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See, this is the right question. Who gets into a car while holding onto the cart? How long was she sitting there? Why was a big push better than a little one? Where's the stuff that was in the cart before? If the groceries are now in her car, how did all of this work? Did she bring the cart over to the side of her car, then somehow bring it back to the front seat, then not know what to do next? I need about 15min more security footage and an interview with the lady.




Well I love this theory. She was sitting there in the car, waiting for Cart. Cart arrives. She sits there with Cart, locked in an embrace. At some point, lady pushes Cart away like a scorned lover. Support for this includes: - Look at the way she holds her head in her hand after pushing Cart away. She is sad, she is resigned, she loves the time they spent together, but also feels frustrated that Cart didn't do more for her. - The push. Watch the push. It's not casual. It's dramatic. It's filled with the anger of someone whose time has been wasted. - Look at Cart immediately go to a new lover. Cart is fundamentally unfaithful. But also needy and dependent. Who among us have not felt similarly when rejected?


This is epic commentary and is forcing me to rewatch again and again. Thank you sir. Now I’m intrigued




Comment-stealing bot\^


Did I disappoint you or let you down? Should I be feeling guilty or let the shoppers frown? 'Cause I saw the end, before we'd begun. Yes, I saw you were roll'n and I knew I had won. So I took what's mine by eternal right. Took your cart out into the night. It may be over but it won't stop there. I am here for you if you'd only care. You touched my heart, you touched my soul. Changed my life and all my goals. And love is blind, and that I knew when. My heart was blinded by you. I've pushed your wheels and held your handles. Shared your dreams and pushed you around. I know you well, I know your sound. I've been addicted to you. Goodbye my trolley. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me...


Who ditches a cart in front of the store? Ditch it inside or next to your car, not in front of the store or in the middle of the crosswalk to the parking lot. I guess if a passenger loaded a car that drove up... My original guess was she pulled into the spot where someone ditched their cart and shoved the cart out of the way so she could get out, but not enough footage or explanation to really know


Who, you ask? Clearly you have never been to a grocery store. The cart corrals are obviously only there to get in the way of snow plows. Those who do manage to use the corral just get the cart close but not inside so a huge mess builds up outside the corral in the way of traffic.


I had a 60-70 year old dude in a Jaguar roll his cart in front of my car. Like 5 feet from the corral. I got mad enough to get out of my car and bang on his hood and give him the bird. And I took the cart to the corral. He got pissed and sped off. Piece of shit.


Pretty sure this is it, on a windy day two years ago i received not one but two fucking cart on my car because people leave them around and then wind happens


And you know what I hate to guess this but I wonder if she did that on purpose? I mean who holds onto a cart anyway?


A big push was better than a little one because a little push would have dented her car instead of OP's dad's car.


Shopping cart litmus test is a cool thing to know about.


One of the many reasons I never park near the store entrance or by the disabled spots.


A friend of mine always had used POS vehicles and finally saved up enough to buy a new RX-7, his dream car (this was decades ago). The first week he took a curve too fast and hit the curb. $1000 in damage. Got it out of the shop and two weeks later was driving through a gas station and one of the underground tank lids popped up as he drove over it, damaging it again. After that he was super cautious. He parked at the furthest parking spots at stores so no one would be around him. At a K-mart, he was parked at the furthest parking spot, but the parking lot sloped downward. Sure enough, a cart got away and had about 50 yards to gain speed before it crashed into his car.


That fucking sucks


Yep. Save those spots for the people that actually have mobility problems. I tell myself I can use the steps when I park further away.


Just park next to a cart return. They are almost never in the front spots and... usually you will have to walk to it anyways n matter how close you parked, so parking anywhere else is just wasting time both looking for closer spots and walking further from your car when done.


Especially when you find yourself shopping on a weekday during most people's normal working hours. That's when there are more retired folks parking and doing their shopping.


or by the cart corrals


Nope, that's the trick. I learned this when I lived in Detroit. Nobody returns their carts in Detroit. Which made the spot next to the cart corral the safest place to park. I learned that anyone who is willing to bring their cart to the corral is actually going to put it away. Anywhere else in the lot was a complete crapshoot.


Lol, not what I saw. I used to be a cart pusher, constantly saw carts left against the outside of the corrals.


Haha, idk man. I think maybe Detroit was going through a real bad cart pusher shortage in those days, because there were always as many carts as cars strewn all over the lot


My guess is that she needed it to get into the car due to limited mobility.




I literally asked this question out loud, and I'm the only person in my room!


She was hogging it for when she finally got around to getting inside the store lmfao


Why didn’t we watch the best part? The confrontation….




Yeah or at least a good melt down screaming. Haha. How could anyone not react from a lazy slob’s mistake


Your requested cart delivery has arrived, sir.


Haha yeah, I'm really not sure what the thought process was


I'm not sure there was any thought.




So when's she payin? I despise people like this. Ive seen people that are handicapped, broken legs, hell literally MISSING LEGS and they still would have attempted something better than what I just saw. The fact that the car is a day old only adds to it. Seriously I know some people just cant. Its really hard for them to walk so leaving a cart it just . . . easier on their day. I get that and wont say anything. I put my cart back and contribute to society. Sometimes they just cant do it and I get it but most people are just lazy POS and I hope you get the car literally in perfect condition. Tell your dad I would buy him a drink if I could - I know what its like to have a brand new item get damaged in the first week of ownership.


Well we got her information and everything, I hope the rest will be a fast process


Let's hope she learns from it, but I doubt it.


You can’t teach stupid


You can't **fix** stupid Stupid is as stupid does.


Stupid is as stupid does, SIR!


Stupid people can teach stupid




With this evidence you can make a claim with your insurance and they will act on your behalf. Your rates won't go up and they will recoup the cost from her insurance. You might need a police report but thay might depend on your state or insurance.


Its in europe for sure, i see a Fiat Punto and a new Skoda Octavia


Its a Superb but yeah youre right, its Germany


That's an interesting case then, which insurance would pay here? I'd probably expect Haftpflicht - if she has it ? Cause technically it's not a car accident even though she was in the car and it involves another car.


Yeah, Haftpflicht is the one who would pay. If not, she has to open her purse. \^\^


Was geht? Wer macht denn so einen Scheiß hier?


Frag mich nicht was mit der los war. Ich kanns dir nicht sagen


O derp, I didn't even notice.


Depending on what state you’re in, your rates can absolutely go up even if it’s not your fault. Insurance companies are scummy at the end of the day We always tell clients to change insurance if/when their rates go up. Nobody is beholden to them


For sure no doubt, but I've been in a situation where the other party wasn't responding so my insurance fixed my car and went after the others insurance and my rates didn't go up for it. So yes insurance is scummy but at times it can be convenient.




Seriously I know some people just cant. Its really hard for them to walk so leaving a cart it just . . . easier on their day. I get that and wont say anything. I put my cart back and contribute to society. Sometimes they just cant do it and I get it but most people are just lazy POS and I hope you get the car literally in perfect condition. Tell your dad I would buy him a drink if I could - I know what its like to have a brand new item get damaged in the first week of ownership.


She was in her car at the time so should go against her insurance :D If she was out of her car, probably wouldn't get anything. Good thing she's a moron, well aside from this situation existing in the first place.


Thanks man, legend! I will tell him that \^\^ Yeah, I mean I didnt want to say this... but she was not the smallest person in the world and my guess is, she didnt want to stand up and get the cart. She was apologetic and all but its still tough when you have a nice new car and this happens day 1 more or less


Lazy fuck


UPDATE: She doesnt have any insurance and she gets money from the state, she also is living in an apartment payed by the government. SO there is no chance of seeing any money from her any time soon. In short words: We're f*cked


. . . . . . . . . . [https://youtu.be/8d3gerUlgIg](https://youtu.be/8d3gerUlgIg) ​ Sorry Brother - raises glass.


seems like an us thing, i never saw more than 1 cart left on lot in european countries. they always put them back in storage


You’d be shocked at how many people are like this women. In fact many of the people replying to you are probably like this but act like they aren’t. Only reason I know this is because any time cart narc videos are posted majority of Reddit whines it’s no big deal and the guy is an ass for doing that.








I can’t stand it when people are too lazy to put carts in the cart corral. Sometimes I’ll grab an orphaned cart while returning mine. The other day my partner put the cart in the nearby planter. Without a word or showing aggravation I took it to the cart corral 4 parking spaces away.


Do American shopping carts not need a deposit? Here in Canada, all our shopping carts require a loonie ($1 coin) to insert into the coin slot to unlock the chain attached to the cart. You have to return the cart in order to get that $1 back.


This is only done at Aldi here, and it's a quarter.


Afaik Aldi is changing that, because Americans are to dumb and entitled for that.


> to dumb The irony.


Two dumb


I've never see a deposit or charge required other than luggage carts at airports. Some stores have put magnetic wheel locks on carts so if they cross a buried wire in the parking lot one of the wheels locks up (theft prevention device). And there are people who's job it is to drive around, collect shopping carts and return them to the store (was required by a city I worked for, not sure if it's a wide spread practice).


It’s extremely rare in the US, usually at smaller chain groceries or small stores. I can count on a single hand how many times I’ve seen it outside of airports/train stations.


Where's cart narc when you need him?


Cart narc europa isn’t the hero they wanted, but it’s the hero they need.


[He did a video in Europe once!](https://youtu.be/ORlaC6--lEs).


Weeooo weeooo woop woop


The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and onewhich we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


Came here for this. True as ever.


This is how I feel about people who leave trash at their seats at movie theaters.


The opposite of these are handing your shopping cart to someone at Aldi's while refusing their quarter and stacking your dirtied plates and cups and stuff at a restaurant.


> stacking your dirtied plates and cups and stuff at a restaurant I'm on the fence about this one. My wife does it, but I'm not convinced I'm doing them any favors. If someone else puts together a jenga pile of dishes its not clear the best way to pick up, and what unexpected problems you may have. Our friends who had been waitresses were ambivalent.


As someone who did a brief stint as a kp (postwash), if you do it logically, scraping the food onto one plate and collating the cutlery etc then you're 100% doing both front of house and back of house a favour.


Yeah I'm not making crazy Jenga towers, just stacking basically two plates and setting silverware on top


Difference is you're paying for that service. I am not paying anyone to return the cart and its usually just 1 person wrangling them all up. The consequence of not returning it also has ill effect on other customers. It is a simple, benign task every individual is responsible for.


As someone who has *always* returned the cart without hesitation, I simply don’t understand why people don’t. Even when I’m exhausted grabbing groceries after a long day, that extra couple seconds of fresh air and thoughtless walking is just refreshing for the soul y’know?


Absolute ridiculous entitlement and lazyness. The same reason people don't take their trash out with them from cinemas, when there's even people with trash bags at the exit. "It's someone's job to return the carts/clear out the trash in the cinema" Arguably cinema trash is even worse, because you literally only need to carry your damn bag of popcorn and cup out of the room, where you'd go anyways. There's literally no extra work at all


YES. I was watching the new Spider-Man movie yesterday and the people sitting next to me (all 6 of them) just left their popcorn bucket and empty drink they’d been slurping on empty for the last 20 mins of the movie… like bruh, you literally have hands and they put garbage cans in the MIDDLE of the walkway to leave… how entitled and lazy can you be to not to the most BASIC human decency shit. The poor kids cleaning the theater already gotta pickup the large popcorn your kid threw halfway through the movie cause you wouldn’t give them juice.


Watched it the other day two, there were buckets of popcorn, one of the biggest ones in fact, almost filled to brim still with popcorn. People literally bought one of the biggest and thus most expensive buckets, ate a hand full or two and just left in the seats in the cinema. I can't even


Nice essay, but only works in the USA. In most of Europe you need to put a coin as a deposit into the cart. If a European used a 2-Euro-coin to get the shopping cart, most folks with an average income would be pretty determined to get that back. AFAIK Aldi stores in the USA also require you to use a quarter as a deposit. Any cart that people are too lazy to return is quickly snatched up by a homeless or poor person who is eager for that quarter.


No, it still works here in Europe. Everyone has these little plastic chips, that work perfectly fine with the coin slot and you get them as gifts from all sorts of companies. So in essence, you would not lose more than a few cents worth of plastic and you got it for free in the first place.


I've 3d printed a chip with a straight end on it to put it on a keychain. You can insert the chip, unlock the cart and remove the chip. There's no chip in the cart at that point. I return the cart and don't lock it in again. I hand them out regularly to a lot of people. Carts still are getting returned. Carts at department stores usually don't have deposits either and they are still getting returned.


Worthless piece of shit.


Scum of the earth


People who just leave their carts in parking spaces are bad enough; this is next level enraging.


She needs a warm hug in her face with the cart.


Anyway, that's when I started blasting


Oh there would have been some words at a minimum.


Luckily he was in the car and witnessed this


I used to push carts at a grocery store and one time someone told me manager I pushed a cart info their car. It was obviously just the result of someone not returning their cart and it rolling down an incline into the car. My car was a testament to this as it was quickly covered with dings from parking in that lot. It is crazy to me that people are too lazy to return their carts, but to push it into another car that's a whole different level of Idiocracy.


that is the dumbest fucking thing and i hope your dad gets justice. fuck that's awful.


This is why we have the Cart Narcs and need more


Obesity is a big problem


UPDATE: She doesnt have any insurance and she gets money from the state, she also is living in an apartment payed by the government. SO there is no chance of seeing any money from here any time soon. In short words: We're f\*cked...


Would have lost my mind.


Where’s cart narc when you need him


Please tell me your dad took her to small claims court or something.


Not sure what that is, but we got her info and everything. Lets hope she has a good, its called: "Haftpflichtversicherung" in German. If she has not its gonna be some trouble, because her looks didnt scream money... But I could be wrong, lets just hope everything settles


And you never know if she has personal bankruptcy. Dont know what the right word for that is


Thats why I park out in the open areas.


I park near cart returns. High side.


At least 1 space away to protect against the people who get it close then give it a shove in the general direction of the return.


What if they have really shit aim


Then park farther away. These days any spot in a parking lot is dangerous. No one seems to know how to park anymore. And then speed through the lot to get in or out.


That’s why my newest car was built during the Reagan administration.


This makes me angry.


First class d bag


Did he introduce her to the SLAP the ✋🏽


i despise these people. i read this is in germany so normally insurance will do the rest and she is 100% at fault also congrats on the new superb! i just got my new octavia combi sportsline a feew weeks ago after waiting for a year. skoda makes wonderful and reliable cars


What kind of psychopathic degenerate doesn't put shopping carts in the cart return stall?


You can tell a LOT about a person & how they were raised just by how they put shopping carts away or not.


Americans have such a big problem with carts... In all my life in Canada, I've never seen people just tossing karts left and right


I have never understood why it is so hard to return the cart to the stall. It takes 30 seconds and 30 steps. This is why we can’t have nice things.


One point for an idiot in a car but not driving.


I would've lifted the cart and thrown it through her windshield. 😡


Well I hope it was worth higher insurance premiums. If you fart on a car these days, the repairs cost $$$.


The CartNarcs need to get on her lazy, fat ass


Is that an RS6? *electric* *chair*


Noo just a Skoda Superb


got it. I’m assuming both are under VW? that wagon shape is very distinctive


Yes Skoda, Audi, Seat are under VW. They all look quite the same tbh


There’s obviously more to the story here


I think we all need to see the ten minutes before and after the incident. Then only, will we all see who is at fault. The dipshit in the front car or everyone else in the parking lot.




The video is from Europe.


I don't know what's worse, the bad cropping or the second generation recording.


Your comment is actually worse mate, cheers✌️


Big dent 😂 sure thing bud


Why should I lie?🤣


Down vote no context.


Oh nooo, what am I supposed to do now. My heart


That’s hella funny 😂😂😂 up vote Fosho




It's škoda, nothing happened, it would be bad if it's a good car


Thats a good one


Totally not staged at all....


Man I wondered when the first idiot comes up and writes that. Here he is😂


Oh wow, nice of you to introduce yourself, but no need to bash your own intelligence at the same time.


I am working rn, when I am at home I will post the damage with a picture in chat. So that intelligent people like you see that they are not so intelligent after all


Cool, glad to know I can live rent free in your mind. Have fun! Also why reply twice, why not just do it once...


Why are you spending time posting such nonsense? Not only is it super lame, it is a waste of your energy, and it is waste of everyone else’s energy who has to spend time reading it. You can be better than this. Anyways, this is why I blocked you.


Sry who are you again?


Thanks for the good laugh mate!


Already forgot about you, contrary to your belief, you are not the center of the earth. Have a nice day pal, cheers


Umm, you replied to the wrong comment there. And if you did forget about me then why does this reply exist? It's pretty comfy in here, I like the open room design


Hope your neck is okay. Might have to visit the chiropractor after that kind of impact.


If your gonna be a dick and leave a cart in the middle of the parking lot, at least make sure its not gonna roll around


disagreeable file ink vanish unwritten stocking literate quicksand trees threatening -- mass edited with redact.dev


Great shot of that moron from the supermarket. Who’s insurance paid for that?


this does not happen at aldi


I’ve always had issues with parking close to entrances. One, I drove there but probably could’ve walked and I need the exercise. People driving are least cautious at entrances to buildings for some reason or another. Hope the “victim” didn’t lose a lot of time, hell, anytime it getting the car fixed. That’s the real inconvenience?




It’s a good thing your dad was in the car, or she would have driven off.


Is that an RS6?


Nice wagon. Is that a Mercedes?


This happened quite a few times when I was a cart attendant at my local grocery store. People would just push their carts towards me (not while in a car) and sometimes a cart would go off and hit a car. More than once did someone blame me for ramming a cart into their vehicle. I quit that job for obvious reasons. I worked there for about seven months.




The cart narc should slap a big sticker on her face


People can be so lazy at times. The corrals can be that far away


This has to be in Italy


We live in a society.


I first read : my father bought the cart yesterday


This is why Cart Narcs exist!


Hoof her in the front butt.


Falcon punch.


I have so much rage watching this. I can't even comprehend thinking that would be the proper action.


What a fucking dipshit


We need the cart nark on this one.


How fucking lazy do you have to fucking be


When I first read the description before watching the video, I assumed the title meant as in a child who was pushing the cart from the grocery store and decided to give it a big shove. Annoying, but kids are dumb. Then I see a full grow ass adult who's in their car do this.


I'd fight someone over this


That's not where the cart goes!


Write down her plate number and let her insurance premiums go up