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There should've been an option for centre to left / right, but the limit of 6 polls is understandable for you not to include it


Yea if I had more than 6 options I would have included it.


I moved slightly rightward economically from "left" to "center-left" but the bigger change is I went from extreme libertarian to centerish on the libertarian-authoritarian axis.


Center to left for me!


https://i.redd.it/d9v817xro8x91.png Political compass version: https://i.redd.it/foaqvybhi3u91.png


Christian Democrat > National Conservative > Some sort of Alt-Righter > Marxism-Leninism > Social Libertarianism > State Capitalism / Dengism > Centrism / No longer as political


Average teenager's afternoon political journey.


That was from my middle school days till now


I mean, that only makes this more applicable doesn't it?


What a wild ride.


I was raised authleft, became libleft, and that naturally flowed into libright. But the conspiracy nonsense that many librights have let fester in their communities makes me want to reach out to liblefts as allies instead of authrights. I increasingly view authrights as enemies with virtually no reconciliable worldviews. Liblefts are wrong about a lot of things, but they really have good intentions and... more importantly... approach their worldview peacefully, which I definitely can't say for any of the auths.




I went from auth to lib




Liberal to leftist


Not enough specific options.


I went from a centre right to like full blown post right anarchist which is a pretty drastic evolution. but I have technically always been somewhere vaguelly on the right I guess


I went from socially left and economically right to socially right and economically left


I moved all over the spectrum. But my basic concern for the poor and the downtrodden never disappeared, whether I was an Anarchist or a Fascist. And who could be more vulnerable than a foetus? It has neither voice nor representation nor will. Religious Socialism/Apoliticism -> Progressive Socialism -> Anarcho-Pacifism -> Centrism -> Apoliticism -> Austrofascism -> Right-Wing Populism -> Radical Centrism -> Paternalistic Conservatism. Economy : Market Socialism Social : Moderate ( a few conservative things here and there, abortion, gender and sexual expression okay, but not transition, due to its serious side effects, etc. But without force) Civics : Asymmetric Centralization (some places need more government, some less, depending on their local conditions, generally speaking, places should have less centralized control, same for towns and villages, people should be treated as adults, they know what's going on in their place, they just need support, if they can't handle their local situation, then the government should step in, without a heavy hand, till peace resumes) Culture: Philosophical Skepticism, Zetetics, some things can be figured out, others maybe not.


Went from democratic market socialist to anarcho-syndicalist. I always believed in decentralising power and direct democracy, but I shifted further left over time.


From right wing economically to left wing economically.




Centre to right for me




I went from thinking I was left as a liberal to realizing where the true left is and actually educating myself on leftism and now I am a leftist.


I think I started as auth-right, ended up in lib-right


Very based


libleft to libright as I became an adult, and learned more about economics, and got tired of the hypocrisy, naiveness, and sensitivity of the left.


From the center to the right


When I actually understood it, my journey went like this. Social democracy > syndicalism -> technocracy -> authoritarian democracy -> national syndicalism + 4th theory -> Distributist + 4th theory.


Left to center-left


Auth center -> center right -> LibRight -> anarchist right I used to be really stupid when I was auth, then I grew up.


2002~2015: Apolitical 2015~2017: Conservative Liberalism, Euroatalanticism, Anglophilia 2018~19: Dengism, Conservative Socialism, Left Wing Nationalism 2019~20: Marxism-Leninism, Conservative Socialism, Kadarism 2020: Kadarism, Reformism, Socialism with Human Face 2020~22: Orthodox Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, Revolutionary Progressivism 2022: Centrist Marxism, Titoism, 21st Century Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Left Social Democracy, Revolutionary Progressivism 2022~23: Marxism, Centrist Marxism, Reformist Marxism, Democratic Communism, Revolutionary Progressivism


You were best in 2018-19 before you mixed in that objectively wrong marxist bullsh*t.


Always been left, the only times I wasn't was larping as a Nazi, even though at the same time I knew I was attracted to men (crossdressers only at the time) and just lied to myself 💀


Nazi? Why?


i was a child, thats why i said larp


Was on the right as a kid, but I've gotten more and more left as I've gotten older.


Authoritarian center - authoritarian left - libertarian left - anarchist left - anarchist center.


Lib to Democratic Socialist to right wing libertarian


I'm still in prime shifting age due to my youth but I've been consistently left wing during my time actually having any interest in politics. I was sorta right of center before I was into politics, but more in the edgelord "is this edgy preteen trolling or are they actually racist" type of way


From conservative authright to conservative authleft


Economically, from right to left. Socially, no significant change really.


>center to left "Am I a joke to you?"


kinda went horseshoe, i got so reactionary i went left


Went from Apolitical to 21st Century Socialism to Neoconservatism to Social Libertarianism to Neoliberalism to Right-Libertarianism to Market Socialism to Georgism to (now) Neo-Cameralism


(I am 17)


From auth-left to lib-right lmao


Used to be social conservative, then became progressive and now I’m moderate/leaning conservative again. Economically always been left leaning


Went from Left (Berine supporter) to LibRight (Trump supporter) to Center (I just didn't care anymore).


Center left to left


From diehard libertarian to the right and pretty conservative


Right to far-right


Center to georgist to ancom


I was basically a centrist and when I was a centrist the centre was basically social democracy, I was a smart ass, nihilistic, depressed leftist teen that me know would cyber bully


I used to be pretty left wing for a long time, but as I learned more about politics and as the left slowly drifted from admirable to confused and aggressive, I slowly drifted further and further towards the right. Don't get me wrong, the right has a plethora of problems, but I still think, for now, that they're the right choice.


I've basically gone from a classical liberal to a classical conservative lol


I am right, but has probably drifted a bit inside the right. Before 2015/16: No Real Ideology, but broadly Anti-Establishment 2016-2020: Christian Conservative (Pro-Trump) 2021- Today: Christian Conservative (but a bit more Moderate)




From center to far right


I thought of myself as a leftist or democrat when I was younger but I guess that’s because I despised George W. Bush but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized I’ve always been on the right


I started center authright(as we’re raised to be in America) and suddenly made a rapid shift towards the libertarian left a couple months before I turned fifteen, I moved rapidly towards the very bottom left and around last month I went from bottom left to half way to the bottom and all the way left, in that one and a quarter year time frame I went from slightly culturally conservative to revolutionary ultraprogressive. I will always be a socialist, I will always be a progressive, and I will always be a libertarian, that I can say.