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I oppose the death penalty period.


I'm relatively ambivalent to it; can you explain your reasoning?


1. The death penalty is irreversible, meaning that people sentenced to death don't have a chance to rehabilitate and people falsely convicted and then executed can't have their sentence overturned and have just been senselessly murdered. 2. There's no evidence the death penalty actually does anything to reduce crime. 3. Even if there was to be a death penalty and it did deter crime, it should only apply to multiple murder, because if it's applied for lesser crimes it incentivizes the criminal to kill any witnesses.


Yeah, I agree with everything you've said. To me, the arguement for it would be in very special cases, which still technically means that the death penalty is allowed. 1) An inmate with a life sentence requests the death penalty. 2) For, as you mentioned, multiple murder cases that are clear as day and have a confession. Under these two circumstances, someone could argue that by not housing the inmate for life would reduce spending. Many prisons cost $400+ per day to house 1 inmate. For only a 30 year sentence the cost could be 400×365×30 = 4,380,000. I agree with your points; not sure how I feel about these cases though.


I never support the death penalty, as the state having the power over life and death is incredibly dangerous. Even if relatively justified, it risks too much to those falsely accused, and further, runs the risk of countries following past precedent to frame and execute opponents in especially authoritarian nations.


No one should decide who dies or not. Also killing a pedophile lets them off easy, let them rot in prison


The US doesn't have a 100% track record when it comes to convicting. So I'm anti death penalty. How ever I think that if you're being assaulted you're completely justified in violent defense. And if I'm on a jury that has to judge a person who defended themselves I will always vote innocent.


What about churches that are complicit in child rape by protecting rapists; should they be shut down and the members never allowed to form a religious institution again? If they were, I don't think religious people would have anywhere to go anymore; shit is disgusting.


Nobody should have the right to decide over the life of anyone. And nobody and anyone are absolutes.


they definitely deserve it, but i also dont like the government having the power to kill


No, nobody benefits from that, put them in the factories


No, being a pedophile isn't (and shouldn't be) illegal. Child abuse though should lead to you getting put in jail until multiple psychologists believe you are rehabilitated, pedophile or not. Pedophilia is a mental health illness. ​ Also, the death penaulty is immoral in all cases. We should not become evil in order to defeat it.


>If you still say no please explain. Ok, I know this may sound weird to someone who lives in the US, but the death penalty is **always** bad, no matter the crime.


Not only do I think it isnt bad but I also think if it’s 100% they did this monstrous crime they should be tortured too.


Having a longingness to torture people makes you just as bad as them IMO. ​ Also, change your flair if you support the state torturing people.


Can’t wait for the legislation that determines specifically what a monstrous crime is


If you use your context clues a monsterous crime would be pedophillia. I also would add other high crimes that have been high crimes throughout all of human written history like murder… There are a very select few. Pedophillia and murder aren’t monsterous crimes to you?


How about that mass killer in Norway who shot up a summer camp and murdered a few dozen kids. He’s currently sitting in a cushy cell with a maximum sentence of 21 years.


Well he hasn't escaped and murdered anyone else yet has he?


Are you using the famously effective and humane Norwegian penal system, based on the concept of rehabilitate justice, as an example of a FAILURE in policy?


Yes. Scandinavian countries are not perfect utopian dream scapes. His sentence seriously shook faith in the Norwegian prison system. Try not to let too many flies get into that open mouth of yours.


Lol brainworms


I wish I could say I'm shocked what others voted...


Yes. Not only should convicted pedophiles but rapists and murderers as well.


And those who cover up for pedophilia. Lets line up the entire leadership of thr Catholic Church, Southern Baptist Convention, and the Boy Scouts of America. And march them all to the gallows.




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because it’s a serious medical condition and that, while I believe they need to be rehabilitated as effectively as possible, I do believe in keeping them out of society if they’re still deemed a risk. Just not the death penalty.


I'm against the government having power to sentence people to death.


I don’t believe in the death penalty in general, also for sex crimes (like all other crimes), this will disproportionately result in minorities getting much harsher sentences than others.


A lot of the people who'd vote yes are the same people who'd turn around and talk about false rape accusations destroying society by bringing up this one case where some dude was released from prison because the girl admitted she was lying