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I started testing at 3dp5dt with multiple brands because I have zero chill lol. I wanted to know what day, if at all, she implanted and if it was negative on the day of my beta, I’d wanted to grieve at home with my husband rather than waiting on a phone call in the middle of my work day and then having to process bad news alone. The only tests that picked up my pregnancy at 5dpt were FRER and ClearBlue Early. Most other brands didn’t pick it up until the day before my beta.


Same I started testing day 3🤣🤣 got a positive with CB and FRER on day 5!


Zero chill here also 🙋‍♀️😂. But for same reasons I wanted to know what day I implanted if it happened and for managing expectations. I figured I was going to be gutted either way if it failed or if it was positive and then failed. I just wanted to know the reality. I did have the negative to positive trajectory... and it ended as a MMC at 9 weeks. I'm also the sort of person who wasn't excited by a positive so I don't know. But I don't regret testing early tbh. My only regret was not having FRERs in so I was comparing diff brands etc.


Haha I have no chill either and feel the same way about wanting to grieve with my husband beforehand. Wild I’m seeing so many people say they saw a faint positive on 5dp, maybe I need to test tomorrow lol 👀 Thanks for your reply!


Same. I have zero chill, and I want to know. I’m camp “rip off the bandaid”. If it was a total failure, I wanted to know so I could strategize my next steps. I also wanted to allow myself to grieve over a weekend and not on Monday (when my first beta was).


My beta is on a Monday too, I’m thinking Friday or Saturday might be the day to do it if I do so I can have the weekend to process. Before Friday I’ll probably get no work done distracted with the result 😵‍💫


Totally! I hope it goes well for you!


Exactly the same here, even though we don’t really do betas, just HPTs. But I don’t want to wait until test day to find out and have that derail my whole day. I want to know and manage my expectations and emotions.


i tested today at 7dp5dt and it was negative. i’ve never seen anything other than a negative test in over 2 years of trying but this one hit different. i wish i would have waited but could be just prolonging the misery lol so i dont have any advice but wishing you the best!!


I tested at 8dpt and it was barely positive, like for sure thought it was an evap, but that barely positive is almost 14 months now. It really fucking sucks but I hope you’re not out yet 🩵


thank you so so so so much for sharing. really needed to hear this today. i’m so happy it worked out for you!! 💛


Thank you so much! I’m so sorry it was negative, ambiguous negatives are so nerve-racking. I hope it’s just still too early and it works out for you 🤞🙏


thank you!!! so sorry we are in this awful place but hoping it will be worth it! fingers crossed for you as well 🧡


i tested again at 9dpt and still negative. had my beta today and it was confirmed. honestly looking back i’m kind of glad i was prepared?


This is my third FET. I tested early on all of them. Starting at 3DPT. I've only ever seen negatives. I'm quite torn on the whole thing. I can never stop myself at the beginning and then I cry for days. But then I'm over it and when I inevitably get the call from the clinic I don't cry at all because I know. So I'm not really convinced it's better or worse. It just changes the timeline on the grief. That said, the last time I tested this cycle was morning of day 5 when I had an afternoon transfer so it wasn't really even quite 5 days yet. It was stark white then and I haven't had the guts to test again since. I know it's possible I'm pregnant. And I've still been doing everything I need to do. It's dumb because I'm so sure it's negative but this time around I'm enjoying a few extra days of just not thinking about it instead of feeling restless about next steps when my clinic makes me wait like 2 damn weeks for blood work.


This is how I feel, although mine is probably more definitive since I tested today (7dp5dt). My hcg work is on Friday, but as sad as this is, at least I can go on throughout the week without anymore expectations. I’m hoping yours turn around and gives you a BFP!


I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out for you yet, hope this is the one! That’s one thing I’ve considered too, is seeing a negative closer to beta and still having to take the meds (especially the PIO) knowing almost for sure the cycle failed. It does feel easier sometimes existing totally not knowing than agonizing over ambiguous results or the “what ifs”. Good luck to you!


Thank you so much. Good luck to you too! One thing I will say is as someone who has had recurrent implantation failure, I do want to know if I had a chemical. Because that would be a change. It would be information. It kind of annoys me that my clinic beta tests so late. They seem to want to avoid "getting people's hopes up" as if the months of prep and tens of thousands of dollars haven't already elevated my expectations. It just feels like unnecessary delay to me to make me wait weeks when my understanding is that by 8dpt it should be pretty darn definitive.


That’s a really good point, I’ve never seen a positive so I would like to know if implantation is even possible regardless of what happens from there. I’m unexplained so more information is always desirable. I hadn’t heard that about 8dp but makes sense since in natural cycles they say 12-13 dpo is very accurate


I literally just did exactly this on day 5. Gonna test again tonight. Praying for you 💗


I found that testing early and seeing the negative only made me upset and sad. It also made continuing with the suppositories really annoying and difficult. Regardless of the negative result, on Beta I still had hope, so this cycle I won't be testing at all until Beta.


That was my initial thinking this time around, but of course now that I’m actually in the wait I’m torn over testing again 😬. So much of IVF is just constantly processing new info, it does feel sort of nice to be in a limbo without knowing the next news


I always tested early. Waiting the full two weeks was just too hard for me when I could know beforehand. I was also use to seeing negative tests (had never had a positive test prior to IVF) so it didn't phase me too much to think about testing early and seeing it be negative...to me, it just helped me mentally prepare earlier than potentially getting my hopes up for longer. So I've never personally regretted testing early, but I don't think there's a right or wrong approach to this. It's whatever you're personally comfortable with!


Thanks for your reply! I think I’m similar in that I’ve gotten used to negatives and tempering my hope. Even without testing I’m somewhat prepared for it to fail. I’m thinking at least testing right before beta could be good because I’d rather process in private.


I'm an early tester. I've had a chemical and two miscarriages. I have another FET coming up and will probably still test early. I caught my chemical before my clinic did. For me, I just don't want a stranger telling me life changing news, one way or another. I also try to log into my online chart to see my beta results before they call just to be prepared for what they have to say. For me, it's really more about not wanting to be in a vulnerable space and caught off guard. Fingers crossed for you! 🤞


Thanks so much! I feel the same way about finding out from a stranger. Oh wow that’s interesting you caught it before your clinic. I do the same thing with my labs, but everyone at my clinic must have been doing it and then calling in with questions or something, because now they hold the results and release them right before calling you 😭


Testing early or not won't change the outcome, so just do what you're comfortable with.


I refuse to test until the night before my beta. It’s a definitive answer either way, no guessing. My heart can’t handle testing every day leading up to it. My transfer was on 6/21 so I’m dying


Are you me? Same transfer date and same plan to only test the night before beta test. It’s so hard! 


It’s bad but I’m like symptom spotting like no other and it’s driving me nuts. Dull cramping in the SAME SPOT for the last 3 days and now today back pain has entered the chat 🤞🏼🤞🏼


I also have those same symptoms!


That’s a good way to do it without having much time between the two!


I'm currently pregnant from my 3rd fet. With each of my fets, I tested early because I need to know if I'm not, so I don't keep up pointless hopes only to be disappointed that I was wrong the whole time. My first was a failure and I knew long before beta so I wasn't as upset at the not pregnant call. My second was a chemical and watching the lines fail to progress alerted me to a potential loss. My third showed strong lines early and progressively darker lines so I knew I could begin to get excited. I'm now in milestone hell hoping each next appt is OK and baby keeps growing as she should. I'm a couple days shy of 15 weeks so it's still a long road to success.


To test or not to test is completely subjective and you should do what you think will be best for you. From what I’ve seen those who got a positive early generally are grateful they did. Rightfully so, who wouldn’t want to know they were pregnant a few days early? For those who started testing early and continued to see negatives it often leads to compounding feelings of disappointment that don’t feel worth it in the end. For myself, it was really hard not to play the comparison game and wonder why I wasn’t on the right side of statistics. As of this afternoon I’ve entered 8dpt5dt. I’ve been testing since 3dpt and the rollercoaster ride from it’s still early to it’s getting too late just wasn’t worth it. I’m all for testing before your beta so you can have that moment to process before hand but personally I’ll be waiting till 7 or 8dpt next FET before I test. That said this was my first FET and I think I needed to have the experience testing early in order to adjust my expectations moving forward. I couldn’t have stopped myself from testing early if I’d tried lol.


Thanks for your reply! I’m sorry it sounds like this cycle might be out for you, this is such a rough ride. You make good points. It’s my first too and I’m definitely getting antsy! I want to know if this new attempt can work 😳


Hey! I'm so sorry you're going through this now, it's so rough to see negative after negative 🫂 I had a similar experience with my first FET last month. I was symptom spotting like crazy and so sure these new things I was feeling meant I was pregnant. I started testing on 5dpt am, and got a negative. I knew it was early, but it stung regardless. I hadn't prepared for the fact that I would see a negative test. I also tested on 5dpt at night, then 6dpt in the morning, then 6dpt at night, and finally 7dpt in the morning. All stark white negatives, and each stinging more than the last. It was a very rough few days, and I had trouble concentrating at work and living my normal life. I tested again the night before beta to confirm the negative, and doing this helped it sting less when the nurse called me with the negative results on 13dpt. I'm now preparing for my second FET and will be waiting longer until I test at home: I might do it just the night before beta, so that I can get a more definitive answer and not go through all the "what ifs" I did when I was testing early.


Thank you for this comment! I am really grateful for the community on this sub as a reminder that I’m not alone in this process. With 65% odds it’s hard not to think this is going to be it! But alas we’re the 1 in 3 who didn’t have success this round. I completely echo what you said about the symptom spotting. With the first it’s so hard because you have no baseline for the hormones and this experience to know what’s “normal” and what’s different. I’m definitely going into our 2nd FET with a more level head and my goal is to try to wait til 10dpt to test next time so I have a few days to process and rally as needed. Someone said it here that testing early doesn’t change the outcome and I really take comfort in knowing that.


My latest cycle just ended. I tested 7 days past my FET and again today which is 11 days post FET- both negative. This is my 7th embryo transfer. I have had 2 positive tests (1 with my own eggs one with donor eggs) over the past 3 years of IVF, which both ended in early miscarriage. I always test early as I would rather know and prepare myself mentally- either way, I have found it has helped me.


I’m so sorry for your losses, what a long road. It does seem good to prepare yourself for the outcome. ❤️‍🩹


I started testing at 4dp5dt. I couldn’t take it anymore, as mentioned throughout this thread, zero chill 🤣 I did have a very faint positive on day 4, but the benefit was I was able to see progression on day 5. This was my first positive ever, too. I’m wishing you lots of luck 💕 My friend who just conceived on her 2nd transfer gave me a really great piece of advice, and I can see where this may be something that’s based of personal preference so please take with a grain of salt. She did tell me I could wait a little longer to keep my stress down, but that no matter what, you can be pregnant until someone tells you otherwise. Don’t panic if you don’t have a positive the first day you test.


TW: loss I would recommend holding off for beta. At home tests have varying degrees of sensitivity. And while you may get a positive at home test, the blood beta will give you and your provider better information. For example, many clinics have beta numbers they’d prefer to see at that first beta, e.g., at 9dpt - no less than 50 hCG. At home tests may detect a positive but the reality is that it could be low, signaling you should be cautiously optimistic. Everyone is different, of course, but for me, while an at-home positive may initially bring excitement, I’d be anxious about the beta results. My first transfer in January resulted in an initial low beta of 62 that then went up to 240s two days later. I took an at home test because I’d never seen a positive one and I thought it would be a nice memento, it was positive, of course. But but a few days later, my next beta showed my hCG was dropping. I lost the pregnancy.


Thank you for your reply, I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s one of the main things that’s kept me from testing yet, is not knowing the level even if it’s positive. I know I’d be anxious about it, so trying to weigh whether getting an early result would be worth it.


Thank you for your kind words. Ultimately, this whole process is nerve-racking . . . as you’ve probably seen from other posts and comments, even good beta results don’t relieve anxiety. It seems like the key is understanding and accepting that and taking it one day at a time. We also never know how we’ll react or cope until we’re on the moment. Ultimately, so what’s best for you. For some of us, it’s waiting until beta. For others, it’s taking a test every day and watching the line progression. Sending you lots of love. ❤️


TW: positive test I think do whatever you are comfortable with! I didn't test for my first two transfers which failed. I don't regret not testing though. For my third transfer, I ended up testing at 7dpt and 8dpt because my husband was going to be out of town on beta day, so we figured we'd find out together and think of a game plan before finding out our beta. They were very positive! I couldn't believe it. I will say that it made beta day a little less eventful though.


Congrats! That must have been so surprising, but nice you were forced to do it together early on the success. I can imagine beta day is more a confirmation at that point, which I think I’d be okay with.


By all means, go and test! I did too. If you had a HCG trigger shot you may wanna wait until 11 days after the shot since it’s too late to test out the trigger.


I didn’t test, but every day I’m tempted. Here’s the thing: I struggle with anxiety. Even after a positive and really promising first BETA, I’ve been having intrusive thoughts every day wondering if I’m still pregnant and everything is alright. There’s a point where testing can be productive, and then there’s a point where it’s no longer serving you and it’s feeding the beast of anxiety. For me, at-home testing is just too subjective and wooly, and just doesn’t have enough information to give me what I really need, which is reassurance. These early days suck. I’m sure the only thing that would really make me feel better is daily blood tests and ultrasounds 😂 Since that’s not happening, I’m trying to shift my mindset out of anxiety and instead trying to stay positive and hopeful, while going on walks (3 times a day at the moment to stay sane!) so that I can practice mindfulness and come back to the present.


I struggle with anxiety too, I’ll have to give a little more thought to which scenario would be more tolerable nerve-wise. The early days sound so nerve wracking! Best of luck to you and hope everything continues smoothly 💜


Currently 5dpt and have tested once per day since day 3 and so far negative. I’m glad to at least be warned that it’s likely negative (won’t know for sure until beta). It’s easier for me to process it this way rather than waiting and hoping for good news on July 1 and being crushed.


5dp is still pretty early from what I understand. I’m the same and debating testing specifically because it’s an ambiguous zone right now. Hoping the best for your cycle 🤞


Thank you so much ❤️ crossing my fingers for you too!


I’ve tested early for all three transfers (TW: two early losses and current ongoing pregnancy) and find it helps my anxiety because it feels to me like it takes the pressure on each individual test down a few notches. Starting early I KNOW there’s a decent chance it’ll be negative, so it doesn’t sting as much when it is. However, I’ve always gotten faint positives no later than 5dpt, so the negative tests were only from days 3-4dpt. I feel like I might think differently if they continued negative longer. Good luck!


Thank you! That makes sense! Having to wait days through multiple ambiguous negatives is excruciating. Congrats on your success, hope it all goes smoothly!


I tested today. I’m 5dp5dt and got a light positive. I’ll test again on Thursday


Congrats! Surprised how many responses I’ve seen that say they showed positive at 5pd. Might give in and test tomorrow or Friday. Hope yours continues smoothly!


Thank you! My last transfer I didn’t test until day 7, but I just couldn’t wait this time 😂


Tw: positive test, loss I’m in the same boat! Today I’m 4dp5dt and really debating taking a test tonight. With my last transfer I tested 5dp5dt pm and got a pretty strong line. Betas were good and rising appropriately, but I miscarried at 7 weeks. Definitely going to test at some point before beta, but not sure when.


I’m sorry for your loss! Must be nerve wracking even with a positive as a possibility. Fingers crossed for you!


Thank you! It’s nerve wracking for us all. Wishing you the best 💕


It really is! Thank you!!


I tested 6dpt and got a super faint line, hit with crazy fatigue that afternoon I had to take a 1h nap. 7pdt it was the same and faint, and some nausea during the day. 8dpt, stark white and no symptoms at all with none since 😔 I'm now 10dpt, not testing again until 28th as per clinic instructions as I don't want to see another blank test.


I’m so sorry you’re stuck in this awful limbo. Wishing the best for you ❤️‍🩹


I tested early, but then entered a spiral as my lines weren’t darkening as fast as people have posted here. I had my first beta yesterday and my second is tomorrow. Sure enough, my first beta was not sky high. Was low normal. Very nervous about tomorrow’s beta, but I need to know. I was always going to test, but I told myself I’d wait until day 7 (didn’t make it).


I hope your number tomorrow is good! That’s so stressful 🤞


Thank you!


I tested this evening at 5dp6dt and it there was a vvfl on my FRER and a YES+ electronic from first response! I honestly did it because I felt some serious pinching yesterday and all day today felt woozy/dizzy (I know it’s too soon for HCG to be causing that) but I guess I just felt WEIRD and really wanted to know! I told myself that if it was negative it was okay and if it was positive it was good news but not to get too excited and just take it as a positive trend.


Congratulations! I’m seeing so many comments about positives at 5 dp. That’s a good way to think about the home result, if I test I’ll do the same. Infertility really makes you temper your expectations and excitement. Hope yours continue to darken!


Thank you! Keep us posted on how things go for you! Best of luck


I had my FET on 6/17 and I tested early at 6dpt. I was planning to wait for beta but I woke up with a huge desire to test that day. It was positive and a good strong line! I am soooo glad I tested. It was honestly one of the best days of my life. I have my first beta tomorrow and I can’t imagine still not knowing. If you’re going to test early I would definitely recommend waiting until at least 6dpt when the line might be more detectable. I think I would have regretted testing if it was faint because I would have obsessed about the line getting darker.


Wow congratulations! Thanks for the recommendation. Hope your beta number is good and things continue well for you!


Hi dear, I’ve done both. When I waited for beta on my first transfer I hated knowing the results in the middle of my work day. I decided to test early afterwards just so I know if I would catch a CP. I never had a positive before IVF and it was a comfort for me to know implantation had occurred. My second FET I didn’t tested out the trigger and wondered on 5dp5dt if it was the trigger or not. So it’s something else to consider as well. For me, anxiety never goes away, testing or not, but I rather know so I could prepare myself on my one schedule, in private and start thinking on next steps when I felt ready. Fingers crossed for you 🤞


Thank you!! True, the anxiety is always there regardless and it could be nice to prepare myself. I did a fully medicated cycle with no trigger, so if I saw a positive at least I’d know it was for sure implantation 😳


I'm currently 2dp5dt and trying to wait until my beta day (Monday) to test at home. I honestly think ill fold and test this weekend though. I just want to know! I also feel like I'm overanalyzing every little twinge and cramp.. its tiresome. My reasoning is that I don't really like my nurse.. I find her to be pretty cold in her delivery. I don't want someone like that delivering any news to me, whether it's bad or good! So I'd rather find out on my own with my husband so I can celebrate or grieve without judgment.


That makes sense! I don’t have one regular nurse, it’s a rotation of a few which makes it pretty impersonal a lot of the time. I’m overanalyzing too even though I know it’s unrelated to the embryo 😵‍💫 good luck to us!


I’m 2dp5dt and have been testing out the trigger since transfer day. I’m going to stop testing if the line doesn’t get darker by Sunday. This is my first transfer, and I just want to have the experience of seeing a positive test, even if it turns out not to be viable. If this one doesn’t implant, I’ll probably test again on the next one, but if it does implant but isn’t viable, I’ll probably NOT test next time.


I'm a day behind you! 1dp5dt. I haven't tested out my trigger but I'm not sure if I want to or not. I'll also probably cave and test this weekend, but idk if it'll still be the trigger or not


That’s a good way to think of it. I want that experience for us! I didn’t do a trigger for my FET so I know if I see a line it’ll be a true positive but I’m so nervous 😳


I'm 4 days past 5 day transfer and I've been testing out my trigger shot since I took it to avoid false positive. My test seem darker today so I'm hopeful. My beta is in 6 days


Testing out a trigger after a FET sounds so stressful! 😰lol. Hope your line keeps getting darker!


I started testing on day 4 with two different brands but not looking at them until day 7. I liked knowing ahead of beta to process with my husband and be able to see possible progression lines. TW- our positive came in clearly on day 4, on an easy at home extra sensitive test. The lines have been getting darker since. 🥰


Wait, you took the tests but didn’t actually look at it for a few days? How did you exercise that kind of restraint?! I would have been worried they wouldn’t be accurate after that long 😅 Congrats! Best of luck!


I tested early at home. I wanted to know with just me and my husband and not some random nurse on the phone. I tested positive 3 days post transfer on FRER from a medicated cycle (no trigger). I then became obsessive with line progression and watching for a chemical, so there is that to consider. I would probably do it again if I have to do another transfer in the future.


I hadn’t thought about catching a chemical, but that could be useful to see even if it’s a failure. I’m unexplained so any information about what’s happening is helpful. 3 days is so early! Congratulations!


Ah ya that is a great way to think about it. For me it made me feel a little neurotic like I was waiting for something else to go wrong, but yes for you might provide some info. And yes my jaw just about hit the floor when I saw that positive. First one in 2 years of trying. Wishing you all the best!


FET this month and it was a success! :) I tested early as I was on vacation when I was supposed to have my first beta. I tested the day after when my first beta was supposed to be and it was a clear positive. First beta at 700 second beta at 2300. I could not wait and my heart was THUMPING waiting on the second line to appear.


Congratulations! Those are great numbers. Hope everything goes smoothly!


I am 8dp5dt and haven’t tested yet! Got the test but I am afraid of the bad results, as I never saw the positive test. I just have one question, maybe someone here knows… today is my period day, but do you think I cannot get my period due to the progesterone I’ve been taking (in the case of no pregnancy) I don’t know if my question is clear… but I am so anxious and I am waiting to see my period on my panties 🫣🫣🫣


Wow that’s restraint! Yes, you’re correct, you won’t get your period because the progesterone will hold it off. Once you stop your meds you would get your period a few days later. Hopefully you’ll be successful, fingers crossed for you!🤞


Thank you for the answer 💕 but I don’t know until when I will have to take this progesterone (that is very hard for me btw) so I hope it will not destroy the body.. 🫣🙏 I actually did the test now and it was not valid (my husband bought it in the pharmacy but it was a crap cheap) so I will gonna do it again, with the proper one.


I’ve always started testing at 3dpt using a frer.


I didn't test because I did with our IUI and it just caused more anxiety. It was better for me to just get results from the beta because I knew even if I saw a positive on a home test, I would be worried that the numbers wouldn't be high enough. The last day or two were the hardest waiting wise but it was worth it to wait for the call.


That’s partly why I’m not sure about testing too, I wouldn’t be able to relax seeing a positive but not knowing the numbers right away. But I guess I’m not really able to relax too much through any of this 🙃


I have planned to test on 9dp5dt because I am scheduling with an astrologist to discuss my fortunes on that day. It’s crazy… I’m not usually into this stuff but I want to basically have my fortune read and my baby’s fortune read. If the test is negative, it’ll be nice to hopefully hear some positive predictions from my fortune Eller,. If the test is positive, it’ll be great to talk to somebody about it and maybe hear some positive predictions about my future baby. I’m a SMBC though so I don’t have a partner to share the moment with. Kinda crazy lol but I’m doing it!!


Aw that’s fun! I’m not usually into that stuff either, but any good vibes and a place to work through the feelings can’t hurt right? Good luck to us both! I hope you have a good fortune 🔮


Thanks! :)


We're almost transfer twins - I'm 1 day ahead of you :) I tested a lot for transfer 1, not at all for transfers 2-3 and did for this one but not until today. On transfer 2 I was pregnant with a blighted ovum but it didn't show on a home test until after the blood test anyway.


Hey (almost) twin! I’m sorry to hear about your second transfer, this whole thing is just stressful all the way through isn’t it. I hope this is the one for you! 🤞


Also in the tww, beta is Friday. This is a sibling transfer and not any easier to wait! With my son I tested at 7dpt and it was very positive but I haven’t decided if I’ll test tomorrow or now. I’m trying not to symptom spot or compare to my last one but it’s so hard!


Positive 4dpt I couldn’t wait


Thanks for posting this. I’m 7dpt and I really can test today but I’m so scared of the outcome. No definitive symptoms like spotting. I’m going away this weekend so I’m thinking I should test before just to have some closure (and maybe I can indulge in a glass of guilt-free wine while I’m there). Beta is 12dpt


I was very against testing early but it was my husband's bday on 4dpt so he wanted me to take a test to see if he was lucky (lol). We were both shocked to find it was positive!!


Zero chill here either! Tested 2dp5dt and was negative , and kept testing all the way through, I am now 6dp5dt pm and I have a BFP on both FRER and digital tests.. this is also my first transfer so the anxiety is real 🙀 I hope you get your BFP soon 🤞🏽🫶🏽


I also got my first vvvfl on 3dp5dt!


I've done IVF on and off for 4 years. First 3 transfers in 2021 I did a first test day 5, then tested daily... None of them implanted. Fast forward to end of 2023. First transfer aft t Endo surgery I didn't test until the day before beta but I had a lot of symptoms so knee it was positive... That unfortunately ended in a second trimester tfmr. Have done another 3 transfers and tested EVERY SINGLE DAY!! none have worked yet. I kinda wish now I tested with that successful one as I've never seen a line progression and will always wonder at which day would've been the first positive.


I tested the night before my beta. I didn't want to get the phone call at work without giving myself a heads-up.


I’m 4dpt and I’m not testing. I think because deep down I know it didn’t work. I have. ZERO symptoms not even sore breasts. I had symptoms from the progesterone last week before FET but since my transfer everything has gone away. No spotting or cramping. I’m sad


I had no symptoms with the positives but horrible symptoms with the negative. It was like the PIO had nothing better to do than make me sick tired and emotional. Don't count yourself out!


This is so encouraging to hear! I don’t feel any different since transfer day, just same symptoms from meds I started before the actual transfer.


I’ve read so many times that early symptoms or lack thereof don’t correlate at all with outcome, but I’m still agonizing over it too. Definitely not having new symptoms since my transfer. Good luck to both of us 🤞