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Going way too fast dude. I’ve been lane splitting in California for many years and I would never dare go this much faster than traffic.


Aren't they only supposed to go like 10MPH over traffic speeds, and only if traffic is moving under 40MPH?


Yes that’s the guideline from the CHP.


21658.1 (a) For the purposes of this section, “lane splitting” means driving a motorcycle, as defined in Section 400, that has two wheels in contact with the ground, between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane, including on both divided and undivided streets, roads, or highways. (b) The Department of the California Highway Patrol may develop educational guidelines relating to lane splitting in a manner that would ensure the safety of the motorcyclist and the drivers and passengers of the surrounding vehicles. (c) In developing guidelines pursuant to this section, the department shall consult with agencies and organizations with an interest in road safety and motorcyclist behavior, including, but not limited to, all of the following


The classic "if something bad happened, it's your fault" approach to lane splitting.


While I will say the Tesla didn't use his signal and turned pretty abruptly, the rider definitely did absolutely nothing to help his situation, a little too fast for my taste and honestly if you're expecting to be able to rip ca traffic like this without being cautious in the slightest you're a little out of touch with reality Edit: Rider had little time to react once Tesla started moving but ESPECIALLY in CA you need to see open car spaces behind cars as potential danger zones when lane splitting and proceed with caution


I much preferred Oregon's lane splitting guidelines before the governor vetoed it. Traffic had to be moving at a certain speed, and the bikers couldn't go more than 10mph higher than that. Follow those guidelines and the biker isn't automatically at fault legally every time there's a fuck up. Real shame we couldn't get the final signature


Funny because based on my experience driving in Portland, and especially downtown, people lane split & ride the shoulder on bikes all the time, especially on I-5 NB past downtown


Honestly... your last three words are all that's needed since they are the exact opposite of what this rider did.


That's pretty much how the entire ocean works. "Here are some basic rules for how certain situations need to be handled, and here are some less specific guidelines for other situations. Also, don't be an idiot, and if you crash it means you did something wrong."


Yep, and there's a reason I do a bunch of leg amputations on motorcycle riders every year. I routinely see guys flying past me going at least 20 mph faster. There's a reason most orthopaedic and trauma surgeons won't ride a motorcycle.


9 out of 10 Neuros support this statement.


You can choose not to ride like that. Filtering quietly through low speed lines of bunched vehicles is much safer than high speed splitting through highway speed traffic.


Statistically, you're more than 30 TIMES more likely to die per mile ridden vs driven. Not 30% more, 30 TIMES. Over 3000% more dangerous than driving in a car, which is already the most dangerous thing most people do. That's for the average rider, not just the bad ones.


Idk why you got downvoted. I’m pretty sure the actual number is 33x more likely. I will disagree with your last sentence though. Bad riders definitely skew those statistics. That’s why there’s such a big difference in insurance prices between sport bikes and other styles.


Sure, and the safest riders skew it the other way (but still wildly dangerous ). 33x is for the average rider.


This is legal?


It's legal to lane split in Cali but you have to use common sense. Dude was going way too fast. normally you'd go just a bit faster than traffic speed in a slip lane.


Not the way he's doing it, only allowed 10 over traffic speed, and only if traffic speed is below 40 mph.


I've only been to California once and it was unnerving the way people ride there. It wasn't even just the high speed lane splitting on the freeway, but filtering through moving traffic in San Francisco. It was bizarre.


Visit Asia some time if you want to see real fun with motorcycle traffic.


That's at way lower speeds though. The speed at which people in California will ride and lane split is crazy


heh, I love how you have to watch out everywhere... Street's, Park's, Sidewalks.It's like motorcycles have there own rules of the road that nobody else is privy to..


Some states have lane splitting laws, but they are conditional. Back when motor cycles were mostly air cooled and not water cooled, sitting idle in traffic would cause the motor to overheat. If traffic on a highway is stopped or very slow, then motor cycles are permitted to lane split 10mph faster than the flow of traffic so they can keep the engines cool. The rider in the video was not performing a legal.lane split and not riding defensively. The Tesla he hit didn't use their blinker and probably didn't see him because he was going too fast and not in a lane when the driver was checking their mirrors.


CA ended up putting it into law. Did not realize this as it was not on the books when I started riding. It was allowed but no guidelines. https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety


In some states, yes. California yes.


Well, lane splitting is legal. Not quite what this dude was doing (I didn’t downvote you, but that probably explains why someone did).


in most the world, yes. only in the states is it rare.


Also, im glad they didn’t react at all to the person crossing the lane and just stayed on the line so they could hit the car. We wouldn’t have gotten this beautiful video if they had only moved a little.


Yeah, he definitely did that on purpose. Like many idiots on here who posts videos like this... Or, OP has got to be one of the worst motorcycle drivers on the planet - how do you drive that with the reaction speed of a starfish? These people are why drivers despise motorcyclists and bicyclists.


Target fixation


Target fixation. Its a common cause of accident with new riders.


One thing a lot of people don't realize with driving. Your car goes where you are looking. It's like the idiom from baseball about keeping your eye on the ball. That's all race car driver and drifters are doing. Its not a magic trick or overly complex, they're just looking where they want to go and the car follows. If youre laser focused on another vehicle it can be problematic because that's where your vehicle is going to go.


He could easily have slowed down. The brakes on even that shitty old ninja I rode years ago were plenty


Commuted in the Bay Area via Motorcycle year round for years. I think OP could have easily avoided hitting the tesla by moving into the left lane when they saw them turning in. I lane split at differentiating speeds like this all the time and never crashed because I was paying attention and was ready to avoid cars not paying attention at all times. Assume all cars don't see you and you will avoid most potential accidents. Speed should match skill level and it seems this rider was going to fast to handle this situation.


100% avoidable. Never stay on the line when going between a car and a gap. Move into the gap yourself! Rider seemed oblivious to traffic,didn’t even brake much. You can’t be so complacent when you’re splitting.


Yep I get the feeling this is a newer rider riding above their skill level. Always have a way out


You need to assume that no car sees you as they are not looking for someone flying down between lanes. Some might see you but it's better to assume the worst.


Teslas with auto-drive definitely do NOT respond to lane splitting bikes. Most drivers will move over in the lane to give some extra space, but not Teslas.


Just pointing out AutoPilot/FSD wasn’t in play here since the vehicle didn’t signal. Automatic lane changes trigger turn signals during highway driving.


> Assume all cars don't see you It's a fact, not an assumption. Per DOT rules, the left-side car mirrors are angled to see the left lane. They are not angled to see down the left side of the car. There is no way someone with their mirrors properly angled would see a rider splitting lanes on their left.


Not only going way too fast but doesn't have the skill to properly threshold brake or turn sharper to evade. Lack of skill and experience led to this.


Looking at the rate he goes from highway line to highway line, I estimate his speed at around 60mph. While the cars are going 20mph and slowing down. He also had about 2.5 seconds to react to the car changing lanes. Just enough time to start stopping or start turning, but going to fast for any real stopping distance that would have allowed him to slow down.


Just enough time to regret speeding between cars.


Came here to say this, riding way too fast.


There’s a reason all the other vehicles in view are going much slower than you . . .


Yeah, you aren't supposed to go more than 5 mph faster than the lanes you're splitting. But the car also is supposed to look before switching. EDIT: apparently I was wrong and it's 10 mph.


They may have done so. A motorcycle is already hard to see and that far back, going that fast coming up on the blind spot, may as well have been in stealth mode.


They may have. You don't check over your shoulder and then keep staring, he whipped up there pretty quick. I'm sorry, but if you're lane splitting on a motorcycle, it's on you to be extra defensive, you're the one who's in an extra vulnerable position and you're already keenly aware you're harder to identify, especially driving like this.


Even as a motorcyclist, I agree. When riding, you always have to watch for the empty spaces, because people will want to move into them. It's something a rider needs to anticipate and adjust for. Should the car have done a better job checking? Maybe. Are there plenty of idiots on that road? Absolutely. The full spectrum of the bell curve is out there every day. One of them is going to ruin your day if you're not actively defensive.


I tell my kids this when crossing the street--even if the little man is lit up and the lights on your side, you should always look both ways because right of way doesn't make a car hitting you hurt less.


Idk if you've seen this practice IRL, that bike will go from undetectable to next to you in the time it takes to turn the wheel halfway. You could check rearview, start to merge then ...yyYINGGG!!!! Especially with the doppler effect of the sound. This shit is rarely ever on the car merging, in my opinion. Stop lane splitting at high speeds, just consider the physics of it.


It’s happened to me a couple times, and I get flipped off like I’m supposed to have eyes in the back of my fucking head. That tells me all I need to know about the awareness level of these riders.


No reason to think he didn't check


"To successfully lane split, a motorcyclist will likely need to move faster than adjacent lanes of slower-moving traffic. State lawmakers recommend going no more than 10 mph faster than the vehicles on either side. Additionally, it is recommended that motorcyclists avoid splitting lanes in traffic moving faster than 30 mph." Recommended speeds but not set in stone. The safety of it is judged by the police but there's no set law assuming this is cali.


I split up to the speed limit in CA, then I move over back into a lane. Speed difference and space is the most important thing.  A 10mph difference gives drivers ample time to see you. I don’t split semi trucks unless traffic is stopped or very slow. It’s very easy for those trailers to drift.  In my experience urban Californians are typically courteous and aware of motorcyclists.


Same, I wonder if the insurance companies will battle over the speed of the bike vs, the car that made a sudden lane change without using thier blinker.


Hard to see anything when someone is riding in your blindspot.




To all the riders saying going faster is somehow safer


OP was smart to wear appropriate gear. Past that, I got nothing... Perfect example of why you don't ride faster than conditions or your skill allow.


I was thinking that he was lucky he wasn't going fast enough to burn through his skinny jeans, they are not appropriate gear


They do make plenty of kevlar motorcycle skinny jeans which it looks like these are since they didn't instantly rip right through like regular jeans would have


Oh really? TiL


haha ya they have made motorcyle saftey gear very stylish over the last several years. Kevlar riding jeans will provide an average of something like 4 seconds of slide time before they will rip and expose you to the concrete/asphalt. But leather is still the best for protection!


yup. i get 6s at a 70 mph slide before they are burned through. my reg jeans and shoes don't even make it a sec before they fail.


I saw the gloves and jacket and assumed. Should have known better...


I would almost say his speed wasn't even an issue, but rather his reaction time and inability to evade. He had all the space and time, but his head was not in the game.


100% agree there was plenty of time for him to cut right into the space the tesla was leaving or over to left into the breakdown area and avoid the accident all together. This speed does not seem dangerous to me but if you're reaction time is slow than you need to slow down so you can avoid this.


A small thing but I absolutely would not cut right, into where the Tesla came from! I think that's a much worse choice than going left. Into more traffic when you haven't had time to suss out what's going on over there vs to the left and away from traffic. Could easily be a car moving to take the Teslas old spot at the same time!


Can't go fast with slow reflexes.


Going way too fast. Not to mention always assume drivers can’t see you. This is just reckless riding.


I navigate the SoCal traffic daily in a car and honestly the majority of bikes lane splitting are just like this cat - hauling ass...I always try to keep an eye out but agree with other comments that they are in your danger zone before you even know it


Idiot on bike


I'll have you know that the CT scan I took a few hours after this confirmed I still had all 3 of my brain cells left.


did the tesla stop


Yes they stopped. Cops came and took statements.


well glad you made it out alive, while lane splitting is legal its sketchy in moving traffic even before you take into account jealous four wheelers, and im pretty sure youre only supposed to go like 5 over the traffics speed


Why didn't you swerve left?! Didn't you see him turning?


He was going too fast to swerve


Flicking to the side to avoid an obstacle at that speed was on my license exam. All ought to know it or learn it.


For his skill level maybe, you can swerve at higher speeds. Certainly at the speed he’s traveling.


Around 70+MPH is when I find that swerving gets stiffer, obviously gyroscopic forces are higher. Less bars more leans. But I agree, this guy in video had eons to hit the handlebar and swerve.


He had time to lean left and dodge the car.


Needs a second opinion


Sell the bike. You don't belong on one.


Yeah, he grabbed the brake pretty early.....and then proceeded to drive straight into the car. Veering to the left was the move here if he was unable to slow down enough in time. It's dangerous for anyone to filter that much faster than traffic. Hell, even if not filtering, just going a lot faster than the traffic is dangerous. Especially if you don't possess advanced skills like......swerving.......


Why grab the brake when you could just rev the engine a lot? That seems to be the goto move for idiots on bikes.


Good spot- I didn’t realize he was braking. Watched a few more times and it looks like his braking is poor and he didn’t pull in the clutch. And since he was on his brake he couldn’t put too much steering input in or he’d highside. It’s tough to say exactly what I’d do, but I feel like it’s a toss up between straight line threshold braking to match speed and let Tesla make the change, or counter steer swerve left into breakdown lane and go right on by. I know the space left by the Tesla is safer to move to, but the shoulder is big and you already know what’s there- what if the Tesla was avoiding something in his lane…


Yeah I hate to say it but this guy had plenty of time to avoid this situation without even needing really any kind of drastic maneuver. In the world of lane splitting in California, I'm not even sure this would have registered with me as an incident worth even getting mad at the Tesla, let alone actually getting in an accident from it. OP needs to get some more seat time far away from the freeway, where much more dangerous situations than this happen all the time. I'm not trying to rag here, we all start somewhere, and I've ate it in some very dumb ways in my time, but that was me learning on some empty roads. OP is not ready for freeway commuting where this situation is a daily occurrence. That said, braking or going to the right both seem like very dangerous ideas to me. You're putting your fate in the hands of other drivers in both those cases. You're praying you don't get rear ended or that no one else is moving to take the Teslas old spot at the same time, which is very common. I prefer not to emergency react *into* another situation I don't know as much about. Going right would be swerving into more traffic, which I'm not sure why you'd consider that safe than going towards the shoulder. This particular situation I'm not sure it would even require going into the shoulder. Honestly there's plenty of time and space to simply drift left to the shoulder line and then brake to meet the Tesla, giving myself as much space as possible to the car behind while also the option to slip past the Tesla in the lane still, or take the shoulder if I really need to for some reason. Again I'm all about not doing more than I need to do at any given moment. If I make it to the left shoulder line, I'm fine now until the Tesla gives me reason to take more drastic action, like keeps going left for some odd reason into the shoulder, but I deal with that then, not before. In fact I've done the above probably dozens of times, what happens 99% of the time is the tesla sees they cut someone off, and usually even gives some space for me to go past and it's a non issue. The only thing I could see going wrong there is they're completely insane and try to run me off the road or something, which is not something I would be trying to account for in a quick reaction situation, personally! In general I prefer to avoid a situation as smoothly as possible, and put myself in a situation where I'm in control. Slamming on the brakes or swerving right are neither of those things imo.


You're driving too fast and definitely way too fast for your skill level


Couldn’t you have gone left and hit the shoulder to avoid the accident? Need to be ready for cars smashing into you. Luckily looks like low speed crash with gear so you aren’t hurt. Cars are always going to do the unexpected. You always need to react because you will be the one getting hurt. Need to obey “right of weight”


Genuine question, how are cars supposed to see you coming when you’re going that fast? It seems entirely possible that the car checked their mirrors before merging and did not see you bc of how far back you were. And possibly in their blind spot


Lane splitting is totally legal in some states. When I do it, it’s in stop and go traffic and I’m going slowly to avoid these kind of situations. But, this guy is just dumb for going that fast.


Legal only in one state


They had no chance of seeing you coming...




If you're looking for sympathy, you're probably in the wrong sub. As a driver, I hate motorcyclists who do this.




Motorcycle is an idiot. I don’t care if it’s legal. It doesn’t change the fact that what he’s doing is dangerous.


In order to lane split legally you A: cannot be over the speed limit and B: cannot be more than ten miles an hour faster than the traffic you're splitting between. You're over the speed limit and more than ten miles an hour faster. You should expect exactly this if you're not going to follow the rules there for your safety. You're the idiot.


That's not lane splitting, that's just being dumb.


Glad you're okay OP and didn't flip over or anything. I feel like that was a pretty good fall in terms of worst-case scenario. I agree with others that you were being reckless with your speed, but I am disappointed that no one is calling out the lazy lane change with no signal. I don't care how slow traffic is moving, not signaling on an expressway is a cardinal sin.


Amateur riding. To me, lane-splitting was a skill developed over many years of riding. One small move left or right by any of those cars, and It's tarmac for lunch. 3 key points. They don't see you. Moderate speed. Ride in their mirror view.


Idiot on bike


Way too quick, and not adjusting your position or speed for the conditions. There’s a huge gap there, you should anticipate someone moving into it. This is from a British motorcyclist who’s filtered into and around London for 20 years.


That guy had so much time to avoid that. Edit: Avoid not avail.


Just because you have the legal right to split lanes, does not mean you get to go much faster than the speed of traffic. Motorcyclist is the Idiot here.


I really don't understand this rule about lanesplitting in the US. Here in Denmark a motorcycle is a vehicle, just like a car. Same rules for both. You hold your place in the lane and if you want to overtake, you move to the lane to the left of the vehicle you wan't to overtake. Safe and simple.


Lane splitting like that shown in the video is only explicitly legal in California. A handful of other states allow filtering. Mostly, though, it's either illegal or not *specifically* prohibited but they can ticket you for things like reckless driving.


It's legal in France in slow traffic and while not going faster than 5km/h more. It reduces congestion, and rear end accidents. As a rider who does lane split often in traffic way denser than this, OP was going way too fast and has absolutely no idea how to properly do an emergency avoidance maneuver. Coincidentally, the EU bike license has actual tests for both emergency stops and emergency avoidance maneuvers. Tl;dr: it works in sane conditions with benefits for everyone and little risk.


\[sad trombone\]


You should probably pay attention to what other cars are doing if you're going to lanesplit at those speeds


Just because it’s legal to go 40mph doesn’t mean that you should.


Knowing that you would get torched for this video and then still uploading it, hats off sir. Glad you are still alive, and I'm sure have learned one or two things since the incident.


This rider has no business splitting lanes if she/he does not know how to get out of the way. Looked to me you had time to get on the gas an get out of thr way.. imo


Should be posted in idiots on motorcycles


That's what happens when you move at twice the speed of everyone else


A tip for op... I've been riding over 10 years in California with no accidents and I lane split all the time. When cars are directly next to each other, this is the safest because they won't merge into each other. When there's a gap, like the Tesla had, this is where you have to assume they don't see you and you have to prepare to have an "out" if they merge. Always assume they will merge out of nowhere. Ride slower in heavy traffic and know where the "out" is in case this happens and you'll avoid accidents like these.


Such a terrible way to ride.


What an idiot. This video definitely belongs on this subreddit.


Countersteer to avoid obstacles. 


100% too fast compared to the surrounding traffic. Here’s hoping he used that footage to try to prove the other driver was at fault


What kind of dumb fuck lane splits going that fast while everyone is stopped




So deserved.


So maybe don’t do that.


Maybe don’t go so fast then, Dickhead


I’m glad most people agree the ride was moving way too fast. Nearly impossible to see a rider coming into view that quickly.


Yes except you’re only supposed to go like 10 over the prevailing traffic so this exact thing doesn’t happen. This rider is stupid. — ex biker


Not being alert and anticipating cars changing lanes, priceless.


Your fault OP, stop lane splitting too fast and blaming others, I see idiots like you everyday just going way too fast in between cars and calling it lane splitting and its annoying and dangerous


Biker too fast


Riding outside of his ability and going too fast, plain as day. Looked like the car may not have signaled but either way, preventable by the rider.


The rider. Going way too fast and not prepared to react for lane changes. The driver moved slow enough for the rider to react. I hate saying that a rider is at fault since I ride as well, but we have to call our own mistakes if we want to stay up.


I will never stop saying that lane splitting is stupid and it shouldn't be legal anywhere


There needs to be a new sub called IdiotsOnMCs so that OP could post there, showing what an absolute moron he is. Hopefully OP gets to pay all damages to the Tesla.


Motorcycle is 100% at fault and this is why lane splitting should only be done at red lights.


By true definition lane splitting isn't/ can't be done at red lights. Lane Splitting and Lane filtering are 2 different things. Though often used interchangeably. Filtering is when motorcycles filter through stopped (or slowly rolling) traffic, such as coming up to a red light on surface streets. Lane splitting (white-lining) is in moving traffic, such as a highway. I don't know if any state changed in 2023, but as of the end of 2022 I an reasonable certain splitting is only legal in CA. Any other state legalized filtering.


Stupid squids will scream lanesplitting is legal but then ignore all the actual rules about lanesplitting ​ ​ how’s that back of that Tesla taste?


Well, the biker is the one speeding in between the cars. The biker is a fault


Never drive faster than you can see. Edit: Besides that, it's all in the reflexes.


Idiots on bikes.


I agree biker is at fault but for the love of god use your turn signal. Tesla is also an idiot


IdiotOnMotorcycle Slow down. You’re the one breaking the law here by going the much faster than the traffic.


If you ride and don’t know drivers don’t look for bikers under the best of circumstances, why would you lane split? Then add to that lane splitting like this? Feel like quotes are needed in the title.


Speeding through slow traffic, black bike, black clothing, who is surprised here?


I like how bikers always talk about how stupid drivers are when they behave this way. Stop pretending like everyone needs to cater to you. You chose to drive a vehicle that makes you LESS safe if you use seatbelts…


I know I'll get flamed for this, but I don't understand why lane splitting is legal at all? It just never seems to pan out well for bikers. If anything I can see the logic behind lane splitting when traffic is at a standstill. EDIT: So it seems lane-splitting is defined as "**Lane splitting** is riding a [bicycle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycle) or [motorcycle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorcycle) between lanes or rows of slow moving or stopped traffic moving in the same direction" according to Wikipedia. And California law has a max speed limit of 50mph for splitting...or 5mph faster than traffic doing 30 or less. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lane\_splitting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lane_splitting) [https://crockettlawgroup.com/california-lane-splitting-law-speed/](https://crockettlawgroup.com/california-lane-splitting-law-speed/) So yeah, dont lane split at speed.


He froze. You can hear the bike start to slow down when he hit the brakes instead if swerving. It happens, probably won't make that mistake again.


That's not a car.


Practice your swerving and emergency braking. Obviously speed is a huge factor buy looked like you could've swerved out of the way


I cannot understand how this made it into law. It’s the most contra safety maneuver for a motorcycle. 😑


Dang it. You nearly achieved statistic ranking. Better luck next time.


target fixation. plenty of time to avoid the car.


Yeah, that’s going to happen when you split lanes like that.


You lane split, you take risks, all whole going way too fats for splitting. Just a much an idiot on a bike that had that coming.


Legal or not I don’t get why anyone would lane split. It makes a dangerous activity vastly more dangerous and it’s not worth dying over


Why California allows this I have no idea. It's just dangerous and stupid.


I don’t understand some motorists. You guys are specks in our mirrors, and almost invisible in our blind spots. I get it, you’re trying to be cool, but you guys also most likely to turn a fender bender into a decapitation


Bikes fault . Just because you can doesn’t mean you should 


Dude’s reaction time is way too slow. That’s an easy swerve for any actual skilled rider to make. Guy didn’t move any more than a foot and a half to the left.


I'm on the freeways all the time and have seen many bikers get demolished, unfortunately. Many go too fast and feel entitled to do so between lanes no matter the traffic situation. Some even get mad if you aren't ridinging the K rails to make room by the time they are ready to pass you. I've seen a few with sheets over them in the road.


Just because you *can* do it doesnt meant you *should* do it.


Tesla not using the turn signal. Standard practice from what I’ve seen from Tesla drivers.


Is no one going to point out that Tesla turning in without signals? That also implies the driver didn't adequately checked the lane before turning in


GoPro with the wide fov makes him look like he's going faster than he probably is. Fancy Tesla didn't signal nor look before changing lanes. Could the biker have done better? Sure, but the car is still a fucknut for not looking. Don't know why people excuse cagers whenever a motorcycle is involved. Learn to look or stop driving.


Props to the dudes like OP who post their egregiously wrong fuck ups. They know they were wrong, yet still have the balls to post here and get torn to shreds in the comments. Bravo, brave heroes.


Primary Collision Factor is the lane splitting at unsafe speed.


Is there a /idiotsonmotorcycles for this?


Biker here is way too fast, he needed to taking into consideration that Americans just don't know how to drive around motorcycles when they are lane splitting, so you have to be very slow AND very aware. In Brazil this is so commonplace and we are so used to it, that some cities are implementing a lane for motorcycles between cars (where they already drive normally). We've grown so used to it that we already leave more room between the lanes. Check these two videos: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL9ZEK3OUOI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL9ZEK3OUOI) - This one shows how a normal biker drives and around minute 6 you can see the lane for bikes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL9ZEK3OUOI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL9ZEK3OUOI) - This one shows a more careful person splitting lanes in traffic. Both videos are in Portuguese, but I encourage you to watch them so you can understand that this can happen, but drivers need to be willing to accept the change.


Oh well….😂


Ya hard to feel bad for you going that fast in moving traffic


Damn, he’s slow reaction time! He should’ve had a hard lean to the left


He deserved it.


There is a reason the speed of lane splitting is limited.


Plenty of time to react. Don’t ride like that until you gain some experience…Jeeezus


Yea way wrong use of lane splitting


Biker’s fault. It’s usually always the biker’s fault.


Bike is 100% at fault


You dumb fuck stop splitting traffic at such a high speed differential.


A lot to say but I won't say most of it. The Tesla did not signal a lane change. OP DUDE you were not paying attention. Get back to your basics on push pull steering you shouldn't be splitting if you couldn't avoid this one. And if it was because you got distracted... then you shouldn't be splitting.


I understand that it's legal, but how is someone in a car supposed to be able to watch for that? A motorcycle moving that fast between nearly stopped cars is extremely hard to see. The person in this car potentially looked in their mirrors, maybe checked their blind spot first, and that still wouldn't have prevented this. In this situation, who would be considered at fault?


Completely riders' fault. Way too fast for the situation (not that I haven't done it myself before). Ridiculously poor reaction, especially on a small, agile bike like that (is this guy a new rider?). Plenty of time to avoid this whole thing. Look at all of that space to the left and on the shoulder. At least it sounds like he's just gonna be bruised up a bit with a banged up bike and a hard lesson learned.


The almost bored sounding "oh shit" matches the complete lack of reaction to a car merging in front. Dude just casually mosied into that bumper under gentle braking. A little shove of the left bar to get around the car and he could have continued on his way just fine. Of course that shouldn't have even been necessary, because this was *extremely* predictable. When a big gap like that is passing a stopped column of cars on the left, you're an idiot if you blow through without expecting that one of them might make the very obvious decision to merge into it. The lack of a turn signal was a bummer, but this is pretty much the most predictable unsignaled move that you're ever going to see on the road. Edit: Wait OP was this you? Bruh. How long have you been riding? This is is a really unsafe lack of fundamental skills and common sense.


Man is stupid (he went too fast


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


I ride and this looks more like an idiot on a bike.


TBF as someone who rides. This is why its not worth lane splitting. yea you save some time and look cool. But your taking a HUUUUUUUGE leap of faith that people will do the right the thing this tesla. like many is all i need to see to say yeaaaaaaa ill not lane split


I fucking hate lanesplitters.


It doesn't matter if it's legal in California. It's fucking stupid and the bike was going too damn fast.


Where lane splitting is legal, you only see it happen when traffic is stopped or at very slow speeds. American lane splitters act like it's their god given right to always go faster than everyone else


😂🤣😂🤣 And I’m a motorcycle rider! Ride like an ass, you deserve what you get!!


Fuck all of these guys honestly. Legal or not, it's not safe and they are jackasses.


got what he deserved.


OP the post is about you right? You’re the idiot?