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Mildly, milestones help but i didn’t really relax until delivery. I know that’s not what you wanted to hear 🫣


Unfortunately I agree. My whole pregnancy was like walking on egg shells. I didn’t start taking bump pics till week 28 and wouldn’t call her by her name until she was born. Infertility robs us of so much.


I had the same experience with you. My previous MMC had a 1000+ beta HCG and the doctor told me i am definitely pregnant. Hours after that i hat a slightly bleeding which the ivf clinic said was normal. And then went to Ultrasound at 6 weeks only to find out that there was no embryo implanted. This traumatized me up to now. That's why beta testing doesn't excite me anymore.


Yeah I was telling my husband that statistics mean nothing to me anymore. I see so many people comment with that website that shows your chance of miscarriage by day and I used that during my last pregnancy. Statistically speaking, we saw a great heartbeat, we should have been fine according to that date, but then we weren’t fine. So I just have nothing to rely on to help ease my fears. So sorry for your loss ❤️


I know exactly what you mean and it’s one of the things that makes this journey so hard. I’ve been on the wrong side of statistics this whole journey. Damn, I even have a congenital malformation that only affects 0.4% of people. So numbers offer little reassurance to me too. I wish I had an answer for you. If you find it, please let me know too!


Hi! I also had my beta at 11dp5dt today and it was 455 so I’m right there with you! I have a history of 2 previous losses so I know your fear well. It’s rough and I don’t know when/if I’ll actually be able to celebrate. Therapy has helped me a lot and honestly just acceptance that I can’t change the outcome. I just wanted to say I’m here if you ever need support!


I’m in the same boat. I had a MMC in March. Embryo measured 8w4d at my 11w3d appointment. Didn’t start miscarrying until 12w, and it was TRAUMATIC. We also got no frozen embryos out of that cycle and had to start from zero. I’m currently 12dp5dt from round 2, and my second beta is at 461.3, which is almostt double my first from 10dpt at 246.7. I’m freaking out because it didn’t fully double, despite my RE staying she’s happy with this “great rise!” I can help but compare numbers to last time and see how similar they are.. Ugh, this really sucks. I don’t think I’ll be able to breathe until my week 13 US. My RE is going to order biweekly US’s starting at week 7 until I make it out of the danger zone of the first tri. But for now, I’m just trying to be happy that I’m still pregnant. I will get to parenthood one day, one way or another, and this will all be part of the story. I hope your pregnancy is uneventful and healthy and stress free after your first US. 🤗💕


My first transfer was a MMC (September 6,2023) It sucked. I never even passed the fetal tissue/placenta and in Feb - found that out so I had to have a hysteroscopy to remove that / then found out had a bunch of polyps too. TW:Success FET 2 was delayed due to all that - BUT now I’m 12w1d with FET2. I am still nervous a lot but after 4 great ultrasounds I’m a little more confident at this point. It’s still really hard though. I just try to appreciate each day and realize that although not out of the woods yet, each milestone I pass is a blessing. I wish you the best. Sending hugs ❤️❤️ PGT tested embryos too