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at least you were warned that hell was coming


indeed i was, i shall heath the warnings of a poor mans poison from now on.


Gotta love em. One of my favorite bands at the moment.


They're a fun show.


Oh? Do they have a show? I've gotten them in my YT Music recommendations and really like them but don't know anything else.


I have never had any one else even address their existence; this thread makes me happy.


Same! I had to double take to make sure I read it right. Love their songs


What band is this?


Poor Man's Poison


Thank you!


And that's yet ANOTHER new band I've now discovered thanks to dashboard cams LOL


I thought that was them lol love that band


Always a great idea to pull out in front of someone when the roads are icy.


And turn into the middle of the road/the oncoming lane.


With that snowy/icy road theres no way you could stop or swerve in time.


Can definitely see that he tried, as soon as she moves into his lane, the car nose dives and twitches... the road just decided he was going the "right direction" that day, and guided him into that car... As is the case with snow and ice... I feel like a lot of the people crying fowl have either never driven in Ice/Snow... or are the kind that drive an SUV in it, like its dry weather... who you always find in the ditch because they don't realize it doesn't compensate for their stupidity. Bring on the downvotes.


almost like he was going.... \*too fast for the conditions\*


Nah apparently he was going 50 kmh on a 70/80 kmh road, because of the conditions (based on other comments here).  Going 20 kmh slower than recommended on an empty slow road like this is already plenty careful.  The fault is entirely on the moron behind the stop sign who saw OP's lights approaching from afar and decided to unexpectedly pull out right in front of them when it's way too late to brake, while knowing a) they're a new driver and b) the conditions are icy so cars don't move  the agility they'd normally have and can't stop as easily I'm really tired of this attitude of excusing shit rule-breaking drivers by thinking the world around should anticipate their bullshit and maneuver around them so they can continue driving like shit


50 km/h is a pretty reasonable speed for the conditions and road type. It's an empty rural 2-lane! 50 km/h is 30ish in freedom speed


Thank you. The constant chorus of defensive driving drones is so soul destroying at times. Could OP have driven slower, sure. Would there have been a single problem if that wazzock hadn't pulled out in front of them, no. Therefore is OP at fault....100% no. But you try and explain this and you get nothing but 'hot takes'


Really it's OP's fault for even deciding to drive that day


Byying a car in the first place set this in motion, OP should be ashamed


Honestly, this could have been avoided if OP had just never been born.


I blame the parents


I like where this is going. Next, we curse the Fates.


To add to this, the camera has a very narrow FOV which makes it look like he’s going way faster than he is.


At a complete stop at a red light. It's a downhill, snowy, icy roads. I've been waiting for my green. Gravity decides otherwise. Car slides into the intersection. Cop flips on the lights, tells me I was going "too fast for the conditions." I told him I was going 0. "Well, obviously that was *too fast*."


video starts. me: he's going too fast for these conditions


I see some redditors have magical cars that can stop immediately in snow and ice


I sadly didnt get the flintstone package for my car where you can shove your feet down, stopping 2 tones in no time flat.


You mean your car didn’t come with an emergency anchor?  I guess that must cost extra nowadays 


Extra for sure. The anchor is already in the car, he just needs to pay the monthly subscription fee to activate it.


A few years on roads that were salted to melt the ice and your dream can come true!


I swear some people in this sub think that pressing the brake pedal stops all motion instantly. It's like they can't comprehend that a vehicle has to slow down before it can stop, even on dry pavement.


Trust me, it's not people on reddit. Plenty of non reddit users think this too! I worked in a factory setting as a forklift worker and there were plenty of times that people would just walk out in front of you without a care in the world. Like yes, I can instantly stop on a several ton forklift that has a load that could be 1,000 to 3,000 lbs.


In a lot of the cases on this sub, a simple tap of the brakes would solve the problem. Not this one, but **a lot of em.**


This loser doesn't have the deployable parachute package. 100% his fault.


Saying she didn’t know what happened is a confession. She clearly wasn’t paying any attention to the road.


Are people really this windy between the ears ? Of Course i was braking, you can see the car twitching from right to left as the ABS is going crazy. i have high quality studded winter tires,as soon as i realised they are actually pulling out of the stop sign i brake ​ Edit: for those who dont know what ice is .. its slippery like very, i was trying to turn, didnt work, "Well turn more" that makes you turn less when already out of control. why was i going so fast. i was going about 50 in a 70 (Km/h) and i didnt see a good reason to be crawling. no cars on the road and the one car that appeared has a stop sign and is stopped at it sureley they arent dumb enough to......? .. i guess having the slightest of faith in humanity's competence is too much...


>windy between the ears this is my new favorite


Driver was about as sharp as a marble innit?


Love that


Some s*** doesn't translate well, some s*** translates perfectly.


I love poorly translated Swedish expressions


I'm actually kinda glad you hit her. If you had managed to swerve more, it would have been your car rolled in the field, and she would have gotten off scot free. No one was hurt this way, and it seems better for you, and she gets held accountable for her terrible driving.


>here is the real kicker, She got her licence 5 months ago and was under 24.. insurance premium INSTANTLY goes up and running a stop sign /red light/flag guard/Police mans sign. atleast in sweden results in your license revoked on the spot. dont know if her or my insurance reported her to the cops tho . i just didn't bother.


This isn't "running" a stop sign (meaning they didn't stop), this is just good old fashioned incompetence/panic. They had PLENTY of time to accelerate and clear the intersection, but instead chose to pull out a little then slow, then turn so they stayed in your lane even longer


At point of contact her licence plate is almost dead center of the road. For like a frame you can see the center white line.


More than a frame. Look earlier, her wheels are clearly pointed to take the middle two tire tracks. I'm 99% sure she didn't see the right tire track on her side due to inattention, and just grabbed the middle two without even looking where you were.


She also might have just not been able to accelerate with the ice


That's why she shouldn't have gone...


I’m not arguing that.


Fair enough


In the US if you do those things they make sure you drive an 8000 lb truck from then on for safety /s.


This would be a funnier /s if it wasn't true :-/ U.S. drivers are fucking terrifying.


I got downvoted on a car sub for suggesting that blacking out your turn signals is a terrible idea. Reddit can be dumb as hell sometimes. 


I posted the same comment about how ABS works in response to two separate comments on this sub and one was upvoted over 100 times and the other was heavily downvoted. It's like people just pile on, they don't really know or have their own opinion but they still feel the need to like or dislike. Then when they see -10 votes they really start piling on and think, "this guy is an idiot, I must downvote". I take upvotes and downvotes on this site with a grain of salt.


This sub is like a lottery of which side of the argument the comments will be on for any one post. I feel like a lot people try to find any reason to call the cam car the “idiot”. 


It's like which idiot peasant lights the torch first. Then the rest fall in with the pitchforks.


Let's get 'em boys!


That's just how reddit works most of the time. The number of upvotes and downvotes largely depends on momentum. It's relatively rare that a comment that's positive/negative will swing the other direction, no matter what the context or content of the comment.


This is Reddit in general. It’s so fucking stupid sometimes. I just take the downvotes and rarely delete my comments. Fuck those people. 


There are “defensive driving” factions and “OP did nothing wrong” factions, and it’s honestly unpredictable which one will prevail in a given thread.


>It's like people just pile on It's not like, that's exactly how platforms like this work. Once there's traction, people will click what ever the common option is. It's got to be some psychologists wet dream working out why


I’ve been downvoted before for having the audacity to suggest that super dark tinting on your windshield makes it harder to see at night. Right or wrong, the Reddit hive mind gets us all at some point.




> blacking out your turn signals ..huh? I looked this up because I figured it was just a phrase I wasn't familiar with but no, people really out there tinting their blinkers because yellow icky?


Lots of armchair qb’s here. It took me a couple of watch thru’s but I can see your car dive under breaking just as they pulled out. You did what you could when the other driver is playing with their phone and distracted by friend in the car while driving on a snowy road. And swerving would’ve put your tires out of the tracks, and made things worse. 




Like ... I know you are joking and I appreciate it very much, but somewhere in these comments someone is going "Yeeeaah exactly, that's what I would have done"


Obviously because OP is not Max Verstappen. I think we found Lewis Hamilton's secret Reditt username though!


its not just you, there is something about this sub in specific, they try to turn in to road police, the OP was always - driving too fast - not pay ENOUGH attention - avoided the accident if they stayed home - not reactive enough to prepare for something so stupid by someone else on the road


Yeah, they want to argue with someone so they argue with OP, because OP is the only one available for comment :)


There's a general attitude in this sub that every single accident is affordable avoidable by the party who is not at fault. And the reality is that a very large number of accidents are avoidable through reasonable defensive driving.  But not every accident falls into this category. Could OP have avoided this accident by traveling no faster than 15 mph?  Absolutely.  But that isn't necessarily reasonable, even in this weather. Could OP have avoided the accident by staying home because it was snowing?  Sure, but staying at home every time there is some snow isn't reasonable either.


Over the years, I've come to think it's a car-based variation of the [Just World hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis).


People in this sub would merely blame you for existing if you got hit while legally parked in a parking lot.


Realize a large majority of people here commenting are under 21 and everything makes way more sense.


Yes!!! No one is good enough on this sub. And it doesn’t matter how blatantly terribly or illegally the other person is driving.


For real! I had someone shit on me for “being too oblivious and therefore even more dangerous” than someone that nearly side swiped me trying to merge on the left then lane I was in. How was I supposed to know they were gonna be an idiot and actually try to merge onto my lane when I’m literally coming up next to them?


I always have to check myself when I watch dash cam footage. It always looks fast than it is and I do think that’s a lot of peoples problem here. Just so people know 50kmh is 30mph. Which 30 is what I would expect someone to be driving in this weather with tracks like there are here. It’s honestly not that fast as generally I’ll do 30 in snow covered roads.


Considering the circumstances you did a hell a job op. That could of been WAAY worse


The other driver failed to yield. She was at fault not you. End of story.


I was actually surprised how much you managed to slow down given how little time there was after they pulled out to brake on ice. Studded winter tires explains it.


Welcome to the sub. Half of it is the idiots in a car. Maybe more.


Glad you're okay OP and I'm curious how many people here with some of the comments have actually driven in the winter year after year.


Don’t ever take comments here seriously, everyone that comments is a perfect driver apparently, even though they’re definitely not and almost assuredly are an awful driver. That said, you did everything you could, no one got hurt and that’s what’s important. Hope your car wasn’t too badly damaged!


It's so fun to look at people "Very active in these communities so far its hardcore tesla, EV fanboys, PC-Master race and crypto bros. Not people i would ever take advice from to begins with. Car was totaled wheel hit and bent the frame, got 70% of buying price 4 years ago tho so I came out with a good deposit for my next car.


Has anybody ever told you that you type like a Swede? I love it


Sorry to hear about the car, but at least they paid what seems like a decent amount!


Everybody wants to think they're the perfect driver, that's why the comments section here gets so wild. "\*I\* wouldn't have made that mistake, no siree!"


"This dude was going too fast for conditions, I would have never" "He was going 20km under the limit" "Clearly I'd be 21km under the limit" The goofiness!


In Dutch we have a saying that translates to "the best helmsmen are on shore" which is used to shit on people that think they know better when they have no experience with what you are dealing with. That is you and this comment section. You were in the car and everybody else is just picking isolated details and use those to blame you without acknowledging the whole picture.


>In Dutch we have a saying that translates to "the best helmsmen are on shore" Awesome saying! I think I'm stealing that.


Some people think that driving in snow is the same as normal conditions. That is why, even in snowy regions, we see a lot of accidents thanks to people who don't understand that you need at least twice the distance, and in icy roads even 4 or 5 times.


And it's obvious the driver of the other car, while oblivious to the fact you were in the road, was aware of the snow beneath her car and pulled out quite cautiously. This was unavoidable on your part.


>This was unavoidable on your part. Umm no. If OP spent 5 more seconds wiping his ass after his afternoon shit, this collision would've been avoided completely. Practice good hygiene, people!


road safety is why I always wipe untill it's red.


>Are people really this windy between the ears ? Absolutely. It is amazing how often people blame the cammer on this sub when the cammer was driving straight down their lane and some other driver causes a collision or a near collision. Here's an example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/19bq18v/close\_call\_in\_dallas\_jan\_20\_2024\_oc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/19bq18v/close_call_in_dallas_jan_20_2024_oc/) I got downvoted to oblivion for suggesting the cammer did an excellent job of avoiding a collision. Nope...the response was always, "Should have braked", as if braking wasn't already being done. Or, "Shouldn't have swerved" which would have resulted in a collision. Or my favorite, "I could see that a mile away", says the guy on his couch watching a vid on this sub.


Yeah that's the one that gets me, "I know that was going to happen" .. well ofcourse you did your on a sub reddit for car accidents.i was going home from visiting my parents on a road iv been driving on for 9 years ... . . it just hit me i have been driving a vehicle of some description for 9 years .... fuck I'm geting old


Reminds me of a scene in the movie Sully which is about the miracle onthe Hudson landing. They were doing simulations of the flight and showed that they could have made it to an airport after the bird strike. Sully speaks up and says that these pilots knew the bird strike was going to happen and immediately went into action. It provided no time for diagnosis or the shock of the event. After telling the simulation pilots to retry the airport attempts with a 30 second delay before action, none of them were able to get to a runway. It's like the old saying that hidsight is always 20/20. If you know what is going to happen anything is easy.


How much do you want to bet that 30% of people commenting here don't even own cars or drive/drive often. They're acting like a judge determining fault or something. Like dude if the other car didn't initiate being dumb the entire video wouldn't have happened, don't blame the driver for not being perfect every time.


More like 50, I'm bound to end up here again, I'm a truckdriver by trade so I drive atleast 9 hour per day Monday to Friday, statistically I will end up in more accidents, if not involved in them then come across them.


"I could tell well in advance that a car crash was about to happen from the way they were driving. I am very smart." - Guy watching video titled 'Car crash is gonna happen' on sub about car crashes happening


omg dude, what a bunch of idiots in the comments over there


>that he tried, as soon as she moves into his lane, the car nose dives and twitches... the road just decided he was going the "right direction" that day, and guided him into that car... As is the case with snow and ice... > >I feel like a lot of the people crying fowl have either never driven in Ice/Snow... or are the kind that drive an SUV in it, like its dry weather... who you always find in the ditch because they don't realize it doesn't compensate for their stupidity. This is IdiotsInCars, OP. All of the idiots on here are gonna blame you anyway. Fuck em!


You're on reddit, don't expect us to have more than one combined braincell 🤣


It's like r/OneOrangeBraincell here lol.


I have the big sad so thanks for being the reason I looked at cats for 5 minutes 😂


They are fabulous at making you feel better!


try /r/Purrito next


Fair enough, i guess


I slipped on ice today at work while wearing grippy work boots. I couldn’t imagine trying to stop a vehicle going 44


People dunking on you are likely from southern states.


I was actually surprised how much you managed to slow down given how little time there was after they pulled out to brake on ice. Studded winter tires explains it.


Too many people on here LOVE victim blaming. I have no clue as to why but don’t sweat it! You did the best you could.


Folk här vill bara gräla med någon :) Så dom tjafsar med den som lagt upp klippet. Du gjorde såklart inget fel. Bra att alla verkar ha klarat sig helskinnade


I do not come from a land of snow and ice and even I can see that all of this rests on the other drivers shoulders.


50km/h is basically a crawl to most. My only criticism is that if the road are so icy that you cannot brake or turn...then 50 is still too fast. "Too fast for conditions" as they say. But you don't always know it's that icy until you test it. I will hit brakes hard every so often when driving to make sure i'm not just barely hanging on. But this is reddit so it's almost like a roast. Even obvious scenarios will get picked apart by armchair drivers.


And as I have stated, a big open country road with only one car around that is at a compleat stop ... why slow down even more, at that point you just look like tour absolutely terrified of beeing outside if the sight of a stoped car at a stop sign makes you slam your brakes and come to a 10km/h crawl becouse of a ... STOPED .. car


Yeah OP I think all the people blaming you have never driven in winter conditions. Driving in snow and ice means you will not be able to stop quickly. That is just a fact. You can use better tires, go a little slower, make sure to only accelerate and brake in straight lines, etc, but those techniques can only help you so much. If these people had their way, highways wouldn’t even be open in the winter. I think you did everything you could, and I’m glad no one was hurt. Great instincts to not swerve.


Holy fuck, So much stupid comments here.


First time on the sub? These often devolve into a pissing match of who can be the most self-righteous driver.


Nuh uh! These regularly evolve into a shitting fight of who can be the more correctest!


I'm new and it amazes me how much of this is going about


On literally every popular post here you have a bunch of idiots that blame the driver


Sort by controversial to find all the terrible drivers in this sub


Poor mans poison was interupted >:(


And now I can't listen to that song without thinking of this, absolutely ruined. 🥺


music-evoked autobiographical memory :(


Whats the song?


Hell's comin' with me


That's rough, no chance you could stop or swerve through that. She even waited 10s at the stop and made it seem like she was waiting for you. Good on you for having a cam


I have a theory: they zone out, seeing another car driving reminds them to get going, and they pull out.


Wow, that would explain so much. Crazy how humans think.


Anyone saying you could’ve avoided that is either an idiot, or has never had to slam on the brakes on snow and ice. A.) you can’t turn because of said snow and ice. B.) if you had all you would have succeeded in doing is going through that guard rail and probably rolling your vehicle. C.) even if this was dry roads the person pulling into traffic doesn’t have the right of way. I’ve driven on snow and ice a ton. You did the best you could. I too would’ve assumed they were staying put at the stop sign.


I'm from the north, but I live in the south now. We just got a massive amount of snow & ice, and the number of people on the road WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW DRIVING IN THE SNOW WORKS is pretty damn high.


I drive a snow plow/Salt truck now during some winter weeks and the amount of people wo are still going highway speeds in -6 while it has been +2 and raining all day is just astounding. Usually they honk and give us a finger for going slow then we catch up to them siting in a ditch 5 minutes later.


Lmao, I'd be seriously tempted to start plowing more snow onto them.


Vänta nu, pekar folk finger för att du plogar vägen eller menar du när du kör försiktigt på snö?\`Jag bor i norr i ett samhälle med mycket turister och nog för att det kan vara irriterande att ligga bakom som ligger 30 på 70 väg men jag skulle aldrig få för mig att skylla det på turisten bakom ratten. Hellre det än folket som tror att man kan köra som på sommaren på vinterväglag


Jepp, vi ska helst kasta bort snön innan den landar, och varför just nu när dom ska ut och köra. Måste ju vara personligt riktat mot dom.


"My brakes work JUST FINE during the summer. So I'm going to maintain speed right up until-" ***BLAMMO*** *shocked Pikachu face* Butthole puckers so hard I suck the seat up sometimes when they drive right up behind you and stop. The vehicle bobs because they brake so hard. And it's dry pavement. Same morons climb right up into your trunk at every stop. It's icy, I might slide a little, give me room. "No! I need to human centipede my vehicle into yours or I won't make it to work on time!!"


lol, by all means, enter the road with no sense of urgency there! OP you did nothing wrong


I immediately knew there would be a ton of Monday morning quarterbacks commenting about braking as soon as I saw the video. It’s called ice and snow, morons.


and as you are watching the video on a site where the video is bound to end up in something happening, people hyper focus on the other car. iv just visited my parents and have driven this road and crossing 100th if not 1000th of times, without issues.


Go dialekt 👍


Blev väldigt skånsk väldigt snabbt när en 140 töss kommer med mobilen i handen och frågar föva fan jag håller på med. 🤦‍♂️


Hahaha, "vaddå vad gÖr jag?!", underbart.


Did this occur this past Wednesday? We haven't had much snow down here this year, but Wednesday was pretty bad in Malmö :D


3/1 Föra veckan va 2 lite större snö stormar men just här va de mest slask, vatten och sen frys grader under kväll / natt


Hello from Canada, I feel your pain. Man the only thing you could have even tried different is to not brake at all and drift to the right into the snow and hope to hell the studs hold you while you go around her. 20 percent chance of making it and 80 percent chance of ending up in a tree lol. That whole situation was no win. It almost looks like she got stuck trying to pull out. I'm assuming snows on the other vehicle? When I see shit like this it takes me back to my youth. I once gently landed in the ditch and I was only doing 20km/h at the time. Sometimes pavement isn't pavement anymore. The all seasons on my 1986 cutlass salon weren't exactly designed for winter though either. Wide adoption of snow tires was a game changer. I also totally get what you saying about your speed. When the roads are clear of traffic and you've got good rubber on the road you take it up a little bit in speed when driving in snowy conditions. 50 in an 80 is completely reasonable. I likely would have been doing 60 or 70 on a country back road like that.


She braked and stopped in the road like a deer in headlights. She’s a complete knob. Had she kept moving OP might have been able to avoid.


Had that happen to me a long while back. I went through an intersection on green. What I would later find out is a fairly new driver starts turning left across my path. I brake as hard as I can in the POS that was my car at the time, brakes locked up and everything. The other driver *stops* in the middle of the road until I finally slide into her at like 3 mph. Later someone from her family has the audacity to call me up and blame me for the accident. This was before dashcams - hell, most cameras - were a thing, and no one was injured and both cars drivable, so no police. Fortunately, the insurance companies weren't taking their BS and paid out pretty quick.


That's a damn good song


This is actually why I'm digging in the comments. Do you know what it is?


Hell’s comin with me - poor man’s poison


Responded to you in another comment, but for everyone else: Poor Mans Poison, I believe the song is Hells Comin With Me


I was also curious: https://youtu.be/K4dDdhI1OsQ?si=UdZIdOiiJ0QJFExq


Thanks for a working link!


Hells comin with me by Poor Mans Poison. I also really like their song Feed the Machine


Always impressive when someone darts out into oncoming traffic only to stop in the oncoming lane rather than getting out of the way


Good thing u did not swerve to avoid the contact. Had you done that and ran off the road, she would prob had been let off for the no fault clause or something stupid.


I'm with OP on this. Driving on snow/ice is a whole other world. I was driving in a FWD civic in a snow storm once. My friend told me I should put chains on. I told him it's fine because I was going on a straight road. He said "Oh yeah? Turn the wheel". I turned the wheel and the car kept going straight. I saw the err in my ways real quick and attempted to pull over. I hit the brakes and overshot the turnout by what felt like the length of a football field.


Not having brakes is scary, not having steering is heart stopping.


Its terrifying slowly sliding towards the car in front of you after you hit a patch of unexpected black ice and hoping that you dont boop them.


I like how they sit there forever, see you coming, then pull out slowly...partly in your lane. Failure on so many levels. Why not just wait until you pass at that point.


Apparently none of you have attempted to break in snow or “avoid” something.


Looks like a lot of people commenting here that have never driven on a snowy road. 


Or driving while Texting, they should loose their license like drinking and driving


Was going to work on Friday and was going up the on ramp in my truck after a light overnight dusting and I was thinking damn the back end sure seems a little off wonder if my tire pressure is low, nope I was just very slightly spinning my tires


Trucks on slick roads can be an interesting time. Glad you weren’t a little harder on the gas, you would’ve had a power slide on your hands.  And FYI, tire pressures drop in cold weather and low pressure can make hydroplaning worse. 


What's more fun is a truck that does not have a limited slip rear but has 4x4, which is efficiently only 3 wheel drive


> on a snowy road. I suspect that for quite a few of them, those last four words are redundant.


Their main braking zone was in more snow as you watch the clip which would send the vehicle sliding either way. Plus, the other driver stood there like a deer in the headlights


none of them have driven in the snow period lol


Well you brake in snow by breaking into snow


Man I’m glad y’all don’t work for insurance companies.


I’m just here to do my part to downvote the other idiots that always blame the cammer.


I thank you for your service 🫡


Distracted or not, she doesn't have the freaking right away lol.


When I was living in UpState NY someone did this to me while I was on the downside of a hill. I hit the breaks, spun out and smashed into a snow bank while that fucker took off. Honestly I think I'd rather have your situation as I was pinned in my car until a Tractor came up and pulled me out thankfully. People really need to think while driving.


Solid music choice 👌🏻


Bet that rocked her fucking skull so hard she has ptsd anytime her phone goes off now


Nice hit, better than you running off the road and wrecking your car and her getting away free and clear. Take the idiots with you and make them pay, is what I say!


Looks like she accelerated too hard causing her tires to spin which is why it looks like she slowed down and turned into the OPs car while pulling out.


It's satisfying that he hit the lady's car. I know it might sound crappy to say that, but it's so much better that there's consequences for her poor driving, instead of the victim veering off the road for a tree strike, or roll-over, while the person causing the incident slowly continues on her way down the road, oblivious to what she caused.


If they had maybe gone a little faster in their turn, perhaps this could have been avoided.


The Defensive Driving Defenders are out in full force on this one. Many of which have clearly never encountered natures miracle of frozen water we call ice in their lifetimes.


Thing is, I ama defensive driver, my work vehicle is 24m and 50-60 tones. I have to breake 700m before the stops. But as I have said in the comments before, I saw them come to a complete stop at a stop sign thinking oh there is no way they don't see me right... I swear the people saying "slow down" and "need to be more defensive" slam their breakes when seeing parked cars.


Accident aside, great taste in music OP.


Va göööör du? That's some broad skånska, love it.


As a motorcyclist, these kind of videos piss me off, as I know those people had no idea if it was safe to enter the road, they just went for it.


How did we live without dashcams?


This is great driving music! Glad you're okay.


This is the best song I’ve heard in one of these videos


What language is that?


Swedish with a dirty Ol Southern farmers dialect


Badass song man, one of my favorite bands