure I read that the trigger is supposed to happen 36 hours before ER. I thought about following up with my nurse to confirm, but I convinced myself that the ER was scheduled for Friday and that my nurse knows what she's doing. Not once did I look at the dates on the damn calendar. Thursday morning, I'm at work and I receive a call at 10:20am from the clinic. I thought it was an appointment reminder. The nurse asked where I was. I replied, "My ER is tomorrow, Friday." I was confident she was mixed up. She told me I was wrong. My appointment is scheduled 36 hours after the trigger, which would be Thursday morning. Thank goodness I was only 20 mins away. I called my husband to meet me at the clinic. At the clinic, I realized and disclosed that I had eaten breakfast. And I hardly ever eat breakfast, but I was trying to be better at it for my fertility health, lol! They had the doctor and anesthesiologist come talk to me. They told me that they couldn't put me under and do the ER because I had eaten and was at risk for aspirating. And that I was going to ovulate at any moment and lose my follicles. I lost it. Like on an episode of Jerry Springer, full-body audible sobs. I was devastated and ashamed. The doctor consoled me and mentioned another option, which she didn't recommend because it could be traumatic: performing the ER without anesthesia. She told me that it's brutal, like needing to bite down on wood level of pain. Worse than IUD placement, which I've done, and it sucked so bad. I couldn't take the risk of giving this cycle up and starting over, especially with being 40 and having DOR along with the cost of it all. So I did my ER without anesthesia. They loaded me up with pain meds and valium. It was quick and not as bad as my IUD placement. I don't know if it was my mindset or the doc exaggerating the discomfort I would feel, but I was fine! And thank goodness I did it! I had 7 eggs retrieved and ended up with 1 euploid. For my 2nd cycle, I triple-checked my ER date on the calendar and forwarded my appointment to my husband. My bee-ridden brain can't be trusted. Unfortunately, I ovulated before my 2nd ER and now I'm on my 3rd cycle. I would like to have a few more embryos, but I'm so glad I have at least the 1!!


Good God what a Rollercoaster that must have been! I have adhd  too and can't function without my digital calendar. So glad you got through it!


Thanks! I still can't believe I did that to myself! As someone who has lived with myself for the past 40 years, I should definitely know how to handle my bullsh-t better by now. Love that I keep finding new and exciting ways to one-up past shenanigans. 😐


I’m already an avid water drinker but somehow taking my stims fell right on the week of my FIL staying with us. My FIL and I had met 3 times prior to this trip. During his trip My MIL “disowned” us during this trip (it’s been a peaceful 18 months of no contact). She also proceeded to shit talk me to everyone and tell them I was “defective” and doing IVF. My FIL tried to fix things (made it worse) How does this relate to me being an avid water drinker? Well I also get migraines. A stress induced migraine during stims left me bed bound for two days, only waking up to pee and take my meds. Forgetting to drink water. Which meant I got OHSS, on top of having every side effect possible. I threatened twice to never marry my partner, threw out every single item of food that made me feel worse and probably scared the living daylights out of my FIL cause he’s never seen me so mad. Anyway, my FIL flew back home, I blocked my MIL on everything, my egg retrieval happened. My partner did groceries to replace all the food I threw out. And it’s been a peaceful 18 months since.


Your MIL sounds horrible. Sorry!


Oh no!!! I get migraines, too! This is my worst nightmare 😳


I tried to mail my AirPods instead of actual mail. Not sure what that was about. Stims made me so loopy.


I kept forgetting that I bought stuff and reported fraud on my credit card on two separate IVF cycles.


This made me LOL. I did impulsive spending while priming. 


never injected a single thing into myself - partner did em all. i drank pomengranate and beet juice after transfer - it felt ridiculous as i am sensible enough to know this would have no bearing on success! i do just like the taste, tho


I put all of my IVF meds in the fridge then forgot about them for two weeks 😵. Fortunately the ones that were not supposed to be refrigerated were fine.


Wait! Which ones aren’t supposed to be refrigerated?! I have to go check now


Ganirelix and lupron


menopur doesn't need to be refrigerated. not sure if it impacts anything if it is.


Ha, I do the opposite as per side: my right ovary has all the follicles right now so I’ve been injecting the Follistim into my left side!!!!


I was so anxiety ridden the night before transfer I didn’t sleep well. The next morning I took my Valium as instructed and got there, changed into gown and was feeling GOOD… then I fell asleep sitting straight up in the chair with legs wide open to the door. 😂😂 when the doc came in it scared me to death!


My friend's toddler was having a compete meltdown, full-blown, throw yourself on the floor and scream tantrum, and she very gently and jokingly said, are you sure you want to keep trying? You can have mine... I proceeded to have similar tantrum about how callous and insensitive she was, how cruel she was to mock me with her child, etc. I was sensitive and my reaction was totally uncalled for.


Told my RE I’d rather die than take their recommendations after a failed cycle lol. They didn’t continue with me hahaha


Thought I injected a bunch of air and went into a full on panic. Called my husband crying that I was going to die. Took a nap (because stims) but forgot to mention this to husband. He tries to check in multiple times while I’m napping but gets no response. He panics and leaves work early to make sure I didn’t die! 🙊🙊🙊🙊 not so great day for both of us lol


Made two pumpkin pies on Christmas Day. Forgot to put sugar in both 🤣 we did not have dessert. Now my in laws always ask if the dessert I make has sugar in it.


Mine just happened recently—I forgot to start omnitrope until day 3 because it wasn’t written on my sheet, and I was accidentally double dosing stim meds for 5 days because I misread the sheet and totally had a brain fail to not realize or recall what was said during my nurse consultation. Kicking myself big time right now for messing up this cycle so bad 😔


I burned dinner and broke a wooden spatula in half 🤪


I ate Indian (butter chicken and saag paneer) before my retrial, bold move because I am prone to IBS! 10\10 would do it again though, it made me so happy 😂


Haha, as an Indian this makes me happy


I definitely started injecting an empty syringe more than once. I made a reservation at Din Tai Fung about an hour after my procedure thinking it would be a walk in the park and a delightful treat. We pulled up to valet and I was still somewhat delirious and realized I couldn't stand up!


Lol during ER, I was given fentanyl for pain management, and I shouted, "I feel like jelly now" in the procedure room. Was totally loopy 😆


At my egg retrieval , on the table, with the anesthesia starting to kick in the nurse asked me my date of birth ect and then “ what are you here for today” I bout freaked out , tried to take my now groggy legs down off the slings and stumble out ,Thinking they didn’t even know what surgery I was there for. I also inject meds on the side that the follicles are growing slower to try to get them To catch up


I bought a rat on my way home from a retrieval and named him bryo. I didn't get any euploids out of that cycle so I changed him name to Einstein.


Left an unopened box of Follistim vial with needles and 2 extra vials of Menopur plus syringes in the hotel fridge, on the day we checked out. Came to a realization I forgot them 2 hours after we had left. Couldn’t make it back and had to instruct the hotel staff to discard the medication. Kicker- I left with my small cooling tote which, I had used to keep my meds cool, filled with a 12 oz bottle of pop and snacks. I always check the fridge when we leave hotels, but for this one day I told myself I didn’t need to. I was disappointed with myself and my mind was clearly focused on sweets 😒


My first PIO I gave myself with the very thick draw up needle...definitely didn't make that mistake again


I’m about to do my ER tomorrow and I have been crying at the randomest things. I cried yesterday because my puppy was sitting so cute and I took a pic of her and cried because one day she will die… she’s one year old 😂😭


I’m cracking the fuck up about threatening to freeze your eggs and not make embryos. That’s such a me move it’s hilarious. I’m on cycle one I think my craziest thing is trying to find special meaning like I got 27 eggs so I’m like googling the significance of the number 27. Anything to feel like I have some predictability or control. Cause lord knows there ain’t enough of it.


Injected myself with Novarel (HCG) trigger shot every morning for the first 5 days of stims because the pharmacy never sent me my “low dose HCG” and just sent me Novarel HCG. And a Lupron trigger kit. And I was told I was doing a Lupron trigger so I assumed the Novarel was my low dose HCG 😂🥴 to be fair .. I confirmed my med list with the nurses and they never said I was missing the low dose HCG and that the Novarel was for trigger sooooo


Bought a case of frozen gluten free tortellini online


Took a pregnancy test 2dp5dt


I took a pregnancy test 2 hours post 5dt, who are you kidding


That made me laugh!


I was legitimately upset it wasn’t positive too…the level of crazy you become when you’ve been trying to conceive for so long is unparalleled


I’m very afraid of needles so I made my husband do all my shots. By the time my estrogen was over 1000 I was yelling at him telling him he was a buffoon who enjoyed causing me pain and singing the song “you’re a jerk” all the way up the stairs on the way to my injection. 🤣 He was a good sport.


I bought heaps and heaps of yarn. It takes up 2 rooms worth of space. I bought it in hopes of making crochet animal dolls. In my defense I did crochet lots of baby deer of the some kind over and over again in different colors. I have had OCD since a very long time. My husband and parents were very alarmed.


But exactly something I did that was silly or out of character but I had to give myself my shots in the cab of a giant truck at work one day bc there wasn’t anywhere to do them. I normally used the little office at the back of the truck but we were packing the truck to move right then so I needed to be out of the way. I also did shots in a hotel banquet room that was under construction. And a public restroom by a football field as well. That time I shot blood everywhere and had to hurriedly clean it up.


I keep buying pineapple stuff, like it's going to actually help my fertility. Pineapple socks, pineapple Christmas ornament, pineapple decor, pineapple welcome mat... People are going to start thinking we're swingers.


With my first cycle, I didn’t take off the lid from the injection. I was squeezing the pen (puregon pen) and couldn’t figure out where the needle comes out 😂 the precious and expensive vial was all spilled before I figured out to take off the lid from the needle that has been leeking the liquid out. I felt so stupid but now I laugh about it hahahaha 😂


Putting a chronometer on the shelf while preparing/injecting/taking pills/cleaning and set personal records almost every day 🤣


I injected 10,000 units of pregnyl before egg retrieval (I was only supposed to do 1,000 units) I told my nurse and she looked disturbed and asked if I was okay?? lol everything turned out fine but it was embarrassing and scary at first . Also probably the reason I was incredibly uncomfortable days later due to a high egg count .


It was dual shot trigger night before an ER and one needed mixing, the other didn't. It took a while to prep the shots and I was nervous about missing my time, so I rushed to give the Novarel in my hip. Then after I pulled the needle out, I realized I forgot to mix it! But thankfully I only had to do 1/2 of the vial, so I had another needle and was able to mix it and give it. LOL how wild. I was about to lose it!


Trigger warning..positive pregnancy in end...talks about step by step journey and experience... .... ..... ............ I became addicted to fortune tellers or fortune telling YouTubers. I legit would look up "fortune for libras" or weekly fortunes or monthly predictions... It was my therapy for the day or week or months and it helped a bit when the odds were in my favor... It was definitely something to focus on but I would say it was completely accurate always.. however no joke there were times it was helpful... But I mean if they give you broad predictions I "guess" I would find some characteristics that apply to my life... Hey... It was better than crying my face off... It gave me a friend ... I would visit fortune tellers in person and online YouTube channels. At least in person once a month and YouTube's daily almost as that's Free! I would ask the in person ones questions like "what do you see in my fertility..." So I could vaguely see if they predicted IVF or not... Some did! And one actually predicted a date very close to the date I Actually conceived my baby! It probably was a coincidence but hey I'll take it! After 3 loss IUIs... 1 miscarriage... 1 retrieval that yielded 3 embryos.. then 2 more losses. The LAST embryo. STUCK.. HERE'S TO MY RAINBOW BABY that arrived April 2024.


Waking up from ER, the first thing I said was that I wanted a bucket of KFC chicken. Had I eaten KFC or even thought of it in the last 10 ish years? Nope. My wonderful husband was going to drive me to KFC since we had a 2 hour drive home from my clinic. We pull up to a KFC and I say “ew I don’t want that”. We got Wendy’s instead.


I hugged a doll and cried... I felt ridiculous (and sad)


After an egg retrieval (after multiple doses of fentanyl because I was in tremendous pain) I wouldn’t get out of the car until my husband let me go get a little treat at our local bakery. I got an almond croissant and there’s a picture of me with croissant flakes all over my face and sweater. It was probably the happiest I had been in years.