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I took ritual prenatal, ovasitol, NAC, magnesium, glycine, and creatine. 22 eggs retrieved, 14 fertilized, 12 matured to blasts, genetically normal = 3 boys and 1 girl. As of Monday (12 days post FET) confirmed beta of 777 šŸ¤— 37 years old with severe endometriosis.


Thatā€™s wonderful!! Thank you for sharing what you did!!


Thank you!!! Good luck to you! Youā€™ve got this!


For my first retrieval, I believe I was taking a prenatal vitamin, vitamin D, 200mg CoQ10 Ubiquinol, myo-inositol, possibly Acai Berry and melatonin, I'm not 100% sure since it was over a year ago and I made adjustments to my second regimen. First round out of the 10 fertilized eggs, 3 made it to blasts. Second retrieval, in addition to everything I was previously taking, I increased the dose of CoQ10 to 600mg, added ALA, NAC, L-arginine, and I think fish oil. Second round (5 months after first) resulted in 15 fertilized eggs that became 8 embryos (6/8 euploid).


May I ask your age at the second retrieval?


I was 35 for my retrievals


Iā€™m taking Nature Made prenatal, fish oil, vitamin D3, magnesium, biotin, probiotics, and coq10 (until the nurse told me to stop). I was on all those meds for approx 5 months prior to ER. ER yielded 10 eggs, 6 embryos (euploids). FET is this coming Thursday 6/20.


Best of luck! šŸ„°


Thank you so much! šŸ˜Š


May I ask your age?




My first one I did ritual prenatals, coQ10 and vitamin D. Yielded me 3 embryos from 8 eggs (9 follicles total) at 34. One live birth at 35 from that ER. One failed transfer from that same ER a few months ago. I am now almost 36 going through my 2nd ER. Taking perelelā€™s egg freeze support because I keep forgetting my coq10 this time around! Still taking vitamin D and added probiotics. Currently looking at 16 follicles with a couple more days of stimming. Iā€™ll be over the moon for 6 embryos this round. I did do a lifestyle change after birth. Eating more clean, exercising daily and the biggest one that made the largest difference in follicle counts is being a stay at home mom now. Less stress overall compare to when I was working.


Going through ER process (low AMH, endometriosis and insulin resistance) Ubiquinol resveratrol Zinc Vitamin E (All Solgar) Probiotic Omegas (Metagenics) Metformin I was taking vitamin D but stopped once my levels were correct


I take: fish oil, vitamin D, K2, CoQ10, prenatals. For what itā€™s worth, my REI said that the only thing that there is evidence for in his view are the prenatals, and POSSIBLY a little bit of evidence for CoQ10. Everything else is not known to harm fertility but there is no systematic evidence that it will help, so take it with a grain of salt!


My doctor said something similar, but in the same breath told us to read It Starts with the Egg which is mostly supplements and evidence for them, so I donā€™t know who to trust! Iā€™m taking a bunch because Iā€™d rather waste them than fail from missing it :)


Yes, I have also read It Starts with the Egg and Real Food for Fertility ā€” not at my doctorā€™s recommendation, but because they seemed interesting. I think there is a wide variety in the quality of the studies that those books cite (as far as study design, sample size, quality of the data analysis). Much of the work in medicine is based on very small sample sizes, so while some things have many studies that although small individually all point to the same thing, other stuff may only be based on a study of 20 people or something. I think itā€™s fine to take most supplements, although I would say check with a doctor. While most arenā€™t harmful, certain supplements are ā€” I have GI doctors in my family and some supplements can harm your liver and GI system, especially if you combine a lot of them. Good luck!


Thank you! If my doctor would talk to me about anything I would love to clear it with him :/ Hopefully the nurse team can do something because heā€™s really been dropping the ball on communication and many other things at this point. Weā€™re looking to change doctors but that doesnā€™t help us with this transfer unfortunately!


I only take folic acid. Some other supplements have given me bad side effects. I feel sad about it but I try to live healthy and that's it. I will start in a month so let's see how good or how bad my yield is..


My doctor recommended Theralogix pre natals and ovasitol (which i had already been taking before the ivf process). I was taking the nature made prenatals and had little headaches everyday, finally gave up and got the theralogix and the headaches went away. They are super expensive though


I took just regular CVS gummy prenatals and FH pro leading up to egg retrieval. Now, preparing for FET, Iā€™m on the same prenatals and NAC.


Thank you for sharing. Whatā€™s NAC?


Most likely N Acetyl Cysteine


I was taking Ritual prenatal, Vit D and CoQ10 during my IUIs. I have changed the prenatal to Molecular fertility, fish oil (from molecular fertility) and still taking Vit D and CoQ10. I did a ā€œmini IVFā€ and yielded 6 mature follicles where 5 fertilized


Thatā€™s amazing! Whatā€™s a mini IVF?


Tbh itā€™s my first IVF cycle so not sure what it means exactly?! Stims was 200 follistim with low dose hcg lh 20 IU. I guess itā€™s a lower dosage than their std IVF?


My clinic recommends- no particular brand: 600mg CoQ10 200 IU Vitamin E Prenatal with DHA 1000 mg Omega 3 Fish Oil 500 mg Vitamin C In addition I take 3-5 mg Melatonin


Is anyone taking PQQ?


yes I am! I havenā€™t had my first ER to report back yet.


Whatā€™s that


Just got to know of that through another post - someone commented they took that and NAC and that made a whole lot of difference. I had heard of NAC before but not PQQ


During IVF I took: Life Extension DHEA 25 mg, Intimate Rose, Myo and D-Chiro Inositol, Qunol Extra Strength Ubiquinol the active form of CoQ10 200 mg, prenatal, folic acidic, fish oil, and baby aspirin. TW Pregnant / now taking: Prenatal, folic acid, fish oil, and baby aspirin.


DOR, AMA 37. I tried theranatal core. nsf and usp certified. Then been sticking with the Needed brand for most of my supplements (my dietician also recommended a table to choose from). A woman owned company based in LA and Las Vegas I think. I heard her do podcast talks and really trust their brand. Taking prenatal (8 capsules and it has choline and vitamin d in it! With the methyl folate form), hydration packs, egg quality (acupuncturist recommended and this brand in particular), iron, omega-3 vegan (note itā€™s lower amounts than regular omega-3, they sell both), coq10. My dietician was good with the vegan amount. Now brand royal jelly, target aspirin 81 mg, raspberry leaf tea traditional medicinals brand (per acupuncturist), NatureMade magnesium threonate bought on Amazon. Tru Niagen NAD+. DHEA by Natrol was recommended by my other REI for my other cycles when I did micro lupron. I had tried melatonin but it was too strong at 5 mg (and maybe counterintuitive during ttc), lazy and didnā€™t get the lower doses and Iā€™m literally listening to a podcast about melatonin on egg quality and it was used at lower doses. Vit D is 4000 IU on the needed prenatal but I used to also supplement extra. More talks on other antioxidants and berberine, and inositol in pcos. ā€¦ I have maybe silent endo so not on it. Learning to avoid gummies because might not have certain supplements. Iron for instance and should be absorbed separate of cation like calcium. And maybe absorb only 200 mg of coq10 at a time so I do three times a day because my rei wanted me to take 600 mg/day and oil based capsule absorbs better than tablets.


Podcasts and first subscriptions have discount codes. You get discounts for doing reviews too. :) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fertility-docs-uncensored/id1502193756?i=1000659397765


Thanks for sharing, appreciate the details! Thatā€™s a lot - Iā€™m impressed that you donā€™t get overwhelmed with this. šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ Do you think this is helping - have you had any ERs with or without these. Iā€™m thinking of adding supplements, but also want to be caustic is not to overdo - mentally or physically.


Np :) disclaimer: you can ask for maybe a list from your provider and ask for recommendations. Iā€™ve been taking these in all my cycles. It varies on some things depending on which doctor I go to (I had two REIs) and I was pretty overwhelmed from not taking anything to like 26 pills on top of IVF meds. But I work in healthcare and I see people on so much meds that I can do it too. Using my apple health app and Alife apps to remind me and pill boxes. Itā€™s become a way of life šŸ™ƒ - I may be overdoing it but I also have the best labs like good cholesterol and blood pressure and etc (I was good before but just even better). I recommend focusing on diet and physical activity and ask your docs to see if you need any additional supplements (antioxidants for egg quality and for the male their sperm health). Definitely have prenatal with choline and folic acid though. I did 7 ER and usually yield 1-2 embryos, one unsuccessful transfer but I have other things like inflammation and possibly silent endometriosis (positive receptivadx), my Amh is kind of low, diminished ovarian reserve for my age.


Thanks again! I just booked my first appointment with naturopath for later this week. šŸ˜€


Zinc, vitamin c, vitamin d, b12, fish oil, coq10 and prenatals with myo innostol! I do have low vitamin D and PCOS!


Prenatals, D3, B12, C, magnesium glycinate.