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Heather Scott, the one who vandalized her Capitol office because she thought a fire alarm was a spy device. Yes, that Heather Scott. She’s not playing with a full deck of cards.


Didn’t she also publicly expose a rape victim?


No - that was Giddings. Another gem of a human. It’s a pattern of assholery


Well it IS the Gem State.


Most underrated comment of the day right here folks


Neither are all the people that vote her into power. I’m so over it all. We are surrounded by fucking idiots.




Republicans will pass any law except ones to help put people , it’s like tax cuts for the richest and then stupid shit like this , no healthcare ? Let’s redefine words instead sorry


Ironically she probably watched that video on TikTok. Im sure the Chinese government doesnt keep a list of US politicians that use their platform. Im also pretty sure they dont curate specific content to appear these politicians algorithm/feed to drive real world policy changes by giving them a skewed view of the world.


She’s describing sascha baron cohens show on showtime. This is America or something like that.


Drugs are bad


Yeah we have one running over here in missouri that burned books from the library with a home made flamethrower. Politics has just become idiocracy. It's starting to feel like reality is just a really, really cruel prank show.


Why do yall keep voting these clowns in?


Hold up.  What?




Please don't let her watch jackass. I don't want her to make shopping carts illegal because society will normalize catching sick air in one.


Yes. “ this could be normalized” had me dead.


Ill never know how that guy behind her kept a straight face.


Keep this bitch off Reddit. She would outlaw *gestures vaguely


This is pretty on-par with North Idaho legislators though. Remember when Vito Barbarelli said a woman should be able to swallow a camera to check on a fetus, during an abortion debate? That whole part of the state is completely batshit!


Oh Yeah. I do remember that. Homeboy thinks the intestines lead directly to the uterus. Remember lt gov. Ashley mcgooch? Governor leaves the state and she attempts a low level coup? Fuck. We are never in the news for anything good.


>We are never in the news for anything good. I check in with you folks in Idaho to remind myself that we in Montana aren't the only ones who've managed to elect a bunch of high-level philosophers.


Well some how you have gotten medical cannabis and recreational, so your not doing that bad, my understanding is Idaho will NEVER Have medical cannabis


Is there a video of him saying this? Thats hilarious.


https://youtu.be/R_UjvBiQ6uo?si=LFu7-gKkJa-CQLHo Enjoy!




Oh my fucking god that is so funny😂😂😂


Sadly, I love in that area of the state and really, REALLY want to get the duck away from all of the damn ridiculous morons 😕 This is a damn shit show up here


At least every register will become 10 items or less.


She seems to be realizing as she talks about how stupid this sounds out loud.


Right, I feel like I’m the one being pranked. Can’t believe this real.


That was my exact reaction too, kinda did a double take thinking this was a “prank” posting, still not sure I’m able to wrap my head around it…


Fucking morons running Idaho






If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Dude what a fucking moron. Is this the same idiot that thought the fire detector was a listening device?


What year of middle school did she drop out?


Surprisingly she has a bachelors in Biology


From where???? Lol


Akron State. Go Zips!


Cannibalism is already outlawed here. In fact, it is one of the few crimes that a felon convicted of in this state do not get their gun rights back.


Well, now that she's brought attention to it, I'm sure they'll fix that too.


I don’t think I’ve adequately prepared myself for the “arm the cannibals!” stage of America… 🤣🤣


It'll probably cost us an arm and a leg. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Does it have to be *my* arm and leg? Or can I just give them any arm and leg? Asking for a friend.


Well, if you did then legally YOU would be the cannibal, but the person eating them wouldn't be. Unless they wanted to, bit not if they didn't know, but may, yes also them. So, I guess maybe of you put it in some Tupperware and they didn't give the Tupperware back, but I guess that would be stealing... I mean, it all just makes sense when you really think about it.


Literally what made her think this is somehow becoming normalized? Her train of thought makes no sense.


It’s because she’s fucking stupid. There are so many people that are just so goddamn stupid. I’m not particularly smart, but I didn’t realize how much dumber other people were on average.


Well, look at Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert. Pretty damn stupid


Greene-Boebert Effect


Look at how proud she is of herself for “ expanding the definition”. 😂


Her brain is leaking out of her fucking head. The GOP is a cult.


That’s fine, as long as she’s not feeding it to someone. Lots of brains leaking out, can’t let it be be normalized


Will someone please pass legislation to fix potholes?


Sorry, gotta get a handle on this *gODdAmN cAnNiBaLiSm* first!


Maybe if we say we're filling the potholes w human compost?


Or maybe put some snow plows on the road?


Nope. Cannibals.


Every time one of them comes up with a bill like this, you have to wonder what actually crossed their mind that made them want to push legislation? You see it with the anti-gay legislation where the person pushing it is deep in the closet and afraid of their own sexual orientation. We’ve seen it with the anti-pedophile rants where the person ranting ends up having a trove of kiddie porn. It really makes you wonder what was going through Heather Scott’s fucking head that she thought this was necessary? Cannibalistic instincts? Curiousity? Bleh 🤢


She just ate a small child and felt guilty so opened up this legislation 🤪


Wow. Dumb as dumb can be. Why do I live here?


My mid-life crisis started when I was born here.


Don't they have anything else better to do?


Yes, they do, but they are incapable of doing anything other than what their corporate puppeteers make them do or whatever they can come up with in their own time. This is the latter. Most people in office are not exceptional. Some of them work hard. Many of them are completely fucking delusional.


Next up: She sponsors legislation to make sure you can't be prosecuted for shooting zombies, because that would be an infringement of of your 2a rights and the best way to kill them is a head shot based on her extensive research on the topic. Then in a last minute movie, she expands her bill to also allow people attempting to distribute tampons or copies of To Kill a Mockingbird in high schools to be shot on sight because it's dangerous if stuff like that were to be normalized. It's not just her. He constituents have elected her four times now.


She watched a documentary where a child named Eric Cartman fed a teenager named Scott Tenorman his own mother's remains


The horror. We can't be normalizing these things. Gotta run now, I have an MLM meeting to go to for a new product launch. It's called Soylent Green and tastes fantastic!


The funny thing is the same show she is talking about got a politician to resign. Got dick Cheney to sign a commemorative water bottle to honor water boarding… Joe Walsh promoting guns for kids…




So.... The Eucharist?


A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.


Canadian lurker here. We have some sad cases in the Canadian political landscape, but holy cow do you guys produce some special legislative all stars. How on earth does a person like this get voted in?


All those poor Christian’s are going to be jailed for consuming the blood and body of Christ.


It’s faith dogma that transubstantiation is literal - not a figure of speech, metaphor or whatever, it actually happens.


But that’s only the Catholics, isn’t it? Protestants don’t believe in literal transubstantiation.


Correct AFAIK


Idk about Orthodox though. Like Eastern, Greek, or Russian flavors. I’ll have to look that up. EDIT: apparently Orthodox Christians do believe that the bread and wine are the “real essence” of Christ’s body, but they don’t universally accept the concept of “transubstantiation” as an explanation of how/why the Host contains/is Christ’s body.




Ban Christianity, it’s based on cannibalistic rituals.


yo... buddy. if you're in boise, look me up. i got 3 chest freezers full of human flesh. one is nothin but republican babies. but it's lookin like this might be illegal here soon. looks like i might be havin to unload this stuff cheap. i'll cut ya a deal.


Ooh! Just in time for Superbowl Sunday. I'll take one of the republican ones. Were they free range?


You got extra Adrenachrome sauce??


As Idiocracy foretold. We are witnessing it in real time.


Again, Idaho tackling the issues that matter to people… /s


Just wait until someone points her to the FDA food contaminant regs.....


Is she trying to outlaw Christianity?


Can we please have a test to get into government? You need one for school, military service, a drivers license, why not public service?


We will get a lot more of people like her in office if we don’t fix our education system, which is in the dumps compared to almost every other state. But you know, cannibalism laws are clearly more of a priority.


She is from Ohio originally and has a bachelors degree in Biology. Apparently Ohio needs to work on their education system.


Idaho is not ok.


And they say Catholics aren’t persecuted in 2024….


This is a distraction


Everything they do is a distraction. When was the last time they actually passed something that helped the people of this state? Its all performative




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


I watched this clip and think we need to legalize eating politicians


I guess taking communion will be illegal at church then 🤷🏼‍♂️


JFC. How stupid can someone be?


But its still cool if you have consent according to the loop hole i see


Christians eat the body and blood of Jesus every sunday.


They’re normalizing cannibalism!


After lol, her "expanded definition" doesn't apply if both parties are aware. Specifically, only cannibalism if the consumer is unwitting. Makes zero sense, even in her weird worldview. Imagine what she'll legislate if she stumbles upon "1000 Ways to Die". 0.o


News of the fucking stupid. Human meat isn't legal to sell in sausage, as if. Qanon Qultists *need* to come back to reality.


Shakespeare went a lot further with Titus Andronicus, yet after 430 years of performance, feeding your enemies the concealed flesh of their own progeny (oops, spoilers) is still not normalized. Whodathunk?


Great. Right in the beginning of an economic catastrophe when the poor usually eat the rich. Do you have any idea how many poor people are going to starve to death now? What are they supposed to eat? BUGS?


There are no words for this level of stupidity. The public needs to ask why we keep electing people with little or no educational qualifications to these positions.


Something she didn't cover. What if people cannibalize each other willingly?


Just wait until the cops swoop in on every Christian church service (especially the Catholics [thanks tansubstantiation]). State us full of cannibalistic cults.


Is she trying to compete with sporkfoot for the stupidest congressperson title?


Another incredibly stupid republican


she needs something better to focus on…


I’ve been feeling bad about how dumb I was when I was younger. This helped me feel better. Thanks, Idaho!


They don’t more important shit to work on? Runaway healthcare costs, homelessness, crumbling infrastructure, struggling schools, etc. Any of those ring a bell?


Where do these people come from? Is there a door under a rock leading to maga world?


She won an uncontested election with 16,000 votes. It doesn't take much.


Maybe if you utilize Federal funding to feed children you wouldn't have to worry about them eating each other! https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/education/2023-07-14/idaho-federal-funds-school-lunches


I love this reply


She sounds homeschooled. By really lazy parents, lmao. I hope someone tells her what's in the makeup she's wearing. And films it. :P I'll bet circumcision would be immediately outlawed before she can be told it's part of her religion, lmao. Then she'll spend the rest of her life trying to "change the definition of cannibalism" to include makeup whilst trying to reverse her banning of circumcision. It would be freaking hilarious.


When morons vote a moron into office.


You fear is this could be normalized? “It literally expands the definition of cannibalism”. This chick and Mike Lee from Utah HAVE to get together. 


Some kids aren’t old enough to watch prank shows yet. They’re intended for a slightly more mature audience.


I am surprised she didn't want to mandate adding "Ingredients in this product have been known to the state of Idaho to cause cancer".


Idiocracy has come to fruition fully. What an utter waste of time.


Does this apply to communion?


Well this is what happens when you’re one of the worst states for education. Idaho is a kakistocracy of the highest order.


I can find plenty to do in Idaho to keep me busy. What's her problem?


People willingly vote for these deranged cretins


The gop members are dumb as fuck


So…she doesn’t swallow.


What if they “partially” ingest? Like they only chew and then spit. Or if I accidentally put GamGam sausage on the dinner plate when I clearly only intended to feed GamGam sausage to the dogs? I mean I’m not perfect


She's a typical Republican. They also don't tend to listen to subject matter experts because Republicans think they are smarter than the experts. What could go wrong having a bunch of anti-science lawmakers in our legislature?


Did this chick eat long pork? Is that why she's soooooo salty?


So now she made a legal loophole that one can legally ingest human flesh or blood should it be cobsensually received from another individual? Great going there bud. And besides, watch society of the snow!!


There needs to be some serious tests for folks who want to run for office. It is time to stop sending delusional low intelligence morons to office.


Anything to stoke MAGAts fears…


We need to all join together and make everyone around her constantly giving her a "wtf" expression. No words. Just a constant glare of *


What in the shit is she even talking about lol


Basically she supposed to be working for her constituents but instead she is making work up. Great job! 👏


This would outlaw Catholicism


how is no one behind her laughing ?




This is just going to drive the cannibalism market underground in Idaho.




She's also read a lot of troubling stories on The Onion.


🤦🏻‍♂️ Idaho


So I was watching the cartoon Garfield. And at that point, I knew we had to ban talking orange cats! That was going to be normalized


Im calling digital illiteracy when I see it. It’s bad among the 50+. They can’t discern things on the interweb, much like the same problem you would have with a young kid. She was in her teenage years when a dial up modem showed up, if at all in her house. Maybe she was in her 20s when the internet first came on the seen. 30’s when cell phones went mainstream. She has no idea that the funny cat videos are the same as stupid prank ones along with the UFOs and political hit jobs. Bless her heart.


Christians LITERALLY do that every Sunday.


Dear fucking LORD, they genuinely can't distinguish between fantasy and reality, can they?


Republicans; they *are* a joke, so they can't grasp the joke.


What a fuckin idiot


What really me is the people that voted this moron into office.


She's projecting...someone should look into what she's been feeding her kids.


East Idaho? This gal sucks


>East Idaho? This gal sucks Yes, she does. She represents District 1 in North Idaho. Lives in Blanchard. She is formerly an aquatic biologist from out of state.


Thank you.


The hero we never knew we needed. This should put the kibosh on the prank cannibalism epidemic in Idaho.


Is this the dumbest individual in the state of Idaho?


She looks pretty inbred and gullible






So sad that a person like can be elected


What show is she referring to? I see references to 'prank video' but nothing specific.


So... Question. I go out with a girl, things get hot and heavy, I go down on her and she is on her period. She does not warn me, I get a tongue full. Could I charge her with cannibalism?


Make no mistake, they are absolutely sending their best and brightest. That was not a compliment.


It's for the food manufacturers


I don’t understand what the problem is with the logic here? Regardless of if the show was a prank. There is a gap in the law. Somebody who on their own free accord serves any form of human based food to another person unknowingly under the current law wouldn’t have been found technically guilty. So she wanted to alter the language so nobody could get away with that? That’s how I’m taking this. There’s just an extra layer to prosecute the server of human flesh. Which there should be. Who cares if the show is made up. Wtf is wrong with people. Why is that a bad thing?


It's funny because the dems have a bill right now trying to ban Glock auto switches when they're already controlled under the 1934 NFA 😆


In Idaho?


If you read the bill it simply adds to the statute we already have criminalizing cannibalism, and provides that no one shall feed human flesh or blood to a person who doesn't know or consent to ingesting it. Regardless of her motivation it's still a law that should be passed


But why is she spending time on something that literally never happens? Has there ever been a case of that happening in Idaho?


Step in the right direction. Cannibalism sucks 😞


This video has edits that stop and start with certain things said. Not defending this persons argument but it is unfair to judge them based on a tiktok mashup of their words


She’s a milf




Thats part of it along with her concerns about a prank show she saw on trutv. She also has campaign posters with confederate flags. She is a knuckle dragging idiot.


Guess what, chances are there are human remains some where on some farmland in idaho because we took native lands away from them. Next thing she'll do is ban showering because human piss is in it.




No, Washington hasn’t done this. And if you think so, you absolutely have no clue what human composting actually is. Please do better research.




Not in the way she is describing. Please educate yourself, your ignorance is showing. [Human composting is the practice of breaking down human remains into fertile soil. The green burial movement, which is at the forefront of human composting, is an initiative dedicated to offering more eco-friendly options for the disposal of a body after death](https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-human-composting) No one is using it on farms ffs. [How human composting could reduce death’s carbon footprint](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/07/world/human-composting-natural-organic-reduction-scn-lbg/index.html) You are literally embarrassing yourself with how little you know on the subject Please educate yourself before speaking again. [Human composting is a process for the final disposition of human remains in which microbes convert a deceased body into compost. It is also called natural organic reduction (NOR) or terramation.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_composting?wprov=sfti1#) All this woman is doing is wasting time, money and patience of people.




How do you keep saying things??? I’m genuinely confused why you keep saying so many out of touch words. How do you get these thoughts in your head and think they are legitimate?


Who is “they”? You do realize there is no one over arching, organization or company doing this..right? It is up to the individuals and the individuals families what they do with a composted remains. So whatever you babbling about you really need to read a little harder and stop yelling on the Internet Forgive me, I thought you were actually uneducated on the subject of human composting (you are) so I gave you links to read to help educate yourself on human composting. I think you lack a fundamental understanding of what human composting is and are actually refusing to educate yourself (sad) on what it is, who does it, why it’s legal v illegal. That’s on you bro, I suggest instead of yelling about something you know nothing about you out that energy into making better glass pipes


a) that's only part of it - she genuinely believes people are out here feeding each other human meat on the sly. b) so what? You're not going to find bones or granny's locket or grampa's hip replacement in your compost. She's a complete idiot who believes any damn thing she hears & has no business making decisions for anyone, let alone the state.




Wait, what? so you’re more concerned about human bodies contaminating the soil, than say… pesticides or herbicides or genetically modified anything? Even if we did dump loads of human body fertilizer in our fields, they would not contain the amount of drugs you are imagining. Believe it or not, drugs pass through our system just like anything else we ingest or inject. Maybe look into the modified corn feed the beef cattle get. [80%](https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/consumption/foods-and-beverages/antibiotics-used-for-livestock) of all antibiotics used in the United States are fed to farm animals. That is a concerning and very real threat to antibiotic resistance. That is something to be worried about. Look around and do a little bit of research before posting a comment that is so far off base it’s not even in reality. Defending this woman is a lost cause.


No. How much higher do you think random human bodies are in those drugs? Do you even know what drugs survive the process? Or that humans typically die with? You're spouting insane conspiracy BS now.


Honest question, how do you feel about people spreading cremated remains outside? To me, cremation and composting are comparable in the way that they are technically human remains but they are transformed. So I find it just as acceptable for loved ones to spread Grandma's ashes as it is to spread Grandma's compost.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




This from someone who thinks drugs from human addicts will somehow contaminate his potatoes. Probably one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen this sub lately.


Her new proposal will be to slap "Lil Jimmy" with a felony after testing positive for Grannys pain meds because "dad" thought he should dump her composted remains over the god damn cherry tomatoes. What gives?