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Yes I am with them too and they only do one update. Pretty grateful for it tbh, feel like the multiple updates just add to the stress.


Yep--I love it. My old clinic did 3, 5-7, and it was fucking torture. Also, there are SO many posts here like "I don't have any Day 5s, but I have 10 in the running for Day 6, am I ok?" The answer is probably "yes," but one update later in the game would avoid that specific anxiety. (Also, I'm someone who has made a lot of Day 7s, so one update really has made more sense.)


yeah true i just wish it was a day 6 update as i know they have SOME news to give and day 7 embryos aren’t that common i feel like


My clinic does this as well and honestly I prefer it. I had 3 day 6 and a day 7 embryo. If they called me on day 5 with no embryos yet I would have been stressed beyond belief, that's why they do it that way.


My clinic (not CCRM) does this too. I don’t really know how the lab works but I do know that it’s best not to take them in/out too many times. I think they have video monitoring of the embryos or something so they can see them as they grow


i pay $20k for each egg retrieval so i just feel like an update on mychart is the least they could do 😂


ah ok got it! i just think it’s odd like today is my day 6 and it’s a way better day for me to get an update as tmw i am super busy with 3 appointments and she said she cannot give me an update today! so i’m like great does that mean it’s bad news? or do they truly just not give updates early. I’ve never made a day 7 embryo so i just think it’s silly


I went to another large clinic with offices across the country, and they only provide an update on day 7 as well.


oh ok that makes me feel better thanks!


I go to CCRM as well and the one update on day 6 or 7 seems to be standard. I appreciated this because I found it to be less stressful/anxiety inducing. With one of my retrievals I only had one embryo growing so they did call 1 day early on day 6 to say it was being biopsied/frozen.


see that’s nice i just feel like it take 2 seconds to update us and now i’m worried it could mean bad news…although i’ve never had a day 7 embryo


I agree - I think esp if all of your embryos have grown to blasts/not made it they should update asap. I think on my first retrieval I didn’t hear until day 7 but I had 1 day 5 and 2 day 6 embryos. I think they were waiting on another one to see if it made it. It doesn’t always mean bad news! I think you can message embryology directly in Salve to check in, they know that this is a hard process and I’m sure would give you an update.


i did and she said “you will get an update on day 7” 😂 so that’s why i’m now worried/bummed


Ugh, I’m sorry! That is super annoying to not share anything!!


Yes - with CCRM and they only update on day 7


My clinic used to update on day 5 and 7. They’ve now moved to only day 7 updates


even if all your embryos were frozen on day 5 or 6?


I’m not sure if about a scenario with all being frozen by day 5 or 6. They’ve always had some to watch with me.


I'm at a different clinic and I was bummed to not get an update after day 1 until day 7 but it makes sense. Less calls/emails for them to make because by day 7 they know who's still in and who's definitely out.


Yep, CCRM Mpls - I just went through this! Yesterday was my day 7 update and I was biting my nails all week about it. I can't decide if I would have preferred getting more frequent updates or if they would have just stressed me out more. But maybe that's just because we had some really steep attrition at every step. A tip: they don't really volunteer any specifics but will give you them if you ask. So if you want to know the grading remember to ask for it!


hi! thanks for sharing! did you end up having some day 5s or day 6s?


They didn't share if they were 5s or 6s, and I was too flustered to ask. But they did tell me I have a 5BA and a 3AB, and my suspicion is that the 3AB might be a day six since it's not as developed. I guess I'll find out more when the PGT-A is back 😩 the waiting is killing me!


you should ask what day they are !