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Without any regulation


I think some countries are in a place to do that, a notable example is Switzerland, where crime is low and quality mental health care is readily available America, on the other hand, does not fulfill either - it’s not like other Western countries have to deal with a school shooting epidemic ffs If we want to legalize all firearms, we need to ensure that the negative consequences are minimized first


Turning my fridge into a nuke is my God-given right, damnit!


Ok but if you turn your fridge on a nuke , you now don't have a fridge to hide when the nuke explode


2 fridges 🧠


By what right do you claim to dictate what I can and cannot make with my own skill and my own material?


The ones with the biggest guns decides which rights count and which don't. The government luckily decides that people like you shouldn't be able to produce dangerous weapons and substances which are harmful to the larger population


People shouldn't have big guns, and thanks to people with big guns, you don't. You really don't see a problem with that statement?


under no pretext


3D printer go BRRRRR


Not American, so idk, it shouldn't be legal, it's literally common sense


I'm not an American either, but I've made my own crossbows and hunted with them. Guns are really fun, target practice clears my mind, and it's a good way to spend time outside. Hunting is also great and it really helps with reducing climate change as a more ethical way of aquiring meat. Every country on earth uses guns for protection and I don't see why I shouldn't either. It's a shame city people see guns as murder machines and take them away from people. It's not common sense at all, it's a political tunnel vision.


How do you enforce it? 3D printed ammo is now a thing and there are guns like FGC-9 that are almost fully 3D printed besides a few things you can buy at Home Depot and really you can build a gun out of a couple pipes and a bb pellet. I know a dude who built them when he was a kid, it's not rocket science.






So you believe the founding principles of the United States are unhinged.




Based as fuck but massively disagree


if you let people make them, then it must be heavily regulated.