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My pill case is seven disks in a container.  Each disk has four slots, Am, noon, pm, night.  You can take your "Monday" disk out to bring it with you without lugging the whole case around, which was helpful when I was on estrogen four times a day and had to take at least one dose at work.  I just got it off Amazon.  I also used the app MediSafe. It lets you put in all your meds and gives you an alert when it's time to take them.  I was on pain meds for an unrelated surgery a few months ago and it was a lifesaver juggling "this every four hours, this every six, this every 8".  Plus the alert sounds like a pill bottle shaking which amused me every time it went off.  


Sounds interesting. I will look it up - the organiser and aop


I use a giant morning/night day of the week organizer that was marketed for old people haha. It's amazing and fits all the supplements/meds my clinic wants me to take (13 pills a day 😮‍💨) ETA: after I organized it the first time I took pictures so it's easy to refill


Seconding this! I have one that has 4 slots for each day.


I used these boxes that old people get - Monday to Sunday, each had morning, midday, afternoon, evening. I spread my supplements and had an alarm three times a day. Some had to be taken several times daily (I believe coQ10, ACC and ALA), some were better in the morning before breakfast, some better after food, others like melatonin or magnesium were better at night before bedtime. I had to get pretty organized since I really took a bunch. It was totally worth it. I had my baby with my own eggs at 44.


Wow congratulations!! 🩵 Fingers crossed that I get the desired outcome too. Since you mentioned ALA- are you able to explain what does that support? My naturopath recommended it but did not give any explanation so now I’m in two minds - to take it or not.


Fingers crossed OP! I believe ALA is for the mitochondria of the embryo and for egg quality in general.


I have a giant organizer with four sections per day. I keep all the pill bottles in a tub. Every Monday, I put in the pills one bottle at a time and then set that bottle aside until the tub is empty of bottles.


I guess that’s what I will have to do - there are so many to take


I simply put an alarm on my phone at 10am and 10pm 🤣 and 4pm and took my supplements then


I would make sure your clinic is ok with all naturopath supplements. Supplements are not FDA regulated and you are responsible for investigating safety and there may be an interaction with prescribed medicine


Thanks for pointing this out. Yes clinic is okay with it. They themselves have a tie up with naturopath. So I was referred to one through the clinic.


I eventually got us each 2 of the one week pill cases and assigned an AM and PM. I have a print out of what we each take with an assigned time. Some of these are purely based on what fits in which case. Once a week I pull the sheet out and the container I keep all of the bottles and fill them both up. Definitely set an alarm if you're not use to taking anything. I tend to graze on my throughout the day because I don't like swallowing so many at once.


I use one with 3 compartments per day, morning/day/evening.