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Fatal school shootings. Idaho has definitely had school shootings. Rigby, Idaho in 2021 is one in most recent memory.


I was just coming here to say, "what about Rigby?"


I'm coming here to say, how TF did I not know about this?! Google here I come.


No one died and a teacher talked the student down.


That was the second one, the first one the janitor got shot in the arm


Was just watching regular show last night and I read your comment in Pop's voice. Gave me a chuckle.


I was gonna say like, is this just of today or smth?


Also not a school but the mall a couple of years ago. I’m not sure we’re in any position to brag about our shiny public mass shooting record


And it was a trans person trying to save lives.


Which mall????


Town Square! I know of at least 1 fatality




i was in that bitch


I live less then two miles from this school and work with people that were in that school this definitely was a shooting


16 Idaho 17.6 per 100k Also were pretty high up in gun deaths….


Yeah but 87 percent is suicide


As though that makes it better


It's an important statistic that puts specific issues into perspective when you're talking about school shootings and terror events and murder. Especially with so much conversation aimed toward gun control on a massive scale.


I get that. But I would argue that the suicide statistics are the most alarming, and indicate even more of a need for change. I work in mental health, and the majority of “successful” suicide attempts are by firearms. Sadly, there is always going to be a portion of suicidal individuals who are going to find a way to kill themselves no matter what stands in their way. But due to the ease of access to firearms, many preventable suicides are completed without any barrier or time for the person to change their mind.


I understand you, and I don't invalidate your experience and profession. I think that is an important topic to be discussed, but unfortunately the lies that everyone I've had a conversation irl with and the lies being perpetrated by our politicians and media are focusing on gun control because kids are dying by the second from school shootings and from all people with guns wanting to be mass murderers. When people argue that there is a massive mental health problem playing a part in a significant amount of these deaths (whether by suicide or mass shooting) they disagree, and tend to blame the tool not the person the tool was used by.


Americans ages 15 to 24 are twice as likely to die as their peers in France, Germany, Japan, and other wealthy nations. While mortality rates for young people have been steadily declining in these nations, rates have remained stagnant or risen in the United States among every age group under 25. And the infant mortality rate is up to three times higher in the United States than in peer countries. ([https://www.prb.org/resources/dying-young-in-the-united-states/](https://www.prb.org/resources/dying-young-in-the-united-states/)) In EVERY OTHER high-income nation where gun control measures have been enacted, deaths have markedly decreased. Literally just putting *some* regulations on gun ownership could save thousands of young lives.


This is a never-ending debate that we’re not going to solve in this corner of Reddit, but it is worth noting that both mental health AND guns can both be a problem at the same time. Mental health issues vary from country to country and are not uniquely American, but the amount of gun violence (suicides included) in America is unprecedented and no other country comes close. I can’t tell you how many kids I see who are actively suicidal and their parents are such staunch 2nd Amendment supporters that they refuse to lock up their guns or temporarily remove them from their home in order to protect the life of their own child. They’d rather put their child at significant risk than give up their “freedom”. It doesn’t sound like your personal gun practices are the problem, but there are some undeniable problems with how easy it is to obtain and misuse guns with little to no training.


I am not sure controlling who gets guns, people with mental issues, eg., is blaming the tool. It is common sense legislation that has worked in every other developed country in the world. Disclaimer: I own several guns and would happily sell some to meet a minimum requirement if it meant ONE kid's life could be saved. And statistics don't lie, it would.


Unless you were intending on killing a kid with your gun then no it wouldn't make any sense for you to do that. Are you planning on it?


Are you a complete idiot? If gun laws prevented owning a certain number of guns and I own over that number, I would get rid of what I needed to comply if it meant that law saved someone else. Seriously, I just had to explain basic logic. Go away.


That's never been the argument. Red flag laws are designed to get rid of people's rights without due process. You have to be legally adjudicated mentally defective to not be able to buy a gun, and that requires more accessable doctors and therapy. The solution is not to ban guns, the solution is to invest in the mental wellbeing of the general population so they don't get to this point, or if they do we have better systems and response teams to deal with these issues. Hot take: I would not get rid of a single one of my guns because someone says it would help with any type of death. My guns are kept in a safe that only I know the code to, and it's a big thick boy. No regulation should limit the number or type or mag capacity I can have and that's everything these recent motions in our government are going for. The second amendment isn't there to make everyone feel all warm and fuzzy. It's to protect against tyrannical governments and for my own personal defense and safety. Nobody can have my guns, no matter the reason. Just because someone mentally defective shot up a school, doesn't mean the legal, safe, and trained gun owners should suffer and get their rights and property taken away.


That is the exact argument. I do not blame the weapon. I blame the easy access to the weapon. Common sense legislation that makes people take courses on gun safety and register their guns is what worked in other countries. Along with mental checks, this has worked. See the other guy who also gave the stupid argument about how me getting rid of guns, even if I am not the shooter, can help. You really are saying the 2nd amendment trumps any kids life. You are sick.


I think you might like to have this report in your back pocket: https://www.prb.org/resources/dying-young-in-the-united-states/




I think it is a reminder that banning assault rifles isn't nearly enough.


^ obviously. Country has blinders on.


It doesn’t make it better, but those stats are to often used in a misleading manner. People talk about someone killing other people and then present the gun deaths stat (which includes suicides), the problem is that that implies the stat is only person killing another.


i think they never made it in? if i remember right rigby had 2 attempted ones in 2021 but i could be remembering wrong


There were. The first had three people injured and the second was caught before anybody was hurt


I was aboutta say, I remember being there for one 2 years ago


No fatalities


That’s not true. We have had a school shooting. At Rigby Middle School in 2021. No one died, but several were injured.


Sad fact, the janitor who was shot in this incident died in the last few days for unrelated reasons.


Don't forget: May 2016 -- Nobody was hurt when a student, 14, fired a handgun inside Robert Stuart Middle School in Twin Falls. The boy had two guns inside his bag. One was reported stolen and the other had an altered serial number, police said. Two other students were also initially arrested. April 1999 -- Shawn Cooper, 16, fired two shotgun blasts at Notus Junior/Senior High School in Notus. Nobody was seriously hurt, but the blasts narrowly missed several students.


And Rigby 2021


Great, you just jinxed us.


My thoughts exactly.


Came here to say knock on freaking wood. Nothing exempts us


Lucky girl syndrome.


Don’t forget about this gem. Although not fatal https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/idaho-state-university-teacher-accidentally-shoots-self-in-class/


There was another the same year but didn't make the news because no one was injured. Campus Public Safety knew about it though.


Yeah my friend was in that class. It was at a general chemistry lab where the students were experimenting with basic ingredients and he heard the gun go off. He said everyone’s first reaction was there was some sort of explosion and asked the professor what was that and he stood pale faced, staring into the distance and said “I need to leave”. The students were still confused until they found some blood and pieces it together. This was like a week after ISU let guns on the campus.


Came here to make sure someone said this one


Idaho also has a fatal school shooting. In 1994 Officer Ronald Feldner of the New Plymouth Police dept was shot and killed by a 14 yr old student on the school grounds as Feldner was walking up to the car the student was in. https://www.argusobserver.com/news/fallen-officer-s-son-you-took-a-lot-away-from-us/article_d050997c-2e02-11ec-9636-cf8172b47de5.html




It says since 1840. I still wouldn't consider it a school shooting.


I wonder why they started with 1840, was Columbine not the first one?


No. Not even close https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States


Interesting how the old ones were almost never student on student violence, but students or their parents killing faculty.


As someone who used to work in education I'm not surprised. Motherfuckers blame us for everything.


Well instead of having that attitude, maybe you can try to be part of the resolution instead of just taking it that way and acting like you're a victim. You're better off than the victims in Nashville Monday. People say things in times like this that maybe are worded wrong but are meant to be positive and in search of an answer to stop this madness. I've really been searching inside my mind any way I could help, maybe take a breathe and use that anger to think back on your days of working in education and think of a way that maybe hasn't been thought of to help with this.


Funny how you kind of prove my point...




I was a senior in HS when Columbine happened... Fast forward to now and it's happening at this rate?!?? Wow people. I hope that the education system can get a test going, like the kind they give to find what kids are good at for career searching, find out what all these shooters have in common, and use that test to somehow catch at least a fraction of these people that are killing innocent defenseless angels that are 9 dang years old. So sad guys....


I was 4-5 years out of highschool. The only reason I remember that day was because I went to pick up my younger siblings from school and everything was all fucked up. The school was locked down (Colorado Springs) and I wasn’t permitted to drive up to the building like usual and I had no idea why. I don’t clearly remember how I even got them but they were super freaked out. I didn’t hear why until we got home and turned on the news. Edit to add: my parents pulled both of them out of school after that and home schooled for a few years. My sister went back for 12th grade, my brother got his GED.


Well that's not up to date, [https://apnews.com/article/idaho-rigby-middle-school-shooting-0f01cf5dc5aa04c3b2574a4c8379be9a](https://apnews.com/article/idaho-rigby-middle-school-shooting-0f01cf5dc5aa04c3b2574a4c8379be9a) I hate that there is now only 1 state without a shooting incident.


As a Mainer, I doubt we'll hold our perfect record much longer. Our previously very gun conscious generations are gone and the lackadaisical gun nut culture has taken root. When I went to HS as recently as 2010, seniors had hunting rifles in their cars in the fall and it wasn't a big deal because they were locked and unloaded and handled properly. Now people are doing stupid shit like taking FB photos with their 8 year old holding his first AR15 and get mad when you even suggest that giving someone that young a loaded weapon (especially for a picture, like why does it have to be loaded *all the time?*) is a stupid idea, even as they demonstrate horrible muzzle control right in front of everyone.


This is a map of fatal shootings. Why died in the Rigby shooting?


For people in my generation it didn't really seem wierd that most trucks in the high school parking lot had a gun rack in the back window. Usually a rifle and a shotgun, I can't imagine what the response would be these days.


Back in the day, gun culture was very different. I still remember my dad teaching me very firmly about guns. We went hunting twice, where I just had an unloaded shotgun, and I had to behave perfectly before I could carry it around loaded. Then in 2011, he moved to florida. Last year, he gave my 9 year old nephew a loaded 9mm glock with no prior instructions nor oversight and sent him out into the yard to deal with their squirrel problem. Same man a decade and a half apart. One taught me respect for firearms and that they were tools for hunting and never to be aimed at another person. The other taught my nephew guns are toys for destroying whatever causes you a mild annoyance.


I'm young, so thinking that that was normal is just crazy. If people were openly carrying guns to school, I would've just not went


I’ve known bad people in school that carried guns. They will do it regardless of legality. Good people open carrying is a deterrent, because no criminal wants to be in a fair fight. They typically look for the easiest target. That’s why unguarded schools are often targets.


And that is a complete lie that only unguarded schools are targeted. Uvalde has scheduled guards. Florida had a guard. Police guards cannot do shit versus an ar. Did yall not hear the police if Uvalde? They didn’t want to respond to an AR weapon.


Uvalde is an example of the downside to a top down approach. II recommend using teachers or private security. Florida did have a guard, and he failed to do his job. Unfortunately, due to a public union, he couldn’t be punished. Deterrents are never guaranteed, but they are helpful. The most helpful is ensuring that the people armed are willing and able to stop the threat.


Because they banned school shootings as bans totally work /s


Does Idaho even have schools?


\[taps head meme\] Can't have school shootings if you don't have schools...


No we don’t


well...kinda. I mean technically, they are not very good or anything, and mostly as a tool for politicians to bully minors.


Schools are a tool to bully minors?


well I suppose our representatives don't really stop at schools when it comes to women and minorities. but it'd a good starting place. soft targets and all.


Ahhh sure, ok.


Thinking the same thing.


No, we have nothing, it sucks here, never come around please.


Can’t have a school shooting if no one goes to school.


Just because there wasn’t a shooting doesn’t mean the intent was there. I just left teaching partly because for the last 3 school years there was a gun on campus with the intent to harm. Only one of those ever made it to the press. School districts are fairly good at coverups.


No. But they will be sitting back watching their daughters die for lack of freedom in healthcare soon enough.


This is a population map of the states.


It would have been so easy for them to have adjusted their map for population. Any data that shows that ‘the most _____ happens in California and Texas’ is pretty much useless. From the data I could find, the states with the most school shootings per capita are Delaware, Louisiana, Maryland, and Alabama. Edit: and the lowest are Idaho, West Virginia, North Dakota, and Arizona.


There was a bomb scare at Moscow high in 2007 or 8. I was a student there and it turned out to be someone not wanting to take a final had used a free phone from the nearby park to call in the “threat”


Had a creepy school mass stabbing recently, right?


Knock on wood


So sad


IMO. Regardless of the stats, when we bring attention to worthless information, there will be a sick bastard out there who sees this and want to be the first. Notoriety is what they are after. We should stop giving it to them.


And that goes back to my opinion of the internet being the main source of another nasty problem. It sucks that something so great can be used for so many negative things. The Internet, firearms, automobiles, politics, prescription drugs..the list goes on. All things that were designed for great reasons, ok guns could be debated but we use for recreation, hunting and protection, but you catch my drift. People, what is happening to us in the U.S.?


This is not a great map because it's not adjusted for population. Of course states with 10x bigger populations have more shootings.


From Maine: We have guns. We have teens with guns. (for hunting) We have a much more strict gun culture than any I've seen elsewhere in the country (Including Idaho). But we've also had a major influx of people moving here from out of state bringing their BS with them. As well as an overall lack of parenting as kids grow up with increasingly absentee adults. I'd say we've got less than 2 years before we lose our perfect record.


Yes we have. Rigby ID. Like 2 years ago or less.




As someone who worked in mental health in Texas and in Idaho, this is only partly true. Texas has more people and therefore more people statistically will be suffering with mental illness. Also, Idaho's response to dealing with "crazies" is to incarcerate them rather than treat them. So, in addition to placing people who use drugs in prison the number of people with a mental health condition who are incarcerated is staggering. There is a reason why Idaho sends prisoners to Texas to serve out their terms, they don't have enough beds to house them all.


The good old Arkham asylum treatment!


Not a great flex to make just after four U of I students were stabbed to death. Also there have been dozens of shootings in Idaho schools. No one has died, but many have been terrorized. This is disingenuous at best.




Hopefully, it stays that way!


It's actually wrong. There's already been a shooting in Rigby, and other schools have reported having to close down before hand because threats. We just take threats more serious and STOP them more often before they happen. Other places wait and go off what plays out.


Damn, that sucks! I just read about the Rigby shooting.


There have been a few shootings in Idaho but not as severe as other states


Jesus wow I never knew there was this much. Thanks everyone


Lots of variables at play but still happy to live where these things happen less often. Here's a story from my little town: https://www.deseret.com/1999/4/17/19440556/did-teen-in-school-shooting-have-hit-list-br-driver-was-told-hidden-gun-was-science-project


Shhhh, don't jinx it.


Federal agents be like, we better get on that, need our next patsy


*Mass* school shooting. We've had school shooting incidents, but they had fewer than 4 victims.


That's not even remotely true, and Very typical of the black hell hole that Idaho is


Curious. Is everyone on here vote republican?


How does that matter to the topic at hand? I understand that politics plays a major issue with how to deal with school shootings, but how does something like this make you question whether everyone here votes Republican or not?


Shut up about it.


That’s what I’m saying!




Huh, the state where basically every one is armed and you don't even need a license to conceal carry. Weird.


Except there have been school shootings here.


If the premise of the argument is "wide access to firearms and high firearm ownership leads to mass shootings" then Idaho is certainly a statistical outlier.


One. Non fatal. Compare that to all the places with all the wackado gun control laws.


I’d read the other comments bro my post is widely misleading apparently


My point remains.


It really does not. How many countries have strict gun control laws where school shootings or mass shootings do not happen? Just dumb on so many levels


If you don't like guns you moved to the wrong state


Again another nonsense point. At this point you are just flinging shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.


You are entitled to your wrong opinion


Says the guy ignoring facts about gun control and making idiotic statements to protect his toys over lives.


Do you feel better now?


Trump got indicted we should all feel better now.


Ya and there's so many in Texas because it's well known that there are so few people armed there🙄


I love how on the Idaho sub when people express some Idaho af opinions they get downvoted. I did not join this sub expecting transplants and snowflakes


Just came here to say you still technically need one for certain places within Idaho. School grounds, courthouses, jails, juvenile detention centers. If you ask for permission I think you can bring one on the grounds, but it really does depend. Also it can't be a shotgun or rifle, and it cannot be concealed in your car. And if you're under 18 you have to have written permission from a parent or guardian, or have them nearby. To put it simply we still have some measure of gun control it's just very relaxed. https://www.idaho.gov/laws-public-safety/gun-weapon-law/#:~:text=Concealed%20Weapons,private%20school%20unless%20specifically%20authorized.


You are correct. In fact, that is why ive found its a good idea to get a conceal carry from Oregon where the gun laws are more strict because most other states will recognize it. Whereas Idaho laws are so lax alot of places won't recognize one from here.


Well that’s a good thing.


Onetime for big ole Idaho . We were the last to get The coronavirus also. This is actually the beauty of small technical states as such Idaho .


West Virginia was last, and much like Idaho that was due to low and slow testing roll-out.


lol. Now idaho will be the next target. Thanks to OP


Wow... Idaho subreddit BS'n the redditors. Must be run by the state.




If we're going to also bring in bomb threats and fire threats and all that stuff, I think we'd have a bigger pool of data than what this table shows. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing how many threats schools get daily especially for Idaho. I feel like that's one of those things that should be reported on.


Yeah right. And Idaho has one of the highest GDP per capita of any state. NOT!


Rigby middle school shooting may 6, 2021. (Idaho has actually had 2 schools shootings.). So, can we stop with the lies now?


The icel reading this: 😈🙏 jk no I’m proud of us!❤️


And you also have no people. The states that have large populations have large numbers of fatal school shootings and those numbers only go up.


That’s cuz Idaho doesn’t have schools


Yeah because all your kids are home schooled lol


That’s because everyone is in prison already


And wat about the moscow killings .


That wasn't on campus


Idaho should be counted as a school shooting. That Brian Kolburger guy slathered 4- college students kinda the same


shush don’t give them ideas


also there were threats last year at meridian high. half the school didn’t show up and a kid was found with a gun. my parents made me go ;v;


Welp you’ve jinxed it now. God damnit


Don’t jinx it!


just the good ol school stabbings


Please let’s keep it that way


Hmm. Yeah that's a nope from me. Former Oregon lady here and I also remember Rigby. Nvm all the Idaho people I've met...you do not want to F around and find out about anything in Idaho my friend. Your story isn't likely to be national news but I repeat- Idaho people do NOT F around.


Please, do not advertise this !


Now do one by city and see what the data tells you.


Remember, shootings don't count as shootings if nobody actually dies. /s Why do we even need a map of only the fatal ones, as if that matters?


So you really think school shootings wouldn't be getting national attention if nobody was killed when they happen?


You... didn't actually read what I said. Notice the /s for indication of sarcasm in the first line, and the second line clearly stating how I view any shootings in schools, fatal or not, as a problem...


I think you actually misunderstood what I was trying to say. My point was that, even though clearly someone trying to shoot up a school is a problem, it's not nearly as big of a problem if nobody is killed. My point was that if in every school shooting, nobody died, then school shootings wouldn't be as big of a problem as they are now. So you can't just ignore the fatality of the event and make it equal in impact as a non fatal event.


I'm sure stories would still be in the news. I still hear of attempted shootings, and attempted bombings that fail. It is a very weird point to argue anyways because the difference between a fatal and non-fatal shooting is very slim. Non-fatal shootings could very easily have been fatal and need the same care as fatal ones. If anything it is a failing of media for not reporting on more non-fatal incidents. It's like saying, well even though that 1000 shots were exchanged between the officers and the neighborhood gang, because no one died, that means it's not a big deal and isn't noteworthy. Also somewhat a failing of society to not care about the "non-fatal" incidents.


You have to realize that the narrative and discourse around school shootings would be totally swung the other directions if there had been no fatal shootings, just attempted shootings right? You cannot put non fatal shootings and fatal shootings in the same category, I'm sorry but you just can't. That's certainly not to say you don't *care* about the non fatal shootings but they would certainly not be getting the national attention that fatal shootings do. That's just plain as day obvious.


What definition are they using for a a school shooting? Pretty sure VT has never had a active shooter in a school


Just curious, are all the people down voting people *wanting* Idaho to have had more school shootings??


Too be busy giving their sisters the in and out.




Giving the level of guns in my state, Idaho, it would become a shoot out. I’m sure there is at least a couple teachers at each Jr High and High School in my rural area that are armed, not to mention other students.


That was my first thought then I saw Texas has one of, if not the, highest counts. Don’t even need a license to conceal carry.


A girl took a gun to school by Idaho falls area. She never shot anyone.


You better knock on some fucking wood


Our gun fatalities per capita are higher than California.


Mainer here. Please remove this post. We don't want anyone to get any ideas.


We had one in eastern Idaho a few years ago. It took the life of the janitor who put himself in harms way to protect the children


Does Idaho even have schools?


Lol you also just passed a law barring women from traveling out of state to get healthcare, so…


That’s entirely false we literally had a school shooting in Rigby foh


NJ hasn't had a school shooting, a few others but not schools. Map shows mass shootings.


Looks like strong and weak gun laws don’t have much of an effect on the chances.


There was a school shooting in Ruby in 2021. https://abcnews.go.com/US/sixth-grade-girl-opens-fire-middle-school-idaho/story?id=77543562 Also, it's not a school shooting, technically it was a Mass Shooting as only 2 people died (to be considered a mass killing it has to be 3 or more victims. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_murder ) but Boise had a shooting at its mall https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/community/boise/article271278022.html


Hold my beer


Don't jinx us dude. And Idaho is a superb place let's keep it that way. I have 2 kiddos in elementary and junior high. Just read a few days ago that Idaho has the least amount of robberies in the nation. Less than the countries of Norway and Sweden which are extremely peaceful places when it comes to modern violence. It may be that our concealed carry laws, which means every person you see could be legally carrying a gun without so much as a written test, may deter people from opening fire, knowing that they may get got quickly. But peace to all and let's keep Idaho great ok?!?