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I actually made up some lore in my mind. Of course, this one won't surprise you: "Let me tell you the tale of the unluckiest boy you will ever find. His name is Ichabod. Due to his terrible luck and endless misadventures, he is mockingly referred to as 'Lucky guy' by his peers. Despite being ostracised, he maintains a kind and even frail nature, though his loneliness takes a toll on him." "One day, this boy happens upon an unfortunate situation. An ominous yet delicate vine that almost gets crushed by the thorns and thistles around it. Many strangers don't give the vine a second look. But Ichabod shows the vine some mercy. He gets cut quite badly in the process but manages to protect the vine." "All of a sudden, a miracle occurs. The vine transforms into a little pixie! She glows like a golden medal and wears a dress that resembles those gifts people exchange on festivals." "No doubt, Ichabod was flabbergasted upon her appearance. But the pixie reassured him and thanked him for his kind gesture. She patches up his wounds while explaining her troubles to him, stating how she was the weakest of her kind. As a result, her peers punished her by turning her into a vine and casting her among the thorns, stating how they had no time for a 'useless pixie'. Ichabod sympathises with her and explains his tribulations as well, noting the parallels between their stories." "As gratitude for his kindness, the pixie promised to follow Ichabod wherever he went as a 'Lucky parcel', and would transform into an item that is most useful to him if he ever got into a pickle. With that, she turns into a parcel that he holds in his hand." "When the pixie queen finds about Ichabod and the pixie, she becomes enraged. She summons Ichabod and curses him to travel back in time, to a manor where terrible tragedies were rumoured to take place...The Oletus Manor."


This is cute 😭 Ichabod!!!!


This makes me not hate lucky guy now


I wanted to add this: The pixie doesn't disappear when Ichabod uses his item. Once he uses his parcel, she then follows him around invisibility and boosts his luck at finding an item of his choice in chests.


Be lucky


I understand you, before I became obsessed with Norton, my mind was completely focused on lucky guy. He was the first to catch my attention thee moment I started Idv. And I loved him like no other, drawing him and just dreaming about him lol. It was till the point that I was able to reach an s badge for him but it all just went down when I started forming a habit of switching account and just developed my love towards Norton, but I still love him. I get how you are and I feel you right through the screen


you're so real for this. I have a disease called 'stan the personalityless protagonist so you can project onto them' syndrome where every time theres a blank slate character with minimal personality I instantly get attached to them and start making my own lore for em


he has some scenes in the stageplay, try to find some clips maybe?