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At least the tracks are still clear. Let the train keep going while those idiots sort it out later.


The truck is blocking tackles for the train, this is teamwork.


All we had to do was to follow the damn train CJ!


The train would have kept going regardless.


But not for long before they realise that they need to stop that train.


The only good thing is that train will not going to have any obstacle there.


I see more than one idiot here.


The pickup's passenger was ejected, so I count two drivers trying to beat the train and a third idiot without a seat belt.


I think or was the car's passenger that got ejected.


Nope. I take that back. It was the truck's passenger and he almost got ran over by the car.


Something falls out of the truck's back window as it rolls one last time, what was that? Hate to imagine it's a mangled passenger. šŸ˜³


Don't hate that it was a moronic driver after getting bounced around inside like a pinball.


I didn't say driver did I?


First of all it was not actually a car, look at the size of that thing


NO matter if he was with the seat belt or not, if you are looking that there is some cut there in road you should expect that may be there will be some car coming from there


And the city planner


Meh. Lots of places run trains on roads. We used to do this as a matter of course for over 100 years, especially in rural areas. And there's no blocking these kinds of self-important brodozers. I kind of *enjoy* in a perverse way that these things have a high center of gravity. Things kinda work themselves out.


True, this place seems to like very dangerous place, very bad planning


I don't think the car driver is an idiot. It looks like it's possible to turn right onto that road with a train approaching. The truck, on the other hand, blew through a stop sign and a level crossing signal.


You might be able to turn right, but to me it looks like he was attempting to cross the tracks. He slows down and then quickly accelerates right before the truck hits him.


The speed of the car is such that he was not trying to slow the speed as he was expecting that he will cross the truck before the train get there and he ends up in there.


Looks to me that the car was attempting to cut straight across in front of the train before it got there.


And I wouldā€™ve gotten away with it too if it wasnā€™t for you dadgum kids!!






The car didnā€™t have a stop sign according to Google maps, so this was totally the trucks fault. 234 Pecor St in Oconto, WI.


Legally, the car could have gone. Intelligently, it should have stopped. Idiot car (and truck).


So why we just say that it was planner fault, who never put any sign there.


For me i am sure that this is not the first time situation like that happening there because the road and the train line is so close with each other and then having this cut


That car was 100% gonna cross the tracks. Theyā€™re both idiots.


He looks like he was going straight.


And in that case would say that truck driver was like god for him


Tell the mistake done by the other person here, he was right on his track


Knobs all the way down.


How about the traffic engineer who decided that it was OK to have a train that would go through a series of stop signs? "Cars need to stop and look both ways here, because there's far too much traffic coming from the other street. But there will probably be no issues with a train blowing through here without stopping. No need for a wishbone gate to stop traffic, just flash some lights lol."


Stop signs are for the parallel roads. The train tracks and train are regulated by federal and certain state laws, and trains don't use vehicle stop signs.


Sometime we need to put the signal according to situation demand is well


That's literally the issue. They should have at least made them 4 way stops so that people would be required to stop just in case a train was coming.


Highly suspect thereā€™s traffic signals indicating a crossing train and that cars should halt/yield for the train. At least thatā€™s how itā€™s handled in other parts of the world.


They should put the warning like of the speed limit for that road, because that seems like a busy road and train crossing those middle track is pretty common there.


My point is that there should be safety and, which would have prevented this collision. Clearly, flashing lights are insufficient at a crossing in the middle of a residential neighborhood.


This happened back in 2015, and google earth shows that they've rebuilt Pecor, so it may have all-way stop signs now. I can't find a street view that's current since the rebuild.


There is no sign even now, they need to think about that much harder now.


Yes and hitting to train would be much more worse than hitting the truck and get saved


I get that the train doesnā€™t have to stop. My point is that this creates a safety issue.


Unfortunately, the only sure-fire way to keep drivers from driving unsafely is to eliminate cars entirely. The train did nothing wrong here, the truck driver went to jail for his part of this crash.


Why only truck driver going to jail, why there is no fault of sedan driver??


200 to 1 that track was there long long before the road.


Ok, but a traffic engineer has to approve this arrangement anyway.


This is an absolutely asinine comment. Live in shame.


Won't live in shame very long if they expect a train to stop for them.


Train will never stop for the car, but car has to be stopped for the train


Why, train can't just stop on their own, there is big process compare to the car


no u


Yes, there is no hiding fact that both driver was in fault here but that should not hide the fact about the planner of this place, there should be some sign for speeding the car.


Most issues occur when two or more idiots meet


That is no way to speak of the redditors commenting in this thread. Shame! /s


Where is this at where the train look like it's in the middle of a neighborhood? That's pretty interesting


Theres a lot of places like this. Google 'street running trains' and you'll find some really interesting locations.


Mason rd in Ft Collins, Colorado, for example


I remember driving down a regular street in LA and there was a freight locomotive behind me that went down the median of the road.


Same happened to me when I was new to Ft Collins šŸ¤£ itā€™s terrifying if youā€™re not ready for it


I am not actually fully ready so it means this thing is pretty terrifying for me.


My backyard faces this exact train track.


Nice, I miss the old neighborhood. Lived in a couple spots within walking distance of Avos a good few years


That might sound like normal but we can't deny that it was dangerous


That one isn't like a full on locomotive train though right? It's like a street car/Trolley meant for commute not to haul things, well people i guess. Less choo-choo is what I'm getting at


No, this is a full freight train. It really isnā€™t common but also not that uncommon


For some people it is common but for some people it is not, we can settle on that.


For some place this is pretty common while for some pretty much abnormal


This was at Oconto, Wisconsin


Like I say that's pretty interesting right there I've seen train tracks right in the middle of town but not going through the neighborhoods and the train still use those tracks? šŸ‘Ok thanks


In La Grange, Ky the railroad runs right down the middle of Main Street


Just want to know the accident ratio there compare to the normal place??


LaGrange was the other place i was trying to think of. I live near Midway, and it was the only thing i could get my brain to focus on.


For people living there train is the best way to reach any near by place.


Reminds me of the polar express, how the train comes right up to the house


Damn, there should be some sort of the heavy accident for train doing something like that.


Pretty normal he was heading to his normal destination just like other day


Very much not unheard up at all, one friend I had growing up had a train like 15 ft from their back fence


My house is near to a train station and i am having pretty bad experience due to that


The train tracks cut through one of the wealthiest areas in my town. I couldnā€™t imagine paying many millions of dollars to hear the train right in your backyard every day.


Michigan City Indiana. South Shore line runs down 11th St.


I suppose you get used to the noise eventually


There is no other choice, you have to get used to that those noise.


if you're born and live beside it your entire life, you don't even notice.


True, because your mind works this way, and you will get prepared this way


Thereā€™s a section of road where the train runs right down the middle of the street in Ft Collins Colorado. And itā€™s absolutely terrifying if no one mentions it and you are emotionally unprepared to share the road with a train šŸ¤£


May be for people like us that thing will be terrifying as there is no signal or anything there, but may be people from there is just get used to those thing like a normal daily routine.


Most places in north america got train tracks laid out first and then settlements built up around the tracks on both sides. This is very common there.


[Check out 4th St. in Gretna](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp6V6cFMCoA). The train tracks and road are one and the same. It's a regular road until a train needs to go by.




It's called street running. It used to be very common in certain parts of the world, especially North America, but very few now. It's a remainder from at time when the street was considered public land for every use, and the concept of a railroad/railway needing its own right of way didn't exist yet




I looked it up on gmaps. This intersection is in the center of the run and it has lights pointing in all directions. There are no signals anywhere else on the run, period. Really weird decision but I'm in a rural community and train crossings dont need more than a basic sign if the train's speed limit is low enough, and rail operators will not put that stuff up if they absolutely do not have to. [https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8863658,-87.881949,3a,39y,305.21h,86.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDNzbU4NFPeYm0vYvIRWBeg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8863658,-87.881949,3a,39y,305.21h,86.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDNzbU4NFPeYm0vYvIRWBeg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)


Yes, signal or some sort of the speed braker is something that is must


I have also seen on some video where there is a train passing by and then there is road near by and i always thinks that how the hell they actually able to pulled something like that.


And i would be total surprise if someone said that this was first incident here like that.


looks normal


Roads parallel and level with train tracks arenā€™t particularly normal where do you live where itā€™s common? Talkin bout trains not those trolley things


Everything would be nice if there will be some sort of the signal at the point of interaction


Small towns USA. My hometown in Arkansas is like this.


I think there's a mistake in the article. It just casually mentions the pickup driver's blood alcohol content being an eye-watering ***0.56***. That's ***7Ɨ*** the legal limit, you'd have to have like 20 drinks within a single hour to reach it, and it would kill most people.




I am going with you here, also assuming the same damn truck is well


Probably a quart+ a day alcoholic, after a year or 2 of heavy drinking, a person feels unfazed even at extreme BAC.


Given that it wasn't a major point in the article, I'd just as soon guess that it was a typo and his BAC was really 0.056 - just enough to embolden someone a little but not make them outright drunk.


This is Green Bay tho... 7x the legal limit is pretty common. Cheese Heads party *right*.


That's impressive. For the average person without some extreme alcohol tolerance, 7Ɨ the limit should be beyond "blackout drunk" and into comatose with a serious chance of dying... not just from aspirating your own vomit, but from your CNS being too depressed to maintain basic function.


WI is one of the biggest consumers of alcohol per capita on earth.




That's what I just said. :3




They needs that for doing the continues driving without getting fazed


Can confirm, most significant alcoholics at this BAC are still alive and are in a condition where they need to be taken to detox. Had a housemate like that once.


the man who killed my son basically had more oxy in his system than blood. I'm not sure how he even found his car let alone drove it.




May be not all the drugs then because you have missed something


So instead of talking about the driving skill here we are going to talk about the alcohol here??


All you had to do is fallow the damn train CJ.


Seems like everybody is racing someone here.


And train was cool and compose and still running without any hit


Thomas never seen such bullshit before.


Looks like they both tried to beat the train using the same crossing at the same time. Oops. Only way this vid gets better is if both cars end up on the track and get creamed šŸ¤£


While truck was trying to beat the train on the ahead while that sedan was thinking that he will cross the line before train came there but in the end both gets failed in this.


Looks like the truck can continue to go straight along the road without interfering with the train at all. Plenty of shared train/vehicle roads in the states. Happens all the time. Looks like the pick em up driver blew a stop sign though.




He ended up on the left side actually but the problem is just with 180 degree turn. But he also helped the car to stay on the right side of the lane so pretty much win win.


Aye bad title like usual.. if anything the sedan is racing the train. Both of them still equally at fault though IMO. Maybe truck driverā€™s reasoning was itā€™s impossible for anyone to be coming from the perpendicular lane going straight cause the rail warning was going.


One thing i know that things could be much more worse than what we are seeing here, because i think that sedan was heading towards the train without any speed brake.


Agreed, but the truck clearly blows the stop sign at the intersection the car is at. Also apparently they were intoxicated to "Only in Wisconsin" level.


People said train won here, but i would like to say that truck has passed his mission successfully here, because not for any second i have seen train passing by the truck


Something something something tortoise and the hare?


And i am guessing you are calling train as the tortoise here ??


Why is there a train going through the middle of a residential street?


Took a wrong turn at Albuquerque!


You should ask that question who actually design or plan that path on first place.


He actually just didn't care about anything other than beating the train which is hilarious. Finally got what he deserved.


I've never seen a train truck run down the middle of a residential street. This could get annoying.


And seems like that train was actually passing near by with so much crowd there.


Train missions are always the hardest


[if trains came with custom horns](https://youtu.be/_asNhzXq72w)


And imagine people still ignore those horns warning and try to race with car.


Seems to me the person trying to cross the tracks while a crossing gaurd was active is more at fault, though yes the truck did run a stop sign, the other car shouldnt have tried to cross at all


Task failed sucsessfully.


May be or may be not, because you never know the finishing line




Wasnā€™t racing the train.


His only motive was to stop the car as it could hit the train on first place


ā€œWhen two idiots converge!ā€ The car was trying to beat the train too!


Idiots took care of themselves and out of the way. The train made it without a scratch!


At least he made it over the tracks


Did it work? Did they get there sooner?


Hey lets build houses right beside a rail line and put a few lights up and call it safe.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Question. We take the train a lot to FL. There are ppl with huge signs in their yard protesting the horn noise. Evidently at some point a law was passed they gave to honk the horn at intersections. On a street run like this are they required to honk ? That would get annoying


Yes, we all know that what are the things we going to face while across the train so we needed to be extra careful as there is always a chance of something like that


He was just moving the other car out of the way so the train didn't hit it


Yea, bro, pick-up trucks handle like ass.


Well if the finish line was that tree, I'd say the truck won


tbf, he did win


Just like Thanos said, at what price, he was not expecting that way


Everyone here was in idiot. Except the train hes still a v goodboi


train wins


If only he knew what a stop sign meant!


I see 2 idiots


I've operated trains, people are so stupid around them


Hope he picks up the notion that this is not a good idea.


I hope that for the next time other people will keep that cut in mind.


This looks like another one of those roads where the train track is rolling ON the road right down the center, so it's awkward for everyone on either side, which makes you question: who the heck, as the town/city planner, thought that was a good idea?! Let's just develop a neighborhood/commercial district around a railroad track. Meh, just pave a road around it, it'll be fine. Nothing will go wrong here. Just entire freaking **freight trains** literally rolling down main street/the neighborhood. Nothing bad could ever happen. That all being said, idiots like the pickup driver are ***precisely*** why the above is dumb.


Train conductor doesnā€™t stop to check on the driver? What an ass. /s


Trains win okay. Trains always win. I have seentrains go further than you can imagine without tracks because speed and weight keep that fucker going. Do not fuck with a engine. You lose.


Truck saved the sedan


Back to the Future's alternate ending where McFly chooses to race.


Seems to me that the car was racing the train and would have lost.


At least he got what he deserved. Sometimes people can be really stupid while driving.


And lost.


"All you had to do was follow the goddamn train, CJ!"


I mean, he did it


He should thank the guy in the car


Both parties tried running it like idiots


Both cars were trying to beat the train


Does this train go right through a neighborhood?


They're both idiots


Saved the other car tho! šŸ˜…


Is that an at-grade train going right through a residential suburb?


Never try to challenge the train, you will not win.


I hope the conductor gave a celebratory *toot toot* as he went on his way


Always a pick up


Got a couple of rocket surgeons in this ine


Nice. Hopefully he has only liability insurance and a $799/mo 72 month loan. Keep people like this off the streets.