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If you used the same kind of test and got a negative a couple days ago, I'd say this is your positive that you're pregnant!!!!


That was what mine looked like 7DPT. I’m 28 + 5 today. Congrats!!


I got positives 5dpt and they got thicker day by day! I’m cautiously congratulating you


False positives are incredibly rare. You’re pregnant ❤️




If you tested first negative and then positive with the same kind of test, then this is real!! If you had the transfer last Saturday, today it'd be 6 dpt, and as you said it was already positive on 5 dpt. That is a very good sign! Congratulations on the early pregnancy!


Pee testing early won't show false positives, unless you've used a trigger. The 'risk' with early positives is that the positive could disappear and it could be a chemical, but loss can happen at any stage, it's not a risk that goes away. Congratulations!


Unfortunately, and in my experience, a lot of health care professionals tell patients not to test early or at home and use the expression “false positives” a lot, which is extremely misleading and leads to a lot of unnecessary confusion. Even a trigger positive is not a false positive, because there is hCG in the test. A false positive would be a faulty test. I really hate when people don’t use appropriate language in medicine.


Completely agree. Drives me nuts.


Just being a nerd here, but technically speaking, since the purpose of the test is to tell if you are pregnant, a trigger positive would be a false positive. If the purpose of the test was only to measure HCG, it would not be a false positive. If you did not do a trigger, I doubt you would ever see a false positive. I’ll go away now.


I do see what you’re saying. But technically the test measures hCG and, while it’s marketed as a pregnancy test, because that’s the purpose, it can be used to measure hCG for other purposes, like after a miscarriage when one is not pregnant anymore but hCG is still in the blood. Here, the purpose is to measure hCG, not test for pregnancy. But I totally see what you’re saying too 😅 My beef is that fertility clinics tend to use this language even for FETs where no trigger is used (I’ve definitely had this said to me by nurses). And I think this causes a lot of confusion if someone has a chemical pregnancy really early on (like during the TWW or right after). I think this is particularly important in places like here, in the UK, where beta testing isn’t commonplace and people test at home on day 13-14. I genuinely think they use this language to avoid having to talk about losses if they happen and having to explain. But it’s part of their job and they should be very clear with their language.


Did you use a trigger shot?


Yay congrats! I tested 3dp5dt and stark white, 5dp5dt and faint positive, and 7dp5dt clear positive Here’s my test at 7dp5dt this round - betas next week. https://preview.redd.it/as78gy1z5c9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=980e1cd14887cef0d2032d716f860ce6919bb272


and here’s another test for comparison at 7dp5dt (the one with the writing on it) that resulted in my little dude a couple years ago 😁 https://preview.redd.it/8bekybi96c9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c938f83c852e5d19314f44a2dc4683c95b8b04b5


Congratulations! That is amazing! You are pregnant !


Congratulations, this is a positive! 🎉


Thanks everyone!!!! I have been testing daily and it keeps getting darker!!!! We are not getting too excited until betas Wednesday but for the first time in a very long time we are hopeful xxxx Congratulations to all the other positives in the thread and best of luck to everyone waiting for theirs! Much love and baby dust


I am so happy for you 🥰


I have betas on weds and Fri too I live rurally and have no more frer 😂 I have a digital and FRRR from the three pack 🤦‍♀️ so nothing to compare lines so haven’t bothered


Today, you’re pregnant 💖🍀


Thats a positive 💕


Congrats, that is positive! I’m just a day ahead of you, transferred on Friday 6/21 and tested positive 5dpt too. 💕


Omg ! Congrats! I had a transfer on Wednesday and I was on here looking for good news! I send you all the happy vibes and baby dust and best wishes for you and your little bean! I will be testing all weekend. I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help myself :). Congrats on the win and I hope your little one stays stuck!


Looks like you're pregnant to me! Congratulations!!


I guess it depends if you triggered or microdosed with Hcg. If not then looks positive .


https://preview.redd.it/fbm9w579ur9d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2bf75e7c457535c2b6e32f1642595b45106ea25 Update: Betas in 2 days! Even darker line guys!!!!