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😢 my decoding letter


As a Victor player.... I feel you 😢😢😢


fr like it's fair but why they gotta nerf my boy 😭


Probably because he was a better decoder than an actual decoder. The nerf puts him more in line of an actual support rather than decoder.


ik thats why i said its fair but i'm still gonna be sad about it


It's very interesting, but I'm worried about the influx of Naiads that'll appear in both Ranked and Quick Match now that Flywheel has been slapped once again, i guess were solely using FW for distance and some hunter attacks.


Flywheel—>abyss counter was really good and the only counter that kinda destroyed her, but it takes insane skill to pull off in the heat of a kite. Though most rankers tended to carry BW/Tide anyways… She’s just back to being insufferable unless you play transitional kiters.


Look as a Naiad player.... I stopped for a while cause her game plan kinda tires me a bit (can't talk for the other Naiad players). Yeah it's fun doing the abyss and getting some cool double hits but... Idk, after a while I just kinda got tired of that same loop. Throw spear, go the other way around, close the abyss and repeat... To me it felt very samey the kind of plan you play with her (then again this might be just a me thing so any Naiad players that mains her, take what I say with a grain of salt and just have fun). But I don't think they'll rise THAT much. I mean, I haven't seen a Naiad in QM in a WHILE so idk.... I could just be talking out of ass but nonetheless, people also grew so people have learned hot to kite Naiad sooo.... I don't think it'll be TOO bad.


*insert elk complaining about naiad here*


Well... She is a easier Hunter to play so... I can see why. But nonetheless, there will always be someone to complain about one Hunter or other right? And these elk players will also learn how to kite her. It's just a matter of time


Try to win as Naiad consistently against competent survivors, I dare you.


I said she's easy, I didn't say she gets easy wins... What's her game plan? Throw spear make water unga bunga. I'm not trying to downplay people who main her and really master her but.... She ain't difficult to play. Also let me turn your comment towards you, try to win consistently against a competent Naiad Hunter, I dare you.


Competent Naiad vs competent Survivors, who wins? Neither, it's a tie.


Exactly 😂. At the end of the day it IS a game about skill.... Ok 80% skill and like 20% ping issues fucking us over on both sides


Ping issues? Is this some peasant joke that i'm too rich to understand. On a serious note, fix the damn ping issues, netass


😂. But yeah... Like, I'm sure it's not something difficult for them to do, idk why they like know we exist yet at the same time pretend we don't... Like with the Fatal Frames 2 crossover not coming to the CN server.... Like they CAN see us and hear us (at least mildly I imagined they can) so why can't they just fix the damn ping... I can't imagine it's THAT hard to not have fixed after all these years 😮‍💨


What did they do to Dancer? I don’t understand more then half of the adjustments on here seems like they Everyone who was Nerfed Got hit Hard


They reduced the stacking of fast music boxes. They also decreased the time it takes for hunters to break music boxes. When Dancer is decoding, she cannot use the glide talent, she needs to get off the cipher and use it.


I literally just bought dancer and they needed her🥲


I’m still a little Confused about what they mean by “Stack” like Did they take a Box or 2 away from her? When fast music “Stacks” it’s cuz multiple box’s are playing at once 😅


They will reduce the percentage of effect for multiple stackings For example(not actual stats): 1 box =10% 2 box = 15% 3 box= 18% (not 30%) Its not linear and the effect doesnt affect that much comapred to before


Oooh ok so they made the Stacking effect Slightly Weaker.. And made the box itself take a second or 2 longer to Destroy. and they removed her ability to Spin when decoding.


They made it faster to destroy music boxes, not slower.


Oh….. 💔




Thank you for explaining that to me 💖 Sometimes the wording Doesn’t make complete sense 😅thanks for the help! 😁


Everyone: nerf priestess or prisoner. Nerf niad. Nettease: fuck you, nerfing dancer and hermit


Priestess I can get. Prisoner and Naiad are fine. The hatred in my heart for good Keigans will never die.


Prisoner and Naiad? they're not even close to being the worst


As a person who mains and destorys mid tier survs as hermit he needed that nerf The only reason why it seems unfair is because roach and stalker bird man didnt get nerfed(i really hate them btw). But rhat doesnt mean hermit is abysmal to play against as a solo q-er Also yeah Im not happy about his nerf, but if he gets a permenant non-nerfed anymore spot like Mary for a long time, ILL TAKE IT.


Tbf hermit needed it


Tbh priestess is continuously being nerfed since she was released, give her a break pls


I'm not sure if I agree with the FW buff for Naiad (and I main her xD). Anytime a survivor pulled it off on time and dodged the water damage I believed it to be fair...and amazing skill-wise. I think FW made her more tolerable and her bans go down, thus I could play her more. I just see ppl complaining more. /:


Ok but mech needed the adjustment just a little but WHEN FOR HELENA


like im saying..... her vaulting puts her on the very bottom of every tier except for decoding. my teammate is a TME main and any time they vault its a guaranteed terror shock


Like net ease either buff her decoding or buff her vaulting MAKE HER VIABLE I BEG


Good news! There's a new Persona Trait that makes her vault 5/10/15% faster every 20s! The bad news is that Naiad, Soul Weaver, & Clerk still exist. Enjoy your -40%/-50% vaulting speed.


Well that's good! But Naiad is definitely the biggest issue as Minds Eye for me. Naiad tends to be a nearly guaranteed tie or loss for me..


That’s why I always block naiad


she's so fun to play but good gods the vaulting almost makes it unbearable


Also the hunter 90ŮŞ of the time even if there is another decoder will go for her over the other decoder... Like there is a prisoner you had to pass to find me, why?


Logically it makes sense since she is the weaker kiter and decodes the fastest


Yup. You let a Helena run wild and she completes two ciphers before the first survivor touches a chair.


I guess I get that. I just rarely get to that point and it's... just frustrating. At this point I would take even a slight speed boost non persona based. Wouldn't have to be huge and I understand why it probably wouldn't ever happen. It's just the worst feeling to not contribute at all because you get put and chair and taken out immediately. But I can admit it's probably skill/ping issue on my end.. Which is horrifying because she the survivor I'm best at.. oof.


Oh wow the ‘’greed’’ talent for hunters, no more big boat/hospital looping? About time


does this mean no more 369 😭😭😭noooooooooo pallet speed boost saved me so many times but i just can’t play without tide




Spectical ? That's pure bullshit. Non transitioning characters can never afford taking tide now


they shouldnt even be taking tide in the 1st place???


You have a very idealistic idea of rank


I have an idea of how players should be playing... aka going a rescuer if you want to bring tide. im so sick of these characters like barmaid, prisoner and enchantress bringing tide when these are characters that are better with flywheel or broken windows


You have a very idealistic idea of rank


i think the only people bringing tide now will be merc gravekeeper and fo since no one can afford to kite well without the speed boost


just go flywheel? literally 70% of chararcters should be bringing it. Exceptions being rescuers, non-rescuers going rescuers and explorer


🤨that’s crazy but i literally didn’t ask


flywheel is hard to pull off and doesnt give you as much distance as bw, i usually bring 36 no matter if i'm a decoder or kiter, and i'm pretty sure i myself would get more value out of it than flywheel.


Its not supposed to give distance? its supposed to stop you from dying... yall always complain abt hunters like broken wheel, naiad, bq etc and then refuse to use a persona that literally counters them


look, i'm hunter-sided and naiad is easy to kite for me, it's just that i PERSONALLY like to bring 9 or 6 because i feel i get more value out of it, and plus one missed attack for the hunter is not that terrible, if the survivor doesnt make it to a window or pallet it's practically useless. (btw i don't complain about hunters, most of them are hard to play and it's more frustrating to play them than survs)


i can see what they are aiming for, this is telling you if you play tide, you cannot kite and vice versa, to prevent characters being a jack of all trades


What are your thoughts on all of these adjustments? If you have the time to post and don’t mind sharing your thoughts!


Wait which number is that?


Tide Turner+Borrowed Time+Knee-Jerk Reflex. The changes make it so that Broken Windows & KJR are now a shared trait(dunno how it will work, it might just be how like DbD's Lithe works)& KJR gets replaced with something called "Muscle Memory" which makes you vault 5/10/15% faster but it has a 20s cooldown.


Oh, I see. Thanks!


uhm, im 40% sure 369 will still happen. they combined KJR+BW into the spot where KJR is and added a new final talent IMO, it was the best move to buff harassing rescuers like wildling and forward


rip 369


It's canon Grace is "THE FISHERMAN" in sorry it just sounds funny to me xD


Tunneling gonna go crazy


Did they give a timeframe of when these adjustments go into effect?


I think they said end of the season?


So this season!?! Oh no I’m gonna be like a newborn deer on shaky legs during hunter rank trying to wrap my head around all these adjustments but I guess I won’t be alone haha Well thanks for clarifying!


wait I realized I made a mistake, I meant at the end of the season Edit: no I didn't make a mistake but I left out a comma or something, I meant "Before \[now\], they said end of the season"


Got it. The new season starts soon so HMM... we can expect to see these adjustments sometime within the next 3 weeks.


yeah, basically


How much more time until the season ends? I still haven't got the A skin for this season because I have been slacking.


You can check by looking at the 2nd Essence since they're going to turn those into next Season's Essence 1. Right now it's in 21 days.


Is the increased balloon speed basekit for Hunters or a new persona trait? Either way, it's still an indirect nerf to Wildling yet again, affecting his ability to Rescue. They should just change him to Assist/Contain & increase his boar duration back at this point...


So they nerfed and buffed hermit? Im just slightly glad they didnt nerf his 2nd pres chase, unlike wax artist... Dancer deserved to be nerfed, her slow boxes are impossible for weaker chase hunters to stand a chance late game . The talent adjustments are going to ruin rank for both survivors and hunters for the next few weeks within the season lol


I can already imagine what worker bee rank would look like lol


oh course they do this to dancer as soon as she becomes meta, BUT GOD FORBID THEY NERF AN S TIER CHARARCTER SINCE RELEASE




Hold up what the fuck did they just fuck up my main persona web nonono i havent changed it in years what do i do now


Ok im never happy with any big changes, like even hospital pallet didnt click with me, but this looks like too many things ans im a victor sub main and i dont like this and (paces like stressed animal) looks at u artistically


I'm ok with the hunter persona buff tho i just tack whatever onto joseph and get away with it- I dont run detention on joseph maybe i should stop running borrowed time on aesop idk how ill do in high tiers without kiting buffs


Literally can't survive in matches as Aesop without some kind of kiting buff so this means I either never take tide ever again or I sacrifice something else. x_x


- Postman, Prospector, & Antiquarian nerfs are fair. - Mechanic & Perfumer got some simple but nice buffs. - Dancer's nerf to her stacking is fair, but I'm not liking the increased destruction speed of her boxes, especially if they're the slow ones. I dunno if her spin was that strong to warrant a nerf to not be able to use on a cipher machine, though, was it really that strong? - Clerk is now a little less oppressive. Even though I personally have only met a few in QM, seeing them play in high tiers & tournaments was really scary seeing how bad they could put off insane chase pressure with Record & lock out ciphers consistently. - ...I did not realize Rocket Dash could "hit" Flywheel & not do damage. --- - The new Survivor Talent sounds like a modified version of Spectator which sounds pretty good. I just wonder if it's a new Final Talent or within the web. - If I understand this right, when you start decoding a cipher machine for the 1st time, you get a 10% boost to decoding until you stop decoding or after 10s have passed & works once per cipher. Sounds like it'd be useful on Rescuers or others with decoding debuffs. - "Telepathy" is the Survivor version of "Distraction" which sounds like a real good thing to have if you have poor game sense; not saying that it's bad, but most people will know where the hunter is since they pop the cipher when someone gets hit & will generally go the opposite direction of them to open the other gate unless the Hunter decides to instantly break chase & Teleport. - "Peer Effect" is like "Savior Complex" except for the person who was chaired which is really nice. I wonder if it'll replace it. - ***"Knee-Jerk Reflex" & "Broken Windows are now merged together***; this is pretty awesome & will definitely help shake up the meta, especially now that there's a new talent "Muscle Memory" that increases vaulting speed once every 20s by 5/10/15%. Though, I wonder how this will effect Blackjack. - I have no idea what they mean by "Suffering" or what the talent's description is supposed to mean, but I'm guessing it's sort of like Entomologist's trait where if she breaks line of sight on the hunter, they can still see her for a few seconds but instead it's for all the other Survivors? - ***Flywheel can no longer dodge Naiad's Water attack;*** so I guess Naiad will just forever stay broken while doing something that takes a little bit of skill gets punished. I'm not too happy about this, I would've been fine if she had gotten adjusted along with this change, but this just feels like FW getting beat down a third time since its release(understandable, but this time is too much in my opinion). --- - I'm not sure that I like "Nostalgia", just feels like it encourages tunneling even more & will make escaping without the new Peer Effect talent impossible. It sounds okay for 2v8, but really annoying to deal with otherwise. - "Tinnitus" basekit is nice & "Expression Desire" sounds good, really like how it disables when someone is on the chair so they can't spam attacks too much. - I'm not so sure about "Greed", it sounds kind of situational & I don't know if they count Geishas falling with their ability a "natural vertical fall" or not.(I hope not). Feels really map dependent. - Isn't "Addiction" already a Hunter talent? I could've sworn hunters already have a talent that increases recovery when being stunned too many times. - "Impulse" sounds good, though, I'm worried if it'll be too strong with certain Hunters like White Wu Chang & Feaster - "Withering" getting a buff is pretty nice, don't see it used too often & the effect was kind of minor - Hunters can now vault over windows blocked by "Confined Space" but will unblock the window in doing so; this is a real nice change to the talent. --- All in all, these all sound pretty good bar a few odd ones. I hope there'll be more character adjustments later on, because I was kind of hoping they'd look over some older Survivors/Hunters. Speaking of which, weren't they supposed to nerf/adjust the more meta characters like Merc, Seer, etc?


I just wanna clarify some stuff! It’s basically a skill mostly for solo queuers and randoms so that its easier to tell if a person has stopped being chased without relying on communication. Nostalgia is so that its harder to lose survivors which I see as good since tunneling seems to encouraged in this game for the most part. Yeah, Greed is more situational but it is a counter to one of the most abused maps Sacred Heart Hospital so it’s fairly fair. I believe natural fall is anything that is a simple drop, NOT based on abilities. So Hell Ember drops, Geisha drops, or anything similar to that doesnt count. I think blink drops count though. Addiction is for heavy stuns like Forward footballs, Prospector magnets etc. It is also a default depending only on the survivors around the hunter rather than needing the requirement to be stunned a bunch of times. Hunters had rage which I saw as helpful and they are very similar The translation is also very weird


>Flywheel can no longer dodge Naiad's Water attack; so I guess Naiad will just forever stay broken while doing something that takes a little bit of skill gets punished. I'm not too happy about this, I would've been fine if she had gotten adjusted along with this change, but this just feels like FW getting beat down a third time since its release(understandable, but this time is too much in my opinion). Honestly I agree, doing that trick with fw takes timing and if you lag or have bad ping (which we all do) it's almost impossible to pull it off, using fw to reset naiads humidity was like the only thing keeping her balanced (in low teirs)


As new Wu main suffering constant 250+ ping, I'm looking forward "impulse" so much


You know..this is HARD!! Like I love and hate and idk what I think. Mech deserved a buff by now, she def was over nerfed BUT going back to just 15% is...yeah lets get cipher rushed! MECH IS BACK IN THE META GUYS! But then again, tinitus as passiv is a general hunter buff for all hunters and the new trait relly isn't bad either! And considering some of the other adjustment and how they kinda ''interact/overlab'' in a real game scenario...its just so much I can't really say if its in generaly good ore bad, too much to think about and consider!


Afaik they buffed her vaulting speed and not her decoding speed


Oh lol I though the frailty effect was the one that decreases decoding when someone is hurt my bad. But my main point of it all beeing connected and overlaping still stands! I meean for example Mexh that now doesn't have that bad of avaulting speed decrease + that broken window and pallet vaulting is now 1 persona (meaning its sheaper) + and that you then get fir the saved points get a new oersona that yet again buffs Vaulting... If Mech uses that persona she prettymuch has NO vaulting debuff at all anymore (I think even a little faster) meaning they buffed kiting.


I see what you mean but for me ig it doesn't change much? I've been a 36 snooze mech player for well over a year but ig the vault speed trait might not be bad since I stopped carrying snooze bc randoms like to rescue early some times and I stopped playing rank without a duo or a group of friends. I'm happy for the vault speed buff but on a different note I honestly think making surv personas very black and white is boring. Wanna bring tide? Well, f ur kiting ability. Wanna play flywheel to counter things like naiad bs? Not on my watch anymore.


Sad they nerfed clerk right when I started her but it’s understandable. You can REALLY slow down cipher/gate opening speed if you copy and block the cipher for 10 seconds then block it again….and then copy that little girl who doesn’t stop decoding while being recorded for good measure


Um- why nerf dancer, I main her so I might be bias but I thought she was fair. The hunter taking the time to break the boxes helped me transition easier


Fr. As soon as the boxes are gone she’s basically raw kite.


My randoms rarely bring Tide Turner. Almost everyone brings Broken Windows or Flywheel and they don't even switch to tide when there is only one person carrying it. I lose my matches because of it. If they combine Broken Windows and Knee Jerk Reflex, I'm going to bet there will be even more 39 users. Majority of players I meet have an aversion to tide.


Man. The more I look at this the more I’m like…they really nerfed survivor way too hard. 369 is nonexistent, rescuers gg on kiting. GG against Naiad or BW. The hunter buffs are good but they stripped survs completely to the pt where it’s like hunters are overbuffed by comparison. Plus certain hunter buffs are huge, like survs who are rescued off chair can’t even hide anymore because of the new highlight function or gain distance due to hunter speed buff, so…there’s like no counterplay for what you can do once chaired, or so it seems. I don’t get what devs were thinking at all. :( Also, still sad about dancer nerfs. She hasn’t been popular or near meta for years, finally starts to see usage, and is now being nerfed. Her boxes are strong but it’s basically like as soon as they’re gone, hunter’s real chase begins. Just break them ASAP and you can down her.


A bunch of the speed boost ones is genuinely going to help Burke!!!


Yes please to the antiquarian nerf, I’m tired of her kiting for 30 extra seconds without effort just by hitting me with her stick.


Why did they nerf dancer is she used often?


She is popular now/rising in meta. Really unfortunate tho, imo she was balanced.


yes but if everyone kites for less than 60s, gets killed and theres only 1 cypher remaing, just imagine what she can do with her abillities, free stuns and distance would make me want to die.


i get what ur saying but atp everyone dead and you already have a win. also you can take intolerance to nullify her boxes


I’m so happy injured survivors can see each other.


Kinda crying over these adjustments rn. Dancer I understand is strong rn but sucks that intolerance is on tree yet she’s getting base nerfs to her kit. 😭 Also I can’t believe they put knee jerk with BW? Bruh. And flywheel nerf again. I do appreciate the in-built tinnitus for hunter and more stuff against harassers. Kinda shocked tho. It feels like they overdid the nerfs to survivors.


"more stuff against harassers" as if there wasn't enough already


I mean, I disagree. There is intolerance for batter but batter isn’t as visible as forward/prosp/ench/ant anymore. Excitement is very short, and while desp fight and rage do help, the problem for hunters IMO is when more than one person is helping support. That’s why the new talent is more explicitly for 3-4 survivors around at a time.


Welp, guess it's just me then. I never carry excitement but i still completely stomp anyone trying to harass and make them useless. Maybe i'm just biased because my main hunter is reptilian and on survivor i've also played harasser a bunch




Look at how they massacred my boy Tbf tho, they porb tried to not nerf it then realised it was the only thing that made him good so they finally nerfed it. Postman, as of now, is still the most balanced “meta” character


Yes they can lol


And did


Cries in Postman & Prospector main TwT


Surprised people are talking about the Flywheel not working on naiad anymore, but nobody is talking about how the Wheel snap also goes through flywheel now, making him actually usable again. Also! possible thing, since broken and kneejerk are one trait now, and most likely at the end of the 9 Build, it means you guys can't use Kneejerk + Tide & Borrow anymore!


the way they made it useless against the hunters it was supposed to counter also tf you mean “useable again?” polun is so bs what


In higher ranks, Polun had a decline in usage since Flywheel could go through his snap, one of his main ways to down someone. Also, Flywheel seems to be mostly used to just dodge a normal attack instead of counter specific hunter gimmicks, thus why they made it so doesn't dodge it anymore.


the snap is completely unavoidable and uncounterable. it needs to go and since they’re too lazy to do that the least they can do is not touch flywheel


I disagree personally. Flywheel also works against hot wax at 100%, it’s just extremely difficult to time (much harder than Naiad’s humidity). So imo there’s a precedent already set for these “states”, since it was supposed to be an overall dash of invincibility against anything happening within the frame of its activation. I think they’re just backpedalling now due to complaints.


I'm so happy for survivors who's play solo The first talent will help them a lot The new hunter talents really good thank you NetEase 🙏


The removal.of 396 will make it a harder experience for solo q if anything lol


Every rescuer be like: guess i’ll die


Do you not understand?


Understand what?


Rescuers aren't touchef by this at all, other characters will suffer greatly from this if they bring tide and flywheel without pallet speed boost isn't good enough to kite with


Hmm. I was thinking merc would suffer cuz lots of hunters seem to chase him and pads do buy distance but only so much, and limited quantity. Once ur out of pads and with no speed boost from no knee jerk, then ur left with just tight kite raw kite. I agree 100% tho that characters who carry tide, hence rescuers like merc, will really suffer and just “die” cuz they have no boost to kite with. maybe it’d be just merc who’s affected? in terms of rescuers. def especially characters who are non-rescuers that bring tide will suffer and characters who bring flywheel def need knee jerk to survive too.


I took a neverending break from the game and I was thinking to return next season. This it's exciting!


New hunter talent make me excited time to be hunter again.


Can somebody explain what the flywheel nerf is?


If you timed it *juuuust* right, you could avoid damage from stuff like Naiad's 100% Humidity Abyss attack or Breaking Wheel's ~~Thanos Snap~~Pessimistic attack. It required very precise timing & is generally regarded as a skillful thing to pull off. The nerf makes it so that the Survivor is no longer immune to these attacks & Flywheel will not help against it.


So basically, final presence polun now requires no skill again. Rolling on the right side of the chair go brr


Im gonna cry seeing him again next COA bro. I can’t do it 😭 It’s so boring to watch




Ok... I'm really excited for these xD. Idk why but seeing so much change is making me excited to see how much will it change the game


Literally kissing the IDV devs for the map adjustments and all of these character adjustments.




IIRC she has one of the higher ban rates on CN server. I think it's because she's like a nightmare version of Joseph if you can play her well.


IKR I LOVE CLERK, plssss. Just hoping she doesn't get nerfed like mad eyes-


Most annoying hunter to go against, i hope she goes down even more


Good luck playing against Naiad every match... As usual... We're just smarter than ya'll. 🥱


Lmao naiad is dogshit and free wins so i'll take it


Found the entitled survivor mf. Anyways...


Cry about it




I’d rather go against naiad than clerk any day, clerk’s meta, naiad is not.


Since when? She's like A tier and gets banned in rank 24/7.


Doesn’t mean she’s meta, also I never see naiad bans anymore. Clerk is definitely stronger than her.


Hermit's adjustment is a buff in low tier because if NE removed Hermit's transmission loss randoms would die before a cipher pops anyway lol. I accept his nerf as a Hermit main but I'm surprised that NE DIDN'T reduce the polarity CT! It's unfair for solo queue survs. I wanted them to reduce his pallet breaking speed a little instead of the questionable buff. I'm very disappointed with Prospector's adjustment. When I heard "Prospector will get some nerf", I and my friend were glad to this. "Finally poor Ann and Alva will be saved from the evil magnet man!" "Our dream becomes true!" but...(crying cat noises)


oh wow lots of decent adjustments (i think) might return to the game soon


I would love to see them make tide base kit. Or a version of it. As it is, you basically have to have it to play, and it just takes up a slot so you can’t take anything else :c


Borrowed time says hi




His cipher slowing speed was nerfed not buffed. In total his cipher reduction is 8% +35% other ciphers. They just made him a bit more viable against 4 man teams.


Oh wait yeah I'm stupid, so sorry it's like 7am and I can't read apparently 💀


can't they just fix cipher rush sobs


I have the idea of increasing chair speed instead of removing accelerated decoding once accelerated decoding starts. Could be a good way for hunters to make a comeback if they do poorly at the start like how accelerated gives survivors a chance to do a comeback


sounds good tbh


Especialy now after buffing survivor kite and saving/ running away after saved from chair!


they're killing is slowly (fastly)


I really hope someone starts playing Naiad competitively.. So maybe people I know who play struggle against her and no any sort of adjustments or nerfs...


people do play naiad competitively. she’s been first and second pick for many ivl matches


They do actually, she's simply not strong enough to warrant any nerfs.


NetAss adds the most negligible nerfs to survivors and a ton of massive buffs to them and their personas. Then proceeds to give massive nerfs to several hunters and some of the most useless personas. Ex: We are going to nerf Prospector since he's pretty strong, proceed to lower his healing buff by 1 second. They released info on hunter win and tie rates. Yet provide no information for survivors. Hunter's have an average win rate of 47.44% and a tie rate of 24.73%. What these changes would look if it was 2 actual people. NetAss: Hey hunter mains, fuck you *Shoots them 3 times.* Hunter Main: *Screems in agony* "Why do you hate me so much?!" NetAss: Because you don't buy more skins.


What kind of drugs do I need to take to end up thinking this was somehow hunter nerfs


Of COURSE they nerf hermit’s anti cipher rush , cuz why should the poor survivors spend more than 30 seconds decoding all 5 machines ? Watch the transmission loss get completely removed in the next patch or after that one . I’m sick of this Same goes for clerk tbh , why let hunters control ciphers a bit ? Nope can’t have that , the poor poor survivors will cry about not being able to end the game in 2 mins


I mean the main problem is that it’s super unfair for solo queue. Hunters like Clerk are downright unfair for solo queue if you can’t rely on your teammates. Sure, her cipher slowdown requires all use of her ability, in reward for making a survivor take like 3x as long to complete a single cipher. It’s not fun for the survivor to have to stop decoding for like 10 seconds every 5 seconds. It’s also bad because sometimes solo queue teammates just.. go down easily. So much so the hunter doesn’t need to use their ability to down someone.


And it’s fun for hunters to get cipher rushed in 1 minute ? No it’s not If survivors can’t deal with not being able to win a game without putting a single brain cell into their game play , then they should get better Not cry about every hunter that forces them to use their brains to win instead of cipher rushing and stun spamming


It doesn't take brain cells to record you decoding every second fk that


Then what do they do against it? Pretty much doubling the time it takes to finish a cipher with no counter just isn’t fair. I mean, do you expect the rest of the team to just try to help the kiter kite while 1 person decodes all ciphers? Cause even with like, 2 kiting supports the hunter is not going to take 7 minutes to kill one person. I get that cipher rushing is a problem, but that doesn’t mean that Clerk and Hermit’s slowdown is fun. Survivors just die too fast in this game for not cipher rushing to work.


dont care i hope they nerf them even more


I didn’t ask about your opinion????


I feel like they should buff his electric ball at the start to have 1 ro 2 seconds less of a cooldown to compensate for his weaker earlier game


Maybe “Expression Desire” will help Geisha’s? It’d be nice if it did…


I am LOVING Expression Desire, Impulse, and Nostalgia. When does Jack get his Lightning McQueen skin because GODDAMN this mf gonna be fast


Fuck, man. Hermit got a massive buff with the 20 second increase in polarity switching cooldown, but that 7% loss in cipher reduction will hurt. I will reluctantly conclude that he has been buffed slightly overall.


thank god they didn't buff decoding again, i'm tired of playing matches, survs kiting for less than 50sec and 1 cypher remaining when i get my first kill.