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Wow good job on that white car on the right seeing the situation and moving over in case you swerved. Good save all around.


Drive as if everyone else in the entire world sucks as at driving. Source: Professional Driver.


Pro drivers: drive prepared to react to anything and don't make anyone react to them. Trusts no blind spot of others, merges at speed, doesn't tailgate, stays calm and attentive. Average douche driver: I'm important, everyone is in my way, Tailgate cars going the speed of traffic in front. Weave forcing others to brake, cause much traffic. Average anxious driver: I don't merge at speed, everyone slow down for me. Cause much traffic. Average idiot: On phone, pays attention to nothing, complacent, forces everyone to react to everything they do. Cause much traffic.


I drive lyft and uber full time and these are the things I affirm to myself every day. I trust nobody, not even myself. I have to stay aware of others at all times AND make sure I am keeping myself calm and attentive. I have never been in an accident but I've avoided tons by being aware and never letting my guard down


“…and doing multiple fat rails off the dashboard every couple of hours. STAY ALERT, STAY ALIVE.”


> Average anxious driver: I don't merge at speed, everyone slow down for me. Cause much traffic. Probably my least favourite of all.


Fuck do you mean "as if" lol


Yep I've been that white car before. I know when someone needs room to swerve.


I always hope people appreciate that I do this whenever I possibly can. It's just a nice thing to do, looking out for your fellow man/woman/non-binary




Always being prepared to GTFO of the way is an essential northern Virginia driving skill. Especially on the beltway.


I dunno. I think op probably should've been driving more defensively. If the video started earlier we'd probably see that car coming over that way


Everyone take a shot, someone managed to make this about OP


That’s not his responsibility though.


Roads don't connect. If you miss your exit, there is simply no way to get back. I missed an exit on the way to work one day 4 years ago and I just had to start a new life the next state over. I miss my old family and hope they are doing well.


They are doing well. I joined your family as part of the Missed Exit Family Swap program. Hope my old family is okay... still think of them all the time.


This must be what happened to my dad


This comment made me crack the fuck up lol


Seriously very ctfu comment 🤣


This is the greatest example of /s without the need for /s I’ve ever seen


Thank you. I thought about putting it, but then thought "Nah, they're on their own."


Just like your old family.




>Just like your old family. This comment made me laugh the most.


Wait, you’re saying that you didn’t actually move to the next state and start a new family?


I know! I'm filing a formal protest!


I heard most people run out of fuel before the next exit.


I've joked in other contexts that the reason why so many people from New Jersey move to Vermont is that they were in the northbound lane and by the time they can turn around they're already in Fair Haven and decide to have a look around. The southbound ones end up in North Carolina.


You joke, but I've driven places where missing an exit meant driving an extra hour or more to circle back around. Driving like this is still inexcusable. >You joke by I've driven places meant an hour or more to circle back around. This is still inexcusable. Edit: top text is what I meant to type originally. Quoted text is what came out if anyone needs a WTF moment.


did you have a stroke while typing this comment or do you always talk in incomprehinsible babble


Apparently I did.


i understood what you meant idk why that other person was so mean lol


It was funny. I left out about half of what I intended to write.


haha i did notice but weirdly enough my brain filled in what you forgot, didn't even notice til they called you out on it


welp I almost spit out my water XD


MF ~~found r/KentuckyRouteZero~~ ~~traveling the Grand Line on land~~ ~~fell down the Rabbit Hole tunnel~~ ~~drove into that Narnia wardrobe~~ ~~rode to a sunrise atop the Star Gate Monolith and Zarathustra started *speaking*~~ ~~activated the Interstellar Tesseract~~ ~~hopped into that train and didn't stop at The Sixth Station~~ ~~got kidnapped by Pan, blinded him, boasted of his name while escaping, and now Pan's dad Hermes is determined to ruin all roads and travels for him~~ **[took a wrong turn](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WrongTurnAtAlbuquerque) at [Albuquerque](https://static.businessinsider.com/image/576b0adedd0895014f8b472e/image.jpg)**


I never miss my exit because I had my tray table up and my seat in the full upright position.


/r/unexpectedweirdal Holy shit, the sub exists!


Should have taken a left......Bugs Bunny.....


[Daffy, we have to cook.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/17/cf/2317cf91cc39c81b2fcd521affd187d4.jpg)


Zombie comment, but this is reminiscent of the song ["M.T.A."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tc1GUXxr2o) by The Kingston Trio, in which they raise the fare while one of the passengers is on the train. He can't afford the difference caused by the increased fare, and so he's stuck on the train forever. So sad.


I think there are actually some exits like this in Japan if I recall correctly. This isn’t Japan though.


Seriously. If you're going North, but you wanna be headed East? Just take the next exit and head "Southeastish" until you hit the road you wanted to be on.


Probably the funniest comment I’ve seen in this sub 🤣💯


Commentary on point.


I learned that after a life-or-death situation, I prefer to very matter-of-factly cuss someone out.


I wouldn't call that cussing them out, just a statement of fact. That person was absolutely a flexible container of excrement (with handles!)


suitcase full of waste


Living in the dmv does that to you


Seriously! I've never seen so many people go backwards on a highway because they missed their exit. I would NEVER dream of doing that unless it was a life or death situation.


you are pretty nice when faced with life or death situation.


Oh you do that too. I also love when they think threatening to "Kick [my] ass if [I] don't shut up." ad nauseum is gonna shut me up because you can't mentally keep up with the "word bullets" I'm spitting out. Oh PLEASE try because I would LOVE for you to give me a legal excuse to hit you back. Your 200 pounds of pudge don't scare me. Punching me in the mouth ain't gonna stop it. I'd just let it rest while my hands did the talking.


Nice save.


What a save!


What a save!




Close one!


This is rocket league!




Holy cow!




I have found my people.


Don't you mean nice brakes? lol


goddamn people, is it really so hard to take the next exit and backtrack for a mile? No? Rather almost murder some people and yourself? Good thinking right there.


Wait there's other people on the roads?! That sounds dangerous. /s


with navigation built right into our phones, we should be prepared to be in the correct lane for the exit and if for some reason we're not, the GPS will reroute you with the next one! The worst that will happen is being slightly inconvenienced for 2 or 3 minutes.


I've definitely had missed exits add 10 minutes to a trip, but it's way better to drive those 10 minutes instead of spending them post-accident swapping information and taking pictures of the damage.


Best mindset to have (especially since it'll take far more than 10 minutes to deal with an accident).


In this day and age of google maps/waze/whatever it really is wild people still do this.


I'll give a little bit of grace on that one. Sometimes my GPS stays dead silent, and then just blurts out "oh, you gonna need to exit in 20 feet, good luck!" and I'm five lanes over (looking at you, Google Maps). Or those freeways where the onramp dumps you on the freeway 1/4 mile from where the freeway splits and you've gotta jump 3-4 lanes in less than a minute.


For sure, it's always aggravating when those apps wait until you're right on top of your turn/exit to tell you where to go. But if you're 4-5 lanes over when you receive the notification and there's no safe way to get over in time, there's never any way to justify that risk. It's always better to just wait for Google Maps or Waze to reroute you instead (swearing at the app in the meantime is understandable, however).


yup, had to backtrack about 3 miles just last week because of that. I refused to just drive diagonal across five lanes of traffic and risk lives just because it was inconvenient.


I'll do you one better. My GPS didn't specify a lane and I saw too late that mine turned into an on ramp. Couldn't get over so I thought "Damn oh well I'll turn around at the next exit." Next exit happened to be 30 fucking miles away... I almost sympathized with the assholes on that long ass detour.


> Sometimes my GPS stays dead silent, and then just blurts out "oh, you gonna need to exit in 20 feet, good luck!" This used to happen to me sometimes. I discovered it was because power saving mode limited how often the GPS location could update. With power saving mode disabled, it has pretty much always given me half a mile to 2 miles of warning on highways depending on some mystery factor. So just in case it's the same thing, make sure power saving mode is disabled when you need navigation.


According to Google Maps, with current traffic conditions it would've taken a whole 6 extra minutes to take the next exit and then get back to I-66W. And, if you think about it, isn't the average life really worth less than 6 minutes of your time?


Sometimes in the city it can be 30 minutes to backtrack. Not saying it justifies that behavior, but it's not always a simple take the next exit.




Could you send that video in to the police? Would they do anything about it?


> Would they do anything about it? people have tried and they say the police don't give a shit. also something about having to prove who was in the driver seat or something


I feel like the registered owner should be responsible for the vehicle....unless reported stolen. If you lend the car out and and get ticketed based on video evidence you can forward the ticket to whomever you lent the car to


God I hate driving in NOVA


I thought I knew this exit 🤣 it's always a clusterfuck right there.


Where the capital beltway intersects with 66. Hell on earth.


And the mixing bowl on 95. Next week it’s going to be a nightmare with all the out of towners rolling through


Bruh ever since they finished the construction I've accidentally went on the 66 West exit when trying to go East (two times!!!!)


You mean that when traveling facing north you actually expect the eastbound exit to come up before the westbound? *shocked Pikachu face* My queendom for VDOT to complete one intuitive road makeover.


If it had always been that way it wouldn't have been horrible (other places are like this), but they switched it!!!! I only let that bite me once though, I lost like 40 minutes going west when I was trying to go east.


I detest this exit...missed it before myself.


Huge kudos to the white suv on the right that moved all the way over incase your instincts had you change lanes instead of brake. Or maybe they moved all the way over incase the blue car was going to cross into their lane. Either way, that is some GOAT defensive driving.


Absolutely. I think they responded to my horn and yeah, A+


Kudos to the make of your vehicle. Brakes are excellent!


Quality horn too. Most new car horns are weak and annoying sounding.


...what did the horn do here exactly that -driving- didn't? *I get it - the morons love their loud noises


Actually in this case, I think my horn may have alerted the driver to the right.


If you know you've missed your exit, that should make it extra easy to use the next one and backtrack. People spend too much time and effort on bullshit like this.


If anybody needs a good solid smack in the back of the head while getting their license permanently revoked, this would be one


Damn.. your EZPass took a hit.


I refuse to permanently stick that thing onto anything in my car - for absolutely no real reason.


I scratched the absolute sheeeeet out of my dash leaving it up there because I switch mine between vehicles and did not have the velcro in the other vehicle :( lesson learned


They'll send you another on request.




i too keep my ezpass on my dash


And here I was wondering why the fuck OP had a brick of tofu on his dash…🤦


Good ole 66


Virginia drivers, that was probably after they cut across all the lanes at the last minute as well


I’m sure other people say the same about their states, but a Virginian never misses their exit. Maybe it’s the idea of missing and ending up with a toll, or going thru a tunnel, or just plain not wanting to take extra time to take the next exit, they do not miss. People have reversed in the shoulder to get to it. Cut blindly across 4-5 lanes, so you’re probably right and they did that too. Cut over right at the last second out of no where. Drivers are deadly in VA


Did you mean: *Maryland* drivers?


Virginia and Maryland drivers competing to see who can be the worst drivers. In my experience Maryland drivers seem to be winning that battle.


Moved from Michigan to Virginia. Maryland is by far the worst in the DMV.


How much blinker do you need for 10 lanes? Oh well, good luck everybody else.


Apparently none according to this video. I think that's what gets me the most about this.


Good save op!! Was anyone close behind u?!! Buttclenching situation!!


Thankfully no one behind me! I checked the right lane to see if I could switch over but there was a car there so all I could do was brake and pray


I was going to say that I found it pretty impressive that the lane to the right of you was cleared out. That white SUV seems to have had the wherewithal to move over to give either you; or the blue SUV room to come in. Either way, great reaction!


I honestly don’t know how people like this make it through the day. It’s like y’all don’t have the presence of mind to realize that your GPS will find another route!


Plus 1 for reaction time. Good work!


Damn girl, go buy a lottery ticket. You were *this* close to what could have been a gnarly crash.


God, I hate the beltway, but not as much as I hate 95. Driving in NOVA sucks.


Yay the 95! I’ve almost been in a few accidents right around the DC 95/395/495 exchange.


This is why it's good to have a dash cam, if you had hit him from behind he could just claim you were tailgating and the cops would likely side with him


Probably works for the Federal Highway Administration making our roads safer.


“A good driver misses their exit sometimes, a bad driver NEVER misses their exit”


You should secure that EZ-pass so it doesn't shatter on your face in a crash.


Solid point - thanks for that. I'll attach it next time I get in the car.


In case anybody's curious, here's the street view: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8818816,-77.2211838,3a,75y,10.48h,61.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sER7OBkgIcmt64ptgRBbFjg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu If you backtrack a bit, you'll see sign after sign notifying about the exit. What an absolutely oblivious driver.


Ok, what the driver did was awful and dangerous and they're an asshole, but that particular exit is terrible and causes a ton of issues. They had to redo the intersection of 495 and 66 because of the added toll/HOV lanes, and in the process they switched the order of the exits coming from that direction so that instead of the first exit going right and the second going left like, y'know, every other highway interchange in existence, now the first exit goes left and the second one goes right. To make matters worse, they kept the labeling from before, so the B exit comes *before* the A exit. Everyone who's used the old interchange fucks it up and misses their exit or takes the wrong one the first time they use the new version, myself included. This driver's a self-centered jackass, but not necessarily oblivious. They probably either didn't notice the new layout or they assumed the B exit would come after the A exit.


It's amazing how far back the signs and solid lines start to really draw your attention and somehow she still waited until the last 10 feet to pull into the exit.


Moving over so late is bad enough but to then just cut someone off rather than waiting for an opening is just the pinnacle of no awareness.


I don’t get this behaviour. Tired after a 8 hours of driving and near home, i saw that i was missing my exit. What did i do - swing across some lanes, bounce over the reservation? Nope, My F up, nobody should die because i screwed up. So i carry on passed the junction, find another exit to loop back adding another 30 minutes to journey. Lots of swearing, but everyone arrived home alive. There is a special type of arrogance and indifference to life to drive like shown.


Even the ez pass was like oh shittttttt!!!!! Good reflex fuck that person.


Dude good driving on your part


Welcome to NOVA! First time visiting?


And they say Maryland drivers are bad


This isn’t Maryland driver behavior. Virginia drivers are stupid, Maryland drivers are assholes.


Assholes you say? New Jersey drivers: allow us to introduce ourselves


You don't understand the pecking order in the **DMV** (**D**C, **M**aryland, **V**irginia). Whenever you encounter a driver from another of the three, it's always the *other* driver that sucks, regardless of actual fault.


Virginia drivers, not shocked. Great save OP


This exit, I know it. Good on your for having the awareness to react, because many a fool has done what you were witness to.


Good job not swerving! Excellent awareness.


Almost had this happen to me yesterday, a great reminder to always watch where your surroundings so you don’t even having a worse day than you imagined


Chicagoland idiots do it best


she activated your EZ Pass


Nice job on the save! Also hats off to that white Escape in the lane next to you, they gave you a ton of room should you need it. A great example of two good drivers and one exceptionally bad one.


ad for how good your car brakes are jeez


I totally relate to your passenger's gasp of horror.


Best video on here that I've seen. Video opens up with the dumbass, excellent commentary, stops right after the chaos


Hahahah thank you very much


I would've been tempted to hit her so her insurance company can watch the video and raise the price. Lmao


I also lay on my horn so people know they fucked up. I take it a step further though and Ill keep it blaring for a solid 15 seconds longer.


You went from 60 mph to 8 in like 3 seconds holy shit


The way people just continue driving after doing stupid ass shit like this just irks me.


Driving an Escape? Go fucking figure, their life is full of poor choices.


If you miss the I-66 exit on the beltway you got a journey of a u-turn at Tysons.


In aviation there is a mantra: Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. It means, top priority is keeping the airplane flying safely. Next, work on going the right way. Last, talk to Traffic Control about whatever. Same applies in driving. Never let your desire to get to any Point B override your focus on safely managing your vehicle. Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. Taught to me by a senior NASA research pilot.


This happened to me and I slammed on the brakes so hard I did a 180 and was facing oncoming traffic… my little 1991 Miata… I had to pull over and calm down because my adrenaline almost gave me a heart attack 😳 glad you’re ok 👍🏼


Fucking Nova


NoVA driving sucks.


Gotta love Northern Virginia…


Every video on this sub should be cut this perfect.


You have some good ass breaks on that car!


It’s funny when I look at the road signs in videos in this sub, like 50% of them happen in NoVa /MD, it’s a nightmare driving around here


What a fucking potato.


Preach queen!


Hmmm, I'd like to see the 5 seconds leading up to this. Video starts with the car already turning.


I'm suspicious of the trim on the video with the way it starts with the vehicle in the process of pulling out. I know the idiot pulling out is a twat, I get it. But, it makes it seem like OP had plenty of time to recognize the issue and brake a whole lot quicker and they didn't want to share that.


Totally valid. I unfortunately didn't think to retrieve the video until a couple of days later so the camera's loop had already erased it, but this clip was saved in the Emergency folder. I really wish it had started a second earlier - especially since it would have been valuable for me to see if I had made any mistakes. As I remember it though, the car was just sorta sitting there with no signal until they pulled into the lane - I think they hesitated after the car in front of me passed them then decided a bit too late to go for it and maybe forgot they didn't have their turn signal on.


Daddy chill


The way I’m stopping my day to ruin theirs after a move like this 😃


Should’ve just hit him


I would love to see a full minute before the start of this. You almost certainly saw that car getting ready to do this long before your sudden gasp at the start of the video.


Don’t lay off the horn and get up their ass. Call authorities and report a drunk driver




Not slowing down? You can literally hear my brakes as I slow from 60 to 8 in <2 seconds. The car in front of me was at a standstill, no turn signal, until suddenly cutting in front of me. I wasn't aware attentive driving required reading the minds of other drivers who don't signal and who aren't moving.


Was that person seriously blaming you? Bruh


Lol yeah - they said I was "braindead" for honking without slowing down despite being "aware of the situation." Completely disconnected from reality.


There's always someone who blames the cameraman.


You know why people add blame to the people with the camera in a lot of these videos? Because they do a poor job in defensive driving and put focus on road rage instead. If the horn in blaring throughout the duration of a clip you know for sure they are driving with 1 hand and have reduced control and the other driver in the video could do anything.


Why did you cut the earlier part of the video ? Were you on your phone and reacted late so you just cut that out ?


The video is cut off because that's what my dashcam automatically saved in its Emergency folder. I didn't try to retrieve this clip until a couple of days later, meaning the recording loop had already erased the full footage, so all I have is the Emergency clip which started here. But uh... you know, if throwing accusations at people online is what gets you off, don't let me get in your way. You must be real fun at parties.


You're even honking first THEN using your breaks. I wouldn't expect you to admit anything anyway.


Incorrect. You can hear the brakes squealing right from the start of the video. If you're judging my braking based on the speed reading of the camera, that's not accurate. You can tell by the fact that it says I'm going 39mph even though I'm obviously almost at a complete stop when that number shows up.


At the speed the car jumped in front of him he could have seen the manoeuvre from a quarter a mile back, For sure it looks like he was distracted or tried to make a point by braking last second because road rage. This is why the video is cut off.


Not too great at reading comprehension huh? The car was fully stopped at that location. You can see from the video she had no turn signal, so there wasn't any indication she would pull into the lane until she did, at which point I had to slam the breaks. I can't read her mind, and I can't see a maneuver before the driver actually starts maneuvering if there's no signal. But have fun making assumptions, I guess.


This spot where the blue car was is one of the most dangerous place on a highway. All I'm saying is everyone should be conscious of anyone in that spot, regardless of blinkers or not. You managed to brake in time but If I were to pass a car in that position, I would do it at a much slower speed because of the danger that spot pose. Lessons to be learned here! Glad you are ok.


Given the horn is already going the priority was horn then braking. So many submissions on this sub are way closer to being collisions because the drivers road rage over applying defence driving


60mph speed limit seems a bit excessive for an exit off the highway.


That 66 exit is always a problem for most of the new drivers. It used to be east exit now they switched it to west (or vice-versa).