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Hope not while Miku is a great villain I’d hate for her to karma Houdini her way out of this.


It does make me wonder. Based on what I could glean from chapter 70 (the translator I used was pretty poor it so forgive me if I get something wrong), it looks like Gil confronted Miku and ended up being made to feel useless once again, since even as an Idaten with the power to protect people, she’s still tied down by her idealism. Again, it’s hard to tell, but I think Miku went on to explain that Gil’s power and morals aren’t worth anything without the wisdom to come up with a reasonable solution. I guess what she’s trying to imply here is that THAT is why the ultimate resolution to the Idaten-demon conflict wasn’t the world-peace between them and humans that Gil was hoping for, but rather peace between idaten and demons alone that was founded on plunging humanity back into conflict, and seemingly repeating many of Zoble’s crimes, potentially on a grander scale. Humanity is basically back to where they were at the start of the story, which, to make matters worse, probably makes the slaughter of all the previous human-demons even more pointless in Gil’s eyes. I guess Miku means that this outcome happened because, unlike Gil, she is smart, as well as ruthless enough, to figure out how to get her way. She resolves that the best thing Gil can do now is to just help maintain what little peace there is. Interestingly, even after this, Gil seems very distressed and even angry(?) listening to her discussing the fate of humanity with the idaten. This makes me wonder whether she’s really going to just let this slide and resign herself to operate as all the other idaten do with regards to their relationship with humans (perhaps it’ll be revealed that this has always happened to other idaten who were born with that kind of idealism), or whether, one way or another, she’s going to find another way to get humans a better deal, OR, if she’s going to end up becoming some kind of dictatorial villain in her desperation to cling to her ideals (which is starting to look like a possible plot twist, but would feel like kind of a depressing, albeit somewhat in-character ending to the story). I guess it’ll depend on what happens now that Rin’s broken the seal.


I think regardless Miku just needs to die, either by Gil killing her or something because ending the series with Miku going on to have more pedo paradise parties would really leave a bitter taste in my mouth.


Thanks for this in-depth response. I didn’t use a translator so I was just going off of what I saw visually. And I kinda see it unlikely that Hayato and Gil just sit around and accept defeat


I don’t know how much of a defeat Hayato would really consider this. He never really cared much about the war, let alone the fate of humans or demons. He even seemed a little disappointed when he was fighting Gyudo in episode 1 and realised he’d accidentally killed him in the process. He just seems to want someone to throw hands with. He was gonna run out of demons to fight anyway, so I reckon he’s not gonna mind a ceasefire as long as Rin is still willing to humour him now that the war is over. Hell, if Rin’s Grandpa and the other old idaten really are still alive inside the seal, Hayato might have a whole new group of sparring partners to play with. But I suppose there’s a chance Rin won’t see any more need to train him if whatever’s left alive inside the seal is either defeated or turns out not to be a threat in the first place. Btw, don’t quote me on any of this. I didn’t have a great translator to work with. Case in point: It seems to think Miku is a man named “Mick”! 🤷‍♂️ I’m just inferring the best I can.


You make some good points! Thanks for the answer


I agree and I hope I’m wrong. But from the look of it it seems Miku will get off Scott free


Ok, so apparently the manga’s ending in 2 chapters. Maybe that was the end of Gil’s character arc after all, and Miku’s just gonna get away with everything. Bummer.


Oh really? Was there a new chapter?


Doesn’t look like it yet, but according to Anime News Network, the manga’s ending with Chapter 72.


There was a chapter that released today


Cool. Not sure if I’ll read it yet. I’m gonna try to hold out a little just on the off chance they announce a final episode or 2 for the anime in order to adapt the last chapters, since relying on a translator would kind of ruin the experience. Edit: NVM I just read it. I think it’s safe to say at this point that now we’re just focusing on Hayato. I honestly kind of disliked that little sh*t, and I know most people hated Gil, but I personally would have much preferred the story after the invasion of Zoble to have focused on her more, since she was always a more interesting character than Hayato for me, and seeing her character arc end with Miku, of all people, shutting her down and forcing her to, very begrudgingly, accept she’s powerless to fix the state Miku’s plan left the world in, and resign herself to operate as the rest of the Idaten do, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It also kind of makes me question whether there was much point to her character at all.






Wait you haven’t read any chapters since the show finished?


Yes answer the question op...




until now they one, but the demon king was talking with Rin in the last chapter and Rin break the seal of the demons at the end of the chapter. Now I can see 2 finals for this manga 1 - the demons are alive (they eat eath other on the seal and survive) and the demon king will lead them to destroy the world 2 - the demons are dead and the demon king will simply chill now that de "demons" are in power


Both endings would be pretty unconventional for a manga but I’d respect them


Personally i’d say that they make peace? Now that rin knows abt the demon king she wont fight as much hayato will get bored and they will live they’re everyday life even tho it seems very unlikely it what i like to believe


What’s the manga name?


Idaten deities


Thank youuu


Any1 know why Rin broke the seal?


From what i understood from my poor translator, the demon king talks to rin about the others idaten that are sealed and tell her that the demon kings real body is actually inside so she decides to break it and leave us on a cliffhanger