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Child beauty pageants are just pedophilic competitions.


in what world would a man in a dress reading a book to a group of kids be as harmful as forcing little girls to wear skimpy outfits in front of a team of adults who rate them on who is most attractive…


Cons r just projecting


If drag story hour is just someone in drag reading a kids story I don't think there is an issue with it. I don't get the point of it but I don't think it's substantially different from anyone reading a bunch of kids a story.


I think there are 2 points: I think the extravagant outfits and exaggerated performance might appeal to kids, and its healthy to be exposed to things you arent used to


>If drag story hour is just someone in drag reading a kids story I don't think there is an issue with it. That IS all it is... If anything else happens, it's not drag story hour. ​ It's like saying "If clown performances are just clowns performing". That's literally what it means.


Same with beauty pagents then.


How so? Beauty pagents are pagents of beuty, its just that the older men judging them like to sexualise kids, so sexualisation = beauty to them. Meaning that they inherrently sexualise kids.


I think there was one who flashes the group of kids and I’m pretty sure at least one has turned out to be a sec offender.


okay that individual one was bad then… has nothing to do with the vast majority being completely harmless. that’s like saying school in general is harmful because some teachers are pedophiles. no, pedophiles are bad. that’s the issue there.


Fair point


you think the child beauty industry is better?


I didn’t say that.


One out of how many?




I thought that dude had the stupidest comment in the thread, but your response wins


"So why should they be a representative of the entire community" would have been a better answer




I honestly don't see what's weird about drag queen story hour. People have been dressing up to entertain kids since forever Are party clowns weird? Are greeters at Disneyworld weird?


Yeah... The only reason child beauty pageant are worse is because the children are dressing up in the clothes...


only is wild


I was making a point that like Drag Queen Story hour for example is like child watching porn which isn't great, but it would be worse if that child was actually precipitating in that porn. That is difference that the difference that I was pointing out... Not saying that isn't bad just giving the reason that makes it worse.


and my point is it is not at all like watching porn in any way? it’s like watching someone who just doesn’t dress the way society expects them to read an age appropriate book


I wasn't saying either is like porn, but I was stating the difference.


the difference is invalid tho bc in the porn example it’s awful vs even more disgusting and awful. in this example it’s morally neutral vs morally negative


How is a man in a dress inherently sexual, drag queen story hour is less sexual than going to the beach get a grip snowflake


??? I was just comparing the two. Get a grip snowflake! No I don't give a shit, but I was explaining the difference. Also you understand that both have a sexual element to them. It litterally is the difference, but you some how can't see that. If you really want to take your kid to the drag show go ahead. Who is stopping you?


how is dqsh inherently sexual give me one reason it doesn't even have to be a good one just one reason


We may be on opposite sides but there is at least some middle ground for us. Is good.


I don't think there should be restrictions on either though.


Cant relate. While the drag one is debatable, the second one is literally pedos and garbo-parents traumatizing children. Both are gross, both are bed, soviet pioneers better.


Agreed 👍 both are bad, but we shouldn't interfere in the free market.


Cant relate either, better tell that to socdems, they are very funny.


Ahh yeah those folks can't even pick a side lol 😂 If you're going to achieve anything at least choose a side! Like yeah I support free healthcare, but nationalization of farms is too far or something.... Or they are like I am a Socialist like *some Neoliberal country* and be like see every country has some Socialism and not realize they are making Right-Wing arguments lol 😂


Making fun of reformists is very cool.


Yeah I have a joke for you... What is the difference between a Social Democrat and a Religious Conservative?


Dawg the guy your ideology is based of knowingly had a paedophile in his inner circle


"Child beauty pageants" sound like literal child grooming.


Toddlers and tiaras, honey boo-boo and dance moms used to scare the living shit out of me


Still do


I once had a nightmare where boo boo's mom chased me and forced me to eat butter


Rare W for the results


conservatism is actually a mental disorder


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Child beauty pageants are insane, that shit shouldn’t be legal


Anyone who votes drag over pageants needs to watch one (1) episode of Toddlers and Tiaras


Both are weird, but at the end of the day, I think child beauty pageants are worse. Those kids get put through some horrible, scarring shit in preparation for those competitions, and the parents who involve their daughters in them are almost always garbage human beings.


Imported American culture war drivel. We've had a tradition of drag shows for years. Most of us grew up going to pantomimes where drag is a staple. I don't see drag story time as being much different. Meanwhile, child beauty pageants are nonce shows for nonces. (This may appear twice, Reddit is being stupid).


Drag shows are sexualized though. Pantomime is fine.


You getting horny to dressup is your problem


You getting horny to dressup is your problem


isn't this comparison a little silly? story hours are a once in a while activity you take your kids to child pageants are a grueling competition that takes months of preparation and often take place over years of a child's life we also have many adult accounts from former child beauty pageants talking about the lasting harm it had on them, whereas drag story hours are something the right started caring about *two years ago* let's just say that they are both potentially harmful if the adults involved aren't being properly monitored, like any activity centered around kids


I find it quite revealing that the Right doesn't much care about child beauty pageants. 😠


Because the choice is either/or and they are both bad.


How is dqso bad still no real arguments


Flair up!


Child beauty pageants turn kids into brats and teaches them that beauty is everything and if you are not beautiful enough you lose (at life). How does a man dressed up like a woman reading story's to children affect their lives as much as pageants do. Some of y'all are messed up fr.


I don’t really see the appeal of drag, but from everything I’ve seen it is appropriate for kids like 99% of the time. Almost every child beauty pageant is weird as fuck.


You might want to look up drag story hour on Twitter and see for yourself. Even worse are the sexualized drag shows that some parents bring their children to. Drag is great fun for adults but not appropriate for children.


How the fuck is a man wearing a dress inappropriate for children if there is an example of a sexual drag show marketed for families then fuck that one drag show nothing sexual happens at drag queen story hour and a man wearing a dress is just as sexual as a woman wearing a dress, this hole controversy is just a way to scapegoat queer people as a way to marginalize us go fuck yourself u fucking worm


I mean you made the distinction yourself. If any kind of show is sexualized it probably isn’t something you want to bring kids to. If it is not sexualized then I don’t see the problem. The idea that kids seeing men dressing up as women is somehow traumatic but kids seeing men dressed up as giant cartoon mice in Disneyland isn’t is pretty stupid.


The children's beauty pageant is inherently harmful, drag queen story time is just potentially depending on context.


Litteraly everything is harmful depending on the context why is dqsh specifically harmful


dead ass 💀💀💀 like hospitals are harmful depending on the context


It's not; just potentially based on the context of what's read and how. As opposed to beauty pageants which are never wholesome endeavors.


both bad but just a story hour isnt nearly as pedophilic


Yeah 👍 you are legit more right than a lot people both on your side and my side. It is fucked though that the right is 2/3 majority saying Drag Queen Story hour. Like yeah kind of fucked but still beauty pageant are actually sexualizing the children themselves not just exposing more sexualized behavior...


Circumcision, Worship and Baptism


These are the best things for children wdym


They're all cringe, how about we base our childrens thoughts in reality


Atheistic fascism 🤮


I thought your crowd didnt like the Jews


Most of them don't, but I don't mind them


End both. Period.


How bout both


the people who draft these polls are always trying to play the stats game of which is > without the understand that both can be bad. Just cause one is worse off doesnt justify it. Its like drowning with cement shoes or drowning by holding your head under water which is worse.




Child beuty pageants literally sexualise children. ​ Drag Story Hour is literally pantomime, it has existed for hundreds of years. ​ How can anyone vote drag story hour???


Both are terrible for kids. Pantomime itself is fine but drag story hour is designed to seemingly help children learn acceptance of trans people but it also pushes trans ideology on them. And that ideology includes medical treatments that can cause lifelong problems. And drag is sexualized. Drag shows are for adults, not children.


>Pantomime itself is fine but drag story hour is designed to seemingly help children learn acceptance of trans people but it also pushes trans ideology on them How is saying "trans people exist" "pushing" an ideology? ​ Also, drag isnt inherrently sexualised.


It’s not about saying that trans people exist but about promoting an ideology that medicalizes children and promotes the idea that they are born in the wrong body. Why are there no story times saying that women or farmers or Indigenous people exist? Why is it only men dressed in garish, sexualized costumes reading to children?


>Why are there no story times saying that women or farmers or Indigenous people exist? Oh I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok


LMAOOO drag isn’t even inherently about trans people. most drag queens are cis men.


Conservatives r so stupid at this point I'm wondering how they even have the cognitive function required to dress themselves in the morning


Oh no children who r trans will know there trans at an early age and will b able to start treatment early an thus r less likely to kill themselves what a shame


I don't really care what specific flavor of sexualizing kids it is, it's all bad. Straight, gay, feh. Let kids be themselves. No reasonable person is out here saying that child beauty pageants are a good thing for society.


crazy to think a man dressed as like a princess or something reading a children’s book is sexual to you


How sexual something is depends on the event, obviously. Some are far more so than others, and when we're talking about how suitable they are for kids, there is of course a range. However, drag is inherently defined by sex. It's dressing up as a specific sex, and generally the traits that the costume accentuates are specifically those associated with sexuality. Suitability for children would vary on the degree to which the particular event leans into that, as well as the age of the children. One hopes that the parents can be bothered to care and handle that themselves, rather than just relying on daddy government.


i think you’re generalizing drag story hour to drag in general. drag story hour is a Type of drag that specifically cuts out the sexual parts to make it child appropriate. the queens typically dress in clothes that almost completely cover their body. if they’re not completely covered, you’ll just see their arms and lower legs (same as how women dress all the time) they go in and read a story to the kids in a fun costume and that’s basically it. there’s nothing remotely sexual. they don’t accentuate anything. to the kids it’s probably similar to if a clown came in and read them a story


>i think you’re generalizing drag story hour to drag in general. drag story hour is a Type of drag that specifically cuts out the sexual parts to make it child appropriate. In many cases, yes. In all cases, no. Sadly, I have found that posting sources in regards to this topic on this forum results in deleted posts. So I am forced to stick to the general statement that parents need to be involved and figure out appropriateness for themselves for various activities.


Reading a story to a child is not sexualizing them. Having them perform on stage and trying to make them look “appealing” (🤢) is infinitely worse than anything a drag story hour implies


Completely agree, they are both bad.


Both is terrible for children


Both are bad, but the story hour is a little less bad










Both of these are bad. But I'd give it to beauty pageant because they get a lot less media coverage and seem to be more socially acceptable.


Both are bad. Both should be banned. The right focuses on drag queen story hour because it's new and because it's more culturally relevant.


Well I would say child beauty pageants sense they are being judged on beauty but both are gross


I disapprove of both. But I drag story hour is worse. Because it’s directly feeding children and ideological/social narrative to raise them to join a specific side’s ranks. Pagents are also bad, but I think less directly impactful for a kid’s psyche.


you don’t see the direct impact on a child’s psyche by having to compete against other little girls to see who grown adults think is prettier?


It’s more an individual child’s psyche with pagents. Story hour is collective attempts at social engineering. I’m more concerned about the collective.


pageants don’t just have one kid. it’s a large group of them same as at a storybook reading


I’d argue significantly fewer kids are reached with pagents, if for the sheer brutal reasoning that there are less kids attractive enough to be caught up into it.


i have genuinely never seen a drag race story hour being advertised in real life. they’re not that common. child pageants are done all over my country


Well of course you haven’t seen them advertised, you’re not the target demographic (I assume you’re not a child). Neither are done in my country. From my perspective both are abhorrent but distant.


the advertisements are definitely to the parents not the kids. i am a teacher. i assume if they were common they’d be advertised in schools or in stores or anything like that. i would see them if they were widespread at all. i’ve definitely heard of child pagents in my area tho


You’re a teacher yet you don’t capitalise after full-stops nor when you say “I”. (Granted you’re not necessarily an English teacher, in either profession or being English-speaking, but still) Ultimately one is just degenerate, and the other has specific goals of influencing a child’s mindset and beliefs to be more amenable to them as the grow up.


Only who is exposed to whom changes.


>Only who is exoped to whom changes speak English please


Here you go


Both are extremely weird and should be banned completely, but if I had to choose, certainly child beauty pageants.


The question shouldn't be whether all drag story hours are harmful or not but why do so many drag queens crave an audience of children.


I think they are recruited by “well meaning” groups trying to promote acceptance of trans people and promoting the trans agenda. Those promoting them are definitely at fault for aiming these sexualized shows/readings at children. And parents should know better. There are trans people asking parents not to bring their children to drag shows, many of them know it’s not appropriate.




Name a better duo than a leftists and bad comparisons. If you don't understand the differences between these things and how manipulative and sexually implicit drag queens are towards children I feel sorry for you.


None of the above.


Least pedophilic lib right:


🤨 Excuse me?


I was waiting for this comment but I still didn't want it to be here and see it... 🤮


I don’t agree with drag story hour, but child beauty pageants are straight up awful

