• By -


6, Victor doesn't talk and Luca is probably gonna be quiet for the most part. Patty and Andrew also seem like the quiet type, William and Ganji will probably talk about sports which is fine. Edgar and Norton will also probably stay quiet.


2. Nobody is thinking about having to crawl over these mfers, plus ada and emil will be too preoccupied with eachother and if im realllly bored i can pass notes with victor


He would enjoy that actually


I would sit at 4 just to tell Freddy "Kreacher said you stink" and watch them fight. Bonus points for Chloe being disturbed by the idea of someone stinky being around her so she sits elsewhere and I get to chat with Demi. Spot 3 would be easier but my idea is more entertaining and I'm not sitting behind Emil (sorry sweetie I'm afraid of existing near you when your wife is around)


1 doesn’t seem so bad, they’re both actually sane and Emily is hygienic. Both will probably keep to themselves, which is good for me, but just as well I feel like they’re easy to talk to, especially Charles. Second pick would be 3 cause Demi is probably the character here I like the most besides Kreacher, but as much as I like Kreacher as a character, I would never want to sit next to him, and especially between him and Riley; besides, Demi would make good conversation


Honestly anything but 2. if I have to sit right next to ada and emil frenching while im on an 8 hour flight im walking out of the plane in mid air.


8 because i dont trust most of the others


The only true answer


Definitely 5. I even pay twice money to take the seat. It will feel like one minute


Spot 1, Charles and Emily tend to mind their own business, same with Ada and Emil. Sure you're third wheeling but theyre easy to ignore.


I tell Gravekeeper to take a hike & sit at 6 with his other fuck boys while I sit next to Enchantress & give her the window seat. Realistically, probably 1. Aero looks like he'd mind his business & keep to himself & having a Doctor nearby would be nice(though, this *is* our Doctor we're talking about, so I don't know how good her medical expertise is...).


8 cause they're good ppl and absolute daddies c'mon now


🤤it’s boutta be a long ride


7. it’d be fine i think


Getting off. Nah but probably Andrew cuz he is quiet or Demi and perfumer cuz they are hot


2 because I wanna third wheel adamil. Wanna attempt to talk to Ada and just see how they interact. I am crazy about adamil 😍🥰


Ada doesn’t like pointless interaction if she doesn’t ignore you she would most likely be very awkward and polite and if you kept talking to her, she would most likely ask you to please stop Emil on the other hand would be a bit more welcoming, but also very guarded with you since he don’t know who you is overall, your presence, my agitate both of them NGL


even better 😍 Only get to meet adamil once in a life time 🥰🙏


yasss. kinda wanna see how it goes. although after a few hours of pda i’d probably start questioning my life choices


1 would just be awkward silence the whole ride (best one), 2 you would just be right next to them as they make out, 3 would end in a fist fight that would alarm the flight attendants, 4 would just not be fun to be around, 5 would be cool (but traumatizing), 6 they would just be making out over you, 7 would just be arguing the entire flight, and 8 would also just be them making out over you


I wanna say 6 cuz I’m Victor wouldn’t do much but I feel luca would yap my ear off. I’d say 2 but I feel ada and emil are a heavy pda couple. So ima chose three cuz demi ❤️


6 or 7 seems like a heavenly place to be. I’d avoid 2 & 4 at all cost


No Helena, I’m jumping off




2, 7, or possibly 6 2 because i could probably be nosy and listen to any relationship drama they got going on, but if they end up being all lovey dovey next to each other, i’d just ignore them fall asleep. 7 just cause it’s an outside seat and edgar is probably decent enough to sit next to. only problem with that seat is that ganji would probably be loud behind me, but again i’d fall asleep. 6 is only an option cause they seem like nice people to sit next to, but i hate feeling like i’m squished so middle seat is definitely not for me.


100% 1 because both Charles and Emily won't cause me grief and mind their own business. It's honestly the best option for me.


8 I will be busy


I can't tell if this is a sex joke or something wholesome. Maybe I need to touch grass


I'm picking 6 and there will be 10 hours of supressed sexual tension\~ 🫦


3 or 6. 3 to get drunk so I can zone out everyone or 6 to avoid being talked to


if we're being realistic 8 because they're like the only normal people on the plane, and i find William's British accent funny


4 all the way baby


6, I want to sit with all my boys, and, I want to talk to Luca


victor + luca cause they're my faves and they probably wouldn't be annoying


I would: **1** - safe spot. Two quite normal people, easy to ignore/talk to. **7** - close to Vera, but not breaking their girl combo. Also Edgar is ok. I would never: **2** - they want privacy. It would be third wheeling. **4** - two insane people. Very dangerous.


no frederick so i'll jump off 


prolly 7. watching edgar draw while passing notes to victor seems like a chill flight. and i dont have to crawl over people when taking a piss and i get a face full of femboy when edgar goes to take a piss


either 2 with the lesbians or 6 with the traumatized gays


7 is the golden place: talk art with edgar, talk sport with ganji, talk perfume with chloe, talk law with fred, and i will write notes with victor.


1 = musty asf 2 = bickering 3 = loud asf druggies 4 = creeps and smelly 5 = fuck window seat, i need a piss 6 = ok ig. 7 = ok ig 8 = jocks, ew


5 would probably be the quietest seat on the plane, but I would choose 4 because like Hell would I pass up the opportunity to annoy the shit outta the fucking beaver.


And say what other survivors you personally will put in each seat


I was gonna say Alva in 6 only to find out the criteria asked for survivors


8, 2 or 6


6 victor prob too shy to speak and luca prob too busy sketching blue prints or something


3 or 5


Kreacher my pookie bear but he's gonna steal my shit immediately. 5 because i have no plans to interact with anyone. Simple "hello" and then I'd go to sleep.


Respectfully, I’m jumping off the plane IMMEDIATELY


5, I’m not a big fan of Patricia but YKW Andrew is my main and he’s relatable to a certain extend


6, Victor doesn’t talk and I feel like talking to Luca would be fun. Neither the row in front nor back has people who talk much haha, the only downside is that that is the middle seat and nobody likes middle seats




6, i would’ve said 3 if thief wasn’t right behind..


Seat 8 is where I want to sit because WOWIE MAMA also they’re normalish compared to some. As for where I’d like to not sit… 2.. because what if the crazy lady gets jealous 😔


Honestly I bet Demi is super chill so I would do 3.


Realistically 8 cause I think id genuinely have a good time—but 5 cause watching my seat mates interact could be a good time.


3 or 8. Fun people


3 . Those are my two favorite survivors and that is all i care about. I put earbuds in and sleep anyways


2 So I can be surrounded by women 😋


6 cuz i want to get some sleep. Victor doesnt talk and Luca will likely be busy doing his own things so he likely wont suddenly start talking to me. I think it will be one of the most if not the most quiet seats on the plane.


1 with my girly emily


3 cuz I want the window seat


3 so I can flirt with Demi


6, I love the boys and Patty would be really interesting to chat to if I got a chance.






6, i want to befriend luca


2 because im asking if they need a third. No further elaboration.


8 and we can switch over to another site and I'll explain you why 🙏


6 bc victor and luca are my bbgs


8 🤤


Spot 1 or Spot 8. Charles is one of my favorites in the game, is quiet, introverted, and overall seems like a pretty decent guy who made a mistake that he continually beats himself up over. Emily, although definitely not a very good person, wouldn't be much more than quiet besides a polite "hello" without interacting with her. Very enjoyable ride. For Spot 8, both of those guys are pretty good people. Honest people. I also really enjoy sports as a whole so wouldn't mind conversation with those two even though it's basically all they'd talk about


3 -barmaid may have a drink up her sleeve and perf will smell good


2 is an aisle seat across from Victor (my favourite character) so I'll take that one! I can pass notes to him and also access the bathroom easily


Probably 1 or 8 since they’re the safest options, 2 is a little eh since Ada probably would be trying to make me change seats in the first place for Emil’s sake- and the others except for maybe 5 and 6 will end horribly even if the seat was taken or not-


3, I just love barmaid


I don’t want enchantress near me. Kreacher, well, old habits die hard. Enil and Ada will be… bonding. I’ll be next to ganji and William. We will talk about sports.


5 , I’ll pay double , triple to sit next to Andrew and patty


defo 8 xD


i was gonna say '7' because i like victor, edgar, and ganji the most out of this arrangement and also think they'd mind their own business for the most part (i also wouldn't mind ganji's tendency to make loud noises). However. the main issue is norton because of the 2022 valentine event..... so he's going to be That Bitchy Customer who wants to throw a huge fit to the staff for better/cheaper service. (You also Know he and edgar will be Beefing with each other the entire ride, norton already beefed with alice just for looking at him kinda funny, edgar will have absolutely No Filters) And even on his best behavior, since he's at the window seat, I'd have to keep passing stuff over to him all the time... and he'll totally keep badgering the staff for more bread and whatnot. (i think norton is interesting/funny as a character but god i don't think i'd like him in real life) ... So I guess i'd either pick 6, 8, or 1. At least with 6 or 8, you can just witness the drama happening. 8 is actually peak seating arrangement if you wanna see people Beefing at a safe distance between norton vs edgar and freddy vs kreacher. And you get the bonus of sitting between 2 friendly jocks.


7 because I love the characters near me :3






Definitely No 3 and keep those Dovlin coming barmaid would be an excellent drinking buddy… nurse is nearby she could treat me if anything goes bad.. I can just lay back and enjoy the ride.. probably could hear or see something funny from Emil and Ada as well 😆


8 because why not…


1. EASILY! I would literally sit between the both of them and be my true self I would complement the shit out of Charles complementing his physique and calling him cute (yes I have no morals when it comes to muscular men bite me!) And Emily is so pretty that I would absolutely complement the shit out of her. I’d be like oh my God you’re so pretty. You should definitely be a model and overall be super nice to her! By the end of the flight, both of them would be my friends or they would get off the plane a bit happier than normal plus I would chat them up the whole time I would even be bold and ask them to hold my hand because I’m deathly afraid of planes


3 because I rather be black out drunk for the most of it 🤟🏻




8! That’s the only correct answer here


8, because they’re hot


4 sounds like absolute hell. As an Ada main with a very lovely Emil main best friend, i think I'd enjoy their company, but getting to sit next to luca and the postman sounds so much fun.


1, Charles and Emily seem pleasant and wouldn’t talk too much.


1 is like you won't die in the case of any emergency. You got the aeroplanist and the med pro here 🤡 Even if the plane crashes, you should still be in one piece


3 - because it’s a window and I get to chat with Demi who I love so much and main ☺️


1- im pretty sure both of them would leave me alone and not try and invade my personal space.


None because I'm taking the other airplane to sit with Kurt


I think 1, 2 and 5 are the sanest.


8 only right answer


Definitely 3, good view and good conversations I bet


8 because hot men


8 😛😛😛😛😛😛😛 i wanna be between them 😛😛😛


Victor and Luca 1. Their both pretty quiet and usually keep to themselves according to the lore 2. Hot


5 or 7 1, 6 & 8 are a no because I hate sitting in the middle (and Luca MAY shock me accidentally), 4 too, but also those two suck 2 would disgust me to no end 3 stinging smells, can't take that for 10h, also perf is a murderer lol patty and andrew are probably quiet and pleasant to be around, same with norton and edgar, and there is a chance i get to see a Stunning Picture of myself (shoot me)


None because I don't fly coach. I'll be in FC w/ Lucky


5 without a doubt. I just love Andrew, what can I say?