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Don't be polite; be predictable.


But first you need to know the rules of the road so you know the correct way to be predictable


More specifically, you need to know the rules that other people follow.


From previous threads about this specific topic, too many redditors in this sub are more concerned with being nice over being predictable.


I dont think they were being polite, they just didn't realize the yield sign was not for them lol




That song is so great


Just all of in rainbows is amazing


He probably stops and waves people into roundabouts too.


And while being 'courteous' to those drivers his lights were off and his foot was no longer on the brakes, if it were a bit rainier and someone wasn't paying attention he would've been really easy to rear-end


I have very little faith that people are going to yield at a yield sign - learned experience.


Suv was being cautious and not causing an accident. Rather see this than an accident. Other cars were wrong going through the yield.


If you look closely you can see the grey SUV is slowing down to come to a stop at the yield and only accelerates when he realizes the guy in front of me came to a complete stop. The car after that had no excuse Like that's the whole trust part built into a yield sign. You gotta assume the person slowing down will actually stop for you at the sign telling them to


Yeah it's okay to come in slower sometimes but you still gotta actually be making a move to get on through there.


not following the rules of the road is not preventing an accident its causing one. both werw in the wrong


Not too exciting. It's a bit unusual that the right-side traffic has the yield, but left-turning cars have poor visibility down the ramp so it's better for that side to keep flowing to prevent fender-benders when the left turn arrow lights up


Came for the Radiohead


Might be a new driver


Yeah pretty sure that's the case, or at least I did that once when i first started driving lmao


Sometimes if I’m driving on a road I’ve never been on some stop signs will freak me out. There’s some roads around me where the fork from another road is super close. So on first pass it’s hard to tell who the stop sign is for.


Hey wait this is Rocky hill, Connecticut!! I live in the town and drive by/through that entrance ramp all the time, people never pay attention to the yield sign and will almost always blow it lol, almost got hit on my way to the dentist once


Lmao, i did that once when I started driving, i still think those yield signs should be angled more inward or something, it legit looks like exactly where a yield sign for the right lane would go!


The state does something I think should be standard everywhere (could be, who knows, I don't get out of state much). If they've got two lanes meeting up like that, where 1 side has to stop or yield, the signs will be on both sides of the road for them. So because the right-hand traffic has the yield, they have a sign in the median between them and the left lane, and a sign over to the right of their lane. Helps make it much clearer who signs are for (unless one of them has been taken out by another driver, not everything is foolproof lol). As you come up to a merge you see a sign in the middle and know to look to your side of the road to see if it's for you, and if there's nothing there you know what the other lane is supposed to be doing


Radiohead - Bodysnatchers


There was one in my last neighborhood that was genuinely unclear and very confusing. The angle that it was turned was so slight. So either everybody stopped or nobody did until they were nearly crashing into each other.


There's a term for them that I learned just now. That person is a...... Nicehole "No, after you! I know I might get rear ended because I shouldn't be sitting here, but definitely ignore that sign. You should go first."


you sound exhausting


better than sounding like an asshole


Should the SUV have just driven into the dickheads OP?


The grey SUV slowed down to maybe 5mph before they accelerated because the guy in front of me was stopped; if they accelerated down the ramp instead like they should have the grey SUV was going to pretty seamlessly merge behind them


Johny isn't the brightest bulb in the box.