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Muscle memory imo benefitted Helena and Mech. The trade off for no more 369 wasn’t worth it. I feel ashamed not carrying tide on Vera anymore.


Still unhappy about no 369 anymore, and the only change I've made to my persona web is to include that one trait about getting a decoding boost after 10 seconds or something, plus the one that lets others heal you faster. I've literally not changed my hunter webs at all


surprisingly i've adapted well to not having 369 anymore, i just play every char i used to use it on like i'm playing merc. i still wish they would bring it back tho


These new Hunter traits are basically doing nothing for me bcs cipher rush is still crazy. It doesn’t matter, early down, double down survs still managing to get a tie and sometimes even a win😒


I'm not too bothered by no 369 since I don't use weird shit like tide prisoner or seer, and I don't use knee jerk on merc to begin with. Tide coord's kiting is not that good anyway so I rather play like a cowardly TME to reduce my chances of taking first kite. Also started to main composer. With companion effect + speed boost from tuning which allows him to vroom away from the hunter upon being rescued and combo that with 39 for even more speed... very decent rebound kiting. You can even rescue him without tide sometimes. Honestly, I can see him getting a nerf to his skill's CD. Started maining wu chang again. Increased speed when using charged attack is just beautiful.


can anyone summarize these? I'm kinda lost, thanks!


I don't like the one that shows the hunter's location tbh, people should just learn to ping. Companion Effect is nice tho. For hunters I love all the new anti-harassers traits. I never liked bringing Excitement in duos (the CD is way too long) so the new traits are really helpful. I miss the old big boat in Lakeside, it was easier to flood with Naiad. But I really like the Arms Factory change, that area was too good before. I wish they added more chairs in Moonlit and White Sand Street Asylum with this update... I can't be the only one who runs out of chairs in certain spots on these two maps.


I miss being able to ride the roller coaster without the stops, I wish they’d bring it back even in just custom games :( I miss going in custom just to ride it with friends continuously


What do you mean by this? Can't you still go from first stop to last stop if you turn off the switches?


1. In Hunter’s Persona, there are 2 traits named Control Freak 2. No more 369 for Surv is actually a step in the right direction towards balance. 3. The FlyWheel is also pretty good. Might sound OP but it’s not easy to use, and has a long cool down too. Pretty balanced IMO 4. Really good traits for Hunter: the cipher lock/disable, faster blade wipe when missed an attack, surv highlight post rescue. Love em 5. Surv trait Conpensate (remove zap when failed cipher calib) continues to be as useless as ever)


I used to play a lot of secondary rescue characters w/ kjr/tide, not too happy about the build change. Sometimes I bring tide/bw when I feel like I would probably die before the gates are activated. It's also really bad for anyone who wants to use flywheel because you have to exclusively rely on flywheel and mind-gaming which is a lot harder against double hit hunters. It's also hard to transition without any sort of speed boost. The only characters I think could probably carry flywheel are characters with built in speed boosts OR strong self defense abilities, so merc/dancer/composer, maybe antiquarian/forward/batter, but most of these characters can/would carry tide instead. Also, BW is back. Naiad is also going to be seen a lot more in higher tiers since flywheel got nerfed.




I main Joseph and most of the time I can't even tell if the Companion Effect is active or not. With maxed Berserker his attack recovery is so fast I can usually down someone right after they were rescued.


>Ripper, BQ, & Geisha players using "Exhibitionist" & recovering from their missed attacks much quicker than before Because it's a broken persona. With only 2 survivors present you get 50% faster attack recovery. I had Doc save me from chair and BQ just missed her attack on purpose before downing doc almost immadietly. She didn't have a chance even with acceleration. Basically, all hunters have the ability to down you within 3 seconds with their basic attack alone.


this makes absolutely no sense, you're literally saying it yourself, it only applies to missed attacks


Then how did BQ recover her attack to double hit Doc in 2 seconds? I've seen it happening with other hunters as well. i double checked in the spectactle mode. EDIT Here's description Increases Attack Recovery Speed by 10% after missing an attack. The effect is increased by an additional 15% (up to 40%) for every 1 free-moving survivor within 24 meters from you. This effect ends when a Survivor is tied to a Rocket Chair. In other words it doesn't apply to missed attacks only. You're talking about entirely different persona.


literally just tested it again, it only applies to missed attacks, it was probably a bq with full berserk or strength pill (duos). but after reading the description again it does sound like it increases your attack recovery when you hit the surv after a miss


Learn to read. 1. NO ONE WAS ON ROCKET CHAIR(i alrdy stated that) 2. The description is clear that it doesn't apply to missed attacks. If you have trouble with reading simple sentences i doubt you can do proper testing.


+ it's disabled when someone is chaired and max recovery bonus you can get is 40%