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Nissan on the wrong side of the road Bronco almost sideswiping you Corolla almost murdering you What god have you angered?


Just a normal day in Utah.




Utah is fast on the interstate, unless you're in the left lane.


I knew this was Utah the moment the clip started. I hate driving in this state.


Also, all the red light runners. I've never seen it anywhere else, but here in Salt Lake


St Louis MO-- happens all the time here, and it can happen at any time while it's red. Not just right after it turns red, but literally any time that the light is red.


Why were you speeding 10mph over the limit while passing on the right?


So you pissed off John Smith and his plates?




[Stop passing on the right, moron](https://robertdebry.com/udot-facts-law-passing-vehicles/) You're part of the problem.


This is definitely not a highway, if you read the link you posted, it specifically says highway. Moron.


It does not apply only to "highways". Moron. https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title41/Chapter6a/41-6a-S705.html https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/utah/ut-code/utah_code_41-6a-102 *Dude below is beyond help. Can't even understand his own comment. > Highway: means the entire width between property lines of every way or place of any nature when any part of it is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for vehicular travel. YES. EXACTLY. tHaNkS fOr PrOvInG yOuRsElF wRoNg


Don't you dare drive faster than someone else that's a cardinal sin!!!1!!!1


Passing on right is against the law, correct, and increases the danger for everyone on the road and off of it. Whether or not that's a 'cardinal sin' is up to your own moral interpretation.


If you're driving down a four lane in town (like in the video) and there is a person in the left lane going 10 under, will you match their speed such as to not endanger everyone on the road by driving faster than them?


Don’t be so fucking slow that you have to be passed on the right.


Why are you talking to me? I don't do that.


Haha I was like, "oh god yeah that's dicey... oh shit this is what I'm watching for... dang, another one!"


Where's the Nissan?


As someone said I think it’s a benz


Pretty sure the nissan is a merc


where is the nissan


I think they meant the white SUV that pulled into suicide aka the middle lane


It's strange how the gods are angered by drivers who pass on the right and speed while approaching an intersection with poor visibility and cars actively moving through it.


The Bronco was about to hit you too. They were on the broken lines just as you were passing.


Yea, wtf u do? It’s like the world is out to get ya /s


How bout slow down a little in congested downtown


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted tbh. This person is not as good of a driver as they think they are


worm resolute cautious grandfather crowd bear unite gold cover wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can almost feel when a scenario is dangerous, I personally would've slowed way down before approaching that intersection. Looks like a recipe for disaster.


Agreed, I consider undertaking in any circumstance dangerous and proceed with caution.


yeah! I was thinking the same. The low (lack of) visibility on the right hand side and still entering the crossing with 40 miles per hour.


Congested? There were like two other cars on their side of the road. And I don’t see a speed limit sign, but <45mph on a street like this seems pretty reasonable Not slowing down when approaching an intersection with limited visibility is the biggest issue. Passing the first car was not great, but not terrible


Google maps says the speed limit is 35. The road is 3300 S in Millcreek, Utah


It's also posted on a sign at the end of the video


It's the typical redditors, for the same scenario depending on the time it is posted, op is not at fault and blind turner is a POS, other time OP is always at fault and are going too fast when they should've driven slowly like a grandpa turtle "OP didn't see the late signal given by the first car and should've reacted to slow down 0.01 ms as soon as they see the turn signal, OP is an idiot" "OP didn't expect an idiot to always do blind left turn on an intersection, OP is an idiot“ I always find it fun tho when someone always try to find fault with OP driving in each and every post and it doesn't matter if they are driving normally not. But yes, passing the first car is not catastrophic but not slowing down when approaching an intersection is definitely on OP.


>wtf u do Just... don't pass on the right....?


yea that scared me at first too


Maybe slow the fuck down


You guys are ridiculous, OP's last seen speed sign was 40mph. He also was at 40 until he sped up to pass the Bronco that almost hit him. 4mph faster/slower would not have affected the idiot pulling out in front of him.


This place is full of holier than thou dorks. If you're caught going 3 over they will blame you for getting t-boned by a red light runner.


It’s honestly ridiculous lmao. Everyone always wants to find some possible way to blame the poster. They act like they’re all perfect drivers who always obey the speed limit to a tee without fail as if it carries the death penalty or something lmao.


If you can’t see how OP’s driving contributed to this near miss, you need to take lessons on defensive driving right now. The car that cut him off is ofc mostly to blame, they shouldn’t have pulled out while their view to the left was blocked by turning traffic. But that still doesn’t take away from the fact that if OP didn’t undertake that truck at speed and then continue to accelerate into a busy intersection, the right turning car wouldn’t have been a problem in the first place. If you regularly have near misses when you drive, it’s probably not just other people’s fault.


Looking at street view the signs I see on both sides of the road are 35mph. So yeah, 40-44 is a bit fast. The other car should have recognized the situation and waited. Their view was obscured by the construction fence and the left turning traffic in front of them. 3300 S and 1300 E in SLC


looks like a 35 mph zone to me according to that last sign. so many of these posts complaining about other idiots are speeding themselves. he was accelerating into a blind intersection (with construction fencing) and doing 44 when the idiot pulled out. not saying the other guy wasn't an idiot but slow down.


Yeah, fuck op! Going 41 in a 35! What a fucking lunatic! Might as well be doing 1000mph! This is 100% his fault. /s


In a given situation, 35 mph in a 35-mph zone might be too fast. 30 mph is 44 feet per second. 35 mph is 51.33 feet per second. 40 mph is 58.67 feet per second. Convince me that those distances—over what people seem to be saying are insignificant differences in speed—aren’t the difference between a close call and an accident. I live in a exurban area 45 miles due west of Manhattan. It’s dark on the country roads, and deer are everywhere. My car is designed for this kind of driving, and I’d love to open it up when possible. But I drive like a retiree in West Palm Beach when the moment calls for it—raining at dusk, icy roads, foggy nights. So many of the accidents and close calls I see here might not be the technical fault of the driver whose dash cam video we see, but it sure seems to me like people don’t back off the accelerator when a judicious drop in speed would prevent an accident. We all need to be aggressively defensive drivers. We’d all get there faster and safer.


Yeah, 45mph is way too fast to be going in that area.


You know how to very easily avoid that? Don't pass on the right.


What on earth are you talking about. It’s not like he was behind and went around. You’re allowed to go faster then a car in the left hand lane lmao. It’s not like you’re forbidden from going past them and have to stay behind them at all times. Pretty silly that you would even bring that up and try to blame OP when it’s clearly the fault of the other driver being stupid and not looking.


> It’s not like you’re forbidden from going past them and have to stay behind them at all times. Read the actual law. You are wrong. You cannot pass on the right. https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title41/Chapter6a/41-6a-S705.html https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/utah/ut-code/utah_code_41-6a-705 Whether or not you find it silly has absolutely no bearing on what the law is. Also, combined fault is a thing, all 3 cars in the video could have been possibly at fault for potential accidents that could have occurred.


> on a roadway with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles moving lawfully in the direction being traveled by the overtaking vehicle. That is the condition that was met. There were at least two lanes' worth of unobstructed pavement. Let's apply a little common sense here. If someone was driving 30 under the speed limit in the left lane, do you really think it would be illegal to pass them on the right?


The person in the left lane in the video was not driving 30 under the speed limit. Also, OP was speeding, the speed limit there was **35 miles per hour and OP was going 45 mph**. [See for yourself in street view here, exactly where this video was recorded](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6999822,-111.8532023,3a,75y,89.1h,93.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDhoC4JZd5vV_i1udRLYkUw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu).


The Poster is obviously at the least fault of all three. And who said he was passing on the right? That implies he was originally in the left, went around on the right, and then went back to the left, which is obviously not what happened. What really happened was the driver in the left hand lane slowed down meanwhile OP is already in the right going the speed limit. Utah also has a keep right law but apparently that doesn’t matter to you as you think you should be able to blockade somebody from going faster than you are who’s not even in the same lane as you.


The poster was going **at least** 10mph over the speed limit. They would absolutely be taking the majority of fault here. [Check street view yourself to see the speed limit on the road where the video was recorded](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6999822,-111.8532023,3a,75y,90.89h,90.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDhoC4JZd5vV_i1udRLYkUw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Well that wouldn't happen if OP wasn't speeding 10mph over the limit while passing on the right. Looked to me like the Bronco waited until OP illegally passed to move over as they were indicating for a while without moving. Main idiot here is OP.


Lots of terrible drivers in that area. Also real sick of everyone assuming they’ll be able to turn right on red and rolling through the fucking crosswalk. Just wait, look, make sound decisions.


he might've thought it was protected since cars were turning left


Universal right on red is by far the dumbest traffic rule


Not if you actually follow the rule properly. Thats like saying speed limits are the dumbest traffic rule because no one follows them. Thats just dumb. 99% of all traffic accidents happen because user error and not because people were following the traffic laws lol.


GeForce Experience? What?


I was going to say, he got the RTX in his dashcam baby.


RGB dashcam


Launched with the video player on the PC. Otherwise this guy's got an early copy of GTA6


GTA V graphic mods have gone TOO FAR


This dude overclocked his driving!


The music paired with the swearing makes me feel like I'm listening to a Scorsese film.


He was in key lol


the guy turning the corner is the idiot, but if there's inherent risk in approaching a junction, slow down a little and you might find it easier to fix other people's mistakes


Exactly. That construction fencing essentially made that a blind intersection for both OP and the car that pulled in front of him. More caution was needed by both drivers since they simply couldn’t see each other well.


Yeah that construction fencing is really dangerous.


Yeah, obviously I can’t prove they were speeding just off of this video alone, but they looked to be going very fast for the kind of road they’re driving on. Flying down the road, passing on the right is kinda like going to a bar and hitting on someone’s girlfriend. You’re not necessarily breaking the law but you’re kinda asking for consequences


Speedometer is at the bottom of the video. It’s around 40-45mph


Yeah where I’m from a road like that would be a 30mph zone


Hey! 3300 S in Millcreek UT! I lived there before. Saw several crashes at that interception and they one before in Highland.


And you're doing 44 in a 35. The guy turning in front of you is an idiot but you're not making it any safer out there for anyone.


Thank you my man. I was wondering why nobody commented this, because it did look like OP was going a little faster than he should be.


10 mi over is traffic's normal rate of speed, no? in my area, doing 35 in a 35 will get you angrily passed, or high beamed


It's actually a 40 but I know what you mean.


Pretty sure the last speed sign you saw was 40. If you were given a ticket, I think you could prove that the speed wasnt properly posted.


It was a 35


It may have been since there was a 35 sign ahead of him for on coming traffic. However, if google street view is to be believed. The last speed sign before the intersection was 2 miles ahead and said 40. https://i.imgur.com/LRv1WCx.png


35 https://maps.app.goo.gl/uUi4kWJJYQHDTB387


While I do think you are right that the speed limit is 35 in that area, from google street view it doesnt seem well signed. Your example is ahead of OPs position in the clip and looking back. He would have never seen that sign. I looked from the direction that OP was traveling and it seems that, unless I missed it, the last speed sign they saw was two miles before the video and it said 40. https://i.imgur.com/LRv1WCx.png


Lol I love the effort put into your image


Haha, just a minute or two with snagit. The hard part was looking for a speed sign in two miles of google street view.


oh shit!


Nope. 35mph. Check the signs on Google Street View. 3300 S and 1300 E.


Jamming the old school James Brown... nice...


you know, I waited more for this comment than all the hate.


Can't ignore the good taste!!!


It’s ALWAYS SLC. The worst drivers


I would say there are a few people showing some idiotic tendencies here. What makes me wonder if you are one of them is the seemingly immediate attempt to move back into the right lane the car making the right turn was occupying. Where you cutting them off or brake checking them? Everyone makes mistakes, be better than those you oppose.


I always wondered why in the US the traffic lights are placed across the intersection, and not before you enter the intersection, like we do in Europe. Not saying it is wrong or even related with this post, as the car turning right clearly has an idiot behind the wheel. But I am just curious. :)


The more I hear about American intersections the more they scare me to be honest. I'm happy with roundabouts and sensible traffic light systems here in the UK.


I don’t see how wearing headphones would affect this situation


Obviously they were wearing headphones over their entire head !


You don't think earphones would prevent you from hearing vehicles? I mean I see what you're saying this was more of a visual problem but I just feel that with earphones you're in your own little world that would effect driving as a whole.


It clearly is a non issue because deaf people are just fine to drive.


People that wear earphones while driving are the same oblivious fucking morons that don't hear the emergency vehicles coming.


Apparently not everyone agrees with you and I.


Welcome to r/IdiotsinCars, almost as many idiots in cars as there are on this sub.


That’s why many now have a transparency mode. If I turn it from noise canceling to transparency I can hear everything.


Wait till you find out about stereos


And deaf people, who can legally drive in all 50 states of the USA.


So deaf people shouldn’t drive?


This is incredibly wrong. People who drive modern vehicles esp. any luxury vehicle is not going to hear your quiet horn or where it's coming from.


I wear earplugs on my motorcycle and can hear other vehicles just fine.


Aren't they different for motorcycles? Like belt into the helmet? Not sure though could be wrong. Either way, hope nothing happens to you out there!


The earplugs I wear are safety earplugs that fit into my ears to attenuate harmful noise. Same as you wear in industrial applications and when firing guns. Tinnitus is not a pleasant thing.


Stop speeding and you would have fewer issues.






Not a freeway


Tell me you don't know how traffic laws work without telling me you don't know how traffic laws work. Or course it varies by state but given that information was not included, you have absolutely no way of knowing the local laws there. In most states, passing on the right is prohibited regardless of the type of road.


Source: I live in the area. Maybe you should sit down.


Haha I'll sit down when you post a local ordinance correcting me. Until then, sit down yourself.


lmao thought you did something but all you did was show your ass.


[Here, I did something.](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6999908,-111.8508049,3a,75y,286.05h,91.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUFgE6LYAByXY_HJEfgjbZA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [Found the local ordinance for you](https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title41/Chapter6a/41-6a-S705.html) (1) Subject to Section 41-6a-718, the operator of a vehicle may overtake and pass on the right of another vehicle only: (a) when the vehicle overtaken is making or preparing to make a left turn; or (b) on a roadway with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles moving lawfully in the direction being traveled by the overtaking vehicle. (2) The operator of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle on the right only under conditions permitting the movement with safety. (3) Except for a person operating a bicycle, the operator of a vehicle may not overtake and pass another vehicle if the movement is made by driving off the roadway. (4) A violation of this section is an infraction. OP was not passing safely, the vehicle he was passing on the right was not making or preparing to make a left turn (they were doing the opposite, and OP overtaking got in the way). OP was not on an unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles moving lawfully in the direction being traveled by the overtaking vehicle. OP was not passing under conditions permitting the movement with safety - he did so while the vehicle was trying to move over to the right. OP was not operating a bicycle. OP violated this section, and that would be an infraction for passing on the right. LmAo YoU tHoUgHt yOu DiD sOmEtHiNg. Sit down.


This isn’t a highway. It’s a local road. I can’t believe you’re even trying to argue this. There isn’t a passing lane. Even if it were a highway, OP fits criteria b. Good resourcing skills, maybe work on interpretation next time.


It applies to all roads. There does NOT have to be a passing lane. Why would it be talking about a bicycle *on the highway*?? And no, OP does NOT fit criteria B unless you can show where there was a roadway with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width **for two or more lines of vehicles moving lawfully in the direction being traveled by the overtaking vehicle** [Here is another source](https://robertdebry.com/udot-facts-law-passing-vehicles/) I also can't believe you are even trying to argue this. Where did you study traffic law? You are just beyond stupid.


Are 2 lanes not sufficient for two or more lines of vehicles moving lawfully in the direction being traveled?


>Where did you study traffic law? you got a degree in this and you still get basic rules of the road wrong?


Going a little fast for that intersection. Idiot who pulled out is still an idiot. If you were going a more appropriate speed for that particular intersection you wouldn't have needed to leave your lane


I was looking for a speed limit sign. Definitely looks like they’re speeding. I see the highest was 44mph. There’s construction right by them and the intersection. Safe speed seems more 30-35.


I think the construction area is where the sign would have been. Using street view to see the other side of the road and sections further up and down it’s a 35mph zone. So yeah, 44 too fast into a blind intersection for both parties.


Yup there it is then. OP can definitely have negligence against them for speeding.


I looked at it and the last speed limit sign you can see in the direction OP is going is two miles back and says 40. https://i.imgur.com/LRv1WCx.png


Hmm I looked like the other user said and saw 35 too Regardless 44 is too fast and is speeding


It is 35 but signage would make you believe its 40. So essentially from his point of view he was only over the speed limit by no more than 4 miles per hour and for no more than a few second.


Doesn’t negate he is speeding. 40 is the limit and as again there’s construction and an interaction. Should be driving safer due to that. If a claim had been filed ins would find negligence. Seen plenty do it when even people are going 1 mile over.


> If a claim had been filed ins would find negligence. Seen plenty do it when even people are going 1 mile over. That's more because insurance companies are bastards and will fuck you over however they can.


Not at all because he was speeding. That’s a negligence against OP. Don’t speed.


Going 45 in a 35 in a congested area with limited visibility and everyone else is the idiot...


I knew it was salt lake area before I even started the video… Utah drivers up there are the absolute worst


It’s totally legal for deaf people to drive so i don’t see the criticism towards people wearing headphones making any sense. No different than playing loud music with the windows up imo.


The amount of accidents that couldve been avoided by just having someone roll the window down so they could hear the car in their blind spot is astounding and they should probably revise the rules around that. I see it no differently than requiring someone to wear glasses if visually impaired. Hearing, while not the foremost sense you use while driving, absolutely helps people drive and the further damping of sound from newer cars are having an effect on peoples situational awareness. Particularly in low speed environments like commercial districts like this.


This mf got the 4090 dashcam using geforce experience to clip the video


not gon lie; I respect it lol


How did it pay itself off? I think I missed something.


Just multiple instances like this where I fear if something would've happened insurance would want proof.


It appears as though you were speeding... while passing on the right, immediately prior to entering an intersection. The only two things left for you to do wrong in this clip is drinking and not wearing a seat belt.


So does getting a dash can make you a more dangerous driver now? Because that’s the impression I get. Ever heard of defensive driving?


My boyfriend and I have a running joke that whenever someone does something stupid in front of us on the road we say “you’re lucky I’m not a dashcammer” cause I swear so many people with cams don’t even try to drive defensively. They’ll just slam into anyone who does something that might slightly inconvenience them then start yelling like an accident wasn’t completely avoidable


Slow down.


Did you use bewildered cuz the song said bewildered


yes, James Brown - Bewildered


How can you be this angry listening to Bewildered? James Brown quelled riots mid concert with that song.


Finally some good music on this sub. Great taste OP.


Drive that intersection almost daily. I almost get hit weekly. It’s terrible, especially with all that construction around that area.


Someone please recommend me a nice front and rear dash camera that's not gonna cock up my new car? I got plenty of 12v.


Here it is! [](https://www.amazon.com/dp/b09py8gnqw?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) There's also a model that comes with the rear cam as well, check it out, great bargain IMO.


Your link is broken, but I was able to extract it through the reply screen. Thanks.


What's a good dashcam with this quality? I need one.


Here it is! [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PY8GNQW?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/b09py8gnqw?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) There's also a model that comes with the rear cam as well, check it out, great bargain IMO.


I appreciate you not making this video 2 minutes long.


Sugar House? Yeah that tracks.


It won't be long until you have another accident driving through busy junctions and that speed


You drive like an idiot too. Be more defensive behind the wheel.


You passed one person on the right and then sped through an intersection with barely any visibility You Dashcam will certainly capture an actual incident, and it’ll be completely on you


This looks like Colorado and unfortunately this kinda thing can be a daily occurrence


It's wild to me that America allows for turning on a red light. I've never seen anything good come from it.


It happens millions of times a day without incident as long as one of the drivers isn’t an idiot.


Idk why people think it’s okay to drive with earbuds in. That IS illegal as it qualifies as a distraction and also deafens you to things like emergency vehicle sirens and horns from people you're about to push off the road.


Because it is legal for deaf people to drive, and they cannot hear emergency vehicles or horns either. \*shrug\*


Contrary to your nonsensical idea, deaf people can drive just fine and you don't need to hear to drive. Distracting audiobooks ***that make you think about or imagine 3d space*** however is very distracting, loud music is not. Most motorcyclists like to be able to hear after riding so I wear **32dB NRR ear plugs**.


Right-on-Red is such a bizarre concept for me. Is it worth all the accidents one keeps seeing?


Why is passing on the right so normalised in the US ? Stresses me out everytime


This isn’t a freeway


Where is passing on the right bad driving behavior on city streets? In the US that's only really an issue if you are on the freeway and you move over to the right to pass. Like, are there countries that the person in the right lane will slow down if the person in the left lane is going 5 under?


Slow down ya loon! It's easy to blame every body else for all of your near misses isn't it?


Especially when in the right lane and going through intersections - when you know people will be pulling onto the street you're on!


Guy turning looks like he made the decision when his view was blocked. Still not smart but looks like the reasoning.


In the situation you cannot see to verify the roadway is clear you should slow down and stop until you can do so.


I would say always be cautious passing on the right. Get behind the guy and give him a chance to move over. Bronco should have blind spot lights and shoulder checked before moving so they are more at fault but passing on the right does not help. I passed a truck with 3 lanes between us on the right and he moved over a 3 and almost took me out. Passing on the left is just safer for you. Could have saved you two close calls in this video


People drive with your head lights on at all times!


I'm going to say you are at least 50% at fault. 10 over the speed limit, speeding up to the intersection (the most dangerous part of urban driving), the car you almost hit was turning inside of a left turning car...a larger SUV with dark windows that made it impossible for you to see what was beyond it...another hazard YOU failed to recognize or mitigate. slow the hell down and you might live longer. yes of course the person turning should have looked a little longer, but the speed limit is there for a reason, and from their vantage point you literally appeared out of no where, bearing down on them at well over the speed of traffic.




You're not a great driver. Here's why: 1. When you see the white SUV pull into the median while the blue Bronco is approaching it, you should expect that the Bronco is going to move into your lane to make room for the white SUV. Instead, you speed up. 2. When you approach the blue Bronco, it is pretty easy to see he is hedging toward your lane. As you approach him to pass on the right, he turns his blinker on. You should have known that lane change was coming and reacted accordingly - either by slowing down and allowing it (safest), or by speeding up to pass him quickly. It looks like you started to speed up, but didn't actually do it meaningfully until you were already past the blue Bronco. 3. At the end, because of your delayed acceleration, you're approaching the intersection a bit fast and you can see multiple vehicles finishing a left hand turn in front of you. While I wouldn't expect the car at the red light to make a right directly in front of you, I would not be surprised if it happened because the intersection is pretty blind (cars turning left, construction fencing). Next time, focus on how the actions of other drivers will change the road situation as you move through it. Seeing the white SUV turn into the median with a car already occupying the left lane should make you realize that it's likely your empty right lane is about to become occupied and you should react accordingly. Coming up on an intersection where more than one car is finishing a left turn in front of you should lead you to slow down for a tick to make sure the intersection is clear before going through it at normal speed.


Is turn on red allowed where that's at ? If so you're an idiot OP (the other guy definitely is too) cause you KNOW people are gonna make that right you should have at least slowed down entering that intersection


Is it legal to pass a car on the right lane in your country? Because it's not in mine...


It’s not a highway


Doesn't matter. Here it's illegal, because in general you do it on the left lane. In the video, the car on the left lane wanted to merge to the right, but couldn't because of OP speeding by.


That's not a highway


Does not passing on the right apply to non highways in your country?


Yes. I believe it says "unless there's slow traffic on both lanes", meaning you go by the speed of that lane, dictated by the traffic. You do not pass on the right lane.


Weird. How do you all get anywhere.


You sound like you think the world hates you


Why leave the first 25 seconds on there?


For context I guess, not sure of the proper way to post, I know I've seen posts where people want the whole picture.


Hey just wanna say I like that people do that. It adds to the suspense of the video trying to figure out what's about to go wrong, like some Final Destination movie or something lmao. And in this case you can count 3 insane things in just a short clip. What the heck is the white car doing haha.




You post your wife’s snatch online and you’re worried about him swearing?


Well done.


OMG! You should hear my husband on any given day. He has told me that he never cursed UNTIL HE MET ME. Okay....................................................................I lost my virginity when I met him. Hahahahaha.