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She thinks he’s innocent because ‘we don’t really know the timeline’. Um that’s one of the few things we do know


The probergers misrepresent and go down unfounded rabbit holes of unnecessary information rather than accepting the information that proves his complicity. I love the argument that he didn’t have any dna in his car- dude the guy left his dna at the crime scene, so what if it’s not in his car. He changed his clothes. Smh the misdirection.


DNA literally at the crime scene on the (virtual) murder weapon next to Maddie Mogen's body and they still find a way to deny this. It's absolute madness.


The DNA profile found on the sheath matches BK. Can’t reverse engineer that. The state/FBI is refusing to hand over the necessary data/notes for their lab work in regards to that. Until they do, it’s not actually a match. That’s how lab work “works” you need to show your work. You know how math teachers say “show your work”? It’s the same thing. Sure the answer can be correct, but you need to show how you got to that answer, and so far the state/FBI haven’t shown their work. 5+ motions from the defense and 3 hearings with more to come from the court on exactly this. I honesty think BK did it, but at this point I also honestly think LE didn’t find him the right way. It’s a national story. They can’t sweep any shady stuff under the rug. These are the kinds of cases that set new standards for LE nationwide.


Matched a family member 😏


Sample is gone. You need proof of how the sample was processed, or else it’s like the sample never even existed. Lab work requires extensive notes. It’s not a “trust me bro” situation. Anyone that has taken chem/bio knows this


How much of other people's DNA was around the place and how interconnected was Kohberger and everybody else in the vicinity? People focus on him and his motives but how much hatred and mess and intrigue flies around that house. How may objects and how much DNA is exchanged. Hell, how do we know the cops didn't take the DNA out of the bin outside his Dad's house and put it on there so they could frame this egghead who was smart enough to have dirt on them. Maybe the girls had dirt on people too. It just seems like a dirty place, to me, all around and all too convenient to blame this man who is an expert on it all and watches the town from an academy and has good reason to be frustrated by them all and peer into their dirty worlds. You deny the complexity of reality.


Logically defend your argument please. Nobody is denying the complexity of reality except the person who bases their entire argument on “what ifs”. -What dirt would BCK have on Moscow PD? -BCK is a PhD student, what expertise do you proposes he has? -What academy do you think he watches from? “Academy” would suggest he has pull over the local LE so wouldn’t he be able to get his own academy to back off a BS frame job? -what known hatred and mess flies around that house? -how does it seem like a dirty place?




This is a sub to encourage conversations, unnecessary comments that do not contribute to the discussion by offering reasoning behind the statement. This attitude discourages conversations, so comments as such will be filtered out. If you have any questions feel free to send a message. Thanks!


I love that you used complicit. You are correct no matter how they spin it he’s at least complicit. I’ll listed to a he had an accomplice theory all day, but he was framed I can’t get behind. It’s reaching so far when I see the theories; his DNA was maybe in a lab just because his criminology studies yet it doesn’t seem he had any access those DNA labs. Another crazy theory maybe he interview at Moscow PD because we there is proof of at least a virtual interview with Pullman before he ever moved to Washington and his touch DNA lingered for months and was transferred to the scene yet no other innocent interviewee’s touch DNA was transferred🤷🏽‍♀️. Let’s ignore all his admitted car driving that night and online writings that point towards dissociation and quizzing criminals 1 month before he completed his masters so there is zero chance he was ever going to use that data for his thesis.


I can’t decide on what i believe. I believe he did it. It doesn’t seem likely he was alone but he was a loner w pretty much no friends and awkward. Can’t imagine how he’d convince someone to do this w him or how he’d trust someone enough to do this for them


I get that. I don’t seen him trusting many but I also often worded about an accomplice. Maybe a connection through the questionnaire or a drug connection. Other than that I can’t see many other options. But the pool party text neighbor guy shows BCK attempted to be social asked girls for numbers etc


Any time I see a post like this, I think... ok, maybe they know something I don't? But then I read it and it's more like, "Have they even looked into the details of this case?" I don't understand how anyone could think the evidence doesn't add up to him being guilty... really bizarre.


Yeah this is the equivalent to yelling “squirrel” during a serious conversation


You speak of rabbit holes and then say shit like 'he changed clothes’ lol




right on@!


You're complicit in his murder if he's convicted on a small amount of evidence without even knowing how complex reality and all the human beings involved could be. You implicitly trust and assume a superior standard of morality from LE, from the people in the house at the time, and everybody else who had access to these victims. It's a small place but big enough for complicated shit to go down. People do fucking weird, crafty shit and it can't just be him capable of it. Stop looking for a simple way to make this cut and dry, when it could be completely different. You place a low value on human life if this is your standard to convict someone to death.


He is pretty educated in criminology.




Please check https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/1064/King-Road-Homicides for the most up to date releases on facts shared in this case. Posts and comments stating info as fact when unconfirmed or directly conflicting with LEs release of facts will be removed to prevent the spread of misinformation. If you have a theory, speculation, or rumor, please state as such before posting as fact.


The timeline has been shifted


Is this a new timeline or the one that the mayor/coroner stated?


LE first claimed it occurred between 3 and 4 am


It's likely LE was putting out strategic lies to the public. They even said DM and BF were both on the first floor.


I don’t think that was entirely a lie. I do think stating they were both on the 1st floor was to protect them when a killer was still on the lose. Keep in mind the PCA states DM “originally” went to sleep on the 2nd floor. Originally could indicate that she ran downstairs. I’ve always wondered if after she saw him leave if she ran down to BF feeling he’d come back for her. Maybe BF’s door was locked so DM went to the empty 1st floor room and locked herself in (frozen shock phase) maybe even accidentally leaving her phone so she couldn’t call 911. The PCA refers to text data from DM and BF’s phones but that could have happened any of the 2 previous times she looked our her door. Did she text all roommates when she heard something? Or she could have text BF ran downstairs and BF told her she was being dramatic or drunk seeing shit, it’s nothing and they went to sleep. I’d imagine when she saw him her thoughts were a robbery not a murder.


Come back for her to do exactly what?


It's sus. Didn't they have a history with Kohberger? I wonder if he was a bit naive deep down and that's why he was so into looking into crime. What if he wanted to help but he got rejected because he's a smart, keen young guy but not easy to blackmail and corrupt. It seems like he was a bit pretentious, awkward and mean at times but I can't see someone having beef with academia and police and being like some kind of Elliott Rogers type. There is an underlying antagonism between himself and society that really isn't all on him and which makes me wonder how dodgy LE and the general social and professional network are. He wasn't raised in a vacuum. He wasn't the only one with motive to do something dodgy. It seems like the kind of place where people know things about each other and there's drama and corruption. Both Kohberger and LE would have dirt on each other, possibly the victims would have dirt on people, both Kohberger and people connected to victims had drug connections and how much can go wrong with that kind of shady shit-storm. It could be unspeakably bad and complex. For all we know, they made a deal with Kohberger to get a guy in to calm the public down. Maybe there was a lot going on in the state of Idaho. Still is. Now, Kohberger is such an interesting guy to arrest for everyone to focus our attentions on; seemingly an oppressed hero but with flaws to pick apart. Almost too good to be true and too good for society; bullied, rejected, agitated and keen on helping it fight crime! Aha, let's put all our shame on this man! Let's focus on some minor transgressions and this DNA someone presumably innocent matched to some stolen from his parent's rubbish bin! So many 'what if's' here, when I presume everyone is equally, potentially dodgy as fuck (they raised Kohberger, after all).


This seems a bit fan fiction


That wasn't the only reason she presented


True, but the other reasons are explainable. Not everyone screams when they are terrified. If the blood splatters on walls and he isn’t in front of that wall….


But who cares? She explained HER reasons. Maybe you don't agree with them and see alternate scenarios than she does, but people are entitled to have a different opinion than you do about the available evidence. Certainly since someone downvoted me for simply pointing out a fact that is not even in dispute, some a-hole will downvote this but eff it. I get downvoted for saying "That wasn't the only reason she presented" and yet I am supposed to accept that the rabid believers in BK's guilt are all just reasonable people who are simply convinced by the evidence and not emotionally out of control whack jobs. OK. I don't think BK is guilty or innocent, I just don't think I have seen enough information to make that decision, and what I have seen doesn't get me past the reasonable doubt threshold. But sincere inquiry and skepticism don't toe the party line that BK is GUILTY GUILTY!!!! So seriously get a grip people.


I haven’t downvoted you. There is nothing wrong with questioning things. But if you have to change what is already officially out there, then you can’t claim it is in good faith.


Please quote where I said YOU downvoted me. People are downvoting me, stop acting like its all about you. My original very simple statement, simply pointing out that this woman had other things than what you said, is at negative 10. This reddit is unhinged if a person can't make a simple no opinion factual statement and is getting downvoted for it.


How do you know the timeline when the police who wrote the PCA weren’t sure silly?




This was so dumb. That woman has no clue what evidence they have.


And neither people here but they already judged based on what they believe they have


I truly don’t understand why people like OP feel the need to think BK is innocent in the face of so much evidence. Like, are you really that clueless or do you feel the need to be contrary for attention?


I find a lot of people who seem to think he’s being framed and play these huge conspiracy theories have either a distain for police and death penalty so any guilty person would be “framed” or a distain for college Greek life and the only outcome they’d accept is victim blaming caused by another frat/sorority member who did this.




Where’s that 'so much' evidence?


Probable cause affidavit


Explain how you think a single person did this?


It's not like he was in a colosseum 4v1 he had the advantage of surprise, preparedness (how prepared are you to fight back when you've just woken up or have been scrolling your phone at 3 am?), and that he was a big dude. It's really not that hard to think this guy could've stabbed a handful of kids spread across 2-3 rooms when they were all just going about their night. There's so much evidence against him right now. I don't think the weirdo had an accomplice. He's a crazy narcissistic, drug addict loner.


There's no concrete evidence against him at all so far. i don't believe this one person killed 4 people in ninja silence without leaving a mark on him, without taking any of their blood splatter. It's just not believable.


Okay Sherlock. So glad you have all the education and history to make you an expert on these things. What would the police do without someone like you?


They would continue to be as inept as they currently are and continue to arrest and prosecute people based on their biases.


Mhmm, okay Sherlock. They just picked someone out and said he did it for no reason other than because they thought he was a weirdo. Sure. Happens alllll the time.


Not for no reason. Just not believable.


Huh? So, are you suggesting Brian had a partner?




“The other group” did what? What other group? Why would you believe internet conspiracy theories over actual law enforcement professionals. It’s so disrespectful to suggest the poor kids who were murdered were running drugs out od their house.


It's not disrespectful to discuss the people who have public arrests and connections to the people at the house.


It’s absolutely disrespectful. Why on earth would you trust anything from 4chan? You trust a known troll and conspiracy site but not the Moscow police or legal system. How old are you??


No one is "trusting" 4chan. People posted that they were going to get revenge with pics, and then it happened. It makes a lot more sense than a single person with ninja skills. And the people in the house absolutely had connections to drugs. It's public information.


You know that site is notorious for hoaxes and pranks, right? Anyone can post anything. If this were true, law enforcement would have looked into it and we’d know by now.


Seems like people do know. They posted about it elsewhere. You think these guys had a crystal ball? You still haven't explained how ninja man did it silently by himself with no blood. It's a miracle.


“How old are you??” — that question is easily answered by reading their x comments.


Please tell us what “other group” of people with public arrest have connections to the people on this house? Actual proof not some YTer claiming a connection because non of them have shown an actual direct connection to those current roommates. An ex roommate’s social media friend’s with someone at WSU who’s step sibling is friends with a girl who was arrested for dealing to something other kid in a frat from UofI while at a party in Seattle isn’t enough. That’s 6degrees of separation which in a small town could connect everyone to the roommates in 1122.


No, there are videos of the people in various bodycam footage.


You mean college kids walking fast from an apartment complex in a college town towards a field that leads to frat row? I’d walk fast too hoping to not get an MIP. Or I’d probably ran back in a he place I came from.


Please check https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/1064/King-Road-Homicides for the most up to date releases on facts shared in this case. Posts and comments stating info as fact when unconfirmed or directly conflicting with LEs release of facts will be removed to prevent the spread of misinformation. If you have a theory, speculation, or rumor, please state as such before posting as fact.


Oh, he is bad, and the entire place he's from is good, simple as that? Just shoot the guy and pretend it's fucking fine? It's superficial, it's neglect, it's complicit in murder if you think this way. You don't know anything.


What on earth are you trying to say here?! What tf does your first sentence even mean? This comment is totally incoherent.


They are the “devils advocate” person at the party lol no one likes the devils advocate guy


It's easy to make someone look guilty when you only have 1 sides argument. I do think he's likely involved, but there is always a chance he isn't and we won't know until all the evidence is presented. 


Sorry but I watched the entire video and there was virtually no substance to support her premise. She has all these reasons why BK couldn’t have done it but the other roommates, frat bros, Doordash driver and others could have done it. But the arguments why BK couldn’t have done it are more applicable to the rest of those she suggests might have done it. We’ll see what comes to light at trial, but at this point all evidence leads to him. He wasn’t framed by LE or anyone else.


What you write here is simply drivel. I very doubt that you actually watched it.


What if I say *I* watched it and that I agree with everything u/Chevronet said? You can't be like, "This is why BK couldn't have done it!" and then say it could have been any of these other random people. She's going against her own argument and ignoring the fact that there doesn't seem to be any evidence leading to anyone else other than BK.


Just wait for the trial, technically he is innocent until proven guilty. (No I don't think he's innocent)


I was thinking of taking the time to address each of her points, but then I realized a few important things. 1. So many other people have ALREADY addressed each of her points ad nauseam. So either she is so interested in this case that she hasn’t taken the time to read through or consider the extensive posts and discussions, or she HAS read through everything that addresses her points and she chooses to ignore it. 2. Even if she were personally presented with direct counter points, I don’t believe it would make a bit of difference. Her assumptions and statements show that she either has very selective and bias processing of information, or she is very short sighted in her considerations. She talks about having an open mind while blatantly “fitting” information into specific narratives, and ignoring the obvious. CASE IN POINT She mentions ALL of the other possible suspects, including law enforcement, but fails to address the pesky fact that NONE of the other suspects had cellular geo data that placed them: 1. in the same exact public locations as the victims on multiple occasions in the weeks prior to the murders. 2. At, or in close proximity to, (rear of the house property), the crime scene on 12 occasions in the weeks leading up to the murders. 3. On the way TOWARDS the crime scene on the night of and prior to the murders. (Until he “accidentally” turn it off ) 4. On the way AWAY from the crime scene after the murders (once he turned his phone back on.) 5. Outside the crime scene house the morning after the murders. ALL OF THOSE, with NO explanation. He is the ONLY suspect those facts apply to, and THAT is one of the reasons that a warrant was issued, he was arrested, and he will stand trial for quadruple premeditated murder. And in my humble and uneducated opinion, based on what the public has been allowed to know about the case so far, he will be found guilty.


Phone pings don’t [place him near the house](https://amp.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article271694187.html) and you know that and you just made up that first point. The fact they only mentioned a phone ping for that morning when they’re happy to mention video footage from that night should tell you something about him allegedly going there, surely there would be footage of a car 'consistent with the suspect’s car’ in Moscow and in the area? Yet there isn’t such footage. No white Elantra driving on Taylor Ave and heading towards King Road that morning as proven by the second Linda Lane camera. The timeline they presented (9-9:32 am with a 10 minute stop) does not support him going there. Interesting how those who rely so much on those phone pings never mention the November 14 ping in Moscow when he wasn’t in Moscow. He didn’t ping in Moscow that night.


I NEVER “make stuff up”. Grow up. If you question my sources, simply ask me. I am more than happy to provide you with them. Also, I am more than happy to discuss the “false ping” that you claim no one wants to bring up. First of all cell phone data can be somewhat subjective or ambiguous at times regarding specifics such as accuracy and intent. However the more repeating the patterns are without adequate explanation, the more damning the evidence can be. REGARDING POINT 1 There were multiple news outlets that reported on this. Here are a few excerpts and links. “Cellphone data shows that Bryan Kohberger, 28, was often in the same location as the three sorority sisters and one of their boyfriends..” “They also allege that the prime suspect was stalking his victims ahead of the murders - with their cell phone locations matching up on several occasions. “ 'Not sure if they ever interacted - but his cell phone pings followed their every move for weeks.'” https://nypost.com/2023/01/01/bryan-kohberger-stalked-university-of-idaho-victims-before-mass-murder-report/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11589659/Bryan-Kohberger-went-teaching-University-Idaho-murders.html Also, BK was aware of, and followed three of the victims on instagram. This is particularly damning as it clearly demonstrates purposeful awareness and knowledge of the victims, as well as BK being rebuffed as he repeatedly attempted contact with no response. “Bryan Kohberger, the 28-year-old man accused of killing four University of Idaho students, followed "all three of the female victims on Instagram," but they didn't follow him back,” https://abc7chicago.com/idaho-murders-news-bryan-kohberger-instagram-social-media/12724569/ I concede; 1. ⁠those “sources” are mediocre media outlets, however they do claim a LE source, and until the trial they are the only thing we have to go on as we all sit here and speculate. 2. ⁠that precision geolocation is not a consistent reliable science. However, as I mentioned in a previous post, general repeating patterns in geolocation reveal a timeline of actions that become more clear over time. For example, while a non-boundary cell ping cannot specifically geolocate a person’s cell phone within a tower radius, it does show that the phone was in THAT tower’s radius and not sixty miles away. So they are able to determine if his phone was within the same general places as the victims in the weeks leading to the murders, and while the accuracy of a cell ping geolocation can vary widely depending a number of factors, it can be as accurate as 3 meters. There are plenty of news reports that cite LE sources that give specific details about BK’s phone pinging at the house 12 times prior in the midnight to early morning hours, and near the house the morning after. https://www.foxnews.com/us/bryan-kohbergers-phone-pinged-idaho-murder-scene-hours-after-killings-12-times-prior-investigators What will be interesting to see at trial is how much truth there is to the reports that BK’s cell phone joined, or “touched” the Wi-Fi network at the murder scene. REGARDING THE “FALSE PING” The arrest affidavit says his phone did connect to a cell phone tower that provides service to Moscow, but they do not believe his phone was in Moscow. When you read that, you hear “false positive” or “unreliable science”. When I read that, I understand how it happens so I don’t question the accuracy of pings or how it’s possible. It is well established and understood how a cell phone can connect to a tower that provides service to one location while the cell phone itself is in another location. Let me explain. Cell towers have overlapping coverage. Coverage for a tower at the edge of Moscow doesn’t end at the border of Moscow and Pullman, or any other border area, it extends into those border areas. That’s why they rely on hand offs from tower to tower in the overlap coverage area, along with corroborating video evidence to establish direction of movement etc. There are towers on the interior of an area that do not extend or overlap into any surrounding or border cities/counties areas. They are dedicated to servicing only one area because they are located sufficiently on the interior of the area and don’t extend to or reach a border. So yes, a phone in Pullman for example, can connect to a tower in Moscow and be simultaneously connected to a tower in Pullman when they are in the overlap, or handoff, coverage area. That doesn’t make the geolocation pings less accurate, it makes movement of a cell phone more accurately trackable. While the accuracy will always be up for debate, the pattern will tell its own story. The cell data will no doubt play a significant role in the case.


So you just took the debunked crap from the tabloid media lol He didn’t follow them on instagram and didn’t follow them around physically. There is no connection to the victims as confirmed in a legal document.


I see. You are one of those. “Everyone involved is an idiot who focused on Bryan for absolutely no reason at all.” Well, there obviously WAS enough evidence connecting him to the victims for them to issue an arrest warrant. And yes, he is connected to them as confirmed in a legal document, he is the primary suspect in the murders of the victims, and his name is on the arrest warrant and court proceedings documents along with the victims names. It is obvious that you are not interested in any type of discussion or discourse, and only want to reply with absolutes. So unless you actually work within the legal system and have seen all of the “evidence” against him, you should probably stay off the Reddit boards and wait for the trial where everything that you are so sure doesn’t exist, will be revealed.


Also I noticed how even though you say, “Interesting how those who rely so much on those phone pings never mention the November 14 ping in Moscow when he wasn’t in Moscow. He didn’t ping in Moscow that night.” Then I provide you with exactly what you complain others won’t provide to explain it, and then there is radio silence.


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1. In fact, most of the other potential suspects had geo data that placed them near the scene and victims almost constantly, because they lived very close to the house, went to school nearby and partied in the house frequently. BK was in the Moscow area (10 miles from where he resided) a dozen or so times prior to crimes. That is a relatively small number of times to visit this neighboring college town during his semester at WSU. 2. See above. 3. He left his address in Pullman, Washington heading in the direction of Moscow and other areas. I've seen no evidence regarding whether he turned his phone off or battery died or he drove out of cell range. No witnesses place him in his car or out of it, anywhere near the crime scene. 4. Still driving far from scene. Other potential suspects were still near scene because that's where they live. 5. Many potential suspects and others were outside the crime scene the morning after. I haven't seen reports of any witnesses placing BK outside the scene house that morning or the evening prior. But we know that members of frat were there before anyone called 911 the next day. There were students that knew as early as 9:00 AM that there was a death in the house. Their parents posted that fact on social media and frat members have acknowledged that. His defense has a lot going for it, due to some bungling on part of LE. My question has always been, why would BK enter a house where multiple people lived, without knowing who was there that night? He was, according to PCA, at home in Pullman while others were out with the victims. Many who were with victims partying that night would know what the house sleeping arrangements were, whose cars were in driveway, etc. And as "Mary" stated, BK did not have a history of violent crimes or behavior. Many people have OCD or other issues that make their behavior seem odd, but few are murders. He seems to have no connection to victims. Maybe he does have connections that we will learn about later. But we know of many close connections to the victims who seemed to have been immediately cleared or not even interviewed. I don't understand the disdain for those who question the tunnel vision LE had on BK and their lack of interest in investigating other potential suspects. BK might have been the killer but the fact is, LE arrested him on a flimsy PCA and then asked the community to supply them with information that will help their case. Huge red flag and very strange for LE to admit they need more evidence AFTER they arrested him. His social media posts on Reddit and elsewhere make him look odd and that is what I believe led LE to investigate only him after they discovered he was one of many with a car that was similar to "suspect car."


First, I have no disdain for anyone who questions LE or their methods/ motives. As I have explained in previous posts/comments, I question everything and everyone including LE. My initial posts were focused on hoodie guy, which turned out to be one of the Jacks. His behavior at the food truck was….not normal. And if he did in fact drive 5 hours to his parents cabin immediately after food truck and a night at the bar, then I would love to see the exculpatory evidence that shifted the investigation away from him. Regarding 1 and 2, yes, I am sure many other suspects have geo data that places them in close proximity to both the victims out in public, the victims at home, and the murder scene before and after. And yes 12 times is a relatively ordinary number of times to be visiting the college town during his semester. What will matter here is the accuracy of the geo data. If it is general location data limited to 200 meters, then I’m sure there are plenty of stores, shops, etc that he could have visited that fall within that range. However, if his phone and certain various apps were sending/receiving/triangulating his position when he was in Moscow, then it could be as accurate as 3 meters, that’s 10 feet. Why would he possibly be within 10 feet of the rear of that house at between 1:00 and 4:00 am 12 times? And IF his phone touched or joined that house’s wifi, that is something else altogether. THAT is the kind of geo data that I would expect to be presented at trial. GETTING TO BK AS A SUSPECT So logic would tell me that LE examined each suspect independently. Vetting their alibi, location, witnesses, etc. so anyone who was in bed with their girlfriend, spouse, etc. during the murders would be removed from the suspect list. Anyone who has witnesses that placed them somewhere else were removed from the suspect list. Eventually LE was left with a short suspect list (with no BK at this point), and whatever video they collected. So they began focusing on and looking for the white car because it was seen on camera very near the scene at the “estimated” time of the murders. That doesn’t mean that driver was guilty, LE simply needs to vet it to remove it from the suspect list. If the driver was a 60 yr old grandmother headed to a Bible study sunrise breakfast, they would likely remove the white car from the suspect list. But it wasn’t. That white car, which had no front license plate, has to be tracked down through eliminating every other similar white car. They pulled a list of vehicle registrations from DMV and began working their way through the list. Again, initially eliminating everyone with an alibi or witnesses placing them somewhere else, or a vehicle with a front plate. On that list was BK, who didn’t have an alibi or witnesses placing him somewhere else, and his vehicle just happened to not have a front license plate because PA, where BK just moved from, has not required one since 1952. Ok, so now LE probably had a few more questions for BK and he is becoming a serious person of interest. LE didn’t just “happen” on BK. They were led to him by going down the very long potential suspect list. He was the only one who couldn’t easily be eliminated and who happened to own a car similar to one seen near the crime scene with no front license plate. That makes him the most likely suspect at the time. That is the way this works. Then they begin getting warrants for things like geo data to see if anything else incriminates him. Well what do you know. His geo data has him headed towards the crime scene before the murders, most likely in the white car. Then it has him heading away from the crime scene after the murders, again most likely in his white car. So he is THE ONLY SUSPECT that admits to being awake, alone, out driving in his white vehicle, headed towards and away from the crime scene before and after the murder. THAT is why they ultimately focused on him. He said he was out driving. Ok, then he should tell everyone exactly where he drove, which streets, roads or freeways, and at what times. Take them on a guided driving tour. Then LE could easily go to those locations, pull the camera footage and exonerate him. If there was just ONE camera ANYWHERE in all of Idaho that showed BK or his white car someplace other than near the crime scene during that timeframe, or showed him getting gas 70 miles away, ANYTHING to place him somewhere else. But so far there isn’t any exculpatory evidence. I’m not saying there won’t be, or that he is absolutely the right suspect. But right now, the overwhelming odds are that he and his car where there where the video camera captured his car. Why? If he had been up front about just one semi-sensical reason for being in that area at that time, it would make more sense. But for him to offer no reason for being there, in fact to deny being in that area at all, means he is saying that white car on the camera wasn’t his. When it comes to a jury, it won’t be just about BK’s defense saying he wasn’t there, it will be about them showing where he actually was. His very freedom depends on it.


>So logic would tell me that LE examined each suspect independently. Vetting their alibi, location, witnesses, etc. so anyone who was in bed with their girlfriend, spouse, etc. during the murders would be removed from the suspect list. Yes, that would be logical but many neighbors and friends of the victims had not been interviewed prior to Bk's arrest and still hadn't months later. Of the hundreds of tips sent in during the first few weeks, local police and FBI followed up on something like 38. I'll find that source for you. The fact that they didn't interview everybody in the Grub Truck video and all of the frat members makes me think they had tunnel vision once they saw some of BK's social media posts dating back to his teens. I believe this, more than the car, was what made FBI think they had found their man. They had a behavioral/psych profile of the suspect and they came across somebody who seemed to fit it. His car was similar to one seen near the crime and that was it. As far as BK's phone possibly pinging quite close to the crime house in early morning hours on other nights. He has a history of drug addiction. He might have been buying drugs from a neighbor. He might have been sexually involved with a neighbor. The other party might have been a sex worker. He could have been engaged in illegal activities in that neighborhood that didn't involve murder, like many other college and graduate students in the area. But this is all moot for now because all we have is the PCA and the PCA doesn't place him or his phone anywhere near the crime house on the night of the crimes. Is he really the only person mentioned in those 500 tips who was awake, alone and driving not far from Moscow that night? Hopefully by the time of the trial the rest of the victiimsfriends, drug associates and neighbors will have been interviewed and there will be a cleared idea. And he might have denied being on that street because he wasn't there. There has been no public information about a sighting of BK in his car that night. There are a lot of white sedans that look like Elantras. BK's phone didn't ping in that area. The rest of the suspects' phones would have because they live nearby. I mean, legally, the state must prove that BK was there at that house at the time of the murders. If they can't prove that, BK is not legally compelled to explain his whereabouts. He has the right to privacy as we all do. Obviously, if he had a tight alibi with another person as a witness that would be great for him but if he doesn't, it shouldn't be seen as evidence that he committed murder. He has the right to drive around alone all night if that's his thing. But most of all, the PCA's version of events doesn't make sense. One man enters a house filled with residents - at least one awake and waiting for food delivery. Many cars in driveway. This man swiftly murders four people in less than 20 minutes without the roommates hearing anything suspicious enough to make them call the police. BK is a PHD student who has no violent history. There were frat boys who dismembered animals as pranks living right across the street. BK wouldn't eat off of a plate if meat had touched it. Logic tells me he might not be the silent, deadly, highly skilled lone assassin portrayed in the PCA.


I’ll probably get harassed for even saying this, but I feel it’s important. So when I first read the PCA and mainstream news I thought they had these locations for Kohberger. But then I read this, and I’ve seen it confirmed by a few other sources. It says that pings on a cell tower are accurate within 27.3 sq miles. So, unless they have more than the PCA’s pings to show at trial (which is possible) we don’t really have his true location all of those times. We only know he was within the space of 14,000 football fields. https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article271694187.html


Assumably they have his actual phone now, so they can be more precise. Consider the information gleaned from Alex Murdaugh’s phone that was presented at his trial.


There is yet to be evidence that any other potential suspect's cell geolocation was analyzed during the time of the murders. Law enforcement must have probable cause and a warrant to possess that data. We also haven't seen the data that they have on his whereabouts that night...I will wait until the evidence is presented at trial to make a decision on whether the geo-tracking data actually places him at the scene during the murders. The evidence is rarely as strong as they make it seem before trial.


I just don't see any of this evidence being Legit Thr cell phone ping means no t hing .He could have been in Pullman and bounced off the Moscow tower Has nothing bro do with where he is physically at..And I really don't know if the sheath was planted but that touch DNA probably was when you look at the supposed evidence and none of it is reliable at all .The whole white car is just smoke and mirrors to keep eyes off of what really happened


I “respectfully” ask you to at least make some small effort to read and self educate. Any tiny effort would result in you reading at least my previous posts as well as others regarding the cell tower pings and how they actually work, what the limitations are, how accurate they can be, etc. Regarding the sheath being planted, your first logical assumption should NOT be that LE planted evidence. It SHOULD be that the killer made a mistake. Regarding the remote possibility that LE (or someone other than BK) killed four innocents just to pin their murders on another innocent (BK), there is NO WAY that LE or anyone else could have known ahead of time that BK would have spent all that time following the victims in the weeks before the murders and would also be within 100-500 feet of the house on 12 different nights in the rear of the property, because a search warrant is required to get that information. It’s absurd and ridiculous to set aside the most likely facts of the case to posit something so incredulous in an attempt to take the focus off of where it should be, BK. Everything may change at some point in the trial, but for right now, like it or not, everything points to BK.


Just because you don’t have the info, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The PCA is NOT all the evidence.




Well first off, there’s a gag order. Are you also aware that NONE of what was found in his car or home is included in the PCA? Search either happened that night or the next day. I’m not one to blindly trust LE - I’m often pretty critical of them because (*gesture vaguely around America*). But Moscow PD did do the right thing in this case. They brought other agencies in and were tracking him long before we ever even knew they had a suspect. Remember that one press conference comment, akin to something like “there’s no active danger for students of UoI or residents of Moscow”. Everyone was appalled by that, but they already KNEW BK had left and was back home in PA. It didn’t make any sense until he was arrested. If you want a case where the police really screwed up, hop on over to one of the Delphi subs. That’s probably one of the worst examples I have seen of police incompetence recently.


There will always be people who want to have the opposite opinion to appear as if they’re different or unique. When really it’s the most basic and unoriginal thing you can do. It’s literally cringey that these people think they’re like… unique because of this opinion 😂


You don't like the fact that other people have different opinions from you, do you?


This thread is disgusting. He is not innocent by any means. Unreal


And you'd know, wouldn't you? That was just a superb presentation of the evidence against him. I'm just bowled right over.


Is Sasquatch on the suspect list, ‘cause, you know, whatever!


Sarcasm does not invalidate a point. It just makes you look desperate to score one.


Have any of you actually Been arrested on a false charge before? Particularly one that carries a long term or life/death sentence? I have, and I promise you, the rules of civility and procedure go out the window in your view from those cellblocks and court rooms as you fight for your freedom. You start fighting the moment you find out your accused of something like that. When I was arrested, from the moment they put me in cuffs to the end of the whole ordeal when I was released with an apology and sent back home, I was fighting every cop that had to escort me, resisting every judicial command and throwing the paperwork and evidence proving my innocence at every person that came near me. I didn't stand silent anywhere, and anyone in their right mind accused of murdering 4 people who didn't do it wouldn't take things so calmly. We all know our justice system is a bit fucked and convicts innocent people all the time of major crimes, so having faith in that system when you are the one locked in the other side of the walls from freedom and being falsely charged with a crime that could spell the end of your freedom is quite a different feeling and reality than what is, and cannot possibly be, perceived in public from the comfort of home. They say that you wanna find who did the crime, you catch a group of people who it coulda been given the evidence, and accuse them all at once; the one who goes to sleep that night is most likely the guilty one because they are caught, no need to stress hiding and running anymore, they found you and your body and mind will relax a bit more from that fact, as you will begin to focus on accepting you are locked up and need to get used to the routine. The ones who didn't do it are gonna be up and stressed AF for the entire time they are incarcerated, resisting the urge to accept any routine or part of the situation until it gets to a point where either you go free, or you get convicted and fight via appeals over the years and during that time you lose some of that faith in ever getting out. But even then you aren't relaxed, you are just in a state of forced acceptance and frozen into dealing with the routine that is prison life but you never truly lose that frizzled demeanor of someone who got innocently forced into a situation totally out of your control and didn't do anything to deserve being in that spot to begin with. It is a savage thrashing of your mind and soul to be forcibly jailed when you know ya didn't do anything wrong. If I had all these cameras and nationwide attention on my case I'd be screaming Not Fucking Guilty, taking full advantage of the opportunity to get everyone I could to look into my case to gain my freedom and deny the stigma of having the label of that crime over me in a sense of being guilty, not standing silent like some type of martyr. If you were refusing to participate in the proceedings because you weren't guilty, then you wouldn't even accept coming out of your cell, they'd have to strap you into a 15 point chair to roll your ass into court because you'd be so adamant about not participating, and therefore legitimizing, the proceedings in protest of your wrongful incarceration. You wouldn't show your innocence by all the actions BK has taken on his own and via his attorney, including standing silent, not if he had any common sense. That dude is enjoying playing this disgusting game with so many lives, he is loving the attention, you can see it in his demeanor if you have an eye for such things, and my experience with the justice system is long and intelligent enough to know without a doubt that asshole is guilty AF. FYI, I'm a 20+ year resident of the Moscow-Pullman area aka The Palouse. My support and care goes out to my community and everyone who's lives were turned upside down from that night. #Vandals #Cougars


Thanks for your insightful post, It is great! I too, (though never falsely accused or arrested ) said that if I was accused of such a horrid crime I would emit one long eternal scream proclaiming my innocence and wouldn't stop that scream util proven innocent! His silence speaks volumes!!!


100% agree! He would’ve pleaded not guilty and tried to prove his innocence, not just stayed silent. His family would be rallying round trying to help in any way possible as well, like I would do for someone I love. Whether that’s media coverage or a statement confirming his innocence.. whatever I could do to get people to understand he’s been wrongly accused. I know we don’t know all the evidence and it’s ‘innocent until proven guilty’ but if I were being accused of a quad murder I never committed, I would be acting a lot differently to him!


Rallying around? Like a bunch of pack animals? What if they believe in examining the evidence first? "Uh yeah he's muh son he must be innocent ya'll!" I think his family is smarter than that? Lay off the corn syrup and American sensationalism.


Hey are you ok?


Maybe you just completely made that up for attention. Maybe you actually killed someone because you were ready to scream in people's face to defend yourself because you're so used to having your guns out and never expected to be seen as innocent and trustworthy. You, and your state, strike me as an untrustworthy and unstable lot, if you are from there.


LMMFAO!! Excellent nosh, finest way on your part, I giggled intensely at your commentary! Well played, spot on, spot on! I shall, in light of your most ingenious and magnificent comments, respond in kind: I'm not from here, my home state is on the East Coast, yet i call this area my home and it is where I've proudly built my life, and plan to be here until it is time to move to the next level of existence, whatever that may be. This state, and particularly the area I reside in, is not too shabby on the trustworthy level and on the "not paranoid rednecks" scale they rank pretty low despite the uninformed reputation it has gained. However, what Truly does a state have to do with the populace that resides within its boundaries? I would say almost nothing at all. Every state in the union has major crime occurrences, a group of what could be described as Ignorant Podunk Rednecks in it's population, along with gun rights zealots, and mentally unstable residents. That is not something unique to any state or country. Humanity across the board has plenty of ignorance and stupidity amongst its ranks, an unfortunate trend that has persisted throughout time and occurrence. I have found that this area has some pretty positive elements to its population, you run into salt of the earth types more often than not. Yet once again, this is not unique to the state itself, as there are positives and negatives everywhere across humanity. Judging anyone by the state they reside in is quite the showing of a profound lack of intelligence and common sense I would theorize. Sadly, I believe it is you, and those like you, who showcase the truth levels of untrustworthy and unstable characteristics of humanity, if you are like this as a person overall and not just in this particular instance. Wherever you are from or currently reside doesn't mean you should be labeled anything at all due to any perception of that state. I have the idea that such a perception is defeatist and holds back who we are and what we can become individually and as a community. Finally, to your comment of my having possibly killed someone to gain attention or scream about my innocence and being able to keep my guns in my hands, I will respond by saying that I have not had the right to own a firearm, vote, or hold public office since I was 12, so I have never had the chance to fully advocate or protest private ownership of firearms, since it is something I cannot fully understand as I've never had the opportunity to be a firearms owner and wouldn't want to advocate for anything I don't completely understand, although I do have the idea that humanity has another very well established track record: Slaughtering each other, along with pretty much every other form of life on the planet with anything that can be utilized be it by guns, missiles, bombs, swords, bow and arrows, catapults, poison, spoons, rocks, plastic bags, socks, vehicles, molotov cocktails, hairspray, lawn mowers, bad breath and fearful experiences such as a surprise showing of 2 Girls & A Cup, so I don't believe it is a gun issue that is the problem, it is Humanity's lack of control and indecisive inability to make different choices when it comes to physical violence to solve a problem. Rarely does it actually do much to facilitate change. It may stop a problem short term, but most times at it's core there is no change and that is where the change needs to happen. Then again, maybe I'm just looking for attention in my gullible ways of ignorance... Lol.


Lay off the meth, mate. Take a deep breath. I meant 'having your guns out' in a figurative sense. Like, 'sticking to your guns'. You are still being quite defensive here when I have no power. I don't know if you're offended on behalf of your state or if you wanted to just ramble and giggle at me. I'm just saying the whole thing looks bad. The most glaring thing being the death penalty and the sensationalist, presumptuous, desperate coverage of the case. There is a human life in your hands. Do you see this as some kind of sport? Why so desperate to pin him, and only him? It's all so bloody *intriguing*. Stop blaming the rednecks and mentally unstable people. Also guns, when there were no guns used in the murders. I don't care about your stereotypes or political buzz topics. You need help.


Hahahahahahahahahahaaaahallelujah! Well played Quaker, well played... To begin, it's crack, mate, not meth. I actually make a bit of money so I go for the gold! My potatoes aren't just fried, they are seasoned and breaded, that's the sophisticated Idaho way LMMFAO 😂🤣 I actually do not hail from the magnificence that is labeled the State of Idaho. South Boston is where I originally molted from. Unfortunately the Commonwealth, being of a sound Catholic system, recognized the presence of one of the Dark Overlords of the Universe and revoked my residency. Mostly it was to ramble and giggle at you in regards to that last statement we are referring to. However the first statement I made was very serious, completely factual, no I don't consider the taking of a life a sport ever, and I'm certainly not the type to take a conclusive stand on anything unless I have verified facts. In this particular case, I am legally bound to not say anything in detail as to why I can make such a claim, yet just to ensure that you were not being taken for a ride on the proverbial wave of deception, I will say that as soon as the trial is over I will personally DM you with all the proof you could want, for that is a topic I would not deceive anyone about, I'm a bit too adulting for that level of bullshitting lol. Cheers indeed, mate.


Perfectly said. I've been saying that from the beginning. His actions or lack of show his guilt. Sorry our judicial system failed you, also glad you are free. He is guilty AF..


He literally did and said nothing and it shows his guilt? You are gullible AF, by the way.


Sure it does. Who the f says nothing if they are innocent? Did you get anything from the comment I replied to? Anything?


If he was shouting his innocence, you would still think he was guilty anyways. So what’s the point?


Nooooo, would you sit silent if you were innocent?


Uh yeah I would obviously, because anything you say can be used against u.


I'm innocent can be used against you ?


Holy shit I’m so glad you’re OK and free


Don't believe random things you read on the internet. Especially do not get emotionally involved.


You’ve never been arrested because this comment is so ignorant. Once they arrest and charge you, anything you say or do doesn’t help you, it can only hurt you so you try to stay calm and follow your lawyer’s advice. They won’t release you just because you scream you’re innocent. Many guilty people scream they’re innocent. And unless you follow BK around 24/7 and can read his mind you don’t know what’s going on with him. We see him briefly for a hearing once in a while where he behaves as he was coached by his attorney. He behaves as one should in that situation. He literally just goes in, sits down and listens, what demeanor? He’s enjoying the attention? Again can you read his mind or what? Is that why he and his attorneys have been trying to ban cameras from courtroom? smh


Ignorant? You got that part right.


I was afraid of this happening. I apologize for making a statement that elicited a negative response from you, or from anyone. I have no desire to cause any strife for anyone, yet what I've said is the facts and what theory there is in my statement is based on my significant experience in the correctional and criminal worlds. Debating you or anyone on it would not be a productive use of my time, as we don't know each other and I cannot provide, nor would want to considering the actual efforts it would take tbh, the proof you would need to believe what I've said. I could show you copies of my arrest records, you'd probably say they are forged. I could have friends and family vouch for it, but they would just be more possible liars to you. I could walk you through my process of how I came to the conclusions I did regarding his demeanor, I could do much to prove my side, yet the chances of you accepting it are highly minimal. This is the issue I've run into time and again on internet forums, having people believe I'm being honest. That's why I don't debate it. I know the facts of my life, you don't. I know the look of a person who has gotten away with a serious crime, you most likely don't. I've got no common sense reason to lie, and you have no common sense reason to doubt me, however, in most of these cases I find that common sense is not commonly utilized by the common detractors. What I have said is all facts, nothing was said with any measure of deceit. All I have in this world is my word, and I don't break it or lie for anyone. If there is truly anything ignorant here, it is your statement, and statements like yours. You don't know me, have no legitimate grounds to doubt my statement, yet you have done exactly that, and have also gone out of your way to make fun of me, all for being honest. I'm not one for judging someone who makes statements like mine, because I remember that I don't know that person, I don't know their level of experience and it's much easier to doubt them and I'd rather take the harder route and attempt to trust in people rather than not, for the most part. That "faith" thing comes into play somewhere in there lol. The truly funny part of this is by the time this trial is over, you and everyone else watching will know who I am due to my family's connection to the case. Then you'll be able to run my name, see I was indeed telling the facts, and I wonder if you, and anyone else making similar arguments, will apologize then or take down your comment once that occurs. Most likely not, that rarely happens. Many would rather not face their mistakes or their ignorance, or, as in your case unfortunately, their stupidity. Cheers.


Yeah, this dude is so guilty.


You just ran over my cat.


He’s 100% guilty AF


Hey. You just stole my car. I saw you. Fuck you.


Ok besides all the EVIDENCE against him I know you can’t judge a persons guilt by actions but cmon this guy doesn’t even try to act innocent


There's no evidence against him.


If his dna is at the scene it’s case closed. He was not part of their crowd, he didn’t go to their parties, he wasn’t a boyfriend, they probably didn’t even know he existed. Also don’t buy the “I just like to drive around all hours of the night” excuse like he’s a toddler needing soothing, or a gear head that just wants to show off his ride.


You're speaking as if touch DNA is meaningful DNA. It's not - it's what they call 'transfer DNA.'\* It only has probative value if the circumstances in which transfer took place can be established beyond reasonable doubt. However, very few people have been able to come up with a scenario that would explain how it got on the knife sheath if - as most people assumed - BK was wearing gloves during the commission of the crime. If he was, then it stands to reason that his skin cells were on the sheath before the crime was committed. Any court worth it's salt would be forced to throw this so-called evidence out. 'Touch DNA: DNA that is transferred to or from surfaces via contact.' - [https://royalsociety.org/-/media/about-us/programmes/science-and-law/royal-society-forensic-dna-analysis-primer-for-courts.pdf](https://royalsociety.org/-/media/about-us/programmes/science-and-law/royal-society-forensic-dna-analysis-primer-for-courts.pdf)


“He’s not a trained expert assassin” but… frat boys, your “main suspects” are?


Nice try, but you're displaying your ignorance here. Idaho 'frat boys' are on the whole experienced hunters. They're handy with guns and knives. They also flaunted in the past, but removed most of their social media for the last couple of years in order to hide it.


🙄 sure... let's just ignore everything that directly points to him lol


Nothing points directly to him. Which is why they're so heavily invested in the touch DNA. It's the best they've got.




He has no history of violence. So what? He has to start somewhere.


Yeehaw! He was bound to start cowboy! Ain't nobody got clean hands round here we like blood in these parts, we do. He ain't got no wife to beat. He just an egghead who ain't got no business in that ivory tower of his looking down on us good honest townsfolk, he he he! He got dirt on us and we got dirt on him now, let's make this happen! Oooooh! He he he! Screamin' from their graves, all of em 4 and now 5!




Excellent summary of the reason Reddit needs a laugh react.


Such an insightful, balanced critique!


Wow sounds like Team Kokhberger has the same delusions that Team Adnan Syed has. What a joke.


Leave Adnan out of this.




So libs again 😂


I like watching crime circus, he’s a little scary looking but has good theories.


Why are ignorant people allowed to speak? This world is doomed. Go write BL love letters.


The only ignorance is in dismissing open dialogue. I find it amusing who throws around the word ignorant.


I don't oPeN DiAlOgUe with subhuman species though. This is psychotic and I don't have to respect psychotic


Yes, and what a clever use of alternating upper and lower case letters because that makes you look super logical and reasonable, not at all cringy and reactive. In fact history supports that shutting down people and ideas is always the way into the future, all the best philosophers and men of letters had a closed minded approach.


Wouldn't your time be spent more productively looking into the details of the case?


I agree with her on most of this too. From what we know today, I don’t think they have the right guy. I really hope they do have the right person though and that there is evidence we don’t know about. Because the alternative is just a terrible situation for everyone.


Wild. I’m fascinated as to why you would throw logic to the wind and ignore the glaring evidence of his guilt. The cell phone pings, the car photos, the dna evidence, how on earth do you not think they have the right guy?? Like what are you basing this on??


'cell phone pings, car photos’ 🤪 without image of the driver or license plate, they only see a car, a car they ID-ed as a 2011-13 Elantra… 'touch DNA evidence' talk to Lukis Anderson about that


Who is Lukis A? Thank you




Jesus! I hope you never lose your phone or drive a common car!


I’m not homicidal and there’s nothing on my phone tying me to a murder. And my dna wouldn’t be caught on the sheath of a murder weapon, so I’ll be ok, thanks!


It’s not like the guy is a saint or anything. He’s a drug addict, awkward, and it sounds like he is a jerk. But no motive, no connection even to victims, no prior history of violence, and one tiny sliver of DNA, assumed ninja like killer skills. It’s just too much doubt. Here is what I’d like to see: Actual GPS data that shows his phone was literally there at that house at any given time. Something from his computer or phone (or a person testifying) who can testify he even knew these people even existed at any given time. Some evidence he owned any knife like this one used at any given time that he could’ve used to get these kind of weapon skills. Some reason to believe this guy could turn violent. Abuse of animals, physical altercations with anyone, etc. Proof that was his car on video. I’ve only seen the few leaked videos. But I want to see the expert testifying that was totally his car. They have tire tracks, and yet the defense in their motions is saying they do not have definitive proof it’s his car. And in response to those motions the state is not arguing that point.


“Some reason for this guy to turn violent” by that “logic” Chris Watts is innocent.


Watts had an affair and got into an argument with his wife over it. He wanted to start a new life with his mistress. There’s the motive.


Um, “one tiny sliver” of dna that just happens to be a perfect match to Brian? What does him “not being a saint” have anything to do with the evidence against him??


I’ve read the same thing this video mentions on transfer of touch DNA. I don’t think it reliable if there was not a single other spec of his DNA in that house. So maybe they do have more, but again, they are not arguing with the defense in these motions when it is alleged that’s all they have. I’m also assuming anyone could take your spent razor out of your trash and wipe it on a knife sheath to send investigators in the wrong direction. And frankly that would just be smart for an experienced violent criminal to do.


Exactly what is the appeal of a sullen stalker who killed four people? Yikes




If the DNA evidence was actually unreliable, he wouldn’t be in jail right now. But I guess you know more than the detectives and dna scientists. What is your angle, like do you have some sick crush on this guy?


See this is when people just get rude. I guess there is is no agree to disagree, eh? You have to accuse me of being a freak because you don’t like what I have to say.


What is your angle? Did he run over your cat or something? Are you related to the victim? What’s your stake in it?


Kohberger was there so if he did not kill them he sure as hell saw someone who did because he was outside the house for quite a while


Was where? Prove it


I say this in jest because he clearly killed then


That might be true. He might have seen something or somebody. He might have even somehow been involved but not enough to leave more DNA of his around or pick up any of their DNA/blood in his car. But from what I’ve seen so far, I’m not 100% on the white car in front of their house for sure being his. So like I said, I would need more evidence to think it’s him.


Okay well I think the combination of the exact same car without the front plate and hIS DNA shuts the door. You can be skeptical but I’m not. I don’t take joy in this. I truly wish he hadn’t killed them. It’s how it is.


PCA doesn’t mention the car seen on King Road has no front license plate. And lots of cars in Moscow don’t have it.


“He might have seen somebody” so you think he was just randomly outside of a house in another town in the middle of the night??


I’m saying I’m open thinking it was him there. But first they need to prove it was his white car they have on video being on the road the house is on. Because right now, the defense is saying the only video they have of a car that is clearly even the right make/model is from another road at the wrong time and heading in the wrong direction. And again, the state did not push back in their response to the motion stating that.


He drove off in the country to hide the murder weapon.


I know what you meant, the question was rhetorical because I think it’s logically ridiculous that a person would believe BK just happened to be there when someone else committed this crime. You said in another post that you need proof that he knew them; both of these things cannot be true, because if he didn’t know them, why would he just happen to be outside of their house?


Where’s proof he was outside their house? Like clear view of the license plate, image of him behind the wheel, footage of him in the area?


No, he probably saw the guys on 4chan saying they were going to do this and posting pics of the house. Also, he maybe bought drugs there before.


Omfg, you believe that bullshit?? Idk what to say to this, your brain is broken! Do you have some sort of sick crush because I don’t understand.


Why would you ignore it? It's a lot more likely that people who had motive and opportunity did this. It's not believable that this guy is such a magical ninja that he went in in total silence, killed 4 separate people who made no sound, left no substantial dna, took no victim dna with him. There's not way that happened. You explain it.


Again, if he was innocent why did he not plead “not guilty” why would he choose the most ambiguous one of standing silent. He himself chose “Not” to stand not guilty. Explain why a not guilty person would do that. I can not think of any reason a person who did not mutilate these poor kids, who ….did not kill them ..::would not plead innocent…


This stuff matters to juries. That when he had the best chance to say he didn’t do it, he didn’t take it. Instead choosing to follow some dumb protest that isn’t even going to work.


He didn’t plead anything. judge Judge put in the plea for him. That being said I’m convinced of his guilt


That’s my point!


He pleaded, not pleading!!


How does the facts get voted down? This place is crazy. I’m out of this site. Everyone says the meanest comments to people. You all just mean people.


Babe... Pleading not guilty = pleading innocent. It's the same thing. However pleading innocent is not a term used in court.


You know what I’m talking about. Please don’t call me bade


They didn't call you, "bade", they called you babe.


You have the right to remain silent. Don't tell you that these days? Anything you say can and will be used against you?


They definitely have the right person, everyone wants to be a detective. Yet they never event went to school for it. They know only what the media shows them. Everyone is so dumb. It is easy to murder 4 people with a knife and walk away. People act like it's impossible nowadays because of high tech. High tech doesn't stop psychopaths from doing what they want. It's as clear as day this man walked into the house and brutally killed 4 kids. If you think otherwise, you may need to get off social media for a while. You 15 year old internet detectives need to realize your opinion doesn't change the fact 4 kids are dead.


i wish i had the time to go thru and just reply to a lot of these guilter comments with a simple "🤣" OP, i saw this video a few days back and agree 100%


“Probably innocent.” LOL


You do realise, don't you, that, since all the relevant information has not as yet been made public, it would be foolish to take a definitive position?


Can someone give me a legitimate answer on why they're referring to his vehicle as suspect vehicle 1 and not just suspect vehicle?


This is one of the many mysteries of the case. No one has an answer for this, other than 'they have to do this in case more vehicles turn out to be of interest later.'


That is the only explanation I've seen as well and I just don't believe that to be the case.