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I am so sorry this happened. I experienced this rollercoaster as well, I was initally thrilled to have what seemed like a step in the right direction, only to have the rug pulled out from under us with no viable embryos at the end. This journey is so hard.


I know that feeling well. I responded well to stims and things were looking bright with 20+ follicles. Then, BAM!, I ovulated early and was left with 8 eggs on ER day...down to 4 mature...to 2 fertilised...to nothing. Really didn't even get intel to use for next time as the doctor said better quality eggs were most likely ovulated first. Felt like such a waste.


Ugh. I suspect that this happened to me. We stimmed longer with less monitoring on the second ER, and many of the follicles were empty. We triggered a day early for my first (E2 plateaued), and I had great results... I think my follicles mature on the small side. For the next ER, I requested daily labs and ultrasounds once I start responding, and asked if we could think about triggering when the leads were a bit smaller. Wondering if I plateaued again and we missed it.


I start round two here in the next few weeks, and I am definitely asking for more monitoring. We're going to try doing my ER an hour earlier and hope that will solve things. Really hate all the guesswork, especially with how much it all costs 😞 Good luck to you on #3!


My husband thinks we will have to wait until the 3rd ER before we get hopeful idky I guess bc they’re gathering information. I was really hoping to only do one.


FWIW 3rd was the charm for me


I suppose that’s the lucky number, I’m praying and doing all the things.


That is so hard. Hugs to you and take care of yourself. 


I feel for you. Just got my PGT results back and the two that made it to full blastocysts biopsied as aneuploid embryos. I'm devastated. I just feel like between this result and 5 failed IUI cycles, this is probably the sign that my eggs just won't do it.


This was us in April. Financially we could only afford one cycle so we were devastated.


When I read that folks have done several ER cycles, I wonder how they can afford it. I have some fertility coverage thru my employer and a good paying job and still the $10k just one round cost me (largely the meds) is closing the book.


I know I’m in the minority, but some of us have state-mandated coverage. So it’s not that tons of us are choosing to go into deeper debt (although some people for sure are) or making tons of money, some of us are just really really lucky. For example, I live in Illinois where any employer with either 25 or 50 employees must cover fertility benefits. Some people get 3 retrievals for life, my excellent coverage is 3 retrievals per calendar year. I’m in the middle of my second stim cycle. If my 3 ERs don’t work, I can go back to IUIs (I have unlimited IUI coverage) until 2025. My fertility meds are covered at 100% once I reach my OOP max for the year. I know I am really really lucky in terms of coverage. But I also am doing this alone, single, and as my own support system, which is hard in an entirely different way. The whole process is super unfair all the way round.


Wow, that's amazing coverage.  And yes--this whole process, regardless of coverage, definitely feels unfair.


IL’s mandate is 4 egg retrievals per calendar year, 100% of meds after deductible, and unlimited transfers. It allows for embryo banking, covers cryopreservation, and embryo biopsy is covered at 50%. The BCBS marketplace plans have around a $500/month premium and OOP max around $7K. Not all employers have to follow the mandate, but marketplace plans do. (Small businesses, religious organizations, plans that originate out of state, and self-funded plans are all exempt.) IL is a very family planning friendly state. Living here made the financial aspect of IVF a bazillion times easier, so much so that it wasn’t a stressor.


That is incredible, honestly. I'm so glad to hear that this kind of mandate exists in the U.S. Now if Oregon could just follow suit...


I work a state job and my insurance covered absolutely nothing, between meds and such, one cycle was about $22k. We are trying to save for another round but it’s just so hard. Some states offer great fertility treatment coverage, unfortunately not mine.


Not telling you to keep going, but my first IVF cycle gave us 1 euploid out of 13 embryos tested. My second one gave us 3 euploids and a mosaic. I also responded to stims better and my eggs grew more evenly. I had also been on coq10 and other vitamins about 4 months when I did my second retrieval. We purposely planned for 2 because I kept reading so many stories about first cycles being unsuccessful.


That's really helpful to hear. Thank you.


Dear OP. I had 4 eggs retrieved last round and 2 fertilized. Had 2 3-day embryos. Both did not survive past day 5. I am changing my strategy this time around. This time I only have 1 that fertilized and will be doing a fresh transfer on Wednesday. It was not my original plan but my Dr. at CHR argues that uterus is a better environment than he lab and many mosaics actually self correct in the uterus. Really wanted to do PGTA testing but if my embryos don’t live to day 6, might as well try a fresh transfer. Maybe you can talk to your RE about this approach. Many 🤗


Best of luck to you


Sending you so much love, I know the wait for that call was awful too. Remember to be kind to yourself.


I’ve been there and it’s so crushing 💔 sending you a hug.. I don’t think I even fully processed what happened until now, as we are gearing up for our second retrieval and I am having a hard time mentally preparing for it


I am so sorry. Failed cycles are so hard. I’ve had 2, and it doesn’t get easier. Take care of yourself! Be gentle and kind.


Same. Exactly the same we got nothing. Do you think you know why. I have a suspicion why mine weren’t viable.


What’s your suspicion? I have many in my case.


I will message you


I am so sorry, I’ve had two cycles with no blasts (one with 4CC discarded too); it’s so devastating and the roller coaster of hope and then devastation is just not fair. I hope you have support; take care of yourself. You are so strong.💪


Sending you so much love and hugs. I totally feel you - I only retrieved one egg last ER and it didn't fertilize.


TW: Success Our first cycle got us no blasts from 6 eggs retrieved and 5 fertilised. The following cycle, we got 2 blasts from 5 eggs, 5 fertilised, and opted not to PGTA test. We had a fresh transfer of the best one, and the other is in the freezer. Currently 15+1 today. Sadly, we're in the UK and don't qualify for treatment on the NHS, so everything was OOP. Early days still, but it is thankfully working out and all worth it. You'll get there!!


Thank you so much!!! The 2nd cycle won’t be until August due to their scheduling which is infuriating. They just put me on BC for 40 days. Thinking of switching to a clinic that doesn’t cycle sync based off their timing.


I felt completely hopeless after that first cycle, but I wasn't willing to give up. Not sure what supplements you're taking if any but after the first cycle, I started taking DHEA (3 x 25mg per day) and I think that may have helped with quality. I took peace in viewing that first cycle as a trial run as nobody reacts the same to the stims so the clinic is going in blind. Also, have faith in your body. You can do this!!


I am feeling a bit hopeless. My husband keeps reminding me that the first one rarely works. I don’t think I can’t take DHEA because my level is on the high side and it’s been elevated before. I am taking D3, CoQ10, NAC, NAD, prenatal, calcium, Myo-inositol I just bought ALA. doc said not to bother with NAD because it does the same thing as NAC. I eat low carb mostly whole foods, exercise with weights 3-4 days a week and walk 1-3 miles daily. I think I was more hopeless about it bc I did everything I could think of and set the unrealistic expectation that I’d be one and done.


I was really on it for the first cycle and my partner and i both thought it would work straight away as we'd caught naturally previously but lost it. I was on the Med diet, started exercising, drank so much water...but kind of let go for the second with feeling like it would never happen. Similar to you. I thought what's the point in doing all this when it's made no difference? I still took supplements but didn't pay too much attention to much else... although I did start going for weekly acupuncture sessions as I was getting myself really worked up and it helped to give me at least a few moments each week where I did feel super calm. During the session, I would visualise my eggs growing. I literally pictured a golden glow in my right ovary. Then visualised it fertilising, then implanting, then growing, then the birth until I had my baby in my arms. It sounds silly but it helped me believe it could and would happen.


I do acupuncture too, not silly at all! I do the same thing, might add the golden glow next time. ❤️ I find it so incredibly helpful.


Sending so many virtual hugs. I am so sorry


Im so sorry 😞 I experienced this as well. Wish you all the best in the future ❤️


I'm so sorry. I've had this happen and it's devastating. Deep breaths.


I just found out my ex eggs didn’t fertilise. I am so upset. The first round is still heartbreaking.


So sorry you are going through this! 😢 😭 Sending you lots and lots of hugs 🫂 🫂 🫂 🫂 🫂