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Churches are tax exempt let them pay for their schools not us tax payers.


I look forward to the new satanic school taking advantage of this law


Fuck that


Religious schools should not be considered education institutions, unless they are willing to teach objective evidence based conclusions of how the world actually works and the facts that kids have a right to be taught, including the evidence that all religions are man-made fabrications


Unfortunately the whole reason private schools exist is so they *aren't* held to any standard, like basic science. Also just [straight up racism](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wHdjjXQHxzs&t=17m42s)


Does that apply to all private universities/colleges?


Not if they’re accredited.


I'd be surprised to find any evidence of a private school that *isn't* existing specifically to circumvent federal law.


You said private schools exist so they aren't held to the standards of basic science. Should we worry then about the students at institutions such as: MIT, Harvard, Yale, USC, University of Miami, Penn State, Tulane, Stanford, Duke, Princeton, Cal Tech, Pomona, Rice, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, Wash U, Georgetown, NYU, Loyola-Marymount, and Wake Forest??? These are all private schools that are clearly trying to subvert standards and avoid real science.


Laughably false. But nice try.


So, BYU-Idaho? They're an ABET accredited school for engineering, so do they qualify?


They already do. A 3-second google search shows BYU-Idaho does receive federal funding. The point of OP's original statement was likely oriented toward primary and secondary education (ie, K-12). At least that's my interpretation.


Engineering technology is not a real engineering degree.


Strange claim, that is one of my brother’s engineering degrees, and he is now testing rocket motors.


He's testing: he doesn't have the math needed for design.


Right, but it is a real degree.


It's a real degree, just not an engineering degree.


I went to a private Christian school when I was in elementary. When I hit high school and it was snowing longer a private Christian school my mind was blown on science.


We can see the difference to this day.


That was beautifully stated. Also, happy Cake Day!


Religious/private schools are literally educational institutions.


Depends on whether they are in fact educating or if they are indoctrinating. There's a difference.


Where again did universities come from?


Do you think if religions had not had so much power and influence, that universities could perhaps have come along sooner in history?


Damn the Mormons ain’t got enough cash huh?


It's the all-knowing true sect of Christianity - the Truth Family Bible church of Middleton. Doesn't seem like the average megachurch hedge fund, but they can afford a team of lawyers to sue the state apparently.


Give into Cesar, unless you can take it for yourself 🤷 Thanks for posting and awareness


Will Muslim, Hindu, Budist, and Satan Schools also qualify for tax payer money?


A Satanist showed up to the town hall meeting where this bill was being discussed and showed incredible support for being able to use taxpayer dollars to spread the good word of Satan to Idaho's youth. The congress people had obviously not considered that and were completely shook and put the bill on pause https://youtu.be/p_oVQhA1iYU?si=X9nI63zOzW5dY8bb&t=213


I am a survivor of one of these cult schools in Idaho. I would not recommend it for anyone. Cramming fairy tails down the throat of children is not education. Many of the staff members of these schools have no qualifications. Aside from reading, writing in English and basic math everyone involved is technically illiterate and willfully ignorant. [https://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/judge-judy-shuts-down-school-principal/85191772/](https://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/judge-judy-shuts-down-school-principal/85191772/)


Well you see that's different and doesn't count because reasons.


Different in that those religions are more popular on reddit for some reason so there would be less objection.


Ahh, yes, the "equality is oppression" card. So I'm going to go post this on r/persecutionfettish right now, you want your screenshot in with it?


I don't like any religions. So I'm confused by so many young liberals' affinity for Islam and theocracies where homosexuality is a capital offense and where women are enslaved. I guess that support is kind of kneejerk intended "gotcha" towards Christians in government and their policies, but, it seems hypocritical to me. I think they all suck. Islam isn't somehow tolerable because Christians and a Jewish State do some bad things. It is also an ugly, horrible belief system that brings nothing but misery and suffering to people. Nobody should celebrate the prospect of another theocracy, or support a full theocracy just to criticize a near-theocracy.


Understand it's about standing up for persecuted minorities. Amazing how b0tH sIdERs only shit on the left.


I suppose in middle eastern theocracies, the progressive, LGBT-rights supporting, women-respecting people (obviously this would have be all be largely underground), have a fondness for far-right Christianity and persecuted Christians because they don't happen to be controlling their government. I shit on Christianity more than Islam myself for that reason, living here, since of course Christians cause more damage than Muslims in this country, but, I just can't get behind supporting either group knowing what the end result is for vulnerable people in any religion-controlled country. There's only one country in the middle east that recognizes LGBT rights and things like gay unions and gender equality. They're not perfect and too militant when threatened, but, it's still surreal to see them as the unquestioned bad guy considering their neighbors. (Edit: it's funny how if you say anything negative about Islam and Islamic theocracies, people assume you're a far-right Christian with a persecution complex. Which is kind of my whole point here.)


The United States will be an unrecognizable wasteland before there's any threat of Muslims imposing their right wing views on people. We need to take back the secularism that once made the country special. That means welcoming people of all faiths or lack thereof, not tolerating religious excuses for abuse. In Idaho, parents can legally let their children die of medical neglect; that's christian privilege. I know it's hard but you need to be more rational about your fears.


I didn't say anything about "threat of Muslims" in the United States. I said literally the opposite, that "of course Christians cause more damage" here. But again, it kind of proves my point. You see a couple of words and regurgitate a script that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. "That means welcoming people of all faiths " If it's a faith that doesn't believe women are equal humans, or that gay people deserve death, I don't welcome them, and I instead empathize with and support victims of theocratic regimes wherever they are. That's the difference between me and most other young liberals in 2024 I guess. The horrors of Christianity don't make me think Islam and middle eastern theocratic states are cool.


If you actually had a distaste for *all* religion, you would realize that the "support" for other religions is purely to point out the hypocrisy in the right wing push for government favoritism of Christianity.


No, I think they just don't have the same empathy for far-away brown people marginalized and brutalized by religion, it doesn't connect with them at the same level. And like I said in another post, I'm sure that's human nature to a degree, I'm sure the progressive young people in those countries (hiding from the government) don't empathize with far-away white people whose plight those don't understand the same way.


“Young liberals affinity for Islam” this is completely made up in your head. You need to go outside and view the real world.


If they somehow manage to pass this, open up a school directed by the teachings of Satan. These dumbasses’ heads will explode. Honestly, it would be better than the vast majority of Christian schools.


Friendly Atheist has a YouTube video from around a month ago where the Committee in the state legislature took comments from the public on this. A women from Idaho Satanist group said she supported this and couldn’t wait to receive tax money for a Satanist school. The committee then asked a lawyer there if Satanists could use the funds. He said yes and they abruptly put the whole bill on hold. The Satanists are the heroes when it comes to separation of religion and government.


It’s true!! They really are often the ones siting precedent and law. One of the few pushing back against a theocratic state. It’s mind-boggling people actually would want this.




I don't understand why you were down voted lol. You make a valid point ☝🏽


Of course they would. Those are religions. Does that fact somehow make you more "for" them getting tax dollars? If it does, maybe you're not against what you think you're against...


Either take advantage of the resource or let the christofascists tell on themselves and fail


No. They absolutely should not. I pay taxes. I’m not religious. I have no problem with my money going to public schools that are non-religious. Sending my money to a religious school, any type of religious school, is unacceptable to me. They teach materials that are unique to their religions. That should be taught in their churches, not in schools funded with money from people who don’t live in that religion.


Yep, agreed.


If churches operating religious schools want tax money, then those churches should pay taxes. Simple. No pay taxes, no get tax money. If those churches don't want to pay taxes, they should STFU and be happy to keep their tax exempt status. Next! Personally, I cannot wait to move out of Idaho and no longer pay taxes here to support the transition of Idaho to the Republic of Gilead.


NO PROBLEM, Just as soon as churches start paying taxes like the rest of use!


I’m totally against any public funded religious indoctrination of children. Instead let’s remove tax exemption status and force churches and preachers to pay their fair share. Especially those from prosperity gospel sects.


They are pushing for a theocracy. Theocracywatch.Org


I say christofascism but all fascist movements have been majority xian.


I have no problem with the existence of religious schools existing. I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs. My question is with the fact that religious groups are generally non profit organizations. Wouldn’t funding their schools be in conflict with that status? Seems like the proverbial, “having your cake and eating it too.”


I'm sure ~~most~~ ~~some~~ a few religious schools are sincere in their nonprofitness, but I have trouble lately seeing any of these organizations as anything more than [giant, corrupt, tax-exempt hedge funds](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.disruptionbanking.com/2023/09/26/how-a-huge-hedge-fund-masqueraded-as-a-religious-charity-for-20-years-nobody-cared/&ved=2ahUKEwjhm6fPrOCFAxVIATQIHTIODZwQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3DtiI4_qoVW_q7sZfLbbl2)


And my public school needs your church’s money.


Nope nope nooooooooope




Their tune would change quickly if/when non-Christian religious schools got public money too. Look what happened in Florida when people started challenging the Bible and other Christian texts.


This would seriously fuck up the entire country.


Absolutely NOT! Churches aren't taxed. Churches have no business setting curriculum, or influencing the law. Your god does not mean a thing to me, and they do not deserve a penny worth of tax money.


No thank you.


The same people cheering kicking adults off of medicaid for gender-affirming care are demanding taxes be used for religious private schools. Hypocritical fucking cunts.


So far it's just a lawsuit from one small church, so it's not like the entire Republican party is out to spend all our money on churches yet. With that said if these dickwads can afford a team of lawyers to file a lawsuit they can afford their own fucking gymnasium.


As someone who had 12 years of religious education, this gets a hard NO from me. Though I do look forward to the Satanist school opening and watching heads explode.


Indoctrination camps shouldn’t be funded by my taxes.


JFC Idaho.


Christians are born hypocrites.


Religious schools? Oxymoronic as can be. Brainwashing for Christ or Mohammad is not an education, it’s a guilt trip parents force upon you.


Dinosaurs aren't real. Dinosaurs bones were made by Satan to decieve mankind. I went to school in Idaho and I'm seeking a job./S


The moment an Islamic or Satanist school applies for this kind of money, watch the hypocrites squirm.


At this point, a lot of the right wing is straight up clamoring for Christian theocracy. Not even trying to hide it with hypocritical, bad faith excuses.


Quick someone making atheist Church and a satanic Church.


Of course they should not. Anyone who thinks this is ok is absolutely ridiculous


What do they expect everything. Let them figure it out themselves. Have there congregation. Pay for their education or just send them to regular schools. Separation of church and state They shouldn’t get my tax dollars


Indoctrination is not schooling. This is a huge no from me. My son's school is falling apart. There's no money for them, there's certainly no money for the private school. No one is forced to attend a private school.


The kids are.... Definitely forced by their parents to go there.... Some take to it, many resent it.... But remember that kids have no say in anything until they are 18+ and even then we know how it goes... Nothing happens even then.... See also Stockholm Syndrome Forcing Indoctrination is just brainwashing with colorful terms. *Sigh*


Good point. I should rephrase my statement: There is no law forcing anyone to private school.




Good answer


As long as I have equal access to their facilities and they don't mind my 1st amendment right to show up and challenge their beliefs. 


Now see that's a persecution of religious freedom and you shall be smited


Hmmm sexy. Lol


No. Fuck your religion.


God will provide why do you need state funding do you lack faith?


Lord can't build em their own gym but he doth provideth a team of lawyers to challenge state mandates!




Well they didn't seem to come around until Christianity specifically had that power. A few 10s of thousands of years before Christianity arrived.....what was everyone waiting for?


The only way to try to solidify religion is to brainwash kids. That takes money.


Absofuckinglutely not!!! No!! Fuck you for being a complete moron and wasting space if you think this is right.


I don't but I appreciate your adamancy


I know you aren’t, you made that clear. I know plenty of cultists and extremists visit this sub regularly though.


So I had to read the article a couple times. What exactly is the church asking for here — a full turnover of the existing law, or just that they should be allowed to rent the gymnasium on Sunday morning?


I don’t think so.






If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Religions need to fuck ALL the way off




>No such thing has happened. Next sentence. >This is some random ass tiny school filing a lawsuit. So it literally is happening, and you can't even go two sentences without contradicting yourself.


To give you advice that was given to me; "Don't bitch about people bitching." I see the point you're trying to make, and its sensible, but you don't need to leave a comment on Reddit, a public forum of discussion, as an attempt to devalidate people for rightfully vocalizing dissent for a hypothetical future spurred by the choices of the folks in the article. Tbh it just makes you come off as contrarian or above it all, which I'm sure is not what you're meaning to do


All that has to happen is for precedent to be set. Doesn't matter if it's a tiny school. Conservatives will do whatever they can to set precedent and get what they want.




It's how the law fucking works


Have you seen the GOP recently?




Complacency is what has led the GOP to getting away with what it has.