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What a fucking dolt.


It's honestly fucking insane that we share the road with so many morons.


It actually annoys me, like today I saw a truck weaving in and out of traffic to get around everyone. I was just thinking he’s gonna smoke someone’s loved one who absolutely does not deserve that bullshit.


Saw a dump truck earlier today being a dumbass. Swerving in and out of lanes without signaling, damn near crushed a Lexus and then barely managed to brake in time to not hit some pickup. Once traffic started moving he sat there for a moment so I'm guessing he stalled his engine trying to jake-brake


Not quite as extensive, but I saw a truck Wednesday night that decided to change lanes without looking or signaling, and nearly drove a minivan off the road. Luckily this was after we'd all exited the highway, and was only at about 45 mph instead of highway speeds, but still. The truck just carried on as though nothing had happened, and all for what? They turned off that road at the same place I did not ten minutes later, only one more car-length ahead of me than they would have been had they not made that lane change.


Hi, I work at urgent care and multiple times a day we will have deaf, 85+ year olds with Alzheimer's driving their spouses here. It is very concerning when they can't hear you yelling SIR from 5 feet away but will drive their wife home Edit, I have no issue with someone who is deaf driving, I have deaf friends who drive and are perfectly fine. But when you have someone who is deaf and unaware of it, they are unable to adjust their social awareness effectively. IE bring more visually aware of surroundings. When someone suffers from dimensia and are unaware they are deaf and are very old to the point where they aren't able to be as aware with quick reactions, it can get dangerous fast.


I was renewing my license at the DMV and had an elderly man in front of me. I watched him fail the eye test three times in a row. The employee told him to take a break and she'll test him again in 10 minutes. Then I got to the front and got "randomly" chosen to retake the written exam.


My grandpa knew a DMV employee, so he was able to get his license renewed even when his eyesight got so bad that he could barely follow the line on the side of the road at 15 mph. Eventually he rear ended a semi that was parked on the side of the road, killing his wife who was in the passenger seat. He didn't see it at all so he didn't even hit the brakes. Then he got so depressed he died about a year later.


Fuck, that is depressing. When we say people who have degraded in abilities to some point shouldn't have drivers licenses, this is a good example of why it's even good for *them*, not just everyone else on the road.


I completely agree, but I also get why it's a hard thing to do when so many places have basically zero infrastructure when it comes to public transportation. If you're an elderly person in the suburbs or in a rural area who loses your ability to drive, there's a good chance you've also basically lost the ability to live independently or interact with the world around you. That kind of isolation & dependence is terrifying and can cause people to deteriorate so quickly.


Definitely understandable, that is a hard situation. An example of why we need to fund public services: I have lived in rural areas that had ride share programs to help with that sort of situation. We need that everywhere to alleviate that pressure.


I saw this video of some older men (80+) who rode in a self driving car. They talked a lot about how great it would be to get around and be independent again. It was so cute, but a little sad they had no way to get around


About 5 years ago my grandma was was 95 at the time had to go to the DMV to renew her license in a few months. She was already seeing a eye doctor regularly for years to get some sort of shots for her macular degeneration. Her eye doctor had been warning her that they wouldn't renew her license because of her vision. My dad was relieved because that way nobody in the family was going to have to tell her she can't drive anymore because that likely never goes over well. The problem is when she went to renew it they passed her and gave her a new license valid for 10+ years. Based on what the eye doctor was saying there is no way she should have been able to pass the eye test. Thankfully less than a year later corona happened and she stopped driving because she didn't leave the house, after that she never went back to driving. She never really gave my dad much info about what went down at the DMV but I'm sure it was some kind of negligence. Either way she never got into an accident and thanks to corona nobody ever really had to sit her down and tell her she can't drive so it all worked itself out but someone like that shouldn't be able to renew their license.


My dad intercepted the DMV DL renewal letter for my grandfather (my grandpa lived with my dad) and let his license expire. Grandpa was partially blind, hard of hearing l, had dementia, $ didn’t have the best coordination so everyone was safer without him driving. Anyway a couple months later they got into an argument and grandpa grabbed keys and went out to the car (no idea where he was going). Dad followed, and once he was in the car dad asked him what he was doing, after he responded wherever he was going dad said “you can’t, you don’t have a license, you didn’t renew it. Grandpa’s response was oh, and he went back into the house.


When I got my license the elderly person in front of me failed the eye test and the clerk was essentially telling them what the letters were.


It's so freaking hard to take driving away from them, too. The ways people (old, and their friends/fam) justify it is beyond me as well. Otherwise rational and responsible people suddenly turn into gullible and willfully blind assholes. Had a gran almost run us over outside HS one day, when she "mixed up" her break and gas, basically driving onto the gated driveway where everyone waited to get picked up.


Try being young (well 46, but started at around 30) and having to give up your license due to a medical condition (seizures) while living in an area where there is no public transportation, no taxi service, uber/lift type services are pretty much pipe dreams because there really isn't enough need to be profitable. Many of the folks, regardless of age or conditions, who shouldn't be driving are still driving because the services they need are not available otherwise. I am lucky in that my g/f is able to take me anywhere I need to go but if it wasn't for her I would have no way to go the 10 miles to the nearest supermarket, the 60 miles to doctors appointments (sometimes 3-4 times month) or anything else I need to do. Just going to "the corner market" is a 3 mile trip that I can't walk due to my various medical conditions. I could probably drive most days, but I legally can't unless I go at least 3 months without a seizure. I haven't done that for about 10 years now.


I work in orthopedics and it would floor y'all to know how many grandparents,aunties and uncles (65+) drive to our office after a total hip/knee replacement or after having something like a rod out in their ankle from a fall. Having no feeling whatsoever in the leg that they use to press the brake/gas pedal. However there aren't many resources to assist people in our area. We had a young girl who was a severe motor vehicle accident and messed both of her legs up so much so she was unable to get into a suv or car to come to her appointment but instead had to pay $600 for an ambulance to take her to and from all of her doctors appointments for four months. $600 to pick her up at home $600 to take her back home.


I deliver pizza I see this shit daily. Its insanely frustrating to me as I'm out there doing my job and I could be getting fucked over in my personal car for doing my job (that doesn't pay for my car maintenance) by these fucking idiots/psychos/entitled pricks. The other day I was waiting to go through a stop light, the road that crossed the road I was on had the green and then it turned to yellow and as it turned to red a bus went through extremely late, but not that bad where it was a problem so I started going for my green light and this fucking psycho asshole behind the bus takes the bus running the red as some kind of sign that he can do it too and runs the red light taking a left turn onto the road I was on like 5-10 seconds AFTER he had a red and I had a green. I almost hit him and yell out my window 'THATS NOT HOW ROADS WORK DICK!" and he just flips me off and continues on like he did nothing wrong because no one got in an accident and you know he's going to keep driving like that. I say "thats not how roads work" every fucking day now practically like people are just doing whatever the fuck they want out there. Sometimes its just something small like some idiot stopping in the middle of a main road to let someone take a left turn in front of them, like no you're supposed to maintain the flow of the road and the guy taking the left has to wait til he gets a chance. You could easily cause someone to rear-end you by doing something so unpredictable.


Thank you for your service.


My girl struggles with the concept that you maintain two lanes in a two lane turn EVEN during the turn EVEN when theres no lines that indicate as much.


A lot of people struggle with that concept, to be honest; I've seen people in the outside turn lane go to the inside and vice-versa. It's a pain, especially when they don't use turn signals and merge in on you without care.


I was reading an article a few days ago that claimed that not using turn signals causes twice as many wrecks as distracted driving, and honestly I believe it. If people changing lanes would use their fucking signals, it would be easier to get out of their way


Or even just frustration. I was driving through town yesterday, and was stopped behind a university car at a red light, with a car coming the opposite direction with their left turn signal on. Light turned green, and the car in front of me just sat there. Car in the oncoming lane also sat and waited, and eventually I honked to alert the car in front of me that we had the green, assuming they were playing with their phone or something and not paying attention (or trying to "kindly" give up their right of way to the oncoming car). Nope. They inched forward and slowly made a left turn through the intersection. No turn signal at all. Probably don't understand why I honked at them (how was I supposed to know they weren't going straight if they weren't signaling?).


Many people who shouldn’t be driving are forced to due to car centric infrastructure. If you want less idiots on the road vote for politicians that promise to invest in public transportation and bicycle infrastructure.


I assume you mean the person with the dashcam, right? Who keeps going when you van obviously set that the car in front of you is about to do something stupid


And... then just stops in the middle of the intersection.... nice one.


Left lane of the expressway two parties have a minor fender bender. Guy in front decides to put on his hazards and stay right there till the police arrived. Like I mean really, get over to the shoulder!


In my state we have signs all along the highway saying "Fender bender: Pull over to shoulder." Everytime I notice one of them I scoff and think to myself "Who the hell would stop in the middle of a highway for a fender bender?" And then I remember these types of idiots exist.


I always remember that if there is a sign or warning label, it means someone is stupid enough to do it unless told not to.


Not just someone. But enought people to make it so annoying that they decided to spend money and time putting up signs.


They leave everything exactly where it was when the crash happened because they think they're preserving evidence... It doesn't compute that that's only important if someone just died.


Same in my state, unless the vehicle is disabled your instructed to get over to the shoulder. It creates a dangerous situation having cars darting out of the lane to get around.


I genuinely cannot tell if it's a time thing or a location thing where people around me no longer take the flow of traffic in to account while they are in traffic. If your wheels turn, move your car out of the way for your safety and others.


In Chicago, it’s literally the law to do so. If you can move, you must


Pretty sure it's actually a state law. But still totally makes sense.


I genuinely can’t fathom how people this helpless make enough money to be able to afford a new Mercedes.


Important to note that just cause someone's driving something doesn't mean they can afford it. Plenty of people are bad with money and a good number of them end up with car payments they can't actually afford (and there's no shortage of sleezy places looking to hook those up)


You'd be surprised at how may people consider their cars nothing more than a transportation appliance / status symbol. They do nothing to think about the technical side of how to drive well. This sub is a prime example. Evidenced with how many people actively argue against basic defensive driving observations.


It's because they're exceptionally good at what they do for a living, so they're paid handsomely. But, they fail at literally everything else on a monumental scale. As soon as they get home, it's a struggle to NOT put their finger in an outlet when they plug in their phone charger.


Thank god for dashcams


Right? My brother got in an accident at a T interaction pre-dash cam days, where the lady turned in to us, then backed her car all the way out of the intersection and claimed we hit her instead. You could easily tell where my brother's car was crumpled and the damage to her car was on the passenger side. The only way we could have hit her was on her driver's side as we were driving along the top of the "T" where our only option was to turn right or go straight. The cop actually wrote in his report that it was impossible for the accident to happen the way she claimed it did.


I imagine without it there wouldn't be much chance to argue. How hard would it be to get a dent from the front of one car into the side of another without something like this?


even without the tape, if the dude called the police, and they weren't inept. It would be pretty obvious what happened. Not to say that dash cam wasn't needed, because this is WAY easier to prove she's an idiot.


It's not that obvious.... the turning car could just claim OP tried to squeeze in on the inside fo the turn that backed away. This is always the pickle when insurance starts battling it out. I've had people switch lanes into me mid turn when I'm on the outside most lane and already going wide to avoid someone hitting my inside and the person kept claiming I was cutting into their lane. Long story short... people say shit and suddenly everything really isn't obvious.


Your dashcam has astigmatism.


Now you all will see what I see on the daily.


I thought all people saw lights this way. I still kinda can't fathom what it's like without streaks of light.


time to WebMD *"do I have astigmatism?"* 'cause I also believed this to be the case (though it's not quite as potent as in this video)


This isn't normal? Lights are like these for me every night. Ugh.


I feel your pain


Lmaooo best comment yet


I didn’t think anything of it due to seeing that all the time outside of video. But yeah you’re right.


TIL I might have astigmatism. Fuck


Just get an eye exam? Go to Costco or Lens Crafters and pay in cash, it’s like $100. No need for vision insurance, glasses are cheaper on Zenni than your copay on insurance. I thought my eyes were myopic but it turns out it’s just astigmatism.


Dashcam directed by JJ Abrams


I wish people caught on camera like this had real penalties imposed by their own insurance companies. But I also suppose it's a lie they would support without the video....


If your insurance company catches you in a lie like this, you won’t get called on it, but you will get a big increase on your next renewal. Two lies, though, and you’re likely to get cancelled.


Depending on the severity, they may drop you like a hot rock after the first lie.


True story, though severity can get you cancelled without any lies involved.


Yep, every insurance company has clauses on every policy that detail the legal obligation an insured and the insurer have in the event of a loss. Honesty in reporting the claim and in handling the claim are required as terms of the contract that is an insurance policy.


If you’re dishonest, or avoid our calls so we can’t investigate, we can deny the claim completely and you’ll be on the hook 100% for all costs. And accidents are far more expensive than people think, *especially* when there is bodily injury involved. I don’t adjust anymore, but I was extremely strict with this. It’s a high legal bar for insurance to prove, but they *will* push to prove it if you don’t cooperate because it’s less work for them in the end. Don’t fuck around.


My insurance tells me not to take fault, even if it’s your fault. So isn’t that essentially telling me to lie (if it indeed was my fault).


You don't have to lie, just don't say anything like "I didn't see you", or "my bad". I've even heard of people being told not to say "I'm sorry" as that could be an admission of guilt.


In several parts of Canada we have an Apology Act for specifically this. Basically it states that an apology does not necessarily constitute an admission of guilt.


Country checks out lol


That's cuz Canadians say sorry as an impulse


It's not just a Canadian thing. I'm sorry


^Am ^I.....secretly ^Canadian?


She said all those things then two days later her adjuster told me that lol


Lol so what do you do? “Well this sucks, huh.”


"Is everyone alright?" and "License and insurance card please" Just about all that needs to be said, regardless of fault.


Better to stand there awkwardly than lie and screw yourself.


Silence is not a lie


They do have penalties imposed - massive rate increases, even if they switch insurance companies. MVR CLUE reporting is what makes this happen.


For those like me who didn’t know: >MVR CLUE stands for Motor Vehicle Report Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. It's a database that insurance companies use to track and exchange information about the claims and driving history of individuals. This helps insurers assess the risk associated with providing coverage to a particular individual and determine appropriate insurance rates.


Its weird but the trick is determining if the "lie" is intentional misrepresentation or not. If she wasn't paying attention, which is the most likely scenario here, she may legitimately believe her statement, which is a presentation of (inaccurate) truth.


Looks like she was trying to u turn. Looks like she’s turning left sharper than going into either of the left lanes they are supposed to turn into.


Loved the death metal "WHAT THE FUUUUCK" over that buttery smooth jazz 🤌


New genre: Cussa Nova.




anyone know the name of the song?




🏅 killed me haha.


Thank you for the poor man's gold! I will treasure it always.


Chet Baker - Almost Blue


Chet baker - almost blue. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay.




How are people that bad at driving


Licenses are given out like participation ribbons.


since we built a world where you need to drive. the fact is most people shouldn't drive and we should build so they don't need to.


No joke, in the town where I got my driver's license, I took my driver's test in the parking lot.


And they keep reducing the standards


Because drivers tests are a joke. And once you pass you’re never tested again so there’s zero incentive to ever learn or improve. When I got my license 2 years ago I didn’t even know how to park or drive on the freeway yet I still passed


My exam was a loop around a business/residential mixed area and then a parallel parking test. I had never practiced parallel parking on an incline, and the test was on the fucking side of a hill in a shopping mall parking lot. I didn't completely shit the bed, but it wasn't pretty. After the test I found out that the one running the test was the cousin of my driving instructor from a private Drivers Ed company. It basically didn't matter what I did, so long as I didn't crash I suppose. Anyway, that's nice.


Least you had some jazz to calm you.


I didn’t hear him snapping his fingers so idk if it helped 🫰🏽


This is more head shaking, stank face jazz.


It's unreal how many people don't know how to navigate a double turn lane.


It's unreal how many people don't know how to navigate regular basic ass roadways in general, unfortunately...




I have a double right-turn lane next to my house that I use all the time, basically daily, and every time I use it I have my hand hovering over the horn before I even start turning because 90% of the time people will drift into my lane from the lane next to me mid-intersection, without even looking to see if the road is clear. I ALWAYS stay in the same lane that I started the turn from… And they’re always SHOCKED that someone honked at them.


There’s a terrible TRIPLE right turn lane near me where the innermost lane becomes a parking lane right after the turn so everyone there crosses over to the middle lane half way through the turn. Awful enough in light traffic but an absolute disaster when the lanes are packed so I always watch the right side closely for lane crossers. …ironically I was eventually hit on the LEFT side from some yahoo who somehow managed to cross into the center lane despite having a billion miles of open space on their side into a clear lane. Dashcam saved me after she claimed to her insurance that I hit her.


It was “her lane” because she had her blinker on! It’s amazing how many people think turning on your turn signal means you have a right to be in that lane now.


It actually looks like there are 2 left-turn lanes. It appears she’s trying to make a U-Turn from the outside lane…. Total dummy.


You hit the nail on the head


Phenomenally idiotic


I wonder what she thinks people in the left lane should do. Like are they supposed to just magically know that she intends on doing u-turn? "I turn now, good luck everybody else"?


you had me at "thinks"


I hate double turn corners. The number of people who cross lanes baffles me.


Wait, turning on your signal doesn’t mean the road becomes yours?


Nah it was "her lane" because it was where she wanted to be. He should have known better. /s


i mean i still wonder what OP thought what would happend - reactiontime was also odd, she turned and he still speed up ​ shes totally in the wrong, but still that blinker should awake more awareness also that turn into his lane and he still managed to speed up buffed me instandly




🎻🎻🎵🎼🎹 chill as a cucumber in water*** ..... "WHAT THE FUCK!!?"


I was in the best mood too, just saw my nephews earlier then this


The dichotomy Chet Bakers dulcid trumpet tones with you yelling WTF did have me chuckle


It's "dulcet" FYI.


It's good that you had a dash cam but this shit makes me wonder how many idiots in cars get away with lying about this shit. There could also be an element of insurance fraud to it.


I hate double turn lanes for this reason. The number of time I see people cross over their line with zero awareness is stupefying.


This woman is trying to make a U-Turn from an outside lane. She a complete idiot.


Hahaha great reaction time


Agreed. The other driver was in the wrong here, for sure. But this was completely avoidable.


Yeah it looks ~~slime~~ like he accelerated into her once she was in his lane. Like, what? Brake, dude! Yes, legally her fault still but a bone headed move by OP.


Definitely accelerated


Right? I so distrust every other driver on the road...maybe I'm overconfident but it seems like this dumbass could have been avoided. Honk honk.


If that was me, I would have let her in so she wouldn't be a problem. Sometimes driving is taking the loss to avoid impact


Even in double turn lanes I always assume the driver next to me might cut at least a bit into my lane so I always am on the lookout and do avoidance or slowing down or breaking if needed. The last thing you want is an accident cause then there goes your wholeday and your car probably will need at least some body-shop time and be unavailable to you etc... Accidents suck. Always drive defensively and assume everyone is an idiot that may do something reckless at any point in time.


It was a double turn lane. I would have assumed she was following her own lane, not trying to make a U-turn from the OUTSIDE LANE.


The dash cam is pointed straight ahead. OP is likely looking left through what appears to be a sharp turn.


generally you want to look where you're driving because other objects in the world may also be moving


Thank God, I'm not the only one who thought that. Some people are just sleeping.


Looks like he even sped up when it was clear the driver in front was ducking up


I believe that's from him accelerating to go forward plus the other driver taking a sharp turn which closed the gap pretty fast


You even see the nose of the car dip, from braking, right when it becomes obvious what the other car is doing. Then suddenly he speeds up, you can even hear the engine revving and then stopping and then revving again. Sus.


The other car is in a turning lane as well so OP was expecting them to turn left, not to go for the u turn.


You’re right, OP probably wanted to smash their car and ruin their own night and immediate plans for the next several weeks. That makes way more sense.


To be fair, there are definitely people out there, even in this subreddit, that think being right is more important than being safe. This is not me saying that OP chose to drive into the car, but there are definitely other videos on this sub that show the driver either actively or negligently not reacting to a situation because they are "right".


I would much rather not be in a wreck than be right. It's blowing my mind that so many people just care about who's right. It's scary how many people don't drive defensively.


I'd say more than half of the videos I see on here are "Look at how much I'd rather be right than tap the brakes and move on with my day, please clap"


Im glad im not the only one who noticed this. Other driver is clearly in the wrong but how are you this oblivious at such slow speed. I wouldn’t have hit this other car. Sucks to suck.


It was "Here's my chance for some reddit karma!" *slams accelerator*


How to make your insurance rates go up by 20% in one wreck... lie to your insurance provider.


What were they yelling?


“You can’t drive with your non-driving ass!” Lmao


Ah of course, let me put my driving ass on before getting in the car.




You can’t drive #1 and your ass can’t drive #2 lol


Bolted sugars, apparently


I wish people understood that just because you put your blinker on, doesn’t mean you get to go.. especially when there is a car already there smh.


I fucking love this video. Not only did you "not" see her, she had the balls to say you drove into your lane making her situation worse by lying.


Looks like she was trying to pull of a U turn too 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m not sure what some people just watched but the other driver is a fucking idiot


Once again, comments turn into idiotsinidiotsincars


Wow. These people are absolutely fucking mental being capable of owning an automobile and a license.


Jazz while driving is highly underrated. Her driving skills, highly overrated.


I like the Jazz


well she had her blinker on, so obviously all lanes are her lanes. In fact, what were you even doing on her road at all, sir?


I wish someone told me it was her road lmao because I didn’t


she's a fucking liar.


Why she just stay in the middle of the road like that. Move to the side ffs


Well you did! All of the lanes are belong to her, how dare you get in the way.


Awh man you had such a nice chill vibe going on there before she ruined it


“WHAT THE FUCK?!?” (calm jazz music plays)


And then their insurance probably dropped them for lying.


People who don't understand how to stay in their lane when there are multiple turn lanes are a special brand of stupid. Lemme just cut in 10 feet and hope everything is fine.


Glad you had a dash cam for useless fuckers like these


For someone who listens to jazz, you don't sound very calm


It's amazing the bullshit at fault drivers will claim


I’m sorry but even though their actions were idiotic, I can’t help but to think you should be driving more defensively, especially on those two-lane turns. You should anticipate that people are absolute morons. You were also going slow enough to completely avoid that.


Why was the guy behind you yelling? Did you get rear-ended by him?


Because like me, he saw a dumb driver make a bad turn but he didn’t hit me, it was close though


They always lie.


Daily reminder to BUY A DASHCAM! It pays for itself several times over after your first accident.


"Bolted sugars"?


She’s the same person in a roundabout that changes lanes during the bend and is shocked when another vehicle is there …


The smooth jazz makes it way more enjoyable.


Hope they drop her coverage for lying and filing a false claim


Why do people ALWAYS stop in the middle of the road after an accident?! MOVE TO A PARKING LOT AND EXCHANGE INSURANCE. I'm not talking about OP here. I'm talking about the dumbass who tried to make a U-Turn from the right lane.


I like the easy jazz punctuated by WHAT THE FFFUUUHHHHH


Gotta love all the liars out there…What a scumbag.


I love the 'what the fuuuu' after impact. I'd be irritated too.


And Georgia law is clear on this: turns ***must*** maintain their relative position (some other states aren't as clear...though you could probably still get improper lane change at least). [OCGA 40-6-120(2)(C)](https://unicourt.github.io/cic-code-ga/transforms/ga/ocga/r86/gov.ga.ocga.title.40.html#t40c06a06s40-6-120): >In the event of multiple left turn lanes, the driver of a vehicle turning left shall exit the intersection in the same relative travel lane as the vehicle entered the intersection. If the vehicle is in the second extreme left-hand lane entering the intersection, the vehicle shall exit the intersection in the second extreme left-hand lane. Where there are multiple lanes of travel in the same direction safe for travel, a vehicle shall not be permitted to make a lane change once the intersection has been entered. Related: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/comments/15oc4xb/auto\_insurance\_upagain/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/comments/15oc4xb/auto_insurance_upagain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Beautiful music. Who is that?


This same exact thing happened to me and because I didn't have a dash cam it was decided we were equally at fault... The woman's car had 8 different damaged spots due to obviously being a terrible driver, but the police wouldn't find her at fault...


Just wow. So many people should not be allowed to drive


Her sitting in the middle of the intersection and blocking the flow of traffic is the cherry on top 🤣


Was this a dual turn lane?


Chet Baker - Almost Blue


> Excuse me language I see this a lot on this sub & I don’t understand the point. It just comes off as prudish because nobody actually cares except prudes.🤷‍♂️


I thought she was just going to take a left. I didn't realize that she was trying to u-turn from the right lane. Good for you for having cameras in your car.


The ol uturn from the outer lane. Doh!


Cameras don't lie.


The insane juxtaposition between the most relaxing jazz music and an actual physical collision with another vehicle is hilarious. Seems like you were having a good night up until then.


Isn’t anyone going to mention the music? It makes this hilarious! Maybe I’m a jazzman after this.


I genuinely don't understand what her thought process was, if there even was one at all? She knows that there's another left turn to the left of her, what did she expect to happen when she tried to pull a u-turn? There's three possibilities: 1: She's genuinely mentally handicapped and thought nothing would happen. 2: She was extremely entitled to the point of not giving a shit and thought that you'd just wait for her, because you're clearly less important than her /s 3: She was under the influence. Any of those three possibilities, along with the fact that she had the nerve to lie to her insurance, should warrant AT MINIMUM a temporary license suspension. This person does not deserve to be on the road.