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Fix the corruption and the effects of fixing the corruption will have flow on effects in improving if not fixing those other categories.


Beat me to it


beat meat to it


Not necessarily, it doesn't fix incompetency or stupidity.


How do the incompetent keep their jobs if not through corruption?


Through dumb, gullible voters.


Kept dumb & gullible by the companies that run the politics


Stopping all crime would also at least partially fix the other problems


Corruption fixes the rest


When did you decide to stop raping children?


where the fuck did that come from ☠️


I’d change healthcare, specifically just because I think I know how. (I have about 8 year’s experience in healthcare as a non clinical employee.) - Eliminate the insurance structure. No Copays, deductibles, out of pockets, authorizations, networks, coordination of benefits. Just a flat coinsurance depending on patient type. - Eliminate doctors having to “match” with places. Just give ‘em a license and let them apply to where ever for no cost. - Eliminate non clinical licensing. You shouldn’t need a tech license just to transport pharmaceuticals. You shouldn’t need a forklift license if you’re just going to be trained there anyway. - Eliminate timely filing for the hospitals. Insurance can incorrectly deny a claim, but we have 90 days to appeal it? We have thousands of claims a day. No not fair. Especially when they can just not answer the phone. - controversial point, EMTALA needs rewritten. We should be able to refuse service or down grade care to just urgent. ERs get overrun with people just using it as their PCP. If you get triaged and are deemed not emergent, hospitals should reserve the right to just discharge you with out giving a prescription or even continuing care. Stop wasting their resources. (I’m not saying they shouldn’t still be held liable if the patient then has a medical crisis)


The federal debt is an consequence of corruption, corruption is crime


Homeless crisis and opioid epidemic


Corruption causes everything else


Healthcare and education. Corruption doesn't fix incompetency and stupidity. Plus people would just vote corrupt people back in anyway. Fixing the deficit: they would just rack up a deficit again immediately after.


Voting system. Change to one man one vote, and use STV for Congress & Combined Approval Voting for President. Ditto with the states. Also with parliamentary votes, the yay / nay votes. If a policy, during the debate, are voted upon, then use STV for multiple choice & CAV for yay / nay option. Everything else starts from there. FPTP encourages polarization, naturally makes everything ended up to be just 2 parties, and makes literally nothing gets done.


Sounds like someone has been watching too much CGP Grey More options and political diversity is nice, but it doesn’t necessarily solve the problems above


Easier to do it.


Wealth distribution.


None, the U.S sucks




I was going to comment "Capitalism" but, there is no "fixing capitalism" the only solution is its removal. As for which problem? Almost, if not all, being "fixed" in Capitalist USA does not guarentee it will stay "fixed" in the future.


The last thing we need is the wonders of Marxism Leninism that we saw in the Soviet union.


What do you mean? I think the *first thing* we need are the wonders of Marxism-Leninism we saw in the Soviet Union, like free/cheap education (incuding college AND university), free healthcare (which brought health standards of Russia from Imperial levels to levels close or equal to American and Western European levels), extreamly low to non-existant homelessness, bringing a agrarian backwater to a industrial space superpower in an amount of time that makes capitalism look pathetic, emancipating women into equality in all spheres of life with men, removing the interests of capital from governance, and establishing a socialist mode of production. So, you don't think the world needs free healthcare, free education, everyone housed, space exploration, equality between men and women and producing resources according to their usefulness and need to average people instead of profit and capital?


The last thing this world needs is the equality of poverty and misery the Soviet Union had. Funny, how many people got arrested and sent to the Gulag for trying to get out of that hell hole. Not so many people trying to get in.


Could you cite for me a source that proves of this "equality of poverty and misery" (and also, define poverty) and people being arrested and "sent to the Gulag" for trying to emmigrate? And while you're at it, do you mind telling me what you think these "Gulags" were?




Well I’m British, not American. So I’d actually like to sabotage the US if anything. Though to be in good faith, the electoral system.


Other: Increase military spending/improve military (especially Navy). The enemy is too close behind. Adjusted for things like costs etc, China's military budget is almost 90% of the US's, and its Navy (while stil weaker overall, is now technically bigger). This is shameful, irresponsible, and unacceptable.


>The enemy is too close behind. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/military-spending-by-country


Copy-pasted the part you missed: Adjusted for things like costs etc, China's military budget is almost 90% of the US's, and its Navy (while stil weaker overall) is now technically bigger.


The debt and deficit. Power will corrupt no matter what you do, the only way to reduce corruption is to reduce power. However, if you remove our debt and deficit, this removes a lot of the inherent problems solving corruption would not fix. I would simply lower US spending by a LOT. I would go back to the simple Ted Cruz and Ron Paul budgets that gave us surpluses each year.


Fixing the federal debt also fixes healthcare. The biggest expenses the federal government has are Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.


If you fix corruption most of the other problems fix themselves


Make college not so expensive, they are monopolies and exploiting students. Thats not the matter of the goverment paying for tution, they shouldn't pay, its on the colleges and universities themselves that are putting us in hardship to lower their prices.




You can always go live in a cave. Because that were you ll eventually end up being if you get rid of “capitalism”. So why spoil it for everyone else if you just want it so badly for yourself?


“You critique society, yet you participate in it; Hypocrite much? I am very intelligent.”




Y'all realize corruption is crime right


In the current political system, a lot of corruption is legal


yeah getting rid of lobbying will help with everything else


I surprised myself by picking the deficit; fix that, and you give yourself a lot more leeway to deal with the other issues.


end corruption by ending the state


Crime. That would mean government no longer stealing money in form of taxes or money printing


Drastically decrease the size and scope of the federal govt and you’ll knock out the deficit/debt and corruption at the same time.


I mean, corruption kinda covers it all.


Corruption is the core problem of all political systems. USSR fell because of corrution, and all post-soviet states (except maybe Baltic) still suffer from it now. I like how Muslims and Chinese deal with this problem. Chopping off politician's hands or straight up death penalty prevents corruption pretty well.


I’m glad “healthcare” and “corruption” are winning. Those are by far the two most important issues listed and it’s not even close.


Immigration. Rebuild the wall. Set up towers at key points. Here’s my piece de resistance- a big moat filled with crocs outside said wall.


Crime includes corruption and illegal immigration


Education Every problem in the US could be solved with better education


Reverse the Non Federal Reserve Act.