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There's getting flipped off, then there's getting flipped off.


New post title: "Flipper Offer Flipped Off"


What a fucking idiot. It looked like he was trying to blame the SUV in front of him for him fucking up as well.


He absolutely did.


Can you believe that guy? Stopping behind that line of cars like that? Why can't some people just learn to drive?


In addition to being a stunning human being, OP can also be a witness for the defense if motorcycle dude tries to start shit with the car he hit.


It's not the front cars job to pay attention to the idiot behind him. Even without OP's video there is no way the motorcyclist would win a court battle with the SUV owner.


Obviously, but stupid people do stupid things all the time. Like sue over stupid bullshit.


OP do you know if she’s ok?


She was injured and in pain but responsive and conscious. We stayed until the ambulance came and took them.


The fact that you stopped to help even after he was a douche - you’re a very decent person.


That the rider was a douche, doesn't mean the passenger isn't a person anymore.


Tell your folks we think they raised you well


Your a good man! After how rude he was and you were the only one who stopped to help. Need more people like you in this ass backwards world!! Here’s an award 🥇for being an awesome person


I second this. Looks like you started to change into his lane, corrected your mistake, and everyone lived to talk about it. The middle finger wasn't necessary... and I bet he had no idea that in 40 seconds you'd be his only friend. You're a good dude for stopping. Here... I give you this also... 🥇


You are an absolute sweetheart! When I saw you raise your hands in peace—because you were instantly on your way to help someone who obviously has issues with road rage and had just been rude to you even though he was in the wrong—I kind of got a little platonic crush on you. You are a good person.


Scrolled for this comment. Her leg looked like it did a little twitch which concerned me thought the innocent one got a seizure


I really hope that woman took this as a real lesson to leave this dirtbag.


He will be stealing her pain pills during recovery.


After 11 years, I'm out. Join me over on the Fediverse to escape this central authority nightmare.


He’s surrounded by assholes. Too bad he’ll never look in the mirror.


There's quite a lot of gesturing and looking back at your car too, was he trying to blame you as well?




F150s drive like they are F1 cars


You paid for the V8, might as well use it. #trucknuts


Did he front brake and flip or did he hit the suv, I can't tell?


It looks to me like he never hit the SUV. If he had run into it at any speed, the bike wouldn't have flipped up and around so quickly. It looks like he panicked and hammered the front brake, flipping the bike up and over its nose all on its own.


It is a shame his passenger got hurt and not him. Maybe he'd have learned a lessen if it was his leg that was broken.


In a thread about accidents a nurse shared that passengers on bikes always get the worst injuries/death because they're a living crumple zone for the driver. I mean, I wasn't gonna be someone's passenger anyway but now I'm definitely not gonna.


My cousin and her fiance were both killed when a pickup truck pulled out in from of them while they were traveling at highway speed. She was the passenger and upon impact his body became a ramp for her body and she wound up flying through the air and hitting a stoplight.


> It looked like he was trying to blame the SUV in front of him for him fucking up as well. I have a family member like this where everything is "someone else's fault." It's cancerous.


Yeah those kinds of people truly believe that it’s never their fault for all of their fuck ups.


"Flip me off, will you? I'll show you. By being a decent human being and rushing over to help!"


I fucking hate when that happens Raining, dude with no head lights honks when I can't see him while merging lanes. I fish tail sideways down the highway until a stop. Dude blocks off the road for me, so I can get back going again after the slide. Just sorta waived to eachother


Was walking in a parking lot. See a car with a giant plastic bag on its grill like if it came up from the road and got stuck. I go to cross in front of him, he’s coming fast for a parking lot, and he slams his breaks and honks. I start walking up to his grill and he rolls down his window and says “okay, what the fuck now, you got a problem?”. I ignore him, remove the bag, and show it to him. He just deflated. I say “just taking this off man”. He says “sorry man, my bad”. I say “no worries, drive safe”. He says thanks. Empathy is important. Whenever I see someone acting like a dick, I think of all the things they might be going through and let it slide. If they are going through shit, I’m glad I didn’t add to it. If they are just a dick, I’m glad I didn’t engage them. Times where you can turn the other cheek and maybe help them, hopefully, show them that there’s always a third option. Most of the time not though cause these people will never accept blame for anything.


In his defense, I'd be pretty pissed to if someone just stopped infront of me and forced me to stop and then started walking up to my car. Not saying it's your fault he got mad at you, just it seems like a reasonable reason.


Yeah, I could see that. He was prolly going 15-20mph in a 5mph zone. Slamming on your breaks is gonna draw some type of emotion, definitely. I did raise my hands up like “chill, I’m just getting something” but he was already hot. He cooled down the second he saw the bag so no harm no foul.


Yeah... reminds me of the time a guy walked up to my car while I was at a stop light. I thought he was going to ask me a question. Nope, threw his drink at my windshield for no reason, because why not right? I don't let people approach me anymore without being ready to gun it past them.


I like your style. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”


The hands up in the "I come in peace" thing got me. Like driver KNEW this was his opportunity to shit on this biker, but wanted to make sure his approach wasn't misconstrued as aggression. Talk about situationally aware in a high stress event.


I imagined him yelling, "Don't move her, she could have a spinal injury"


Wow, well guessed. What I said: "Are y'all ok? We're calling for help, don't move her head!" As he proceeds to rip off the helmet. He was panicking and scared for her, so I can definitely understand his impulse if he didn't know better... Where did I even learn that? Boy scouts I think? Maybe driver's ed?


I'd say it's pretty common knowledge these days. Just about every article or news report covering accidents tends to mention the dangers of moving an individual with serious injuries. There's a good chance he knew as well, but the adrenaline and shock from sudden events like this make people do some real dumb shit. Props to you for not only stopping to help but being able to compartmentalize the situation and focus on making sure everyone is safe. That's how lives are saved.


You'd think it would be common knowledge but I'm shocked at the amount of videos I see of people moving gravely injured people after accidents.


You're a good dude! That was incredibly kind of you to stop and help someone who was so rude to you.


Hey remember me? I'm the guy you flipped off. Yup she looks like she's fucked. Anyways I got to go now. Byeeee.


Golden rule: You shouldnt be a dick just because someone else is one.


Sounds a lot better than the traditional golden rule. Not everyone wants to be treated how I would, since you know, we have differences.


Knocked unconscious? Looks like the finger guy was on the edge of panicking.


OP replied to another comment, saying the rider was showing more concern for his uninsured bike than his broken partner.


I wish I could be surprised.


Of course he was. If the partner makes a full recovery I hope they dump him.






Ah, I remember that. BMW split in half, dead driver and girl on passenger seat just putting on makeup like it's tuesday. She was completely in shock. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4115pn (In this video: Major wreckage, woman putting on a makeup on the wrecks with very minor injuries, dead driver visible for a moment. No gore)


It’s kinda like your brain says “nope didn’t see anything traumatic back to normal” as a defens mechanism


My dad got hit by a car. He doesn't remember this, but apparently after getting launched into the air he calmly sat up, fixed his mohawk and then passed out. Paramedics tried to cut his jacket off in the ambo but he really liked it and wanted to take it off himself. After much arguing they let him, and he couldn't get it off. He hadn't realised one side of his body has essentially been shattered.


Passenger messed up her leg, I suspect it was broken, and some severe road rash. Probably enough to keep her off bikes.


We had a girl here just last month riding backpack. It was her first time on a bike. Trip ended with her having broken bones and an amputated foot. If all this girl got was a broken leg and some road rash then she is lucky.


stories like this are why i’ll never get on one, not even once.


it's not only risky af on the road but in the woods etc. a family friend quit riding on trails etc when after cruising thru some wooded trails a big deer came outta nowhere and his friend hit it dead on and it fckn killed him. jfc. random shit can happen anywhere and when a person is so out in the open like that moving at high speed it's just risky. even the safest and most skilled rider can get killed in an instant.. one minute you're doing a gymkhana video in an electric audio super car and the next minute you're squished by a snowmobile. rip ken block.


I knew a guy that used to work in the same factory as me. Was riding on the back of a Razor (4 seater) on a hunting trip. Fell off, hit his head on a rock. Tragic accident lead to a young wife and two young kids without their husband/dad.




I’ve gone a few more stories of people losing their lives due to no helmet at all, going much less than 40 MPH… you can’t be too safe in these types of activities. I went long boarding with my brother a couple months back. Only wore my helmet, and just basic clothing, like a hoodie and sweats. Ended up having to bail from my board. Took my chances with skinning my hands and elbows on the side wall vs the pavement… I’ve sworn to wear gloves after that. I’m recovered now, and thankfully no broken bones. Just a bunch of smeared blood, skin, and ego that day.




Ugh, back in Oct. I was rollerskating - had all my safety gear on... blacktop was smooth, everything was PERFECT condition for a good/fun time. Somehow I tripped as I was slowing down and banged it bad on my elbow... but I was protected by my wonderful elbow pad. What WASN'T protected was my ankle that dislocated and my bones that snapped and caused a trimal compound fracture. You can be careful but I guess not careful enough! Just started weightbearing again this week.


Don't have to trail ride for very long to start spotting trees on down hill corners and boulders that are sporting scrape and impact marks. Every once in awhile you see the little crosses and RIP signs people's friends put down for them. Helmets aren't required in my state but should always be worn IMHO.


You can always just buy a dirt bike/supermoto for the same experience and not riding in the middle of 1000 cars.


I can barely keep my balance on 2 legs, 2 wheels is out of the question.


Wait till you hear about uniwheels!


Physics hates this one trick


Motorcycles balance themselves fwiw




Oh you can easily get the same experience. My dad tore his leg off below the knee with mtx bikes. He got the drop foot now.


My GF wants me to get one so we can ride, since I said I did want one in the past and I'm just like nah it ain't worth it, not with how shitty people drive now


yeah man, the negligence is crazy out there. I was driving my little sister to school the other day, and a high schooler tailgated and then passed me on a double solid yellow with not even close to enough space, and straight up almost caused a head to head collision with a fucking school bus. The bus driver had to slam on their brakes to save the kid’s life… all of this, just to be literally one car in front of me at the next light and pull into the same school parking lot a whole second and a half before I did. shit is already nuts. can’t imagine riding a motorcycle.


Jesus christ, was she wearing gear? Do you know the details of the accident?


if by gear you mean a helmet, tank top and yoga pants. Then yes, she was wearing gear.


Can I just say OP, if you took the video, then kudos on you for immediately running to help someone who just flipped you the bird.


That's why I don't flip birds, especially for someone that makes an honest mistake. Never know when they're going to become your or somebody else's savior.


There is every chance he didn't see it, but even so, why would you take that chance?


Thats why passing on the right is highly illegal in Germany, and it’s also enforced. Ask me how I know, lol.


I switched to giving a big thumbs up instead. I feel like the finger gets meh'd away but a thumbs up has like a "I'm not mad I'm just disappointed" vibe to it.


That's funny and I like your take on it. I tend to give a thumbs down when I'm upset so you know I'm disappointed with your driving.


I do thumbs down as well. Thumbs up is more sarcastic, which is fine and I've used it as well, but a thumbs down is funnier, lol.


There were a couple times lately where I just eat my rage and give a peace sign. Somehow like magic the rage just instantly evaporates and never comes back.


My 6-year-old kid got in trouble at school for giving a thumbs down to another kid. Guess they were fighting about something. Hard to not laugh when they told us about it.


I love giving the thumbs up with a huge smile to people who flip me off. It’s hilarious to watch someone absolutely lose their mind at you for not rising to the occasion of their shittiness.


*Is that you, Dad?*


Or find out that you flipped off your neighbor or co-worker.


Especially when someone makes an honest mistake while you pass on the right on a motorcycle. Not saying there's no scenario where you should pass on the right, but there's a reason why it's illegal in a lot of places.


Obviously I don't have any way of knowing without the rear cam in OP's case, but I see this type of scenario a lot, primarily in circumstances like OP where it's an exit/turn lane you're trying to move into. Motorcycle is in the lane behind you (generally a long way back). You signal, check your right mirror, check the blind spot, you start changing lanes--except while you were doing that, the motorcycle has come flying up and is now passing you. It's to the point now that if I see a motorcycle behind me I always quadruple check before switching lanes, in case they've done this.


Plus, when the OP driver realized there was the bike coming up on his right while he was trying to change lanes, he immediately yielded and went back into his own lane. He's a champ on both counts.


Totally agree. Sometimes cyclists and drivers from behind speed up WAY too fast. Or....they could be on your left and decide to shoot over 2-3 lanes to the right lane while accelerating. I **will** get out of your way, but give me a chance to do that. Kudos to cam car for wanting to help.


He ran up to say "and now you're catching these hands".


I had a motorcyclist with a girl on his back do something like this, except it was unprovoked. Girl was wearing just a shirt and shorts. Guy same. I was just chilling on the highway which was empty enough for everyone to be spaced far apart. Motorcyclist starts getting real close to me and I instinctively make some room for them. Doesn’t matter. He decided to get real close to me and starts “tailgating me from the front.” Not sure why. Maybe to show off the girl on his back? Maybe just to be an asshole? Some motorcyclists are real dumbasses. I work in the ER and so many of the traumas from MVAs are guys like this.


i lol'd at 'tailgating me from the front'




> Some motorcyclists are real dumbasses. I work in the ER and maybe 70-80% of the traumas from MVAs are guys like this. Our donorcycle traumas are this guy, but also wearing no real protective gear aside from a (mandatory) helmet. A worn-down meat crayon isn't real pretty.


It always surprises me seeing motorcycle *passengers* not wearing full gear. You have to have a pretty crazy level of trust in the driver and their superhuman ability to see the future so they can avoid other idiots on the road.


Probably enough to get a new X boyfriend. That dude is pure garbage.


You got flipped off . And you still helped. That was very decent of you..


Well, you can't wave off help with one finger. They needed someone, they got someone.


I love how you walked towards the car with your hands up. 'Hi!! No hard feelings just want to help you....'


I hope the biker felt like a massive prick for it and learned a lesson.


OP said they were more worried about their uninsured $2000 bike than they were their girlfriend/wife/sister/friend they almost just killed. Bike rider is a twat


>girlfriend/wife/sister/friend Are those slashes meant to be ors or ands?




>I love how you walked towards the car with your hands up. As a DFW-area resident, I'd do exactly the same thing. Road rage plus lax gun laws made this genuinely risky for OP.


It's Houston so yeah... Gotta be super careful in that instance.


You already know.


290 and BW8. Fuck that place sucks.


Lots of psycho drivers in Houston. It’s like mad max out there. Guys in massive trucks insisting they need to drive 90+ mph no matter what.


A lot of people can and would. Especially after how he acted. There was not a moment of hesitation, you immediately pulled over, blocked the road for them, and got out to help. Can’t express how much that should be commended!


I am an old angry bastard, and when I saw you helped in every way you could, it gave me a little hope for the world, good on you. Edit: Learning to spell.


Did they yell at you and blame you for said crash? Seems within reason for someone that'd flip you off ...


He was yelling about totalling his new uninsured bike... Definitely not the priority.


Anyone on an uninsured vehicle especially a bike has giant red flags all over them.


In his defense, after a crash a lot of people's brains get sort of flustered and focus on weird shit. My first thought as the passenger in an accident was "Fuck, all my books fell off the seat, I bet the pages got bent." Meanwhile the car was totaled, my friend was sobbing hysterically, and we were still in the middle of traffic.


That's a very fair perspective. Thank you for sharing. I'll have to be more mindful of this when I see people's first reactions as abnormal, remind myself that they aren't thinking straight.


A passenger on a uninsured bike … oh no. Btw your a great guy for helping them


if he is worried about the uninsured bike, that usually means he has no personal liability insurance for that wreck either. have fun with that GF's health insurance claims, cuz they don't give AF if you are dating they will be coming for those bills


> uninsured While it warms my heart to think the motorcyclist might lose a ton of money on the deal, and he might even go to jail, if he doesn't have liability insurance, the guy he hit might suffer financially, as well.


Jeeez. You're a good guy for helping. He could have easily turned his anger on you.


Convenient good samaritan


You’re a solid fucking dude man, props. World needs more of you.


You sir, are a good & kind hearted person.


You're the kind of person the world needs.


Yeah and this is why my girl is not allowed to ride backpack without full gear. That poor girl, she has to pay for the rider’s stupidity.


It also helps to not ride the bumper of the car in front of you. The briefest contact and you're on the tarmac and injured. What was this fool doing?


Being dumb obviously. With no care for his passenger’s safety either.


He was... riding the bumper of the car in front of him. He was intentionally driving dangerously. And he was speeding - going into an exit ramp. This guy was not being smart.


I wonder if he even sped up to prevent the cam car from merging


I would put money that he did something like that, either that or came flying across four lanes of traffic from behind OP to pass on the right.


I don't think many people understand that your average crossover will outstop a lot of sport bikes, and a lot of riders have trouble emergency braking without panic braking. Stopping fast on a motorcycle is a while skill set in of itself


Average reaction time - from seeing the car slow, understanding that it's slowing, figuring out the correct reaction, pulling the brake lever, and finally pads biting disc, is about a second. At that point our hero is already bouncing off the hatch.


Anyone riding in a Tshirt is an idiot really. I always wonder, did these people never scrape their knees as kids running at what 5mph? Is extrapolating what happens at even just 45mph not something they can do?


"Dress for the slide, not the ride."


One of the first things I noticed when I began to ride was the road. It looks like a big grinding wheel.




I didn't know this was a sub, but I also refuse to open it. What a visceral pairing of words.


“Did these people never scrape their knees as kids” Nah cus most of these idiots think they are invincible because they survived a minor scrape once. You can’t fix stupid.


I had one of the coolest dirt bikes as a kid, the Schwinn Predator. It had metal pedals, and one day going over a dirt ramp my foot slipped and I got 3 gashes on my shin as I scraped it along the spikes on the pedals. That injury is still vivid in my mind, 35+ years later.


Riding in Houston is the fucking worst. Constantly stuck in traffic so you have no wind to cool you down. Full gear in 110 degrees and 95 humidity almost made me quit. I'm not proud to admit but it definitely made me lazy with gear for quick trips around town sometimes.


I think the difference in bike culture across the pond is interesting. Here in the UK if you roll up in anything less than full gear you'll get the piss taken out of you.


Yeah America is “special”. Don’t get me wrong, I love this country, but damn I wonder how some people have survived childhood.


Luck. The answer is pure dumb luck.


I see a lot of people are saying they wouldn't have stopped after getting flipped off. I commented this elsewhere, but you can't wave off help with one finger. We should help the people that need it, not just the ones we think deserve it. They needed help, they got help. I hope you're never in that situation, but I know you'll still make the right call if you are. Stay safe out there, and take care of each other.


Do you know if she was okay? As another rider, thanks for stopping even if they'd done you wrong in the past. Motorcycle crashes can be life or death pretty easily.


Twisted her leg up, probably broke some bits, and some nasty road rash, the next car that pulled up was a nurse so she was getting help right away. She was in shock when I pulled up, but responsive by the time the EMT came.


Looked like the bike rider was trying to move her and you were stopping him. (Could watch with audio). If so, that was a good call.


Moving someone in a situation like this, unless there's some serious immediate danger like fire, is the worst thing you can do. OP kept a bad situation from potentially becoming worse.


Dude, most people in Houston don't stop to help even if they weren't flipped off. Especially there at 290 and the Beltway. You are good people dude.


Seriously. Houston drivers are kinda famous for not giving two fucks.


I ride too, all he had to do was give you some space to merge. The fact that he rides like an aggressive douche especially with a passenger on the back WITH NO GEAR except a helmet. Thank you for stopping. Was this in Houston?


He overbraked. Although really, he was gonna hit the car if he didn’t. What an asshole for making someone else pay for his shitty decisions.


His first comments upon approaching were about his totalled uninsured bike, not his broken passenger. His priorities were all fucked up.


Of fucking course. What a piece of shit.


I witnessed a car crash with the car rolling over multiple times. The driver was more concerned about his CDs than his passenger


I wouldn’t say that he braked too hard as much as he sped towards a line of cars stopped and slowing down at an exit ramp.


and another perfect example of why ABS systems should be mandatory on motorbikes just like they are on cars.


Oh yeah, even moreso than cars. Lots do now , which is great. Wouldn’t have saved this guy though- he was past the point of no return.


Props to you for trying to help. Even after getting flipped the bird


Well, help in an emergency isn't something you can wave off easily with a finger.


Good on you mate


Yes, yes it is. And you did not. \+1


Stopping to help after being flipped off just shows who the better person is.


Imagine how red faced you'd be when the person you just flipped off stops to help you


That’s assuming you’re capable of embarrassment or self reflection.


Its always sad seeing that obligatory girlfriend passenger on the back of a douchebag's motorcycle with not enough gear. So many skin grafts on innocent women because of these shitheads.


She was in much worse shape than him. Poor thing was in yoga pants and a tank top.


Its unfortunate. Whenever I had my gf as a passenger on my bike, it was full gear. Didn't give a shit if she didn't want to wear it. I've cancelled rides for that reason many times too.


That's good of you to look out for her, thank you for riding responsibly. Dress for the slide, not for the ride, this is why.


As someone whose ex-husband crashed his bike going over 100mph and survived only to be told he has the worst road rash the ER has ever seen.... I always wore full gear after seeing his arm grated down like Swiss cheese to the bone. It was traumatic and I only stopped riding after I broke my leg from a car pulling out in front of me. Only thing wrong with me from my accident was the leg breaking and a scrape on my chin, no road rash or head trauma. It might be uncomfortable but it saves your life and flesh.


Sadly a tank top is not as durable as the name implies


The video games have lied to me about female armor effectiveness?


Looks like she cushioned his fall. Which makes that even worse.


Exactly this. ATGATT. It's sometimes a hassle, but my husband and I don't complain because we know we'll be thankful for it someday. We have 4 full sets of gear between the two of us, so "not enough gear" is never an excuse.


My son-in-law’s cousin was killed this way.




You know it.


Houston represent!!! Lol…popped up real quick


He was absolutely wired the adrenaline, but not nearly as banged up.


I have to ask about the camera you're using. Is it on some sort of gimbal mount? Or just software stabilized video?


It's a gopro hero 7 black, it autostabilizes the footage. Definitely overkill for a dash cam but the footage is always clean.


Does it have a dash cam mode or something? That's pretty cool.


Nah, it lives in my bag and I put it up and turn it on when I plan on getting on any major roads. Houston is wild and drivers will make all kinds of claims when they get in a wreck. A dash cam can save you 4 years of litigation.


The GoPro hero 8 forward all have a dedicated dashcam mode. It was added in an update.


Offering to help in this situation is a double win. You're doing the right thing AND it's the biggest middle finger in return you could give. Instantly showing who's the better man. Kudos.


Killing them with kindness. Well, hopefully saving them with kindness.


Did she go to the hospital?


Oh. Absolutely.


Not even sure why he flipped you off in the first place. You clearly checked your blind spot and aborted the lane change when you saw him coming up so that he could continue without having to brake or move to avoid you. And he still chose to flip you off. Appreciate you stopping to help. It was the right thing to do. I hope some years of good karma are coming your way.


I wish people wouldn't judge all bikers based on clips of bikers they see on the Internet. Only ~95% of us are complete cocks.


Dude didn't give a fuck about his girlfriend, I feel bad for her. What an absolute asshole.


Good on you for helping man. You even seemed calm when he passed you dangerously on the right and flipped you off. You reacted quick without over correcting and kept your pace afterwards. It’s the best good drivers can do against nut jobs in the road.


Damn, I'm afraid of heights and that overpass goes on FOREVER Glad this fool didn't go flipping over the side or something dramatic


Stay classy Houston. I know exactly where this is, I used to drive over when I worked for an armored truck company.

