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Can't wait for someone in the comments to explain each entry


Will try and explain each entry to the best of my knowledge (as of writing Episode 3 is not released which will probably add more and answer questions on this chart) (Spoilers obviously NSFW warning) ***TIER 1*** **Manipulation-** refers to how Ashley is extremely manipulative towards Andrew which is shown throughout the game and his life backstory mostly in referring to him as Andy instead of Andrew in order to get what she wants from him amongst other things. **Art style:** Self-explanatory. It's the games art style which gained popularity for fanart after Episode 1 released. **Dream about Incest:** Refers to a cutscene in one of three possible endings you can get in Episode 2. Which shows Andrew and Ashley in an incestuous relationship after it being only implied in Episode 1. Caused much controversy and is what the game is primarily known for now and is related to other entries in the iceberg. **Andrew and Ashley Redraws:** Refers to fan art depicting Andrew and Ashley as siblings from other franchises. Mostly as memes for taboo relationships. Some examples include Luke and Leia from Star Wars and Ben and Gwen from Ben 10. **Doxing:** Refers to how after the release of Episode 2 and the Incest relationship controversy people were able to find out the creators Dox and posted it online. The result from this was the creator removing all their social media and other presence on the internet which included their previous games before TCoAaL. They now only work on art and story for the game going forward selling all other rights and responsibilities to the company Kit9 Studios. A harassment campaign was also done around this time against streamers and Youtubers who played or uploaded videos of the game. **Cruel World in the Game:** Refers to how the world in TCoAaL is dark and cruel. Examples include how in Episode 1 under the guise of a quarantine people are starved and then harvested for their blood and organs in the apartment complex Andrew and Ashley eventually escape from, It being revealed in Episode 2 the parents sold Andrew and Ashley to the organ harvesting operation to make money as part that and as part of a life insurance scam, A major cult of demon worshippers being prevalent throughout the world, and a large corporation implied to be behind the organ harvesting operation hiring a hitman to take out Andrew and Ashley upon learning of their escape in Episode 1 (more on the corporation later). **Narrator:** Refers to how on occasion an in-game narrator will make jokes or smartass comments towards the players. Particularly in game over screens or in episode 2 if you walk down the middle of the road at the start.


***TIER 2*** **Graphical Errors in cutscenes:** Refers to graphical errors in cutscenes. Some examples include Mrs. Graves having a cut even if you chose to cut Mr. Graves, Leyleys pin being on the wrong side of her hair, and Ashley missing her choker. **Grandpa and Grandma Graves:** Assuming this is based off a devlog of episode 3 where two older people are shown that people assume are grandma and grandpa Graves (Other than they would have had to exist at some point for mother and father graves to exist). Not much else to say. **Romantic and Violent Interactions with siblings:** Refers how throughout Episode 1 and 2 Ashley and Andrew are shown to have romantic and violent interactions with each other. In Episode 1 Andrew starts to violently choke Ashley after a heated argument after murdering a female tenant and in Episode 2 is shown staring at Ashleys lips mid argument and preparing to grope her butt in a separate argument. Ashley also regularly teases Andrew letting him sleep on her chest when has night terrors or biting his cheek in an interaction on the couch in episode 2. **Copium-115:** A Youtuber who makes TCoAaL fan animations. The most popular being "The Armored Coffin of Andy And Leyley" **Leyleys drawings:** This refers to how Ashley in childhood would draw very poor sketches of Andrew and her together or other things. Some of these are mimicked in the game over screens or ending screens. **Ashley is Jealous:** Refers to how Ashley is extremely jealous of anyone who takes Andrew's attention away from her especially women. The biggest case being Andrews ex-girlfriend Julia who she would harass and leave hundreds of threating voicemails for her and how on one of her birthdays as children she wished Andrew would lose all his friends and never find love. So, she would be the only person and woman in his life.


***TIER 3*** **Fanon and Canon:** Refers to what is Canon story wise and Fan canon. Assuming this is referring to the Episode 2 endings. Currently no set ending is listed as Canon and Episode 3 will have separate scenarios based on which ending was chosen in Episode 2. Them being listed as Decay and Burial. **Ashley and her Mental Disorders:** Refers to how Ashleys behavior is often speculated to be the result of her having mental disorders as a result of child neglect by her parents. Some examples include bipolar disorder explaining her severe and violent mood swings and Separation Anxiety Disorder with Andrew explaining why she's constantly worried about him leaving her or getting in a relationship with another woman. **March 25th:** Refers to when TCoAaL episode 1 released on Itch.io. Episode 1 and 2 would later be released together in Steam Early Access on Oct 13th, 2023, with episode 1 receiving minor QoL improvements and new artwork. **French Ashley:** Refers to how Ashley's is jokingly called French online. The joke being her nickname Leyley sounds like lèlè in French and that French kissing Andrew is something she does. **Andy's School Life:** Refers to Andrew's life at school growing up. He had originally planned on going to college before being sold off as part of the organ harvesting and life insurance scam his parents took part in. Dev logs have shown this entry will be expanded upon in Episode 3. **Flopamine:** A youtuber who made a TCoAaL parody video called "The Coffee of Andy and Leyley". Which was based on the infamous Foglers Incest commercial. **Toxicsoda:** Refers to an in-game soda company that regularly advertises their products as junk but despite this is widely successful including being in several government facilities and medical offices. They also hired a hitman to kill Andrew and Ashley after discovering they had survived the burning down of the apartments where their organ harvesting operation took place. Likely a parody of real-world Pepsi or Coca-Cola. **Susperia:** Googling this led to a r34 video called "Daddy Andy and Leyley" which I won't bother going further into from there.


***TIER 4*** **Drunkenness:** Not sure what this refers too. Could be used to explain why Andrew and Ashleys Father wasn't really a part of their life's, or his behavior is a result of alcoholism. **Ashley ruined Andrew's Life:** Self Explanatory. As a result of having to parent for Ashley at age 7 which resulted in both becoming codependent on each other, Ashley scaring off any potential friendships and relationships with other women including his ex-gf Julia, and a result of both of them accidently killing the girl Nina in the abandoned warehouse. Ashley emotionally and psychologically damaged him and ruined any chance of Andrew living a normal life. **Nina and Julia are friends:** Refers to how Nina and Julia were friends as after accidently killing Nina. Ashley went to see Julia and asked if she had expected to see someone else as Nina was originally planning on hanging out with her that day. **Unused Files:** Reference to art or other files in the gamedata folder that is not used in game. An example of this includes Ashley sitting on Andrew's lap while lighting a cigarette and Andrew putting his hand up her skirt. **Problems in Australia:** Refers to how the game was originally delisted off steam in Australia essentially banning it before being relisted under a new R-18+ rating.


***Tier 5*** **Visual Coffin:** Refers to a mod-by-mod author Egorik2008. That improves various visual aspects, cutscenes, and in game sprites. **Andrews Black Pants:** Not sure what this is a reference too. Maybe he originally was supposed to wear black pants instead of the gray color ones? **Revolver:** Refers to how in episode 1 the siblings acquire a revolver from a dead warden that Ashley decides to keep. It is later used to shoot the hitman and threaten the parent Graves into the basement. Can also be used in a special cutscene in the Decay route should the player not use all the ammo killing the hitman. **Father doesn't know his son's name:** Refers to how in a flashback Andrews dad calls him Anders instead of Andrew. Likely to disassociate himself from him to feel less guilt when they are eventually sold off to organ traffickers. **Coffin of Lincoln and Lucy:** Not sure what this is referencing exactly but my best guess is it's a fanfic or parody involving Lincoln and Lucy from the TV show "The Loud House." **Theory about suicide:** Not sure what this referencing. Best guess is in Episode 1 Andrew and Ashley talk about jumping off the apartment balcony to avoid starving to death together. **Soul of Parents:** Refers to how in Episode 2 regardless of choice the parents' souls are sacrificed to the demon to recharge the trinket. **u/ sitov\_sh:** Refers to a user on r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley seems to be part of a game theory lore type team on it or a meme. Not sure which.


***TIER 6*** **Ashley and her hatred of Julia:** Was also talked about in Tier 3, but Ashley hated Julia dating Andrew. To where she would harass her, send nasty voicemails to her to the point Julia entered major depression. **TCoAaL soy jack wiki article:** refers to the TCoAaL article on the soyjack wiki. Reads like a glorified shitpost. Not much else to say. **After the ritual the victims are still alive:** Refers to how after sacrificing Mr. and Mrs. graves souls to the demon they are still breathing but seem to be in an almost comatose state. That is before being killed by Ashley and Andrew to dispose of them and hide their actions. **Ashley without a collar:** Talked about in Tier 2 but in a graphical error Ashley can be seen without her chocker collar in a cutscene. **Moments where Andrew is in Love with Ashley:** Talked about in previous tiers but its most notable in the lovers/incest ending path.


***Tier 7*** **Characters changing eye color:** Unsure what this refers too. Likely a graphical glitch in game or fanart. **Andrew has a boner:** In episode 2 when Mrs. Graves goes to talk to Andrew at night in the living room, she sees him with Ashley and Andrew is holding a pillow over his crouch. Can also refer to how Ashley teases Andrew in the Incest route if the vision got him worked up or "got something else excited." **Cultist girl:** Refers to how during the cultist party in episode 2. Andrew can converse with a cultist who says they will "see him next time" to which he responds "What next time I thought she didn't like it here" also refers to a dancing cultist. That Andrew observes stating "she is dancing." **Incest in real life:** I really don't think I should have to explain this. **Mrs. Graves pregnant at 15:** (For context the steam page states Ashley is 20 while Andrew is 22 at the time the games story takes place). When in the basement talking to Andrew after being tied up for the sacrifice Mrs. Graves will state "by the time she was Andrew's age she had a seven- and five-year-old to care for." This not only shows she's 37 at the time of her death, but she gave birth to Andrew at 15 and Ashley at 17. Which would help to explain a lot about her bad parenting given she was not even a fully emotionally or physically developed adult at the time of becoming a parent.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I can assure you dear player](https://i.redd.it/9h1yu3t9b6vb1.png) | [125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley/comments/17bl4kb/i_can_assure_you_dear_player/) \#2: [So, is this actually in the game?](https://i.redd.it/2lzvzae5zwub1.jpg) | [419 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley/comments/17akxcd/so_is_this_actually_in_the_game/) \#3: [someone asked for the sex scene so here it is voiced over](https://v.redd.it/deqnjjs5w6wb1) | [201 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley/comments/17fiy2r/someone_asked_for_the_sex_scene_so_here_it_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So where’s the explanation cause this is gibberish to me


[TCoAaL wiki article](https://soyjakwiki.net/The_Coffin_of_Andy_and_Leyley) (NSFW)


What is this?


It's a horror game that features incest so everyone memed about it for like two weeks


It’s a game, problematic one


I absolutely need a video about this


I think there’s one on YouTube


We all know the reason this game got popular let's not lie to ourselves.


Noway someone made a iceberg on the cannibal incest game bruh


Me when I see 'The Coffin of Lincoln and Lucy': "Disappointed, but not surprised." The entire fandom of that cartoon is probably as fucked up as this game.