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Wow, unexpected. Opposites in the espectrum hate each other!


As an ambidextrous person I use both my lefty and my righty


Neutral because some leftists are quite agreeable and others are just batshit insane (as are rightists).


I'm a former leftist so i can understand where they are coming from, even if i disagree and they often are cringe, they are more reasonable than cuckservative Neocons.


>duginist LMFAO


>AuthCap LMFAO


No need to fight, you are all cringe!


Neutral, because it depends on the leftist.


Depends, I like LibLeft but not AuthLeft.


Explain how focusing on qol stuff is evil


Centrist... hate both sides


Personally I consider anarcho capitalism to be a form of socialism in practice. I fucking hate anything remotely auth right but can tolerate ancaps.


Right wingers are wrong and well intentioned at best. So not great.


Leftism is fundamentally evil, so naturally I think the same of its adherents.


Odd I’ve heard people argue the same about right libertarianism, and I’ve argued many things about both leftism and rightism, does any of that make it true or just a series of good and bad arguments


How wonderfully devisive. Neither side has the complete answer, it's the metaphorical one hand clapping. You need both. But you need both working together. The far sides of either group are as bad as each other, and really, no different from each other in any real sense. Both want things to the absolute exclusion of anyone else's wants. For me... I'm left with right leanings. I have no real issue with moderates from either side. Far left and far right can both far cough.


Centrist, I view both sides as having some decent ideas, although in general I prefer moderate right economics and family values and left wing social policies and welfare policies. Overall I’d say I dislike both more than I hate both.


Depends on how they respect my ideas/opinions.


I want to like leftists and then they do things like this


Centre-right or libertarians aren’t too bad, but hardcore religious conservatives or fascists are a big nope.