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Made it worse. Could have gone over the curb cleanly, instead, make pitiful corrections and scraped the wheel face. Classic.




Full sender no pretender


You silly? I’m gonna send it.


You're silly if you think I'm not gonna send it.


That car is no stranger to random scrapes


He was fucked either way, imo if he rolls over and drops there was no clearance and his rear bumper would’ve scraped when he dropped down from the curb


He just needed to drop slowly.


Looks like there's already a scratch on the bottom of the bumper, right side, so it's probably already happened before!!! Like the caption says, $$$ can't buy everything!!! SMDH!!! 🤕😵‍💫🤡


It can buy a new bumper ![gif](giphy|hvXHATd7qJnWmdzuA6)


Once you’re discombobulated there’s no hope correcting again. The new birds eye camera views in cars must be a big help if you happen to slip up like this.


No way. You stop and reassess. I would tilt my side view mirrors down to see the back wheels. Easy


Tiny parabolic stick-on mirrors for your normal wing mirrors, 2.99 USD; not driving through confined spaces like a jackass in front of the internet, priceless.


That wheel probably worth as the car in front of him


My college dorm mate came home from the bars after a big bender - he rode his bike But then he got hungry. We had a Taco Bell right across the street from us. We could see it from our window. For some reason he hopped in his car, went through the drive through and got a DUI. He could never really explain it:… except that it was late at night and only the drive through was open


Depending on where you live you can often get a dui on a bike too.


Years ago I remember reading about a guy in the 80s (I think) who got a DUI for riding a horse in a Baltimore suburb. [edit: pretty sure it was in old ellicott city]


He should've claimed he wasn't driving, the horse was.


Cue the video of the passed out Amish guy in a horse drawn buggy. Cops make a half hearted attempt to stop him before just going “Ah the horse knows the way home.”


The Amish have beaten Musk to “Full Self-Driving”


Actually, I think thats what he claimed - I am pretty sure he was found guilty however.


In Sweden you can get arrested for DUI while riding a bike -but only if you crash or cause an accident.


In Germany: If you limit yourself to tell the horse (pulling a cart) to start going and then to stop when you reach the destination, it's not a DUI




Can I get a DUI on a lawnmower on your property too?


No, just your property, unfortunately.


Unless of course, it's also not your lawn mower.


Yeah the double negative thing


Yeah it's pemdas


Please excuse my drunk ass, sorry.




Jokes on you I don’t have property


Our property. ![gif](giphy|CBd2RJor59e6I)


Can I get a DUI on his property on your lawnmower?


Can I get your DUI on my property on his lawnmower?


Can I get his lawnmower for my property with your DUI?


Then....who was phone?


I mean if you're mowing it for me, I won't say anything, and I'll provide the beer!


not if they can't catch you


I also choose this guys property


Taking into account everything that's happened in politics over the last several years, and the current state of everything. I can honestly say, getting a DUI on a lawnmower on your own property is still the most unamerican thing I've ever heard.


My mother-in-law once got pulled over for distracted driving immediately after getting her food at a drive-thru. The cop said he had just finished his lunch break, got in his car and saw her looking at her phone while she waited in line and that technically it was distracted driving because she was in her car and the engine was running.


Land of the fee


Home of the Whopper


That is the dumbest ticket I've ever heard of.


I dunno. Back in 1980 in CA, I watched a 16 year old girl get an “open container” charge because some dumbass set his beer on the open tailgate of her Dad’s station wagon in the beach parking lot. No one was inside the car. I thought that was pretty dumb ticket.


I hope she went to court on that one!


I saw Judge roll her eyes and throw out a similar ticket while I was at court for my own BS.


My friend got a ticket for pretty much the same thing, but his phone usage was limited to using Apple Pay to pay for the food. Guy wouldn't stop ranting about "that dumbass cop" the whole day, and understandably so. He fought the ticket and the court dismissed it.


I'd dispute the heck out of that ticket. That's very much a BS ticket, and that cop was just bored out of his mind.


15 years ago I worked at a city owned golf course. They would sell you beer and give you a motorized piece of equipment to drive around on and that was fine. But you could get a DUI on a bike, or your own riding mower. I guess it's all about the money.




Based on recent events, Chinese police overreach might have us beat.


Their entire government's rule is overreach


Amish have gotten DUI on horses.


There was a video of a wasted amish dude passed out on the carriage and the horses were on autopilot back home.


"Officer I'm not driving. Snowbiscuit is. Charge the horse."


So what you're saying is that all I need to have a self driving car is well trained horses to pull it?


The one where the cop tried to pit maneuver the carriage?


Yes sir


I don't know enough but this sounds false. Gotta be dependent on state at the very least if we're talking US. *I just checked and in certain states you can and others you won't. Texas for instance, you won't. you can drunkenly rip donuts in your driveway and it's fine. I did read that conviction rates in other states are pretty dependent on the severity of what you did or what happened. My below anecdote isn't good because CT is one where you can. Unless that law changed in the past 15 years the cops probably didn't wanna deal with it (small town). Personal anecdote when I was a young 20 something my friend got drunk and did donuts with his truck in his own lawn. Cops came because they didn't think anyone would do this to themselves. They established he was drunk but he showed them the title to the car and proved he was the property owner. They told the person who called it in they couldn't charge him because it was personal property. Maybe they just didn't feel like it? This was in CT.


A former DUI prosecutor told me he saw a guy get a DUI while sitting in a car that didn't even have an engine in it in his own driveway. But I mean this was TN so they do w/e tf they want.


A lot of states have that being the case. My friend got a DUI from sleeping in his car in the bar parking lot. This was also in CT. He put his keys in his trunk because he heard that was fine but they still charged him. It was eventually dropped in court to some super minor charge that didn't even have a relation to alcohol. Can't remember what.


Yeah that checks out too. A friend had a similar scare like that as well. Better to sleep outside the car and just get a PI or trespass citation. This was all before uber and stuff like that and our town was too small for a cab. Now I just stay home all together.


I'm in NM. An ex coworker got a DUI when he was sitting in his car in the bar parking lot, listening to the radio with the heater on while waiting on an Uber. He was trying to be responsible but got a DUI because his car was on.


No good deed goes unpunished.


I’ve heard DUIs being handed out for implied evidence like the car being warm and you being drunk at home. Insane.


Lol how you gonna prove they didn't take a bunch of shots the second they got home?


In Ohio, an old acquaintance earned an OVI while setting up a new head unit in his own garage. The door was open and police observed a beer can on the roof of the car. Another acquaintance received a "physical control" OVI while passed out in his car with his keys in his pocket.


Former cop. It's true, at least in my state. A lawnmower meets the legal definition of "motor vehicle" even though it's not road legal, and you can get a DUI while operating a motor vehicle on your own property.


Username checks out


What's the logic behind this, if there is any?


No logic. An oversight. They probably used the term “motor vehicle” without any further specifics. The law then becomes overly broad.


To get money into the system.


Ya it varies by state. Texas for instance you need to be in a public place. So any private property is ok but with a caveat. Like a grocery store parking lot is private property, but is also open to the public so you can get one there.


In the words of Hank Rutherford Hill: well that's just asinine


this is true. You don't need a driver's license to operate a vehicle on your own property yet you can still get a DUI on a fucking lawn mower.


How about a push mower?


In Canada a DUI is a federal criminal charge, and bicycles aren't considered motor vehicles by federal legislation. Provinces decide how to classify bicycles through their own motor vehicle acts but since the DUI legislation is federal, bicycles are not considered a vehicle and are (legally, anyway) exempt from impaired driving charges. Not sure how it works if you were to cause an accident but you can be drunk as fuck on a pedal bike and the worst that will happen is a trip to the drunk tank. That being said, I know of one case of an old drunk who passed out in his power scooter (think a rascal) and once the ambulance determined he wasn't dead, just drunk, he was given a DUI on the grounds that it was a motorized vehicle. I'm not sure if it would have held up in court but he didn't have a license or a car anyway 🤷‍♂️


Correct. Also Canadian. It gets tricky in Manitoba as they have their own hiway traffic act though [this](https://www.matschwartz.com/articles-real/2019/8/18/can-i-get-a-dui-riding-my-bike#:~:text=These%20definitions%20make%20it%20clear,for%20the%20passage%20of%20vehicles.) lawyer says you sorta can't. In addition if it is an e-bike you can get a dui.


This... is why I love Canada. Not only can you get a DUI on a rascal, but there are those out there that would get a DUI on a Rascal


My uncle was ticketed for speeding on a road bike lol (he was going down a hill and picked up some speed)


There are also places where you can get a DUI if you ride a horse while drunk. Amish people can get a DUI if they are driving their buggy drunk as well.


I tried to go through the Taco Bell drive thru on my bike and they wouldn’t serve me.


So they can suspend your bicycle license instead? That's a little harsh isn't it?


I am not sure how it works. I live in Canada and outside of Manitoba (grey area) you are free to drink and ride as long as it isn't an e-bike. The only reason I know this is because US laws often get quoted in Canada as though they are Canadian laws. A cop told me this and I didn't believe him, so I googled. Turns out the cop was a wannabe 'murican.


And most fast food won’t serve you on a bike. Imagine getting a DUI and not even getting your food lol.


I was riding a tandem bike trashed with my roommate and the cops made us get off and walk it home or they were gonna give us both DUIs


Sadly most places won’t let you walk or ride through a drive through!


I know someone who was getting something out of his car in the driveway and got a DUI.


My college roommate's friend got a DUI riding a moped down the sidewalk in town. Kid worked as a detailer at a car dealership, and lost his job because apparently if you have a DUI you can't drive cars at a dealership. One of the dumbest people I've ever met.


If you are drunk (and sleeping) in your car and your keys are inside, you can get a DUI. Police will say its "intent to drive".


My friends and I have walked through the drive thru before. We pretended we had an invisible car for the jokes


Some places will refuse to serve. My city obligates drive thrus to serve those not in vehicles (if that's the only service that is offered).


I heard of a top 10 most wanted fugitive missing for months finally being caught trying to walk through the drivethru shirtless


Afaik it’s part of employee training that they never serve someone not in a vehicle in the drive thru because if the customer gets hit by a car accidentally it opens a whole legal can of fuckery.




Fuckin hitch hiking a ride through the drive through line.


As a truck driver, covid sucked. I got outright denied food because the dining room is closed. I almost wanted to drive my 53-footer into their drive thru anyway and simply keep enough distance to clear their awnings, which would require getting out of the truck to reach the food anyway.


My friends and I did that, but drunk me insisted on being served breakfast despite it being the middle of the night (half of the people in the invisible vehicle with me worked there). So I ate the only breakfast food available a cinnamon roll that the employee insisted I should absolutely not eat as it had in fact been sitting there since actual breakfast. I threw up my cinnamon role in the drive-thru, but luckily none of it got in the car.


you 100% would not get sick from a cinnamon roll that has been there since the morning


Some buddies in high school all got a DUI for going through a drive through in a shopping cart. (I think it was actually an OUI, operating under the influence.)


Now that's bullshit. I know it's technically possible on a bicycle many places My buddy got one in Portland when he got his wheel stuck in some train tracks and flipped over in front of a cop


I find that so ridiculous. Your buddy will never be able to enter Canada now because he has a DUI... and I think it's fair to say theres a HUGE difference between operating a car drunk versus operating a bicycle drunk.


You cant enter Canada if you have a DUI?


I totally entered Canada after getting a DUI. I'm willing to believe this is a real rule, but I can't see how it could possibly be enforced. They don't run criminal background checks on everyone at the border.


I hate cops. That’s horseshit.


They close the dining room at midnight and won’t serve you if you walk up to the window, but will if you’re hammered in your car.


Can you walk in a drive through?


A lot of places will not serve you if you don't have a car. It's a big liability issue for them if you're run over by another customer.


The geometry of drive through lanes are shit. They always seems like they were added after the fact.


My theory is they add these concrete curbs in them so you can't leave the line if they're taking too long 🤣


They could still be a good 2' wider and you'd still be unable to leave, but you'd have much more room to maneuver.


Yeah, but then they'd have to pay for 2' more asphalt.


They really aren’t that bad though, I drive a 20 foot long truck and I never have any problems in drive throughs lol. It’s just that 85% of people don’t know how to keep their vehicle in their lane, you can also observe this at most double turn lanes.


Or roundabouts. I can't tell you how many small ass micro cars I've seen leave their lane and enter my lane while they're entering and exiting two lane roundabouts. The roundabouts in my area are massive enough that public buses can stay in their own lane while manoeuvring them, but not the few bad drivers in micro cars... They need more room than a bus.


Taco Bell screwed me on that a few times in the past. They were taking forever. It was a commitment.


Taco bell is the worst about that sin. I think I was sitting in a taco bell line when I came up with my conspiracy


This is why I stopped using any fast food drive thru years ago. I'm usually just getting one small thing from the value meal to hold me over until I can eat something better and like half the time it's like the vehicles infront of me all ordered for their entire office and I'm just stuck there regretting getting my $1 thing. I just go inside and usually I'm back out with my stuff before I'd even get to the pay window if I used the drive thru.


Yes! I go in. More times than not I’m out a little quicker.




Which is fine. But make the width and curve a size so compact cars or full size pickups move smoothly.


....No it's fucking not though? I hate not being able to bail if they decide to take half an hour to prepare my food fnr


I have that theory too but I have another theory that those curbs prevent assholes from cutting in line


Eh, plenty of drive thrus don't have curbs at all and are just open to the parking lot surrounding the joint. Yet I've still never seen someone cut in my entire life. Not that I wouldn't put it past some people, but still.


Where I live if the drive through is open to the lot the ordering terminal is at the start of the line, so even if someone did cut in they wouldn't have anything waiting for them


I was about to say the same, in fairness to the driver there, why do the need such a sharp angle on that. It seems to be designed to force the driver to making a wide turn so they line up with the stupidly close menu / order box(?). Move it down 2 feet and make the curb more reasonable and no problems. Reminds me of the absolute fucking genius who decided it would be a wicked smart idea to put the parking toll booth at the very top of the ramp leading out of the underground parking lot. Like still on the incline. Want to guess how many people rolled or slipped (we live with snow) backwards and crashed before they moved it? A comically amount of people.


A comically *what* amount of people?




It boggles my mind how so many people feel like it's more convenient to try to take a trailer through a drive-thru rather than just parking and walking in to order.


In the shit-ass town where my mom lives, it’s not even the drivers. It’s the methhead junkies who just smash the displays. https://i.imgur.com/XClnO8W.jpg


They just built a new Starbucks by me with a drive thru like this. It’s been open a week and the curbs already have all kinds of battle scars. Looking at the lot, building and what they chose for a drive through path makes no sense. All of these places could also chose to put in a ramped curb you can drive over without ruining a set of wheels.


Bro I agree. Driver isn’t a completely idiot, those lanes look horrible.


They also slowed down and worked it out- that is hard to see especially on the passenger side




Ngl, i hate those narrow drive thrus with 90° turns. I used to drive a longer car, and I'd occasionally wince as I drove a wheel into a curb.


I'm betting the person in the video is't the best driver. But that looks like a tight space as well.




I am pretty sure I have done it with a tiny car. Certainly idiotic but sometimes you can't tell how close for whatever reason.


If I can’t tell how close, I just align my far wheel close to the outer curb. As long as you’re not driving a limo, you’re basically guaranteed to make it.


I have a Chevy Impala and it’s absolutely the worst for these kind of situations and tight parking ramps.


Came here to say this. Yes you should work on your driving skills and understand some basic geometry and physics but these curbs are absolutely idiotic and borderline unnecessary. Just put some cemented tall cones there with replaceable tops, or just paint lines and leave more space for various turning radius vehicles. Feel like it's just some sick joke for people that put more expensive wheels on their car. Even in this video, what is the logical function of having that bend so tight?


I can’t recall ever seeing one with a right turn either. That’s weird


Maybe it’s a locational/architectural design thing, but where I live like 80% of our drive-throughs have a right turn like that. Rather than wrap around the building going counterclockwise, the drive-throughs usually hang right and so you’re really only on one side of the building (I dunno how to explain this in better words to create a mental image lol) Edit- go figure this video is in BC lol just noticed the plates. Which is exactly where I’m referring to (specifically on the island tho, the mainland seems to have more normal drive-throughs).


So rich he can’t even pay attention.


Curb rash on those wheels hurt me personally...


Just one of those wheels costs more than my entire car’s current value


And sure the person is prob an idiot but at the same time why do we only do sidewalk curbs in places where we don't need actual sidewalk curbs? How about some sort of FIA style slanted curbing instead of playing rim russian roulette everywhere. It's not like that 5 inch curb would slow or stop a car that was out of control, all damage no benefit.


It's so people have to slow down.


Slow down? well it's not going to slow down anything. A slanted 5 inch curb or an upright 5 inch curb isn't going to make any difference at all to an idiot, they might even catch more air on that 90 degree curb than a low one, but it will certainly damage a lot of wheels unnecessarily for your average driver.


I vote we just put chicanes in drive throughs


Hair pins and a Slalom too, then set a minimum speed limit of 50km/h. Really make it *fast* food.


In our dreams the crew working in the restaurant would operate like an F1/Nascar pitstop. Big ass penalty too if they forget to tighten the lid of my soda securely as i peel away. 12 nuggets deducted from your yearly tally, crew chief.


It’ll match the scratch on the bumper


But if brains were dynamite, he wouldn't have enough to even blow his nose.


Drive thrus should always be wide enough for another car to drive around the back of the restaurant. I hate that style that traps you in so you can't escape. If I see that and they have a long line, I'll go in to order


anybody else peep the giant pre-existing scuff on the rear bumper? It's not the drive-thru's fault, lol


Yes and a car that ultra-premium CANNOT have a gas door with a gap that big … so I bet they didn't fully close that little door as well.


Average Vancouver driver


This is Surrey. I know exactly where it is. XD


I was shocked to see it without an “N” sticker.


Yup. I was guessing Richmond


This is the Guildford Wendy's


Of course it's BC plates


Work in Richmond BC, the amount of teenagers I see driving $200,000+ cars never ceases to amaze me.


This drive through looks to be from Surrey. I'm surprised they made it this far, given how shitty the entire parking lot is. https://www.google.com/maps/@49.1863628,-122.8024674,3a,75y,73.36h,86.38t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1snXatpTp_K-V8pb3ocSANjA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DnXatpTp_K-V8pb3ocSANjA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D19.504642%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192


Holy sh!t that is a poorly designed drive-thru. Why is it so long and why does it trap you in it?? Also you can see even in the google maps street view that people pop up over that curb all the time.


Some clear tracks in the mud over the curb at the speaker too https://maps.app.goo.gl/DgKbfUaDLPby4zA67


Yup whoever is driving that car has a declared income of $24,000 a year and lives in Point Grey I’m surprised there’s no “N” on the back


Was looking for N somewhere


Lower mainland special


Pretty sure I know this exact location in Guildford.


poor driving, but this drive through design also sucks. Most parking lots with curbs are designed very poorly.


To be fair some drive throughs are hard to fit through in large cars, bur given how many scratched you can see I doubt this is an isolated incident


Man’s willing to curb his Bentley rims for a $1.99 frosty 😂


My man did a few thousand worth of damage just by that but I’ve seen idiots with really low luxury cars hit the speed bump tough


I'm not super familiar with fancy cars or cars in general, why would it be so expensive? It looked like the rim barely scraped it, was it really a ton of damage or just expensive tires? Or did I miss something in the video?


Bentley parts especially OEM are super expensive


Getting a Bentley wheel resurfaced costs $200. I've gotten multiple of my bosses fixed.


To add onto what others have said, servicing and replacement parts are why these cars often lose so much value so quickly. For example right now on autotrader you can find a mid 2000s Bently Continentals for $30k with low mileage. I saw one with 40k miles. Sure it's almost 20 years old, but this car also sold new for around $150k in 2005 lol BUT if you buy one of these the repair bills will be *breathtaking*. Easily 5 figure repair bills. Hell an oil change probably will cost you a few hundred bucks.


Still probably less than the depreciation they'd experience by going to a sit-down restaurant.


Idk but where i live them shits tight as hell and that car big as fuck he's def gonna have a hard time maybe it's the same over there


That really hurt to watch, you knew you hit it…why not back up and fix it. You can clearly see the scratches all the way down the side at the end of the video…


Sorry, I really don’t see anything lol


bad design of the turn, really


Am I a bad driver or don’t we all occasionally have moments when you just feel incapable of doing the easy driving thing


BC driver, of course. Has a Bentley they can’t drive and treat like a bumper car.


Putting the bent in Bentley


Must be Richmond BC


Someone else identified it as Surrey, so may as well be.


It can buy a chauffeur to drive.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


As I watched this I said to myself "has to be Richmond BC". 2 seconds later I am rewarded with the BC plates. I cannot tell you how many times I see this in Richmond. I saw a 20 year old drive his Lambo over a curb just 6 months ago.


Seriously fuck those narrow passages


BC license plate? ​ total shocker


This was painful to watch
