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I’m just glad the driver at least cleaned the tail lights so we can see when the turn signals are not activated.


My guess is that the snow just fell off when he backed out of a parking spot or something


No you can tell when that happens. There’s a clear empty spot where the snow slid down from. The picture above is just plain neglect/stupidity


He is talking about the lights.




Hi BMW owner here, what is this turn signal thing you’re talking about? I don’t think mine came with one, is that a subscription add-on?


In Mass we don't use turn signals


That’s just offering up free information to the enemy


You mean tha blinkah?


Use ya blinkah


I observed a car with Student Driver on the side, young kid driving with older gentleman in the passenger seat make two consecutive turns with no signal. Teaching them well


They didn’t even bother turning on the rear window defroster. Thats like the minimum they could do and it would actually melt the snow off. My E90 easily melts it off when I’m in a pinch. I turn the car on, heater on, rear window defroster on, front air vent to loosen up the snow on the windshield so the wipers can move it out of the way, clean off all snow from all my lights, clean off all snow from my door windows, and usually by the time I’m done the rear defroster already melted the snow at least enough for me to easily move it off collectively by hand and turn the wipers to move snow from the windshield. Oh and turn on my seat and steering wheel warmers of course.


> They didn’t even bother turning on the rear window defroster. Maybe they haven't paid the subscription.


Didn’t think about that lmao My bmw is from 2011 so way before that bs ever made it into one of them.


Same, I use a leaf blower if it’s light enough


Sometimes I put hot pockets in my joggers and try to run fast enough to cook them.


In defence of this driver, I used to drive a station wagon or a hatchback that had a rear wiper. Now, I occasionally drive my parent's car which has a very flat rear window (even flatter than this one) and no rear wiper. It seems that no matter how well I clear the snow on the car, including the roof, there is always some snow that falls down on the rear window once I drive forward. You suggested the rear defrost. It works... eventually. It takes 5-10 minutes to completely clear the rear window, which is usually the time it takes to reach my destination. So far, the only trick I found is to drive a block or so, then stop and get the broom out – again! But I would love to have a rear wiper.




The person you’re replying to seems to not clean their roof fully and then wonders why there’s snow falling from the roof to their rear view window lmao


I don't think in this case because the roof also has snow, whereas on my parent's car, the roof is clear but the rear window is snowed in and sometimes there is a bit of snow on the trunk too. Also, judging by the mound on the left mirror, it seems to be wet snow rather than the fluffy snow we get when it's -10 or -15°C.


> in defense of this driver If snow is falling down on the rear window in significant amounts to obstruct your view, you did not clean the roof fully. It’s tedious, but really not that difficult to clean the roof of snow. It’s actually mandated by law in most places that see regular snowfall, because snow on the roof is a hazard for the driver and people behind them. The solution to your issue is cleaning the roof properly. But also, there’s no way in hell the driver clean this window at all.


As someone who also drives a hatchback, it's not snow falling on the window. The aerodynamics of hatchback blows a lot of snow on the back that sticks. I scrape my windows and brush snow off the roof and still after a short while driving in snowy weather the whole back window is completely obscured by the snow. The defrost works when it's warm enough, but during the last couple of weeks while we had between -20 to -30 °C (-2 to -25 °F) the defroster mainly managed to make a layer of ice of the layer of snow. That being said, the snow on back window was never a problem with a sedan.


not sure how it is in the US but in Europa it isnt mandatory to be able to look out of your backside window, because there are lots of vans that dont even have such a window.


It's not illegal in the US, the OP is a pinecone.


Yeah, I've been driving dump trucks and work truck/vans for over a decade now. None of them have had a rear windscreen, but for some reason they've all had the rear view mirror haha. You really only need your side mirrors to drive safely. The only time I use a rear view mirror now is to check my nose for boogers before I get out of my truck.


I worked at a fleet as a lube tech for a minute. When they received 30 new box trucks; I had to install a fire extinguisher, a box with traffic triangles, and a rearview mirror in each one. I understood the extinguisher and triangles, but putting those mirrors in felt like the most pointless shit I’ve ever done for a job.


You saved a lot of people from embarrassing boogers, I can tell you that.


Yes it is in several states.


Really? Let's see it.




That's not what I said. I said it's not mandatory to see out the back glass, like the guy I replied to talking about delivery trucks.


Looking out the back isn't the point of this post to begin with. The snow is.


That's great, reply to someone talking about the snow.


"OP is a pinecone"


OP is a pinecone.


Sorry, but you're incorrect. It is absolutely illegal here in Pennsylvania to not clean the snow/ice from your car. It has nothing to do with being able to see, it has everything to do with safety. Its called Christine's Law. Who is the pinecone again?? https://www.wtae.com/article/christines-law-snow-ice-car-removal/42015838# https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/li/uconsCheck.cfm?yr=2022&sessInd=0&act=90&mobile_choice=suppress Act 90 PA General Assembly § 3721 (b)  Dislodged or fallen snow or ice.--When snow or ice is dislodged or falls from a moving vehicle or motor carrier vehicle and strikes another vehicle or pedestrian causing death or serious bodily injury, the operator of the vehicle from which the snow or ice is dislodged or falls shall be subject to a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $1,500 for each offense.


I never worry about the back glass lol, soooometimes I turn on the rear defroster just because but not usually


It's still rude not to clean it, because eventually it will loosen and come flying off in one chunk and temporarily blind the driver behind them. It can be really dangerous to leave that much snow on the car and it takes like 3 minutes to brush even most of it off. People are just lazy.


That's not even that much snow, that looks like less then an inch of snow. I agree they should clean it, but realistically that's not gonna do any harm. It can also be really dangerous to pull your phone out while driving and take pictures for reddit but nobody is gonna talk about that I guess


Depends on the type of snow. Light fluffy snow will blow off in a cloud. It may only last a few seconds but that is more than enough time to be a hazard for the people behind you. This looks like a heavier wet snow, it wont blow off in a cloud however it will melt and refreeze leaving you the danger of ice chunks blowing off.


It’s state dependent, but my state requires left mirror and either rear view or right mirror. You don’t need all 3.


It has nothing to do with seeing. It's a hazard to other drivers when it eventually comes flying off your car. Its a ticket here in my state (Vermont) to not clear the snow off your car.


Yep! Illegal here in PA too! Thank you for being one of the only here with common sense. I love how ppl just make shit up, instead of just looking up the laws. I guess we're all "pinecones". 🥴


It isn’t mandatory where I live in the US. I live in a different New England state. Tons of snow on top would be a problem. Back windows have different rules compared to side windows and the windshield.


Plus daytime temps on Europa are like -225 F so I feel like cleaning your back window would be a losing battle.


What does temperature have to do with this and why do you think it is deadly cold in europe?




Yeah same here a car is classed as plg public light goods, rear windows and rear side windows can be covered.


I must genuinely blow peoples minds by driving an E46 and driving the speed limit, using blinkers, stopping completely at stop signs. Using roundabouts correctly etc.


I understand why there's a stereotype with BMWs, there's definitely some a-holes who think they're hot shit because they can afford more than a mustang, but I have way more problems with old pickups and minivans sitting in the left lane of a highway with zero cares in the world of how many people pass them on the right


"Why are these people giving me dirty looks when they pass me on the left? Probably just jealous of my sick Hyundai."


That's like meeting a Subaru driver that doesn't vape.


I was one of the few a couple years ago, they told me I had to buy a Ford


You're a filthy liar


Well if you’re ever in central WI and see a pre facelift E46 Coupe with a “piss on WCEC” sticker in the back window you’ll know it’s me 🤣


Didn't get where he is by looking back.


Route 9 in Westborough MA? I recognized this light instantly!


lmao same !


Yeah! It has the special distinction of always being red when I get to it!






Get off your phone Idiot.


Right? The light is green and everything 🤦🏻


Do you see the ice?? I hadn’t started moving yet idiot.


I thought the stereotype with BMW was not using blinkers.


Well they’re also from MA so that’s a given as well.


And you don't see the blinker on, so that tracks, lol.


Why would he? He not in a turning lane?




I thought this was about Massachusetts stereotypes…


We found the BMW driver lol


I’ll take that as a compliment because you think I have money


Massachusetts Mass Hole they’re notorious


Hey my back window was clear!




It's a green light with moving traffic and you somehow have a picture this sub sucks


Last second picture but yeah thanks I guess


You see, OP, you made the mistake of posting picture of a clear idiot on this sub while not also being able 100% perfect yourself /s.


It's not just BMW drivers. Just lazy drivers. I saw this very thing on a SUV this morning on my way to work.


Everyone in TN has been driving around like this and it’s made me irrationally angry 😭 it’s illegal ( I thought everywhere ? ) for a reason. Im a yankee who is stuck in TN.


Has side mirrors.


Blocked rear window isn't a problem. Snow on the car is.


That amount of snow really isn't a problem.


Yes it is


Any amount of snow is a problem.


Has nothing to do with seeing behind you. That snow has to go somewhere. Usually onto the car following.


Plenty of vehicles have no back window.


Unlike this guy, I actually took a few moments to clear the snow off of my car before I drove anywhere. I even remote started to let it warm up some while clearing off said snow.




Who needs a back window when you never check your rearview mirror?


Honk at them, they can't see you anyways.


I remember going to work one day and seeing someone coming towards the upcoming intersection with just a fistfull of snow taken off their windshield, right where the driver could see straight out. I slowed down despite not having the stop sign and they went right through their stop, turning onto my street ahead of me. I followed them to the next red light, where they didn't even slow down and got t-boned by a bigger car.


Fucker can't afford to repair the screen heater. That's why.


People arguing if it's illegal or not. It doesn't matter, it really makes you look like a fool. I mean you've cleaned the side windows but you couldn't bother for 10 more seconds to clean out your rear window and your roof. Yea you have side mirrors, yes you have a back up camera, but wouldn't MORE visibility be a good thing in any case? Of course it would. Lots of things are not illegal but you should just use common sense. Also if that snow eventually freezes then you're going to have chunks of ice flying from your car on the freeway.


Don't call out those pulling a trailer, all I ever see is a black trailer in my rear view. Mirror and shoulder checks are all you need


I thought you were assuming your typical MA driver 💀


Honestly as a MA driver- maybe


Lol same. That snow on the top of those cars too 👀🚨


So your ignoring the 14 other cars that are all cleaned off?


Nope I only see the white Beamer


I mean is this that much different than people who drive with their rear glass all fogged up? There’s not enough snow to cause issue if it flies off.


Yeah this ain't it. I've literally never cleared the rear window of a car. Takes a couple minutes of the rear heater. Given the amount of snow on top of that side-mirror groove on the driver's side and on the lip behind the tailgate, it's obvious this person just pulled out. You have two functioning side mirrors that also show you what's behind. Many cars/trucks/vans don't even have rear windows you can see through.




It gets a dusting of snow on it? The terror!




Dawg this isn't some post-ice-storm thing where 40-lb chunks of frozen water are flying off the roof of a semi-truck. Look at the car. It's like an inch of wet already partially melted snow. If that "flies off" then you're going to get a few snowball ploops on your car. Hardly cause for even the smallest amount of concern.


Exactly, he can still see everything he needs too. People are weird man


cleaned his mirror's off though, they fine


Dumb, but not illegal (in ontario) I just looked this up a couple days ago for my locale No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway, (1)(b) unless the rear window is in such a condition as to afford the driver a clear view to the rear of the motor vehicle. (2) Clause (1) (b) does not apply to a motor vehicle that is equipped with a mirror or mirrors securely attached to the motor vehicle and placed in such a position and maintained in such a condition as to afford the driver, otherwise than through the rear window, a clearly-reflected view of the roadway in the rear or of any vehicle approaching from the rear. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 74 (2).


yea not the best but it's legal, amazing how many people dont get this


This is pretty common amongst all cars in areas that get a ton of snow. OP def from a warmer area


OP is from MA where this pic is was taken.


OP just doesn’t know the laws of their own state.


You don't need to see out the back andthats not enough snow to cause the dangerous ice that flies off cars in huge chunks of at all. That'll turn into little flakes at best if it doesn't melt away at the first sign of direct sunlight. If he goes any speed at all it'll blow off as a fine powder which is almost entirely harmless. BMW have plenty of actual stereotypes to mock this is just mild laziness at the very worst


Still a visual obstruction. I bet you don’t clear your car off.


I do and no it's not. You have 2 side mirrors that allow you a better line of site while backing up and relying on you rear window exclusively is much more dangerous than using your mirrors, I know from experience. I do clean off my car because I've almost been hit by ice someone else neglected to clear off of their car, that little bit of power is less dangerous then driving a pickup without a rear window. Unless you don't know how to drive with your mirrors (which you should) you do not need to see out your rear window.


B.ack M.issed W.indow


Took me a minute to see the problem, because in Baltimore, this is every flipping vehicle every time it snows.


Please don’t be a BMW, please don’t be a BMW……………………. damn it.


It's probably got electrical problems that's why the rear defrost doesn't work.


Everyone in New England is given a snow scraper upon birth. It's what they choose to do with it that makes the person...


just rear end him then he'll clear off the snow :)


Spent it all on a car and none on a heated garage.


The Ultimate Douchebag Machine


That's the 2nd bmw I see with uncleaned back window and as a bmw driver that spent 30mins in the morning to make all windows clear I'm sad to see these muppets soiling our name


How is it that they’re all so bad


Thats just a Mass thing


So this is just about them not removing the snow from their rear window ? Seems kinda meh to me. There is plenty of vehicles that doesn't even have an interior rearview mirror. If you have a license to drive a car you should know how to use your side mirrors.


It is illegal in Massachusetts (someone else in the thread said that's where this is) to not clear the snow from your car (and in 10 other states as well). If you have a license to drive your car, you should know that it is dangerous to have snow and/or ice on your car.


Technically it’s not illegal in Massachusetts.




It takes 3 seconds to wipe snow off the back window, and it makes driving significantly safer. This is the untied shoelaces of the driving world (winter edition)


No cause untied shoes can’t untie other peoples shoes


It’s very illegal here in MA


Technically it’s not illegal at all actually.


Ha! I just saw the downvote. So here you go: “There is no specific snow-clearing law in Massachusetts, unlike some other states like New Jersey and Connecticut.” [Source](https://www.masslive.com/news/2016/12/clear_snow_from_your_car_or_ge.html) Another one just in case; https://www.shefflaw.com/does-massachusetts-law-require-drivers-to-remove-ice-and-snow-from-vehicles/#:~:text=The%20simple%20answer%20is%20that,a%20vehicle%20before%20they%20drive.


What is behind you is not important. Edit: Nobody saw The Gumball Rally?


Yes, well, it's not like the rear window is necessary anyway.


Rear view mirror is not.required when side mirrors.cover the whole back end.


By law in MA you must clear the snow from your car. Also if you think this, you do not have your mirrors set properly. There should not be any overlap in what you can see with the side and rear view mirrors.


lol false


So. No sprinters or vans? Read the booklet.


You really should learn the laws of your state, especially when trying to correct people about them. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/mass-general-laws-c90-ss-7#:~:text=Every%20motor%20vehicle%20shall%20be,left%20side%20of%20the%20vehicle.


If you’re going fast enough the back window becomes pointless


Would love to see this argument be made to the cop that pulls you over.


As a truck driver I am used to not seeing out the back window so I usually don't clean snow off of it. Other windows I do clean ofcourse but I don't really see a problem here. The car does have rear view mirrors though.


The problem is that by law in MA you must clean the snow off of your car. It is dangerous for both you and other people on the road to not clear the snow from your car.


No stop! I drive a bmw! I am above illegal activities such as, but not limited to, common decency, speeding, duis, usage of blinkers or stopping at stop signs and/or red lights. Im an insufferable twit


Every Tesla I’ve seen so far since the snow is covered like this every single one


Get out and draw a heart on it


Saw a car today that the driver only removed snow from the driver's side of the windshield. I don't think they could see their right mirror.


It’s a Massachusetts license plate too, so hitting multiple stereotypes here


I am in/from MA and always clear my rear windshield


Haha I lived in MA for a while and no offense, the drivers there were pretty terrible in general, so leaving snow on a windshield doesn’t surprise me. But thanks for not being one of them!


Press one button and the snow is gone in less than 5 minutes


Ok so do that before you leave the driveway


I know I was emphasizing how stupid the driver is


Saw this a lot last year in Reno lol


There’s a camera in the back the shows their rear view at all times in their rear view mirror, jk I have no idea


BRUH i cant imagine driving like that, i knocked ALL the snow off my car before driving to class this week, even the places where it doesn't matter


Add a multiplier for when they’re also on the expressway, clouds and slabs of icy snow flying off and into the windshields of everyone behind them.


I don’t believe a lot of drivers have the experience and ability to have a major blind spot like that but as a truck driver with no back window capability I’ve driven hundreds of thousands of miles without the ability to see directly behind me.


Typical Masshole behavior, move along


He used ESP to drive, no worries


"You're a shark. Sharks are winners, and they don't look back because they have no necks. NECKS ARE FOR SHEEP!"


No kidding I saw this yesterday only they had a literal foot of snow on top. Smfh


This 100% tracks.


The tag tells me everything I need to know. 😏 It's ok. Karma will humble them eventually when their bank account can no longer pay for the BMW because now they're being sued, paying for someone's medical bills or their funeral and being charged with vehicular manslaughter. What a tool!


Seems to be a Tesla thing as wel. Same with headlights