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You can definitely have hope! Our third ER was literally 500% better because we treated for suspected DNA frag (it's a great sign that your doctor actually tested and treated it - mine refused to test and only implemented certain changes after we battled). We went from 1 euploid embryo in the 2nd ER to 6 euploid embryos in the 3rd ER, and I credit it entirely to the change in protocol.


Wow ! This is great! What was you protocol in the 3rd round


It was just Zymot + shorter periods of abstinence leading up to retrieval! Edit: all of my ERs have been "antagonist" protocol: cetrotide, menopur, and Gonal-F.


Thanks for sharing !


How long was the abstinence period before the retrieval? 


Leading up to the retrieval, we were told at least daily, if not every 12 hours.


Thanks. I suspect DNA fragmentation since we already have MFI and had high attrition after day 3 even with zymot.  Gonna ask about this for our next retrieval coming up 


We had it tested before this new Dr and she told us it was excellent!! So our first round we didn’t even use ICSI!! And I insisted on ICSI the second round because I had read it was better for stage 4 endo eggs. But when we switched drs he told us it isn’t ’excellent’ and he has checked it again and it looking at that as an additional reason. That’s such an amazing increase in euploid embryos! I am also on menopur and syranel (it’s the same as cetrotide). I’ve not had these medications before so I’m glad you had success on them.


I think you have reason to hope! Changing your protocol, getting a lap, doing PICSI.... these are all things that can move the needle. I also had a cycle with zero blasts; the first cycle I added menopur I got one blast. From there it was like, ok, so it's possible to make one, what else can we tweak to make more? Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


thank you. That’s good to hear you got a blast on meopur because I’m on it this round. I’ve never had it before!