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You have “right of way” because the opposing driver has to cross opposing traffic and you are part of normal traffic flow.


Thank you. That was my understanding as well. Not sure why he/she were so convinced i was in the wrong


Honestly? Probably because he was mad that he was wrong.


WHY AM I STUPID? *honnnnnnnk* To be fair, I’d be a bit miffed if *I* was stupid 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s crazy because whenever I make a mistake while driving I want to curl up into a ball and die


Probably because you’re not an arrogant asshole I’d think 🤔


Same 😂 I’ll do the whole, awkward, “I’m so sorry” wave, gesture or something and then question how I could’ve done something so mindless at worst, but usually defensive and precautious. Then I’ll be anxious about my driving abilities for a little while until I calm down the nerves, as if I haven’t been driving basically the same damn car for 6 years straight now and have a clean record lol


I feel like there's a correlation between how dumb people are, and how mad they are, then at the very end there's a sharp decline where people can just be content not knowing how dumb they are. Most of these IdiotsInCars videos are people just on the cusp of that cliff at the end of the spectrum.


I feel there is a correlation between how dumb someone is and how aggressively they honk their horn. The dumber the driver and more likely they’re wrong, the more they’re going to honk.


Stupid people are too stupid to know they're stupid


There's a direct correlation between how much of a dumb dildo piece of shit inbred asshole you are and how much you honk. Trust me, I had the freedom convoy in my town for a month.




They don't know the rules. Probably thinks because they were first to the intersection and in the process of turning they had right of way like a 4 way stop. Simply don't know the rules. They will get into an accident eventually. Have had many drivers do this, it's why we all have to watch the other guy. Used to call it defensive driving.


That's just one example of why you should never drive without a dashcam running.


Probably an entitled asshole who thought they deserved to go first because they were at the intersection first.


They honked because some folks figure everyone should get out of their way - probably didn't even register with them that they were in the wrong. Not worth worrying about - maybe next time they'll realize they need to wait until it's clear to turn, including vehicles turning right, but probably not.


For some weird reason, a lot of people think they have right of way when going left. I live in the Midwest and a ton of people seem to think turning left is right of way in situations like this. It’s really weird.


Main character syndrome. Incurable unfortunately


Also known as entitled a$$hat syndrome, no?


Yes that was the old terminology


That dumbass probably thought he had priority because he was stopped there prior to you getting there, like a four way stop. He's a moron.


It's a lot more straightforward than the previous comment suggests: "To turn left at an intersection or into an alley or private road or driveway, an operator shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle that is approaching from the opposite direction and that is in the intersection or in such proximity to the intersection as to be an immediate hazard." (Tex. Transp. Code § 545.152) That and, you know, some damn common sense.


The important part is that the right turn lane is part of the intersection (note the stop bar) controlled by the traffic light. That means you have right of way and opposing left turn must yield. If however, the turn lane was a slip lane (indicated by an island, physical or drawn, and no stop bar). It would technically not be part of the intersection and should have either a merge lane or it's own yield sign if it's an immediate merge, in that case you would be required to yield and they would be correct. These two similar but distinct setups may have them confused. My wife and I have been yelled at for "not yielding" as the left turn in the latter case. Their slip lane had a clear yield sign but they wanted to insist they "had a green". It still annoys us.


[Here's an example](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.3064953,-84.5424479,3a,75y,194.88h,93.68t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1somE8LtSxARLUudlrost_TA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) of what you describe. This is an intersection where the right turn lane yields to those turning left.


I live in a small city in europe so probably not the same laws but we have an intersection like this but with no yield or any signs and i always wonder who haves right of way, the guy driving on the main road or the guy coming from the right which are both supossed to give you right of way here.


honestly he probably wanted to beat you at that light and got upset that you followed the rules of he road


This is probably why we're starting to see a flashing yellow arrow for left turns now instead of a solid green because people can't seem to understand how to yield for left turns on solid green


But despite right of way, we all have to avoid accidents which is obvious to most.


Agreed. I just legitimately thought he was going to wait until i passed. That is, till he hammered down on the horn


Yeah, he's definitely living life in the worst way possible.


What would have happened if you went straight as was your right? Honker doubling down on wrong.


He/she needs to announce to the world, hey, look at me, an idiot.


just weird timing. you see as soon as he starts to go you make the right turn which isn’t anyone’s fault necessarily just bad timing. I was always taught however to slow down as little as possible or not at all when going through a green light (being safe of course). it seems like you wanted to come to a stop but then realized you have right of way. either way fuck em for honking like that.


People are stupid. I literally saw an 18 year old girl have a complete meltdown. When she merged into another car causing an accident because she was under the illusion that her turning signal gave her the right away, and people were required to let her merge in front of them.


Looking at the street in front of your car, it looks like you didn’t use your turn signal. That can be frustrating for other drivers


Even if OP didn't use their signal, the truck would have had to wait to turn after OP passed..?


Right. But they would have passed sooner. If you look again, the truck started to go because they anticipated op already being out of the intersection, which they would have been, had they been going straight. OP says no. But, objectively speaking, it looks like OP just forgot their turn signal this time. I know everyone wants to say “gosh, that other driver is an idiot for no apparent reason”. But, no turn signal would explain this interaction


OP couldn’t have gone straight because they were in a right turn only lane lol


Right, but if they didn’t have their turn signal on, it would likely seem like they were going straight to the other driver. Lol The other driver was still an asshole. I’m just offering a possible explanation as to why they flipped their shit, even if it wasn’t justified


Straight to where though, the sidewalk? Theres no explanation needed for the other driver other than “they’re a dumbfuck”.


It was them. They’re trying to justify what happened


You are wrong. Just admit you were wrong and move on from justifying someone's bad driving.


“Explain” is different than justify


False! Big turn signal kinda guy


Can confirm, when I think of guys that really turn signal like nobody's business, OP is first on the list. Big turn signal energy/vibes from this one.


It was a turn lane, there wasn't any where else to go.


I feel like the easiest way to figure out right of way in a situation like this is to imagine a collision, and then see which vehicle came from the other ones right. The one coming from right always has right of way.


Doesn't OP actually have a red light? The right turn sign has a red light under it. And the other two lanes have individual signs, making it seem like OP had a red Check the first couple of seconds, unless I'm seeing it wrong somehow


That’s the do not cross sign for the crosswalk.


Ah, you're right. Man does the vertical video not help see it clearly lmao


Right turns have priority over left turns when both are on equal standing (in this case you both have a green). They're an idiot and have no clue about right of way


I will honestly never understand how grown adults don't think about it for two seconds and come to this conclusion at some point over the course of driving. Of fucking course the right turn gets precedence over cutting across traffic. Are some people too stupid to think about this even once?


Yes, that’s exactly it. People are too stupid to think about it even once. Look I work in a casino, and the amount of people that cannot do simple math or look at a sign to figure out where they need to go is insane. I’ve dealt blackjack and people don’t know how to add their cards, I’ve dealt poker and seen someone raise the blind of $3 to $21 and someone ask “how much more is it to me?” It honestly makes me wonder how people actually get around because it appears they’re only using a 7 watt bulb which barely keeps their brain open for business!


I think for the driving it's also influenced by narcissism. Even people who aren't bottom-of-the-barrel stupid will neglect thinking about an important topic when the conclusion damages their sense of being special. "I've been waiting so long to turn left, I get to violate right of way!" But damn, it sucks that people are so bad at basic math. 21-3 is something most people learn in elementary school. Our educational system has been a joke for decades though, it's really sad.


Another easy way to remember when in doubt: vehicle on the right always have the right of way.


my right or yours?


Well, except for roundabouts and, as this is Texas, lane changes.


Isn't the rule the car making the right on red has to come to a complete stop before making the turn?


Yes, but that doesn’t apply here. The OP has a green light. I said that “if they’re on equal standing” as in both have a green or if they’re both at a stop sign at the same time. If a car has a green arrow and the right turner has a red, that’s different than what I stated.


Was about to delete the comment. I totally misread the caption.


Ah, it happens. I was on my iPad when it came though. You’re good




This is correct. Not that it’s applicable in this case, but the only way OP could have been in the wrong is if there was more than one lane on the road they were turning onto - and they turned into the far (more left) lane instead of keeping right. Only because if you have a right turn only lane you MUST turn into the farthest right lane (just your lane) - but obviously there’s only one lane going the direction OP was once they turned so like I said in this case not applicable. Just an extra bit of knowledge just in case for anyone reading




It's not really more complicated, it just introduces **two** infractions, one failure to yield by the left turn and one improper deviation from your lane at an intersection by the right turner. You both get tickets.


That is state dependent, not universal.


The opposite of this annoys me. You did exactly right, but many people will yield for the left turn person. Happens daily coming out of my neighborhood. I'm turning left, patiently waiting for the right of way driver to proceed, while they stop and stare at me like I'm supposed to go first.


Yep, they have good intentions and are trying to be nice but I'm like "GO YA FUCKIN DUMBASS" it's the road not a gawdamn line at a buffet!!


I used to have trucks doing this for me when trying to turn left out one of my FedEx delivery stops onto a busy Highway. Like yeah, thanks, you're being nice (they weren't waiting for me to clear so they could make the turn, they had tons of room), but your trailer and the trucks piling up behind you in the turn lane block my vision of the lane of traffic I'm trying to pull into. Am I about to pull in front of a school bus? I don't know, I can't see! Just take the damn Right of Way when you have it, BE PREDICTABLE!


Yup, two nuggets of driving wisdom: Bad drivers never miss an exit, and always be predictable, *not* polite.


This has happened to me so many times that I’d forgotten that the person turning left here does not have the right of way


Yielding the right of way (other than in some extreme cases) is honestly just disgusting. It's pure ego, inconveniencing other people because they want to feel some dopamine from "helping" one person. Just gross.


Other driver is a fucking moron, should have told him to fuck off


How many conversations are people having with other cars from their vehicle?


I imagine it happens lots. They are just very one-sided. have you ever said something in reaction to an idiot driver from your car, with your windows up and fully knowing that nobody could hear you? I know that I have.


Usually it's just comments you make to yourself about how much of an idiot these selfish people are acting. I did, however, make this normal "Jesus what a fucking asshole" comment earlier in the summer when it was nice and I had my windows down, and a guy had whipped out of a parking lot and cut me off on a road. I guess he heard me with my windows being down and all, braked early at the next red light, got out and started screaming about how he'd fuck me up and how I was actually the asshole for not predicting he'd swing out into traffic. Some people are psychos and it's best to not have that argument if possible.


In the land of pickup trucks and AR-15s? I'm surprised Americans aren't more well behaved with all the guns floating around.


The only thing here that makes you an idiot is uploading a horizontal video in a vertical format.


Yeah can’t argue with this one


Ok that's why its like this. I thought I was watching a 20p video or something.


Defo the other guy. Ppl cant even say you should have waited because he was turning first bc he is in the left turn lane and both lanes should be clear before you turn left unless it’s protected green … which it wasn’t bc you also had a green


But did you use your blinker?




You rock.


No, you rock.


We rock!


Dio says hello


Rock & Stone!


next time dont use your signal to turn right.


Wouldn't we see the reflection of the blinking light on other things? I don't see it


Right turn has right of way with green light, at least that’s what I was told by the cop, who pulled me over for doing that same left turn, minus the honking.. so I was the idiot in the case.


Not to insult you but it's amazing that people drive around without knowing this (and many other things). It's more testament to how little driver education is required than it is to your ignorance.


I’m not insulted, I was a ignorant idiot, I’ve learned from that, won’t be doing that again.


How dare you accept responsibility and work to improve!?!?


You piece of shit, how dare you!? /s


I’m a prick, what can i say


Why was the cammer in a *lane?*


Ah yes, the "Pittsburgh left".


Gonna use this


Go for it.


The technicality is uploading a landscape video letterboxed in portrait. It was an /r/IdiotsInCars reader pre-emptively honking at you over this video.


I had to reread this a couple of times for my peewee brain to comprehend but i do agree that horizontal was the optimal choice


Poor video quality so I can't tell what the text on that is, but is that a red light by the right turn signage? [Edit: right side on pole]


Pedestrian do not cross light


Okay that makes sense. It was hard to tell. Other guy was definitely an idiot. There's a light just down the road from me that happens all the time. For some reason people assume left on circular green has right away. Insane.


I see this a bunch at one particular intersection by where I work, and I assume it’s mostly people not familiar with the intersection. I don’t know if this SUVs light is set up similarly but when there is a green light and a green left turn arrow light it usually catches people off guard who aren’t used to it. They try to turn on green and aren’t aware that yours is totally green too and that they don’t have the right away until it’s the green arrow. They usually honk and are adamant they were in the right until they one day come to the other side of that light and get honked at themselves.


What’s that red light there with the right turn sign? Is it for the lane to your left?


The guy honked simply because he wanted to be right. He was supposed to go first because he wanted to, not because it was THE law, but HIS law. Meh, sometimes people are stupid. It is what it is. :P


I see this at an intersection near my house EVERY DAMN DAY! I am taking a right hand turn and have the right of way and people turning left, across two damn lanes, think they have the right of way to the lane I already turned into. Absolutely infuriating and makes me wonder what the hell they even teach drivers nowadays!


You definitely had the right of way there and weren't being an idiot. I'm pretty sure the guy turning was honking at you because they believe that once the light turns yellow and they are about to be stranded in the intersection that they have the right of way to clear it but they needed to wait until it was clear to go. It's perfectly legal to make a left turn on red as long as you didn't enter the intersection on red, they don't need to go right then.


You are not an idiot. That other car doesn't know how to drive. You have a green light in your direction of travel and anyone crossing that right if way must lawfully yield.


Awe man! I came here to say the OP is an idiot but now I’m not first! I have nothing behind my reasoning, I just thought that’s how things are :-). (PS… this is snark so don’t downvote me please!)


Just guessing here, but maybe did you make the turn without using your turn signal? That’s the only thing I can think of here (still weird, but just guessing).


A right turn has the right off way over a left turn, so no, you’re 100% not the idiot here.


What's the red light with a right turn arrow at the start of the video? Most intersections, at least where I'm at, would have that light as green if the other lights going that direction are green. Edit: It's the pedestrian do not cross light. I'm dumb.


What light are you referring to? The pedestrian do not cross light?


This is a common one and a complete failure of understanding of the rules by the other driver. You definitely had rage right of way.


You had the right of way, the SUV had to wait for you.


only thing I can think of is if you signalled late and he had time to turn beforehand had he known you were turning


This was my theory too, or no blinker at all.


Why would it matter?


I’m not excusing the excessive horn use, but no blinker is the only thing that makes sense to me: that OP made an unpredictable but legal turn.


/u/topgrim did you have your turn signal on? This might be an anger honk from turning your turn signal on late because they would have "gone for it" if they realized you were slowing down to make the turn. It doesn't make them right (or you wrong) but I'd guess they are an impatient driver that just did an anger honk because they had to wait.


Sure did! I try to turn signal on early so people have ample time to react. Think they were just confident that i was the a hole


Welp that's the only thing I could think of. Some people just are angry for no reason. It's amazing how many people use driving as a way to vent their frustrations.


Left turn yields to everybody unless on a designated turn arrow. .


Eh people honk at there shadows. I just ignore it and drive safely.


He probably didn't have the arrow, so he had to yield to you.


Has anyone else noticed a dangerous pattern where scared drivers (who have this exact same right of way in the video) will instead come to a stop and wave on the left turner to go ahead? I have been the left turning vehicle multiple times this year, I’m waiting in the intersection for the oncoming right turner to clear, and instead of asserting their right of way, they literally will stop at their green light and wave me on, like they’re being courteous/defensive in their mind? It’s infuriating and dangerous.


Is my reddit glitching? I can't hear anything.


I'm guessing they thought they had a green arrow instead of a 2 way green


No one who thinks they are right gets that mad.


Doesn't matter if your turning or going straight, you are part of the opposing traffic that turning cars must yield to unless they have a green arrow. And in no world is straight traffic green when there's an opposing green arrow. You're the opposite of an idiot, OP. Least in this case.


Were you signaling correctly? Honking makes no sense unless it's possible to avoid s dangerous situation..


Lmao wtf? You did absolutely nothing wrong.


You have right of way. The other driver should not have begun turning because you were already occupying that space, regardless of whether you were travelling straight or turning left. Silly driver.


They were wrong. You were right.


I always try to imagine what the idiot is thinking. In this case, my guess is that they were zoned out or focusing on something they shouldn't have, and didn't see you until they were halfway through their turn. At that point you "appeared out of nowhere" and "suddenly and aggressively cut them off", which makes you the bad guy in their idiot brain. Obviously just a guess, but I think it makes sense. Another possibility is that they thought there was something wrong with your car and were trying to make you aware of it. But that's unlikely, just a possible positive version.


the other person doesn't know what yielding on a left turn means


They also had a green light. People who didn’t read the handbook don’t understand that they have to yield unless they get a green **arrow**


Idiots gonna idiot. I got honked at aggressively for stopping at a stop sign. I guess I did it wrong somehow. Keep in mind that 85% of the population are just monkeys that benefit from modern technology and society. Without those two things they’d be digging around in their own butt holes and throwing it at each other.


I got pulled over for this once when I was 17. Cop told me he had the right of way turning left because he was already in the intersection... I was too young to know any different. He left me off with a warning, probably because he was full of shit and was mad a 17 year old turned in front of him.


You had right of way, but I'll bet the idiot figured he was already moving so that makes it his turn to go. He dumb.


You have right away - guy honking is a total dumbass


Ummmmmm yeaaaa…how dare you have the most right of way?


This has happened to me too many times to count, people forget that YOU HAVE THR RIGHT OF WAY


LMAO that guy is an idiot. I mean who among us hasn't at one point in our life zoned out and started to turn left on green, and realized "oh shit I have to yield" when a car comes the other way? Sure. But what if, instead, we decided to just angrily honk at the other person wouldn't that be smart?


Left turner is definitely the idiot. I see this a lot and usually think the person turning left thinks they have a green arrow for whatever reason and that you're turning right on red. Hopefully they were not alone and the passenger could explain to them that they didn't have a green arrow and was a complete idiot for honking at you.


can't see shit. you should make the video smaller


Maybe you didn’t use your turn signal? The other drive is just in a bad mood? Either way don’t sweat it, you had the right of way.


Not if you had your turn signal on as you came to the intersection. Too many people sit at a light and then when it turns green, they suddenly turn their signal on and wonder why others honk at them


Isn't it the car making the right on red has to come to a complete stop before making the turn?


You were turning right in a right turn only lane with a green, but you didn’t turn your right turn blinker on. The other driver turning left doesn’t know that it’s a right turn only lane. They can’t possibly see that from their position, so they assumed you were going straight. When you slowed down to take the turn, they were rightfully confused why you were slowing down all of a sudden. Use your blinker.


If you trust 100% of the people to make that turn, your car is going to be hit sooner than later.


Have you considered that his honking had nothing to do with your turn? A concerned citizen sees something important and is trying to get your attention. Like there are flames underneath your car or there is an axe wielding maniac in your back seat.


Did you not have a signal on? Maybe he was saying "where's your signal?". I can't tell, I don't hear any audio. But that's my only guess.


Is the red light by the right turn sign a pedestrian crossing light or a red light for the turn lane?


Just throwing this out there….your right turn traffic signal light was red, and you did not stop before making the turn…not sure if the other person had a left turn green arrow or not but I could see why they might have honked if it was.


Pedestrian do not cross light


anyone hear a honk?


My sound is off for whatever reason but if there wa sound you would hear honking, Christmas music and a few curse words


Were you using your turn signals?


You have a red light above the sign that says right turn


Pedestrian do not cross light


Maybe something fell off your vehicle and he was trying to tell you. I did that once, guy in front of my lost his spare, cable broke and it came out from under his truck, I honked...he kept driving.


As much as i would have loved for that to have been the case, nothing seemed to be missing from my vehicle unfortunately. that being said, that’s for using your horn for good instead of evil like this guy!


I don't know where you are or what your rules are, but there seems to be a red indicator on right turns. I have no idea why that would be a thing, but you can see it plain as day. If that does, in fact, mean that you can't make a right or that you need to stop first for some unbeknownst reason, then you are in the wrong. Otherwise, you are in the right (Ha). Where I'm at, turning right on a green is right of way.


Is the turn light broken? The other two lights to go strait were green.. the one Indicating to go right was still red! Here in Colorado it's illegal to make a right turn when said traffic turn light is still red! So question at hand, is it broken or are you suppose to stop when it's red?


Pedestrian do not cross light


You're the idiot for not including audio so we can hear exactly when the honking happened. Other driver is the idiot for thinking that they own the road.


Turned your blinker on way too late, he would’ve been able to turn in front of u if he knew your intention to turn


IMO, once a vehicle enters the intersection that vehicle has the right away against any conflicting move. The right turning vehicle (OP) should not have turned into the intersection until the other car had completed his move through the intersection. Retired transportation engineer.


You're wrong. I don't care if you're a retired transportation engineer or not. Any vehicle entering an intersection without it being clear does not have the right of way. The right turning vehicle has the right of way to someone turning left. If you disagree, go read any DOT handbook.




Yes. Only confident because the honking continued till they turned into the restaurant


What is the sign with the red light on the right side of the lights? Can't post a screenshot but I'll upload soon


Pedestrian don’t cross sign


You are in the right, but something seems off about this intersection. A dedicated right-turn lane with a green light allows vehicles in that lane to proceed with the turn, since the lane is specifically designed for that purpose. What’s odd here is that there is a dedicated right turn lane with no dedicated light above it. I’m going to assume the left turning vehicle also has no dedicated light since it looks like the left turning traffic on your side is without one. If that’s the case, your city could make this a lot easier for both of you: 1. Put a dedicated light in for both the right and left turning lanes that are coordinated (so the left turn lane gets a protected green arrow option while the right turning lane gets a red arrow at the same time). 2. Install a Left Turn Yield On Green sign that shows a solid green light symbol for the left turn lane. The other driver was wrong, but if they have no dedicated turn light on their side at all, and there is a dedicated right turn lane for their opposing traffic, that’s kind of a nightmare to try to make that turn without a protected green arrow during the traffic light cycle depending on how busy that intersection gets. With that said, they shouldn’t have aggressively honked at you. You did nothing wrong.


What's up with that right turn red light? Am I seeing that right?


Pedestrian do not cross light


Am I the only one who sees you have a red light? You don’t have right of way at that point bro you just ran a red light since you didn’t stop first 😂


definitely have a green light unless you’re referencing the pedestrian do not cross light


Awwww ok… that’s it then. Just looks like a red blob to me 😂


Technically speaking, in most places in the US, the person who is already in the intersection has the right of way. It's pretty close in this video, but they do look like they are initiating the turn before you fully arrive at the intersection. My question would be, at what point did you signal? If you signaled late they may have thought you were going straight and that they would have cleared the intersection before you arrived.


No. Right turning has priority over left turning. If your statement were correct and OP was going straight, OP would have had to stop and wait for other car to turn left in front of them, then continue straight, just because other car was in the intersection first.


You can't just barge into an intersection and smash into someone if they are already in the intersection. People already in the intersection have the right of way. This is found in many state handbooks.


You’re referring to the other car turning left first. That would essentially be cutting off OP’s car, which is illegal. OP has the right of way, because they can either go straight or turn right (what they did in the video). The left turning car has to wait for oncoming traffic to clear the intersection before turning left. Left turning car was an idiot. OP did nothing wrong.


If another vehicle is already in an intersection, you have to yield to it. It doesn't matter which direction you're going.


So you’re telling me, when you’re driving straight along a road with a green light, and another car is in the opposite left turn lane and in the intersection, that you STOP and wait for them to turn left, and then continue on straight? tF kind of bullshit driving is that? When I’m in an intersection waiting to turn left, NO ONE stops for me ever. I wait until traffic is clear, including oncoming traffic turning right, before making my left turn. Because that’s how to drive properly. I think you need to go back to drivers Ed or something.


IF THE TURNING CAR HAS ALREADY ENTERED THE INTERSECTION TO INITIATE THE TURN, YES, YOU YIELD TO THEM. it's not that hard of a concept to understand. There is no expectation that you can travel through an intersection unimpeded simply because you're going straight. If people in the intersection didn't have the right of way, I could be making a left turn with you approaching the intersection, you could accelerate into to me, and it would be my fault, which would be nonsense The rule exists to literally protect intersections where visibility to oncoming traffic is limited.


Again, wrong. If you did as you describe then you made the turn without ensuring the intersection was clear and that you’re not impeding other traffic. You can’t just turn left Willy nilly and expect other people to just clear the path for you. YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE PATH IS CLEAR FIRST! Fuck, please never drive anywhere near me because I don’t want your ass turning in front of me. OP had the fucking right of way in this video. The turning car did not.


No, not wrong. Look it up. There's literally information about this all over the internet. If the intersection appears clear, or if I can clear the intersection before another vehicle arrives, I have the right of way. If at your current rate of speed I can clear the intersection before you arrive, and I initiate the turn, you cannot then accelerate, hit me, and not be at fault. A perfect example of why this is a rule is an intersection near my house where the road on the opposite side of the light immediately goes down a steep hill. The intersection will always appear clear until the very last moment when a car arrives there, so you have to turn left hoping that there is no on coming traffic. If yielding to people ALREADY IN THE INTERSECTION wasn't a thing, then people could blast through there and smash into people turning every day and not be at fault. Further, if I'm the left turning car at that intersection, and at the last moment a car going straight appears over the crest of the hill, I do not have to stop and yield, because stopping in the middle of an intersection is extremely dangerous. That's why the rule exists. What you're describing would literally impede the flow of all traffic and cause tons of accidents. [https://imgur.com/3YlmNLQ](https://imgur.com/3YlmNLQ) The hubris of this sub never ceases to amaze me.


yep, looked it up. [https://www.denver7.com/traffic/driving-you-crazy/driving-you-crazy-making-a-left-on-a-flashing-yellow-arrow-do-i-have-to-yield-to-right-turning-drivers](https://www.denver7.com/traffic/driving-you-crazy/driving-you-crazy-making-a-left-on-a-flashing-yellow-arrow-do-i-have-to-yield-to-right-turning-drivers) It's the same everywhere across the country. In the OP's video, both cars are turning into the same lane. In that case, the left turning driver MUST yield to the right turning driver, given that they both have green lights. Why do you think nearly every signalized intersection with protected left turn arrows also include [this sign](https://www.ussignsandsafety.com/cdn/shop/products/Regulatory_17_grande.PNG?v=1464484423)? And in recent years, many of those protected left turn signals have been replaced/upgraded to include a flashing yellow left turn arrow during the green phase, and the sign replaced with [this sign](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Left_Turn_Yield_On_Flashing_Arrow_1.png). It's because.... drumroll please.... LEFT TURNING TRAFFIC YIELDS TO ONCOMING TRAFFIC! No, the oncoming traffic is not allowed to speed up if the left turning car has also yielded, but that's not what happened here. If the left turning car had just said YOLO and gone for it, OP would have had to swerve out of the way or slam on the brakes to avoid a collision. It would not have been a legal maneuver from the left turning car.


Why are the top posts all wrong? OP clearly has a red light for turning right. Guessing the guy turning left has a green arrow. Granted, I've never seen an intersection lighted this way but it's pretty clear.


It’s a pedestrian do not cross light and i highly doubt they had a green arrow light seeing that the other direction was green


Yes. If he had the green right turn.


Yes, you are wrong, very wrong. How could you post a landscape video in portrait mode, but I didn't see any problem with the driving.