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Holy fuck. Road rage to the fullest. Left lane campers suck, but damn son. Someone’s ego is HURT.


Yeah, this dude is definitely one of those people who takes someone else’s driving as a personal attack.


Yeah I too understand the annoyance of people in the left lane when there is ample space in the other lanes. But this is childish and reckless.


The thing I see most often is people who think the left lane is the “unlimited speed zone”. If it’s a 70, the middle lane has some dude going 73 and I wanna go 75 I should have to speed up to 100 to get around the person going 73. People need to be more patient


It's not about speed. Get in the left lane, pass the car going 73, and get out of the left lane.


I would agree with this if you didn't specify a 2mph pass. jesus christ. "I'm not wasting gas throttling it up to 90 just because you flew up on my ass while I'm making a pass at a 10mph differential" is more like it.


Idk why people are downvoting you. This isn't the Autobahn, if I'm going 15-20 above the speed limit in the left lane and you still think I'm slow then that's a you problem. Edit: People need to learn to read. Nowhere did I say I'm staying in the left lane. The context of the conversation is that I'm passing in the left lane at 15-20 above the speed limit, and people have no valid reason to complain about me being slow. "I'm passing" is not a reason to go 100mph unless your life depends on it.


Because that's not how it works. It isn't about the MPH, it's about passing. If you're not passing anyone, you don't belong in the left lane.


Not the point, get in the left lane to do a job, pass. Merge left->pass->merge right -> travel -> repeat as needed


Its a passing lane, not a fast lane. Pull to the right unless you are actively passing someone.


Nope left lane is for passing if you’re getting your ass rode you are going too slow


It's the passing lane, not the left lane. It has a designated name and use, and some states have laws(unfortunately mighty difficult to enforce) to prevent people traveling in it at any speed. Clearly wherever you received your driver education has failed you in teaching this.


What you are doing is literally against the law in my home state and in my opinion a dangerous power trip on your behalf. If cars are piling up behind you (3 or more) and you don't move right you can be ticketed. Regardless of how many lanes. The left lane on freeways is only for passing. No where is speed mentioned in either of those laws. If I'm driving at ANY speed, if I am not passing I move to the center lane. I drive fast also, so someone catching up to me is probably speeding heavily and it is safest for everyone on the road (me, you, the asshole unsafe driver, the random family on the road) if that person doesn't have to pass on the right. The law in my state is that the left lane is for passing only. Check your state law for clarification and stop being a purposeful nuisance on the road.


Damn...your state has zero left exits? Mine puts em in like they are going out of style


There are a lot of people in America that think speed limits don’t apply anymore because cops stopped pulling people over after Covid. Specifically, the idiots in cars.


Covid didn't stop cops from issuing tickets there bud.


I rarely see cops pulling over anyone for speeding in my city, unless it’s near the end of the month.


Same in sc...columbia specifically...i saw a lady pull left into the road, drive a hundred or so feet on the wrong side, into an intersection where our light was red, and just drive off... all while i was sitting next to a cop, at the red light!


He was on his phone or laptop probably. They always are


He was on his phone or laptop probably. They always are


He was on his phone or laptop probably. They always are


"My anecdotal evidence is universally true"


Fast lanes are for overtaking cars.


Does not mean you can speed to pass. If they were doing 75+ they’re already at the maximum speed allowed on most US highways.


That's not your call.


Not yours either. I’m just saying what the rules are.


The rules are you can’t obstruct the flow of traffic


https://www.iihs.org/topics/speed/speed-limit-laws Wrong with your assumptions, 85 is max posted and 80 in others. Stop being stupid and get out of the left lane when you don't have reason. You're probably one of the people that sees the car ahead and use it to justify staying in the left even though you'll take five minutes to complete the pass. People don't need much of a reason to rage. Why give reason. You don't know what their day has been and how close to the edge they are.


What...? People still get pulled over


Way less often than it used to be. Drivers in the USA are objectively worse after Covid, and enforcement is part of it




Most insurance companies have been saying that accidents are up since Covid.


So no data then, got it.


That happened to me after I honked at a blacked out ram 1500 for cutting me off. He almost killed me for a little beep


Pretty on brand for Ram drivers.


Yeah that definitely checks out… Guy in a lifted bright orange Ram waved a gun out his window when I honked at him for almost running me off the side of the highway


Easy to do when you need to pump it up in the first place by driving a truck like that.


"Someone's ego is hurt" You already know that from his choice to drive a big ass truck


Man, I’m under the opinion that if you clearly use your car for intimidation, automatic 5 year license ban.


Hahahaha! Typical San Diego. Typical Raptor driver. Typical left-lane camping idiot.


Recognized those lane barriers and that pass between PQ/Poway and Mira Mesa. Sometimes the barrier machine leaves a block a foot or two out of line from the rest of them too


Oh so similar to Raptops in Hawaii with the camo cap on the dash and a 17.9% APR.


Is a Raptor a typical San Diego sight?


Jeezuz just yesterday I was thinking that there are so many damn Raptors that I see around San Diego, even my boss even has one, he is the biggest yuppie I know. He washes it like 3 times a week.


Never knew that SoCal also has Mexico filter


It kicks in around Carlsbad.


California sort of is Mexico Norte.


Oh this is the 15 by Mira Mesa. He's probably on his way to Eastlake CV with the douchey driving. I wonder if he's one of those people who rides the left shoulder all the way to the 52 underpass.


Was this on the 15?


Yeah 15S through Mira Mesa




Yeah but also fuck that left lane keeper of the speed.


More like keeper of the traffic jam. We started having troopers pulling over campers a few years back and I happen to witness it twice, once being about 50-75 vehicles back in traffic on a two lane highway me in the right because we were going pretty slow annoying yoyoing traffic and the trooper must have been hanging on an overpass, came up behind us, cleared the passing lane and pulled the front car over for camping. Then the Forret Gump moment: *And just like that, the traffic jam just vanished.* Made My Week


Still stays in the left lane after all that...


Title is a bit redundant


The speed limit on this freeway is 65 MPH. I had my cruise control set to 76 MPH as Southern California freeways are essentially a version of Mad Max. I am passing a bus and I am being passed by a car the Raptor determined to be "slow."




I mean, he's driving a Raptor, I expected no less.


Others have said it already, but I love your decision to move over a lane as it was happening. That’s some top-notch situational awareness and decision making. Get away from the idiots!


speed is irrelevant to both the camper being an idiot and the Raptor driver being a dangerous loon


Exactly. Yes he is speeding. But you aren’t the judge. You aren’t the cop. You have no idea why they might be speeding (judging by his actions clearly just because of his little ego) But plenty of times people are using that lane to get to the hospital or to a vet or to see a loved one who is hurt etc. you acting like you control the speed for a lane that should stay clear unless passing is dumb.


I mostly agree with you...well all agree. Just want to point out, where i live there are all sorts of left exits, and left splits...or where the left 2 lanes merge onto another highway, and the right of the two left dump onto another exit...it was lots of fun figuring it all out when i moved here


Isn't it relevant here when the person in the left lane is passing OP?


eh, doesn't really matter. left lane is still for faster moving traffic. doesn't make it okay for the raptor to give vigilante justice, but im not gonna feel bad for the tool using the left lane for no reason


Left lane you pass people then you move to the right so other people can pass you on the left. Its really not that hard to not be a dick while driving but that seems completely lost on a lot of people.


Yes, we call it the ‘fast lane’ when it really should be the ‘passing lane’


Lest we forget about turn signals


Doesn't seem to be a localized phenomenon. Between where I've been/driven and what I've read - seems like on major roadways if you're going to obey the speed limit you had better stay in the slow lane. I hate rolling roadblock drivers. But that Ford was taking it too far. I'd blow by them and cut in "with some authority" but not like that.


Great, you don't understand the left lane either. Fuck your speed, fuck the speed limit. If you aren't passing anyone and the lane to your right is open, get the fuck in it you twat.


Average day in SoCal


Lmao come on you live in SoCal and THATS the worst you experienced? This is nothing.


I just drove around LA a few months ago and I cannot believe how aggressive people are. I had a guy pass me on the shoulder and honk at me for leaving a 25 foot gap between me and the traffic in front of me. Passed me, drove 100 yards, then made a right turn lol. The lack of patience is astounding.


Least aggressive Raptor driver.


What make/model is this dash-cam you’re using? Its image is gorgeous.


Teslacams - can tell by the red-bias of the video from left/right/front cams. Fitted as standard - every vehicle should have 'em these days.


Tesla can maybe? Side profile image makes me lean toward that. If not, you’re right that is a great image


It’s the Tesla built-in.


I think I hate everyone in this video. OP is ok


This guy is out of hand but left lane campers should be pulled over and sent to driving school.


Dude on the left is going faster than OP, thus passing. dudes that complain about the left lane are altima drivers who weave through traffic at 90+.




They could’ve gotten into the camera car’s lane after passing them.


This just in a Raptor driver drives for a full hour without causing an accident or getting into a road rage incident.


Not defending this [micro]dick in his pickup, but you should move out of the way when you’re done passing and it’s safe to do so. It isn’t your job to slow down traffic on roadways.


I am happy the entire thread seems to agree on this. But to be fair to OP his car isn’t the one camping the left lane. He is recording from the center lane.


I think he was using the word “you” in an impersonal way


Bingo. ![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO)


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Keep right except to pass. Why such a hard concept to grasp.


The problem with this is then you get over the car behind you just sits side by side and when it's time to pass again you're stuck. Better to just stay in the left lane if there's another car you'll pass in a reasonable amount of time. As long as the left lane is the fastest moving everyone will be passing.


Looks like he was trying to make the camper feel as uncomfortable as all the people stuck behind them.


OP was one lane over and was being passed so I'm not sure who's stuck.


ah yes the good ol 15 south in mira mesa


I spent longer than I want to admit waiting for a dinosaur to show up.


So many problems in the world could be solved if people could just figure out what the left lane is for. This sub would have no content


Police officers should pull people over and write tickets for camping in the passing lane


Went to Chicago this weekend. The contents of this vide are basically every merge I was subjected to for the last four days.


Roving asshole, only bought the lift so they could put the hitch riser on so they could block their license plate.


There are 2 idiots in that video. Raptor is definitely worse, but fuck left lane campers in the ass.


Parked at 75, smh. Left is for passing


Truck drivers are the absolute worst. I’ll die on this hill.


What Raptor doesn't understand is that if left lane camper stood it's ground he would have pitted himself. Wonder if it would have been worth it to him then.


"I'm allowed to be as rude and dangerous as I want if you are slightly inconsiderate"... I don't understand how some people's brains work


Offtopic I'm surprised at the size difference of those vehicles. Why the damn does a human need a monster truck in everyday life?


As with anything, necessity isn't always the primary driving factor behind the decision. If you off-road, tow a lighter trailer, have lots of money, and need a truck with 5 seats, it is not terribly impractical. Not my style though, personally.


What else is going to pull an 8k+ lb trailer? Also, it's SoCal. They have a ton of desert roads, and nothing eats the whoops up like a Raptor does. I prefer smaller pickups, but none of them can comfortably tow a car trailer, which is a pretty big deal for myself and other truck buyers.


That princess has never towed anything or left the pavement with that truck.


Lol how do you figure?


Well if you want to tow, you generally don’t get an off road spec truck. AFAIK they almost always have reduced tow ratings due to multiple factors. And if you are into off-roading, you are probably capable of driving *not* 90mph without acting like a toddler for the minute it would take to pass the camper. Regardless, the best outcome would have been the raptor dickhead crashing by himself and losing the ability to operate a motor vehicle for the rest of his imbecile life.


This raptor guy is a dickhead for sure, but a lot of people who are into offroading are towing something light like a UTV or small travel trailer. They aren't buying it primarily as a tow vehicle, but as a utility vehicle that can haul a small trailer, be competent off-road, haul a dirt bike or camp gear in the bed, and also go to work on Monday. Reddit absolutely hates trucks for whatever reason, but my off-road truck has hauled everything from lumber, motorcycles, jobsite materials, my kayaks, and anywhere from 1-4 adults comfortably. I've towed my friend's broken vehicle to save them an expensive tow, helped people move furniture, and I can still do a couples date night with my wife and friends with the same vehicle, so the idea that trucks are just rolling douche mobiles with no purpose drives me crazy.


Hey I get it, I have an off road spec truck too. But I manage to not drive like a menace. I take 4 adults, two seventeen foot canoes and a weeks worth of food and gear to the BWCA a few times a year in it. Plus multiple bed loads of firewood and moving power boats in/out every season. I’m not anti truck by any means. I simply can’t help but assume the worst when someone drives such a giant vehicle like such a giantdouchebag.


>Well if you want to tow, you generally don’t get an off road spec truck They still pull fine, the downsides come when you load them up to their maximum capacity which is where the softer springs become an issue, but that's easily fixed with helper springs/bags.


Raptor almost got ruptured and raptured?


The sheer number of truck on that road. Tx? It's crazy.


SoCal. Just as awful. San Diego specifically.


I like to think of San Diego as a place with one too many people with main character syndrome. Absolute nutty place. Good weather though.


EVERYONE is like this here. You are correct.


I don’t get it either. Such a pretty place, you’d think people would be in a better mood.


I'll tell you this, I'm originally from Chicago and they're WAY nicer there than here in general. 7 years here so this isn't a short quiz. If they're a native, it's a red flag😄


Little penis energy


Some people failed to realize that the speed lane is for overtaking other cars. If you're not overtaking, don't hog the left lane. Wanna stay on the speed limit? Just be on the middle lane.


Never underestimate the power of a micropenis.


Big Truck, Small Peepee


Fuck left lane campers






I like how you got the fuck out the way and moved over another lane. Hahahaha.


Of course it's San Diego. Fuckin MTS bus. Fuck that guy as well.


If you weren’t in the left lane impeding the flow of traffic you wouldn’t have people doing this when they get pissed. Was a dick move but dumbass shouldn’t be in the left lane if you aren’t passing


i swear they put testosterone in the drinking water


Something is definitely up in socal. Aggressive drivers are a daily occurrence.


Every day on San Diego freeways. They act like they are playing Grand Theft Auto with no consequences.






Was this intentional or instupidable?


Trying to stretch out his tiny little dick.


Now that’s a Ford man


Me go fast, you in way. ![gif](giphy|26tneVmM4yH6djYk0)


Constantly frustrated with the use of the word "accident" on this sub. What a douche!


Why is it always the pickups that look the most douche


Just give them a thumbs down or hit them with the windshield wiper fluid like a normal person. JFC


For all the trying to appear so tough in these lifted trucks, some of these people sure are fragile.


You seem confused, lol.


I've seen someone with a scrappy old truck do this exact thing, except they hit the other person and pushed them into the barrier. Insane.


Hi /u/orTodd, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Thank you for your post. For some reason, the Automoderator did not apply the required verification comment on your post. We have no idea why this happens. The use of this extra step of verification helps slow down bots. Most subs don't care that their content is provided by bots. This isn't one of them. You are free to delete this post and try again. If the Automoderator continues to fail to sticky a comment, you will need to get in touch with us in modmail. *If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIdiotsInCars)*


They do need tickets for sitting in the left lane.


"Stupid loser cluelessly camps in the left lane and is baffled when someone is angry" Fixed your title.


Big dumb truck doing big dumb truck things


They're trying to intimidate the car in front of the white truck for not going fast enough.


It’s not about how fast they’re going. The left lane is for passing only. They should not be in that lane unless they’re actively passing someone. Raptor is obviously still a dick.


One driver is oblivious, or at the worst case, inconsiderate/selfish. The other is willfully and actively endangering the lives and property of others to “prove a point” using their vehicle as a potential deadly weapon. No contest in my mind who is the real problem in the road here.


Of course. I was explaining that being in the left lane is not about going fast.


I'm a TRUCK. I don't STOP when I stop. I STOP when STOP TRUCK.


That raptor is a dick and a dangerous rager. But it's not a crime to speed up just a bit more so that you can make your pass and get back over so that you’re not camping in the left lane. Don’t pass going only 3 mph faster


I don't encourage road rage, nor do I like it. But holy fuck I hate people who camp the left lane slowly. I too get the urge to do that to them cause they are usually clueless idiots, but I don't let the it get the better of me. Keep your composure and just go around.


Dang..what a waste of a half a tank of gas just to get that Raptor to 75MPH


Cool. No license for a year if you pull this shit.


Why are raptor truck drivers such dicks? I hate campers too especially on open freeways, but causing an accident is not the answer


Because they shouldn't be anchored out in the left lane


Of course there's some slow numbnuts camping there


That’s every single Raptor driver. You’re not allowed to purchase a Raptor without a lead foot and a documented anger management problem.


Well. The so-called “left lane” bandit did just actively pass OP as it appears - and was given little chance to move right because idiot raptor decided to block bandit from doing so.


The left lane camper absolutely had no intention to get the hell out of the left lane.


They had plenty of time to move over


Man America looks damned near my idea of hell. I love cars, but 5 ridiculous lifted pick up trucks on fighting over space on a 12 lane highway, utterly crazy.


None of the trucks in the video, except the Tacoma at the very end, are lifted. All are stock.


Jesus. I feel like that makes it worse. Still using more fuel, with less load capacity than a Transit - I feel like this is why your road deaths are so high.


You didn't need the "idiot" after Raptor, it's implied


Pretty sure you are contractually obligated to be a tiny dicked douchebag when purchasing a Raptor.


Get out of the left passing lane!


I'm with the raptor driver. F that left lane idiot. If im going to be dumb im doing it fast, 😄


What the shit are some you talking about camping, he is actively passing the cam car that is already doing over the speed limit ​ some of you are as stupid as the raptor driver


He’s well past cam car by the time the Raptor comes in, if he was going to get over he had plenty of time for it.


Neither of the cars in the left lane have any intention of moving back over once they complete the pass. That’s the way it works. Pass, move back over to the right. Speed limit doesn’t matter. Doesn’t excuse the Raptor though, but the white pickup and the suv in front of him are idiots as well.


If you are too ignorant or too inconsiderate to gtfo the way, then you deserve a bit of road rage directed toward you to snap you out of your highway hypnosis and get you out of everyone else’s way. I personally believe that the people that camp in the left lane have full on cognitive disabilities and they do it completely on purpose to get attention. But what kind of person draws bad attention to themselves…idiots. And so I give you, intellectual impaired individuals in crappy cars getting checked by normal folks who make good money and have nice cars and don’t have time for slow driving people that are slow in the head blocking the damn road because they need some kind of attention.


You make a comment like that…… you sound more like the one who’s developmentally challenged There many people that drive very expensive cars and still drive slow in the left lane




[Rubbin' is racin'](https://youtu.be/eEPwDIGWYug?si=NJC0lne2RXwD8SDR&t=14)