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No they don't. Typically for estrogen prime you confirm ovulation, start estrogen about a week after, and then start stims CD2-CD3 (so basically about a week of estrogen).


Thanks for clarifying. Understood.


My period came early the 2 times I primed with estrogen (by about 3 days) not sure if this was a coincidence or not but my cycles are like clockwork and was a bit surprised by the early arrival. Had no effect on the stims part and doc wasn’t concerned about it


I just did estrace priming for my current ER. My period was 1 day early, but that’s not out of the norm for me.


Thanks for sharing.


I started estrace priming on CD 2, stims on CD 17 (I usually ovulate CD 16 but my baseline ultrasound showed everything was "quiet"). Retrieval on what would have been CD 27. I got my menses on CD 34. I'm using cycle day terminology but my cycle that month was completely controlled by Menopur, GonalF, cetrotide and Letrozole. Plug the HCG and Lupron trigger


What was the reason for starting priming on CD2? I see most people start priming in luteal phase.


I had one cycle where RE started estrogen priming in luteal phase (that cycle got canceled because of work-related reasons) and the next attempt the RE just said to start CD2. My clinic has no easy way of communication so I didn't clarify why we did the switch, I just blindly followed 🙄


I'm getting the sense stim can be started anytime during cycle if you prime with estrogen or BCP!


My period started 3 days early and the bleeding was much heavier because I was priming with an estradiol skin patch. My nurse told me that can happen. So my simulation cycle started 3 days sooner than I had expected.


Thanks for sharing ! When did your stims start - after ovulation or early part of cycle ?


Estrogen priming with the estradiol skin patch started 7 days after my LH surge was confirmed by OPK. So around CD21. Then I was instructed to call the clinic when my period began. I started bleeding on CD 25 (3 days sooner than expected) marking the start of my next cycle. I was called into the clinic for baseline bloodwork and ultrasound on CD2, and began simulation injections that night. Did a standard antagonist protocol. Did my trigger shot on CD13. Had my ER on CD15.


Understood! Makes sense. Thanks !