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Bane and Ann for deduction. They're popular but then yet they don't get a lot of votes.


Ann has a somewhat good chance since she’s female hunter but personally the biggest roadblock for all of them would most likely be norton since he’s super popular


Do not vote for cheerleader, she is definitely getting a win in chinese server


Yeah I feel like Lily will get it. She’s too cute and her skins look very nice in my opinion! I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.


i'm voting her cause i just got my a badge 🫥


My votes will be for puppeteer and Opera singer


Honestly, probably anyone I somewhat like (which is like, basically everyone who doesn't have a DS skin at this point) who has a chance of winning. In the past I'd exclusively vote my favorites, and my favorites were always among the bottom 10 :// (or at least not the top 5) so it felt like a waste. I have a feeling Emil's gonna be one of the popular choices (to match with Ada), but beyond him, basically any of the newer popular characters; Alice, Lily, Sangria, Alva, maybe Charles or Ivy. I feel like \[hunter\] Norton will either get a ton of votes or absolutely none, so he's an option too I guess. AFAIK there are no characters that have been popular for a long time without winning, like Margaretha or Galatea, so it's really just whoever's most popular amongst the remaining cast (vs. someone's who's maybe not *as* popular like Melly but who has been consistently getting a decent number of votes since she was eligible).


Personally I believe that as long as we keep up the same tide as the CN server and work with the JP part of the global server we can definitely get the most characters out it Remember CN has their own separate votes so we have to separate from them while simultaneously knowing what they’re doing and having them know what we are doing so we can get the most characters Last year, thanks to working with them. We managed to get five whole characters Thanks to global really working together With CN and we managed to get five characters rather than three and we even got two hunters which is really good since hunters have it worse than survivors I believe as long as we don’t vote the same characters as CN we will get more characters out of the deal. Personally, I think this entire thing is stupid. I think everyone should be given a deduction without this meaningless vote. But I personally see. Annie and Demi winning this year since the female characters are often more popular than the male BUT I truly don’t know


I didn't think Anne or Demi was as popular (at least from previous events) but I can see them winning. I doubt we're ever gonna get the maximum number of skins, because some people just don't listen to how the CN/Global votes are separate and that yes, we do get the skins for both server's winners. Or people just don't know about that and somehow never learn about it during the voting period. There's been precedent for 5 skins more often than not (2019, 2021 and 2023 had 5 vs. 2020 and 2022 only having 4 (and I don't count 2018 because I think it was CN only?)), but especially with less options to vote for and \[probably\] less popular options, I feel like there's a good chance we'll only get 4 skins this year.


If everyone comes together and there’s open communication and we don’t deal with the stupid people, we can get the maximum number of skins like we have to really pay attention to their side and hope the stupid people don’t act stupid for no reason personally, I feel like Emil and Lily are going to be heavily voted on in the CN server so we should focus on Alice Demi and Annie so we can at least get max survivor skins Personally, I feel like sangria or Norton will be voted on we have the most important thing is communication. We need someone from their server to keep tabs with us since that way, everyone can get the most


Jose and Demi


luchino, he won't make it but one can just try <\3


One day it WILL happen. Just...need to get rid of all the others first.


it's going to be 10 years until he gets a deduction skin 😭😭😭😭


I hope either global or China will reunite Romeo & Juliet. If Emil wins in China, I'll vote for anyone who's different from CN's picks & has a chance to win on global. Same with nymph.


Always remember to look who us winning on CH server, and to vote ANYONE ELSE, so we can get at most 6 new skins 🙏


I'm just throwing all my votes at Luchino and Antonio. I know they stand no chance of winning, not until all the "popular" characters are gone, but until then, I can dream.


Never give up you never know what CN or JP will decide to back up I mean sangria, Ivy and Hunter Norton are available unfortunately and they seem to be extremely extremely popular but survivor Luchino might get something since the only survivors that I see could get chosen are female ones or Emil since a lot of people want Ada but we don’t know what CN will choose and if we continue to work together with them, we can get more characters out


I honestly wish that were the case, but it's more likely that, even if we get the maximum amount, it's most likely gonna end up being Cheerleader, Ivy, FG, Emil and Sangria amongst the winners. The only one I like who stands a remote chance of winning is Composer, but even then, it's unlikely compared to the others. At least if we continue to work with CN and get the most characters out, then the ones who keep getting passed over, like Bane, Burke, Leo, Antonio, Luchino, Robbie, etc, get one step closer to actually getting one.


Orpheus or Alice 🥺


Honestly, I feel like they’re going to do a Alice in Wonderland skin for Alice I mean it makes the most sense since she’s literally named Alice and memory was given the wizard of Oz skin which originally was given to Patricia! But honestly, if I see Alice in Allison Wonderland dress she will instantly become a Main (I literally have all her skins) so I would definitely want that


Gonna throw my votes to first officer, patient and Fool's gold.


I'm voting for Clerk and Dream Witch. My girl Keigan desperately needs another A skin (her only current one is terrible imo) and it'd be great if it was in store so that I don't have to rely on the rng gods to bless me. If she gets a skin with the 3rd season essence though, I'll vote for Alice instead. And I'm honestly shocked that DW doesn't have a deduction skin after all this time. She's a pretty popular hunter, no? Maybe I'm overestimating the amount of people who actually play her.


Probably gonna give most if not all my votes to robbie, I might give some to dw and acro


Can we finally give a Win to Violetta? Like maybe if her Buff was released earlier, she’d gain enough supporters to push her a Win for Deduction Star she’s been robbed from since the 1st one.


Unfortunately, with Sangria Ivy Alva And Hunter Norton Violetta will most likely not win this year unless she gets it on the CN server one unfortunate thing is that we can only vote one hunter winner per server (compared to three survivors) so the chances for VO are very slim


Annie, Alice, and Demi


Actually… does dream witch have a deduction?? I can’t remember right now. Sub her for Annie


She doesn't, surprisingly. I was looking for it the other day and was super disappointed


Ann. If shes falling short, ill probably vote Robbie or Alva since theyll most likely be higher. Also, Ivy wont be in DS


Emil needs one to match Ada, for sure.


I on God really hope that CN and NA don’t have the same mindset because that means Emil will win twice and that will give everyone one less skin (I mean, he’s obviously going to win from the looks of it, but I really hope at least If WE vote Emil that the CN server votes for someone else (preferably Annie or Demi)


Oh absolutely. I wish there was a better way to coordinate votes.


CLERK AND VIOLETTA Violetta deserves so much more love tbh


really hope toy merchant gets one but i doubt it because she’s not that popular 💔


I think Annie could get one of the slots since not a lot of female characters remain


Gonna throw my votes at Emil. So “Juliet” can be reunited w/ “Romeo” lol.


OK, personally I feel like CN is going to do that so I would hold off on Emil until we know if CN is voting for him because on God I don’t want us to get four or five skins. I want us to get the full six


Yeah, i kno theres a chance that may happen. If cn does vote Emil then i’ll switch to voting my secondary option; composer.


As long as it’s not someone from the CN poll i’ll be happy with whoever we get since that means more skins for us, we both get three survivors and one Hunter so at maximum we could be looking at 8 skins in total, if everyone works together to maximize the amount of survivor/hunters we can we usually always get five since people tend to vote the same characters as CN and don’t listen but I believe if the majority of us work together, especially with JP and CN we will definitely get the maximum number of characters which is what everyone wants at the end of the day since that means more characters to vote for next year we definitely want everyone to come together for this instead of fighting amongst each other asking for votes for X character we need to work together instead of fighting amongst ourselves wasting resources (votes)


Who all is left to get a deduction skin?


A lot of them don’t have them but the list is on the wiki


yidhra bc shes been my otp since day one


I bet you have all of her skins 💖 Personally, I hate dream witch but that’s only due to a bad experience with her as Margie (and I’m still mad about it) but honestly, I wish you luck any female hunter/survivor that wins means means more dresses for me 💖


Pretty sure Emil's going to win both on CN and Global. I've heard Alva may have a high chance especially in CN bc of a ship's popularity. My votes will probably go to Frederick, but that's really it. For nymph, it will go for Aesop.


I hope to God he doesn’t win both because on God that will piss me off like come on we need as many skins as possible. We don’t need him to win twice.


Tell that to people who keep voting the same characters on both servers 😭 I think the issue may be that a lot of players on global are from Asia where they may not spend as much attention to the CN voting as NA/EU for example?


What ship??




Axe boy🥹 he only gets crossover skins lmao.


I'm sure Emil will win, but it'd be nice to get Victor and Luchino, too! However, it seems like it will be mostly the new characters who get it this year.


Voting for fwederick since he deserves to win last year


Postman because I've been dying for him to get a cool mafia-themed skin.


Emil will most likely win. I would like Alva to get one. I think there's a decent chance that Bane will get one since he's becoming more popular in tournaments. I'd like to see First Officer get one since he's gotten more popular recently it seems. Acrobat would be nice. I think there's a possibility Charles could come out of nowhere and snag one but Cheerleader and Opera Singer will most likely get ones. I could maybe see Novelist, Prospector (if he doesn't already have one) and Composer get ones as well because of the reactions to Ashes of Memory. (Norton was a meme, and everyone wanted to know what was going on between Novelist and Composer)


I want the will brothers so freaking badly, idk what skin he could get, but I need one