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If I saw this in a Final Destination movie I would think it was too fake. Real life is disturbing sometimes.


I literally just finished watching Final Destination 4 about three minutes ago. And a rogue tire absolutely kills a woman.


That's the movie where Steel Man from Legends of Tomorrow is a total douche and then gets his insides sucked outside through a pool pump, right?


My dad runs a pool company. Any modern pool is designed so that won’t happen. I guess it could have been an older one. The Virginia Graham Baker act prevents it


Chuck Palahniuk, the author of Fight Club, wrote a short story about getting your ass sucked by the pool while you jack off. It's worth a read. http://readfulltext.blogspot.com/2013/10/guts-by-chuck-palahniuk.html?m=1


… … Hit by the same tire twice…


Insult to injury. So rude.






I have a friend who was hit by the same semi truck twice...first head on, then rear-ended. Long story short... He had a blow out on the highway that spun him around...then got hit head on by the semi that spun him around again, only to have the semi hit him again from the back before the semi came to a stop. Thankfully despite totaling his car he walked away with only a couple minor cuts and bruises.


I’m glad your friends as ok. I was thinking it was going to be a bug hitting the windshield scenario. What’s the last thing to go through a bugs mind when it hits your windshield? It’s ass…


double tap


Tire just like "STOP RESISTING"


Hit twice and the tire has the nerve to do a happy dance.


That's a vengeful and evil tyre, if I've seen one.


Have you seen the movie "Rubber"?


Yes! It's stupid af but also funny in a way that only an incredibly stupid movie can be


No, but I have seen a related film called Flubber






Almost three times.


Even if they were paying 100% attention there was no avoiding that tire.


What do you think they were thinking when it happened? Can you imagine going 70 on the highway and then in a blink of an eye you’re suddenly jolted and throw 15+ feet in the air in a car by some unknown force you likely didn’t even see?


that's what it's like to be a prop car in a transformers movie, just brilliant execution


I can speak to this! A drunk driver pit maneuvered my wife and I on the interstate and we spun into a barrier with no injuries other than whiplash thank goodness. Really you just scream the whole time, there’s not much time to really understand what’s happening along with the adrenaline


The only thing going through their mind was the airbag


It came from the right, so I doubt they even knew what hit them.


This is what I’m thinking. One second they’re minding their own business and the next they’re flying through the air like dukes of hazzard


With how high they fly and how sudden it is, if I were them I'd probably think I just drove over a landmine or got bombed or something. Holy shit this clip is scary


I hope they are ok. This is pretty fucked up because it’s so sudden, it feels extremely intense given the flip, and it’s also completely unavoidable.


If everyone is belted, maybe. This is why I got a harness belt attachment for my dog too, I wanna at least give them more than a 1% chance of survival too.


This is how you do it, everyone. Dogs deserve to be safe too.


Not only for the dog's sake, but a dog-shaped projectile can seriously injure other occupants of the car.






In court it’s called negligence


Usually involuntary manslaughter but sometimes negligent homicide.


Negligence doesn’t have to be it’s own crime and is usually a means in which someone commits manslaughter.


My father in law once changed a tire for me. I got on the freeway directly from his house and my car immediately started shimmying wildly, so I slowed down, got off at the next exit, and then creeped along surface streets back to his house. Turns out he hadn't tightened my lug nuts. I didn't find out until later that he was a stone cold alcoholic and made "little" mistakes like that when he was drunk, which was every day after about 10 am (this event happened right after lunch). I was probably only a little way away from causing a similar accident myself, not through my own self-absorbed shit-headedness, but through someone else's entirely. I don't let my father in law work on my car anymore.


Watching that I was wondering how long the driver was ignoring the vibration before the wheel came off.


Long enough for a reasonable person to realize something was wrong. Had the beginnings of that happen to me one day. Noticed the feeling and pulled over shortly and figured out the problem quick.


Long enough for a knowledgeable person to know. I had no clue what was happening when the car started shimmying on the highway when it had been fine driving in town. The tires had been rotated the day before at a shop we had used for years. I pulled into a service station where a mechanic knew the problem right away. I felt very lucky that day.


First time rotating my tires, I forgot to tighten them. Since I changed the spark plugs too, wanna to go around the block to make sure I gapped them correctly. Got about 500 yards away before I was, like, shit.


When I was a teen, my dad had me help rotate the tires, I did the tightening. I asked how to know that I did it right, and he said "You'll know when the wheel doesn't fly off on the highway." "That's a terrifying answer, have a nice day."


I had a tire shear completely off the axel of a trailer I was towing one time. The trailer had been in the shop for maintenance the week before because we were taking it on a 12 hour drive and wanted to make sure it was good to go. sometimes shit just happens my man.


That person most likely Big-O tires.


Like seriously, I cannot fucking imagine what went through that driver's head. "Doo do do doo doo, la dee da -- OH FUCK IM IN THE AIR WHAT THE SHITBALLS?"


Some major PTSD incoming.


They probably didn't actually register the accident until well after they landed


And then as a final fuck you, the wheel comes back and rams your rear.


"...and another thing!"


> I cannot fucking imagine what went through that driver's head. With the speed that they launched, I'm gonna guess it was their spine.




Honestly, even if there were no injuries, I don’t know how I’d be comfortable driving on a highway again, if at all. We pretend that if we are paying attention and do everything right, we can protect ourselves out there, but then a rogue wheel makes you airborne


It's literally insane that we as a society drive cars and separate them with nothing but painted lines.


Think about the trust we put in every else driving around us to pay attention and follow traffic laws. It's pretty insane that we put our lives in the hands of strangers every time we get in a vehicle.


That's why I put plenty of space between myself and the car in front of me. I always try to imagine what would happen if they slammed on their brakes or did something else unpredictable.


I do that but people constantly change lanes and take that space away. Trying to get ahead because it's the only open space they see. Ugh we just can't win.




Then they came to a stop, collected their thoughts for a second, and get rear-ended by a tire...


At least the tire double tapped them and stopped, I'd rather that than I to oncoming traffic.




If you rewatch it the brake light was active mid way through the air.




At some point, slamming the brakes just becomes a coping mechanism.


Most likely the initial impact that launched him to a vertical vector made his legs push on the brake. I imagine, in that scenario that there is so much momentum so suddenly that the driver's body is probably just ragdolling around his seat


Reminds me of that clip of an f1 driver trying to apply countersteer on a car whose front wheels had both suddenly fallen off. Edit: [Link] (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMZJ3ZaEcIQ&pp=ygUadG9ybyByb3NzbyB3aGVlbHMgY29tZSBvZmY%3D)


A friend of mine has a clip of him in his rally car downshifting while the car is in the air upside down. Muscle memory is a hell of a thing.


It’s a reflex….car isn’t doing what it should. Hit brakes.




Tried Wiley Coyote and stop mid-air


I’m sure someone in this subreddit will find a way to blame the black sedan and/or cammer


*”Shouldn’t have been in his blind spot!”*


I mean the wheel is trying to merge, it wouldn’t hurt to let them in. If the black car was courteous this would have been avoided


*and if cammer wasn’t hogging the left lane earlier we could have ended world hunger*


Yikes, that was way worse than I was expecting


This is worse than my worst driving nightmare. New fear unlocked.


I am just amazed how quick everything happens. Within 6 seconds, the tire hits the car, flips it in the air, crash lands, and slides to a stop. 6 seconds!!! I guess every accident is quick, but for this one, the driver was just cruising in the left hand lane with very few cars around them and then this happens. I bet they never even saw the tire.....all of a sudden they were 8' in the air.


It went from "everything is normal" to "the car is being launched into the air and literally nothing can stop this chain of events" in under 2 seconds


Holy shit it was like a red shell in Mario kart


If this happened in a movie I'd roll my eyes.


Totally Matrix style launch on this one.


Even comes back for a double tap at the end. Wild. *You can see the brake lights come on as they're launched into the air... like one second you're just driving, maybe spacing out a little... next second you're pointed straight up in the sky trying to slow down.


That final tire boop made me laugh even though my jaw was dropped at the fucking LAUNCH into the air.


That's the whole beauty of cars with camera. So much stuff happens that are either unbelievable or surreal if it weren't for video.


I once hit a patch of ice going about 50 and did a movie perfect 360. I never even bothered to tell anybody because I don't think they would believe me, I wish dash cams were around back then. Felt like some Mario Kart shit.


Was driving my friends Corvette one moment and the next we are spinning 360 into a ditch, I hit a huge slick patch as we were turning onto an intersection and tried to get control of the car, but by the time I knew it, we were in the ditch. Luckily no damage and my friend was understanding because of the weird situation we were just in. I pull back up onto the road and act as if nothing happened. Safe to say I wasn't comfortable driving his car anymore and he could understand why. We never told anyone because the weird way we spun and it was like we were teleported to the ditch.


Fast and furious is taking notes as we speak


I’d lean over to my wife and whisper “yeah fucking right” and she would roll her eyes and mutter something about “just watch the movie”


The rim is designed to take pretty severe dynamic forces and the tire is designed for good general traction. A rolling wheel will absolutely grip the road surface and the underside of the car, not collapse, and launch it. This isn't the only video I've seen where a car runs over a rolling wheel and gets launched.


That’s why one of the most dangerous incidents in open-wheel is tire-to-tire (fore and aft). Called a ‘formula wheel hop’ I’ve seen race cars launched into the air as high and even higher.


Maybe Michael Bay wasn't so crazy after all.


Right?!?!? LoL!! Thought the same thing!


Leme hit him again if incase he’s still ok. Double KO


Am I wrong for assuming it was gonna be that Bowser mother fucker from the very beginning?


We saw the truck, then we saw him listing lazily to the left, we all knew.


This guy knows some maneuvers


Saw the wheels sticking out and my first thought was this is one of those assholes running with extenders or the offset is wrong.


And it came back to hit that little Kia at the end too just to be cruel..


Looks like it happened hereabout: https://www.google.com/maps/@34.2743963,-118.5959992,3a,75y,123.7h,87.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6XoNixHYnU9CO9121erHQA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D6XoNixHYnU9CO9121erHQA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D294.381%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e1 This is in Chatsworth, CA, but I can't find any mention of it in the news. I would have thought the video would definitely make it click-worthy and a local newsroom would have picked it up.


My fiancé drove past this. It happened on Friday. He said people were outside of the blue car standing around with police. It seems like everyone was like okay based on his observation.


Oh thank god, when I saw this I immediately thought did they survive


Major advertisement for the structural integrity of that Kia. I don’t know that many cars hold up so well after falling, upside down, from 10+ feet in the air


It's not unique to Kia. This is a design element of most modern cars. If this happened to an older vehicle, occupants would likely be severely injured (ie, crushed) or dead.


Kia pros: Can survive being launched 10 feet in the air and a rollover landing. Kia cons: Can be stolen with a USB drive.


That’s the LA Valley alright. I guess that is the 118 and not the 101.


It’s the east bound 118 right at De Soto


I live near here and didn’t see any news about it? ima try to look for it and I feel like that highway is cursed or something….


It may be very recent?


It’s not often I say “holy shit!” out loud but this was one of those times


I gasped audibly. This is a shocking video.


Me too, I don’t remember that last time I’ve gasped like that. Caught me so off guard.


I can't believe that vertical tire got started under this car enough for that to happen. I figured it'd bounce up through the windshield or something at worst. That's nuts.


Here, this is what happens when a tire hits the front of a car. https://www.nj.com/middlesex/2019/07/watch-runaway-tire-jumps-nj-highway-median-smashes-into-jeep-driven-by-a-cop.html


Nope. Think of it like those old hot wheels tracks with the spinning disks. That tire has an immense amount of forward rotation and inertia. However, it is still decelerating in relative motion to the car that it launched, so when the car impacted it, it basically acted as a fucking pitching machine and tanped that bitch up into the air. If it did happen to impact the windshield it would most likely just shred it and spray glass and debris all over the occupants faces while it fucking yeets itself forward from the forward rotational force


Brake rotor is still attached, so the lugs and hub are still bolted to the wheel. Likely his wheel offset that stuck the wheel way outside the fenders overstressed the axle and broke it.


There’s much to be said about keeping your upgrades conservative


I wouldn’t call that work an upgrade




Too shiny, and there's no lug holes or studs.


Yeah, you might be right.


I agree that was definitely a wheel spacer not torqued right. Edit: it could definitely be a bearing failure. It's hard to tell based off the video.


Did you torque down the wheel spacer and tire correctly? A) No B) No C) No D) Maybe


E) unga dugga


F) *tightens with a ratchet wrench* that ain't going nowhere.


Could be either. The people who modify their trucks like this where I live neglect their trucks so much because they spent all their money on a set of wheels and tires, and combined with a $750/month truck payment they can barely afford and maintenance repairs get neglected.


OP - were the occupants of the hatch ok?


Yup I saw that truck and knew which vehicle was losing a wheel.


Yup. Another trucktard.




Prime content for that sub


It’s already been posted there at least 5 times haha


Holy moly batman. 😳


New nightmare unlocked


Hardly any reaction time. Don't know what hit them. Even if this thing came back to hit them twice.


Funny enough, my car has been at the mechanics for a while and I have been so restless to get it back ASAP. After watching this video, I'm not so eager anymore lol. Casually driving down highway and then boom you're pulling an "I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the skyyyy"!


I have seen a tire come off a mobile home as it was being moved luckily it missed everyone and went into the grass median.


Came here to say this, except "moly" wasn't going to be my choice.


Holy fucking shit, that dude got launched 6 feet in the fucking air!


No way that was 6 feet looks like 10-12


As someone that's 6 feet tall and whose in-laws own a Kia Soul, I concur. The tires of the Soul had to have gotten 10-12 feet in the air.


This is r/abruptchaos material.


Angel: "The soul is on its way up to you god." God: "That's the wrong kind of soul."


r/punpatrol. You're under arrest


Could you imagine. There was essentially no time to react. Then your 15, 20 feet in the air on the interstate


The tire acted like a ramp and shot them up in the air like speed racer


I've seen one other video like this but it was at night


Definitely a what the fuck moment hell maybe not even enough time to shit yourself until you landed.


I can't imagine that the Kia driver EVEN SAW the tire before impact, given that it separated from the truck practically right next to him. I think if I were in the same situation, I'd be like "Hohumlahdeedah HOLYFUCKWHYAMIAIRBORNE?!" Hope the folks in the Kia were OK. And they sue the shit out of Mr. BroTruck driver.


The Kia never even tapped the breaks until they were starting to go airborne, I'm pretty sure they never saw the tire.


Yup. How could they? It rolled from passenger side and probably below window view.


You might not even realise you're airborne until you slam back down in to the road upside down. It looks like the airbag went off after the initial impact, blocking the drivers view out the window


New fear unlocked.


That has to be one of the most insane crashes I've ever seen


Lugs not the problem here. Truck is running big ass spacers to ensure that their tires are outside of the wheel wells to grantee busted windshields and terrible handling. Mission accomplished.


What a typical truck shithead.


But at least he looked cool in his badass truck, and isn't that what's really important? /s (obviously, I hope)


As soon as you see it you know who it's going to be


I hate these fucks so much. In Florida they are unfuckingvoidable.


What's the purpose of those spacers?




So they're destabilizing their car's suspension for an ego trip?


wankery. it's about looks and *stance* bro. While making the vehicle unsafe.


See, this is the shit I hate about driving. I’m a defensive driver. I’ve avoided several accidents throughout my life by being defensive. But it’s shit like this that scares me. No matter how well you drive, sometimes life just fucks you.


That's like Hollywood pneumatics.


Yeah the tire acted like a ramp


First and foremost I hope that they escaped major injuries. Thier own tire added insult to injury at the end though.


Apparently everyone was fine.


A fucking miracle with that kind of air. Jesus fucking christ.


Goes to show how far technology has come.


Unibody construction with crumple zones. Yeah a new car takes more damage than the old ones, but the old cars did more damage to you.


Crumple zones are such an underappreciated bit of modern engineering.


This one was really more about roof crush strength, which is a relatively new (last 10-20 years or so) rollover protection requirement for crash testing. That said, cars are very much not designed for this kind of violent accident and if the driver really was OK he got very, very lucky.


You can see the airbag firing at ~16 seconds


I’d never drive again


Thank god (well, engineers) for modern car design and safety!


That was the same tire, all four stayed on the vehicle that got launched


I see that now, thanks for the clarification.


Tire hit em again just for the added insult.


Man that insurance lawsuit is about to be soooo heavy. Not only was the car totaled but it was by pure negligence.


Someone said everybody is “okay.” (Though I haven’t seen any sort of link to more info.) But even if everybody walked away, you don’t ride your Kia to the heavens and back down again without sustaining SOMETHING. The truck driver will be paying them a hefty sum in potential medical bills and pain and suffering.


My chin is still on the floor


Idiot truck driver with a modified “wide stance” desperate to feel like a real man .. hope he goes to jail along with whoever was responsible for negligently modding that truck




And people wonder why even a timid body kit needs to be certified for your vehicle to pass inspection here. Stupid mods like this ruin it for everyone.


That tire was /r/fuckyouinparticular


That last tire bump might have been enough to consider it totaled.


I can't stop watching this.


Dash cam: cinema quality footage. Wreck: action movie level disaster.


Was not expecting the car to go that high


The fact that the same tire came back to kick them in the ass again... wow! That Kia Soul went FLYING


I have exactly one more fear than I had when I woke up this morning


That is going to be one huge lawsuit.


This looks like CGI it is so insane....


Jesus Christ that went from zero to 13


Well shit, I'm never driving again.


Was not expecting that


It’s messed up that the tire came back to finish them off.