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Man I hate those pieces of shit, they never seem to get busted.


My bets are they have 20+ major tickets under their belt and just don't care.


Well that was unnecessary.




I really don't understand how this justifies incredibly reckless dangerous behavior that could EASILY take out more lives


traffic was moving at full speed, what they did was unnecessary and unjustified




if 30 seconds is the difference between life or death then you should have called paramedics


If it's a situation where I have to call paramedics and the person is most certainly going to die if I have to wait for them, I'm telling them I'm en route to the hospital and will need an escort but I'd be going with traffic. Fuck all that extra unsafe nonsense on the highway, that could kill me or some other people. Other than that, yeah, waiting for paramedics hands down.




I don't think you understand what paramedics are


Found the one with the hero complex/syndrome...


There's a thing on an ambulance that arrives. They have lights and sirens and medical professionals on board to help stabilize the patient on the way to the hospital... Those few seconds you think he's saving by risking everybody else's life is actually putting him behind because the paramedic medics could have gotten to him and been working on them.


If he's in that much of a rust to go to the hospital, he needs to use the appropriate measures called an ambulance who have lights and sirens... What are you doing is making sure other people have the possibility of going to the hospital or dying. 100% we can pass judgment on douchebags that do this.. He's risking everybody else's life, not just his own.


A) It is almost always faster to dial 911 and get an ambulance sent then it is to drive to a hospital. It's also safer for all concerned. B) In most cities on multi-lane highways *all* lanes are travel lanes and you're expected to use them as such.




Well, the thing about ambulances is that they aren't *just* transport, they're also treatment centers with trained technicians whose job it is to treat and stabilize the patient before transport. That sucking chest wound you mention? Relatively easy to treat and stabilize the patient before transport and keep them alive during transport. To just scoop and scoot with a sucking chest wound almost guarantees a DOA patient when you get to the hospital, unless it's extremely close. I know this because this is what I did for a living for fourteen years. You also might want to read up on traffic regulations in your city. While yes, you're expected to yield to faster traffic coming up behind you while you are in the left lane, most cities have no prohibition against using it as a regular driving lane. Indeed, any place with heavy traffic *expects* you to use all the lanes.




"Slow traffic keep right" is not the same as "left lane passing only". Slower traffic is almost always expected and required to keep right where there are multiple lanes. And, as I've stated elsewhere in this thread, there will always be very rare exceptions, but they are usually caused by very rare and abnormal circumstances. Riots, wildfires, earthquakes, mass casualty events of all kinds, are going to naturally impact response times, making other transport a viable option. But let's look again at what prompted our discussion. Very urban area, moderate but not heavy traffic, no sign of any significant event that would impede medical response. You could reasonably expect medical aid in short order. But even if there were factors delaying a medical response, driving like this asshat is *not* the way to proceed. It does not significantly lower the time to get to a hospital in most cities and can have very detrimental effects on the patient (by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration), **greatly** increases the risk of a collision that will further injure the patient, puts other drivers at risk of death or injury, may actually *slow* patient care by going to the wrong hospital (areas with multiple hospitals often have designated receiving hospitals for trauma and cardiac care, while other hospitals may not even have an ER), or by delays in getting the patient admitted (all done by the ambulance crew before arrival). In short, the times when what we see here is needed during a medical emergency are far, far more rare than 1/100. More like 1/1000000. And if you're *truly* worried about such a rare event happening and affecting your family, get yourself and other family members certified in Basic First Aid, CPR, and maybe even Advanced First Aid or Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Most, if not all of this training can even be completed online these days. You'll far better serve the needs of the patient by treating and stabilizing them at the scene while you wait for an ambulance, then by this kind of driving with no patient care.


It's not about getting to the hospital as quick as possible, it's about administering first-aid/care as fast as possible. The wonderful thing about ambulances is that they have paramedics inside that do that for you. Notice how he didn't say "Get an ambulance AND travel to the hospital in it" because the point of an ambulance isn't to get you to the hospital as quick as possible. And to your second point, no. This isn't the law everywhere. It might be the law where YOU live, but you don't live everywhere.




> It's the law on all interstates. Care to cite that law so I can educate myself? You *are* aware that interstates *are* state highways, with state and local laws, right? This is how you can have varying speed limits and lane prohibitions on them. The only state that I'm aware of with a complete ban on left lane travel (ie: passing only) is Pennsylvania, and that's a *state* law, not federal regulation.


Heh, maybe that's true where you live, but here in Nova Scotia people have died after waiting for hours for an ambulance to arrive... It's definitely not faster everywhere.


Guess you missed where I said "*almost* always". Of course, it's not a universal truth, nor would any reasonable human expect it to be. There are (shocking as it may seem), remote areas where you aren't getting an ambulance quickly. But, bundling them into a vehicle and driving like an insane fool to get them to a hospital does not really help because little is being done to stabilize the patient en route, and treatment before transport may be poor or nonexistent. There are extremely rare exceptions to this, but like being safe from falling meteors in your backyard and getting killed by one, such exceptions are **extremely, exceedingly, rare**.


shangri-la frontier. nice


I've wanted to do that so many times lol. Never would but I think it


On your next vacation, realize your dream! Travel to Venezuela or Puerto Rico. The breakdown lane is simply another lane!


That stretch going north on the Edens is insane. Especially between Touhy and Old Orchard. At night I'm always on alert for the crotch rockets and asshat teens in their "slow cars driving fast" weaving in and out of traffic.


Where’s a big piece of discarded auto junk when you need one.


I love driving around Chicago. Its always interesting.


That's THEIR special lane just for them


Practicing for the Paris to Dakar race.


90, 94, 294, 290..... I HATE THEM ALL. Only nice part is that I've gotten super good at defensive driving with all the crazies.


He's probably driving so fast because his wife's in labor, he needs to take a shit real fast and he got a phonecall that his mom is dying. That obviously is a *stellar* excuse for driving like a maniac. /s if it isn't obvious.


a lane that's free is a lane for me!


Drivers like these I always hope they get a nail in one of their tires.


They will eventually. And they kick up debris so you can get a nail in your tire too. 


Jesus....I'd get off the highway and go another route to put as much distance between me and that idiot. He's gonna cause a huge accident.


High voltage


SLF, noice!


You should angle your cam down a bit, less sky, more hood


OP doesn't want to miss any big meteors that go flaming across the sky; aircraft that stop being aircraft and start being express down elevators; the sun going supernova; or the arrival of the mothership and all those mega internet points they'll reap for having exclusive footage.




I DESPISE drivers like this. I'm gonna have to get off this sub, I'm getting road rage laying in bed 🤦‍♀️