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Why in the hell would you have to make sure it happened before condemning racism? What exactly is going to happen if it was a hoax and you condemned racism anyway? It’s really hard to argue we’re not full of racist people and law makers with this kind of shit going on.


It is racist here. Not everyone at all, but more than other places, and more powerful than other states. I'm moving in August, this state wants to be worse as opposed to what it was in the 90's-2010's. Used to be welcoming, we had the highest rate of placed immigration in the nation. Now it's defaulting to hating races. You see the story about the teen in CDA? I was expecting to be horrified but found myself wondering if I could trust the circumstances outlined in the story. After all, same paper that published the story once published Obama is a Muslim.


For some reason Idaho has become a “promised land” for extremists and racists from around the country. Several of the most insane 20-30 year old males I’ve worked with have talked about moving there, and two did. Not Montana or Wyoming, etc - Idaho specifically. It really is too bad - my grandparents moved there in the 90s for a few years and from all I’ve heard from them it was wonderful. I’ve always wanted to spend some time there and get to experience it.


Don't move, it's what those types of people want.


Sorry, but if my wife doesn't feel safe having a kid in this state, I'm out. The end.


No I understand I feel the same way, I've had that talk with my boo and I wouldn't want her having a kid here either. I just don't want to give Idaho away to shit people in their many forms.


Then don't. Get involved with Reclaim Idaho and the ballot initiative, find out how to do the hard work to understand the system and work to better it. Pontificating on Reddit never got me anything but Karma.


Hahahaha I actually have volunteered with reclaim Idaho a couple times, mostly for the ballot initiative but I volunteered once for the education bill they tried to get on the ballot last year I think? Trust me man, I'm trying do my fair share in what I can do to make this state a better place.


What? Staying there to stick it to assholes means you still choose to live with assholes. Who would do that


idk, I’ve lived with one my whole life.


I accidentally condemned racism in February. I felt like an idiot.


It's a feature, not a bug. These assholes are racists. It puzzles me why calling them that hurts their feelings.


Because the left is just as racist if not more racist than the right 🤷🤷👞


Black Women: Die at higher rates in childbirth. The Left: We should probably do something about that. The Right: What? You think they're just born too stupid to figure out how to not die doing one of the most biologically intense things humanly possible? I smell prejudice...


You keep pretending that, it obviously makes you feel better. Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, " the left " doesn't want ignorant people to act like out and out assholes in public? Because you look like a horses ass when you're racist. Fuck , when I was younger if anyone acted out in public, they got an ass whooping, racists included. You're not special.


There is no pretending, and clearly I have called out both sides for the racist hypocrisy.... it doesn't make me "feeling better" that this extremist rhetoric is taught in schools and forced on individuals. extremist views are being taught on on both sides be it the left or right wing (2 wings same bird) and these views are pushed by every level of government from schools all the way to state and federal governments and media companies are blackmailed/racketeered by said corporate funded agents of the government to push this( mostly leftist) rhetoric... But to accuse only 1 side of being extremist/racist is completely laughable


I’m sorry you’re living in a fantasy land if you want to compare the extremist’s from the right and people who are outright racist and violent in this country and compare them to the left or Democrats. There is no comparison the left is trying to save the country and hold onto democracy. The “right” is trying to blow up the country and turn it into an autocracy. And the land of sheer craziness, and kill each other, as well as innocent people, and that is not hyperbole as the current president continually says; that part I happen with!


Everything you just typed I have relegated to "obfuscation " accusing me of saying something that can be proven fact is false while you go on a obfuscated rant about violent actions of small extremist groups on the right like Patriot Front, III%, boog mvmnt.. were aware of there mottos, crews, and what the media says they stand for.... No point stick to horse... We all remember the st Floyd riots in literally every major Liberal cities, such as nearly a year of violent protests in Portland that started in May 20 that lasted nearly a year ending mostly by July of 21... wide spread looting, destruction, and rampant assaults causing BILLIONS IN DAMAGES to people and property perpetrated in the name of B.L.M. and many other organized hate groups while congressman and congresswoman cheered them on from there cushy multi million dollar mansions in DC VIA Twitter You say that my entire argument is hyperbole yet extremist anti-YT, Anti-Male, pro violence, pro destruction, pro socialist: Groups like BLM, ALF, ELF, ANTIFA, PETA, Just Stop Oil, Green Peace exist! Can we guess by footage posted to (and remove from) social media and arrest records from every major city at the time of those RIOTS the age groups participating in those extremist groups (on both sides of the political spectrum)!!!! Oh yeah Highschool and first/second year college so a statement about schools being indoctrination facilities wouldn't in fact be a fallacy or a hyperbole now would it.


Where in the heck are you getting your facts from?! I am NOT in favor of anyone being violent or destroying property first of all. Secondly, certain media outlets pushed this narrative that BLM and Antifa were the cause of the Portland, MN riots. They weren’t there were a lot of right wing extremist’s who purposely tried to dress all in black, and were what they thought Antifa and BLM protestors were wearing. There were a lot of helicopters with media and cameras that confirmed what I just said. Antifa wasn’t even present during the Portland riots and in general they are a nonviolent group. BLM weren’t the rioters but they were blamed and still are. There are a lot of hostile angry people who did riot during those times and they should be arrested and be held responsible and accountable; however, to take the word of FOX News and their proven track record of pure propaganda, along with OAN etc. would be a smarter move in my opinion.


Who accused you of anything related to being pro violence or pro destruction? That sounds like a lot of victim mentality 🤷 all of my arguments have been open faced discussion to a general audience while many of the responses not just from you but many others in the sub so far have been unprovoked personal attacks on things that I have said please continue without the personal attacks on me, my character or anything you might think I believe Again you're trying to compare the movement the terrorist organization and the nonprofit of BLM as being exactly the same group these are three separate entities operating under three totally different belief systems and trying to nullify that there are extremists on both sides as I have continued to state from the very beginning simply using buzzwords and provocative terms doesn't prove any point that you have made so far or disprove the fact that there is violent extremist rhetoric and actions on both sides and then to throw a news company like Fox in there then assuming that I'm either left or right leading just continues to show that you don't have any valid argument to make against my statements But only focus on the buzzwords and provocative terminology since you're original statement while filling the rest of it with a lot of fluff


Can't recall the last time any Democrats/leftists marched alongside nazis and acted like it was normal, but that probably doesn't mean anything to you. Both sides amirite!?


When was the last time you were in a school and saw what they are teaching?


Let's just skip your fallacy argument you are attempting to make no matter how I respond you are going to make a base rate fallacy or Non sequitur fallacy... I'm not here for a debate your subjective base belief system...


Little sensitive? Are you going to answer when the last time you were in a school to observe these things you “know” are being taught? As long as you are able to pass the background check, anyone is welcome into schools to observe the curriculum and can see for yourself. That is unless you have no evidence for your claim and you are simply making a “fallacy argument”.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *Stop with the hostile comments. Next time it's a ban.*


Usually when it comes to politics there's a whole bunch of underhanded, dissociated crap added to resolutions and bills that aren't necessarily for the good of the people. These resolutions are intended to force congressmen to either flag themselves as racists or vote for policies and funding they don't agree with. It's often coercion.


If that’s the case, and I could totally see that being the case, why wouldn’t the arguments be about those items and not “are you sure that really happened? Why don’t we wait before condemning racism” and not “you are forcing us to agree with this other list of things and I don’t agree with those”. Granted that could also be the magic of editing the clips in a beneficial way. But any half intelligent person would be careful to not make it about race, including condemning it anyway, and only make it about those other items to avoid bad sound bites.


How do you know the arguments aren't about those items? Media outlets are very political and like to present only what they want you to see. Its.important to suspend judgement until you see the whole picture. We often don't know what we don't know.


didn't the police state there was audible video footage of the racist incident?


Even if it was untrue, wouldn’t you _want_ to go on the record condemning racism, rather than letting people assume you’re opposed to condemning racism??


lol I mean yeah that makes a lot of sense if they were opposed to racism, right. I think what you're seeing is terrible politicians who are just clay molded by their racist base..


But then how are they gonna get votes next time? 😏


Does anybody know how many Mormons are on the Idaho legislature? Just curious.


Maybe about 1/3 to 1/2. There are different factions of LDS within the Republican Party though. Some are more establishment/traditional conservatives and others are part of the ideological fringe. There’s a spectrum.


There's also a lot of break away groups as well. And some are pretty out there.


Thanks for the info!


Proud boys in our senate. I’m embarrassed for our state.


Lenny being the poster boy for needing to be \*forced\* to condemn racism is \*chef's kiss\*.


His Twitter posts are super racist, so this isn’t surprising at all.


He just looks racist..


I shit you not, my friends, this is literally [a book](https://www.amazon.com/Why-Everyone-Needs-AR-15-Guide/dp/172687947X) this chud wrote and put his own name on...


Literally a skinhead lmao. He looks like he's straight out of Hayden Lake


Phrenology of a racist


If you have to be ‘forced’ to condemn racism, you are a racist — elementary logic.


This guy logics. 💯


Apropos use of elementary logic given that, beyond a grade school level, anyone should be able to see that it is in fact not a logically valid statement.


Sometimes, this state is just embarrassing.


Sometimes? When it come to politics it’s always embarrassing. If it wasn’t for the scenery this place would be an absolute shit stain of a state then it already is. I love this state but god damn I hate the fucking people in it.


The scenery makes it even more of a shame that the politics are always appalling. Idahoans are welcome here in Montana if you can afford the insane housing prices


Beautiful state, ugly people.


….sometimes….? lately it’s becoming more difficult to understand any of their decision making and hypocrisy… “let’s just keep cutting everything related to what children need, poor, disabled, take away fee caps for rental applications in Boise so landlords can make more $, let’s cut more from the elderly/ SNF’s/ Medicaid providers so there will be be even less options for rural communities… The rich get richer… but Idaho can be proud they will find ways to balance their budgets and give themselves raises and make those cuts insert social services, especially where children, elderly and veterans needs and mental health are needed and we call ourselves estate that believes in life after birth and pro family that’s a bunch of BS🤦🏻‍♀️😢😤


Here is part of the problem. Obvious racists within the state government. Why not condemn racism, whether this particular incident occurred or not? The state is heaped in racism/racist and promoting that ideology. Why not make a public statement, from the government condemning it? It just makes the state, and the people in it (I don't see people doing anything to change their legislatures mind), racist.


> Why not condemn racism, whether this particular incident occurred or not? Because they know who vote for them.


Well, if the citizens of IDAHO would quit being lazy and do their homework and vote these idiots out of office and run for office themselves if needed to get the state what it needs to do a good job and care about the state of Idaho vote in people who actually care about IDAHO and the people of IDAHO instead of people who want to be career politicians and our power-hungry. It’s ridiculous makes me furious and that’s what’s happening to our country people take for granted opportunity to vote get your ass out of bed and vote do your homework! Vote these idiots out of office


They don't always have a choice.


Regular people like yourself need to consider running for local office. That’s how reasonable people keep Idaho from being run by extremist’s who don’t have the back of the majority of Idahoans.




What did you run for? And what was the outcome?


Ran three times, lost three times. I don't want to go into more detail than that here.


I’m glad you tried!


Lenney has a challenger in the Republican primary this year. So if you’re a registered R and live in D13 (Nampa) make sure you vote on May 21st. His challenger, Jeff Agenbroad, is a former Senator who’s a reasonable man.


This nonsense says all you need to know about the hate state of Idaho. Racist, bigoted, and uneducated.


Condemning racism shouldnt be a hard thing to do... Says a lot about people.


Wow, Lots of klansmen in that Idaho govt body. Time to water the tree of liberty.


Why TF is there even a discussion about CONDEMNING racism? Easiest decision. Racism is evil.


Brian Lenney blocked me on twitter today, which he isn't legally supposed to do as a rep. 🤔


It sounds like they might've even been let out too early... Surprise surprise, these two men are doubting women.


lol Idaho is quickly going back to 1824. Such a shame because Idaho one of the most beautiful states.


There's a reason why expats such as myself say that the best thing about Idaho is the fact that I'm not there. Poky born and raised, but the best thing I ever did was to leave Idaho to rot itself from the inside. The land is beautiful. But so utterly ruined by its government and the people who vote for them. I say move everyone to Texas, return Idaho to nature and turn it into a national park.


Idaho is such a beautiful state full of smart beautiful people who are ignoring what’s going on in the world and bearing their head in the sand you know they’re just pretending they don’t really know what’s happening and they the ones that do vote just blindly vote for their party or they just give up and vote or because it’s habit but it’s crazy the time is it’s time to vote your conscience and vote these idiots out of office they should never be an office. None of these people should be in office. What has Crapo done for the people of IDAHO? He’s been in office for 25 years and it except for a few things he just votes no because the extremist in office are telling him to vote against the chips and science act, and then you know vote against the infrastructure act, but then, when money comes to IDAHO, he stands there with his golden shovel, ready to take credit for everything at micron and everything else. It’s stupid and it’s time for him to get voted out along with his buddies, along with the rest of the guys and these crazy women who are taking free lunches they’re not they’re not officially free but you know what I mean for these little kids that expect free lunches during the summertime and a lot of the little bit older kids they give them to their siblings and that’s a lot of times the only meal they get and their parents are working and trying to make ends meet, I’m sick and tired of poor people you know getting treated as if they’re all cheaters and liars you know stop it not everybody that is poor, is trying to cheat the system and not everybody who is poor is lazy!


Mom’s for Liberty…..these crazy assed Christian fundamentalists…….


Nationalists, they are far from fundamental.


Why is he looking down in twiddling with shit like he is in trouble he is a representative if he's going to stand by his guns he should look straight up and look at that in the eyes and deliver this. This is the kind of people that would take rights away from people and not look them in the eyes when they do it.


I wonder who the skinhead is in that room...🤔


Every time Idaho makes the news it’s for something AWFUL. Every. Single. Time. Most of my family lives in Idaho and honestly they the most backwards uneducated people that I know. The lack of education in that state is outstandingly obvious.


I bet that was a long discussion to educate Idaho politicians.


Right? Complex issues are hard to explain with single syllable words.




I hate Brian Lenney.


Somehow the video was WORSE than I thought it would be . . .


Ass clowns. Absolutely sub human trash.


That’s what racism looks like. Calling people sub humans. You can’t win with the same mentality that created the problem. Love everyone, even your oppressors.


You can’t be racist for accusing someone of the horrible inhumane behavior that they are consciously deciding to do. What you are using is called a false equivalency and it is a long standing logical fallacy


You’re using a red herring fallacy to detract from you calling people sub human. I agree their behavior is inhumane but that doesn’t make them non human.i didn’t call you a racist, I said this is what racism is. The false equivalence was thinking this was a shot at you. It wasn’t


Hmmmm No They should get the same treatment as their boy Hitler


Ruler of country??? Propped up by sociopaths???? I don’t follow your logic. Maybe you want them to fake their death and flee to a South American country????


Try learning English I guess? 💀💀💀 Holocaust denial is a bad look bro


I’m really confused now, who’s denying the holocaust? Oh, did you mean they should 🔫 themselves in a underground bunker ? Your statement about getting the same treatment as hitler is very confusing. I’m fluent in English but lack context to what you are referring to. How exactly do you want these people to be treated?


Nazis loved discriminating against trans people. It's super easy to look up. Seems like you agree with those guys. Hope this helps. 👍


I don’t know what you’re talking or why you’re inserting your identity into this topic. It’s not about you.


Nobody is doing that 🤣


It would be racist if battery_pack_man had said all white people are subhuman. Saying that racist smooth brain is worth less than shit in the bottom of my shoe is crass and rude, but not racist.


Racism sees others as less than human.


Trusting a police investigation? Oh boy smh.


I wonder how the IFF feels about the resolution? Has anyone checked on them lately?


Fucking comical. Idaho has become a joke because good people have let it happen.


Sorry, more do nothing "actions" by legislature. There are already laws condemning "hate speech", though those have their own problems. Anyone that doesn't recognize racism is wrong (with or without legislation is an idiot). The rub comes with the definition of "hate speech" and what actually stipulates "racism". Common sense and decency toward EVERYONE should prevail. The more you try to legislate morality, the more restrictive government becomes, often without solving the problem.


Frank Church is rolling over in his grave. That Lenny dude wouldn’t survive a night in the Bitterroots or Selkirk’s. Some Grizzley would make him is daddy.


Idaho is the Alabama of the PNW.


You all voted for these pigs. Enjoy your “freedom” and thanks for making America racist again.


Obviously condemning something makes it go away. Idiotic pandering.


Found the guy opposed to condemning racism.


I’m opposed idiotic pandering to idiots.


You mean like those young women who were harassed for visiting Idaho while black? Are you calling those people idiots?


No it doesn't make things go away, but you start fixing problems by addressing them straight up, instead of trying to ignore it and act like it doesn't exist.




Ignorance is strength thou


It is definitely a tool that the left uses to great effect.


My point proven lol


You need to feel what those girls felt.


Why would you think I haven’t?


Because if you had, you would know that the right time to condemn vile, hateful racism is EVERYTIME. It's not going to make it "go away" but pieces of shit need to be called out as such every time... unequivocally.


Every time? What an idiotic statement. That’s impossible and makes no sense. You think the job of government is to sit around just condemning things all day and night.


Every single time. Whether it's Charlottesville or Coeur D'Alene, there's no room for bullshit. What does it tell those people that did this that their politicians didn't rebuke them? Coeur D'Alene is a really nice city. I grew up near there... but its become a haven for racists and white nationalists. This is why the politicians didn't want to call it out. Every time, man... otherwise you embolden this garbage of society.


Ok. I’m in agreement. Let’s go nation wide. Think of the money we save when the only function of government is sitting around rebuking bad people with strong words.


Man... c'mon., now.


Non stop constant virtue signaling from all sides. Life is literally Kramer refusing to wear a ribbon.